Dec. 28, 2005

  • Security Police will evaluate the documentary Baltic Nacism
  • Language check-ups in vocational trade schools
  • 1.180 new naturalized persons
The General Prosecutor’s Office forwarded the Security Police an application by the Union of the Greens and Farmers  to evaluate the documentary “Baltic Nazism” produced by a Russia’s TV company. As reported, the documentary is reproached by Latvian historians and politicians for providing untruthful and tendentious  historical facts.

The General Prosecutors Office forwarded the Security Police an application by the Union of the Greens and Farmers to evaluate the documentary Baltic Nazism produced by a Russias TV company. As reported, the documentary is reproached by Latvian historians and politicians for providing untruthful and tendentious historical facts. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The State Language Centre in the beginning of 2006 is planning to examine  the usage of the Latvian language in vocational trade schools. A representative of the State Language Centre stated that the Centre has received complaints that teachers’ knowledge of the state language in some schools is not sufficient.

The State Language Centre in the beginning of 2006 is planning to examine the usage of the Latvian language in vocational trade schools. A representative of the State Language Centre stated that the Centre has received complaints that teachers knowledge of the state language in some schools is not sufficient. Vesti Segodnya

On 27 December, citizenship of Latvia was granted to 1,180 persons through naturalization process

On 27 December, citizenship of Latvia was granted to 1,180 persons through naturalization process Vesti Segodnya


Dec. 27, 2005

  • NGO Prata Speks asks to abstain from criticism of the Citizenship Law
  • 56 % of Latvians do not support granting the right to vote in municipal elections to Latvian non-citizens
  • In 2005, the Naturalization Board received 19,000 applications for acquiring Latvian citizenship through naturalisation
The NGO “Prata Speks” has addressed the President of Latvia, MPs, political parties and organizations, as well as all  residents asking to abstain from criticising  the effective Citizenship Law for next five years. The head of the “Prata Speks” believes that  society becomes more and more radical, because of political speculations in the field of ethnic integration. “If a solution to this problem is not found, it may result in  a large inter-ethnical conflict” – stated the head of “Prata Speks.”

The NGO Prata Speks has addressed the President of Latvia, MPs, political parties and organizations, as well as all residents asking to abstain from criticising the effective Citizenship Law for next five years. The head of the Prata Speks believes that society becomes more and more radical, because of political speculations in the field of ethnic integration. If a solution to this problem is not found, it may result in a large inter-ethnical conflict – stated the head of Prata Speks. Chas

The research on inter-ethnic relations in Latvia, conducted by the Internet portal and NGO, showed that 56 % of Latvians do not support granting of the right to vote in municipal elections to Latvian non-citizens while 75% of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia would support such  amendments. 55%  Latvians and 90%  Russian-speakers  support  granting of state funding for  Russian language schools in Latvia. The research also revealed that if  relations between Latvians and Russian-speaking residents would become more tense, the majority of the respondents whether would support organizations and political parties that call for a dialog and compromise, or would take neutral position.

The research on inter-ethnic relations in Latvia, conducted by the Internet portal and NGO, showed that 56 % of Latvians do not support granting of the right to vote in municipal elections to Latvian non-citizens while 75% of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia would support such amendments. 55% Latvians and 90% Russian-speakers support granting of state funding for Russian language schools in Latvia. The research also revealed that if relations between Latvians and Russian-speaking residents would become more tense, the majority of the respondents whether would support organizations and political parties that call for a dialog and compromise, or would take neutral position. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

In 2005, the Naturalization Board received 19,000 applications for citizenship. However, 91 applications were not accepted, mostly because they were submitted by  criminally sentenced persons, who have not served their terms yet. The majority of the applicants were persons 18 to 30 years old.

In 2005, the Naturalization Board received 19,000 applications for citizenship. However, 91 applications were not accepted, mostly because they were submitted by criminally sentenced persons, who have not served their terms yet. The majority of the applicants were persons 18 to 30 years old. Vesti Segodnya

Dec. 23, 2005

  • Society Integration Foundation announces the results of two-year work in the implementation of Phare programs
  • State Language Centre requests the state joint stock company Latvian Post to stop distribution of the booklets in Russian
  • Saeima accepted the draft amendments to the Administrative Violation Codex
The Society Integration Foundation announced the results of two-year work in the implementation of Phare programs: “Promotion of the Integration of Society in Latvia” and “The Development and Strengthening of Civil Society in Latvia.” In total, the Foundation has granted  funding for 76 projects in both programs. The main fields of activities in the program “Promotion of the Integration of Society in Latvia” were Latvian language learning courses, promotion of naturalization, and the minority education reform.. The main field of activities of the program “The Development and Strengthening of Civil Society in Latvia” was mainly provision of support for non-governmental organizations in Latvia. The director of the Society Integration Foundation stated that the main target of the projects was to make the society more human.

The Society Integration Foundation announced the results of two-year work in the implementation of Phare programs: Promotion of the Integration of Society in Latvia and The Development and Strengthening of Civil Society in Latvia. In total, the Foundation has granted funding for 76 projects in both programs. The main fields of activities in the program Promotion of the Integration of Society in Latvia were Latvian language learning courses, promotion of naturalization, and the minority education reform.. The main field of activities of the program The Development and Strengthening of Civil Society in Latvia was mainly provision of support for non-governmental organizations in Latvia. The director of the Society Integration Foundation stated that the main target of the projects was to make the society more human. Chas

The State Language Centre, on the basis of the complaint submitted by For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, found out that the informative booklets of the Post of Latvia, printed in the Russian language and offering press subscription and delivery, violates the State Language Law. The Centre asked the Post to exempt the booklets from trade. However, a representative of the Post of Latvia stated that the regulations of the State Language Law were not violated, because the Post is not a state institution and  does not receive any funding from the state’s budget, therefore is the company works in accordance with the principles of market competition and wants to address all residents of the country.

The State Language Centre, on the basis of the complaint submitted by For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, found out that the informative booklets of the Post of Latvia, printed in the Russian language and offering press subscription and delivery, violates the State Language Law. The Centre asked the Post to exempt the booklets from trade. However, a representative of the Post of Latvia stated that the regulations of the State Language Law were not violated, because the Post is not a state institution and does not receive any funding from the states budget, therefore is the company works in accordance with the principles of market competition and wants to address all residents of the country. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

On 22 December, the Saeima  accepted the draft amendments to the Administrative Violation Codex. According to the new amendments, if a person does not  use  the state language, if it is necessary for performing his/her professional duties, s/he will be fined up to 50 Ls (

On 22 December, the Saeima accepted the draft amendments to the Administrative Violation Codex. According to the new amendments, if a person does not use the state language, if it is necessary for performing his/her professional duties, s/he will be fined up to 50 Ls (70 EUR), the repeated violationwithin a year will result in a a fine from 100 Ls (143 EUR) up to 200 Ls (286 EUR). Chas

Dec. 22, 2005

  • Constitutional Court rejects the application challenging legitimacy of some activities of the State Language Centre
On 21 December, the Constitutional Court rejected the application by the left-wing MPs challenging the particular activities of the State Language Centre. As reported, the MPs argued that the State Language Centres does not have the rights to examine actual state language skills and its usage when employees perform their duties. The Court announced that evaluation of the Centre’s activities is beyond Court’s competence. However, an MP of the party Concord Centre stated that they will submit another application with the Court, which will be drafted in another format.

On 21 December, the Constitutional Court rejected the application by the left-wing MPs challenging the particular activities of the State Language Centre. As reported, the MPs argued that the State Language Centres does not have the rights to examine actual state language skills and its usage when employees perform their duties. The Court announced that evaluation of the Centres activities is beyond Courts competence. However, an MP of the party Concord Centre stated that they will submit another application with the Court, which will be drafted in another format. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Dec. 21, 2005

  • Saeima supports the draft law on the status of permanent EU residents
  • MPs discussed the activities of the State Language Centre
  • New amendments to the law allow non-citizens to work as airplane pilots in Latvia
Yesterday, the government of Latvia supported the draft law on the status of the permanent EU resident. The draft law broadens the rights of third country nationals who have resided in an EU country permanently. The status of the EU permanent resident will not be granted automatically – the person will have to apply to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to receive the status.  According to the draft law, the person will have to prove that s/he has resided in Latvia for five continuous years, has regular and stable income, and speaks the Latvian language.

Yesterday, the government of Latvia supported the draft law on the status of the permanent EU resident. The draft law broadens the rights of third country nationals who have resided in an EU country permanently. The status of the EU permanent resident will not be granted automatically – the person will have to apply to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs to receive the status. According to the draft law, the person will have to prove that s/he has resided in Latvia for five continuous years, has regular and stable income, and speaks the Latvian language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, members of the Saeima’s Education Committee discussed activities of the State Language Centre, in particular inspections of the State Language inspectors at various organisations with the aim to examine  actual state language skills of employees. A member of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated that examinations of employees’ state language skills should be conducted on more regular basis. He suggested to increase the fine for not using the state language while providing services. While members of left-wing parties argued that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. As reported, the Commission of the State Language Centre has registered 247 violations of the State Language Law in the time period from 22 March to 10 October 2005.

Yesterday, members of the Saeimas Education Committee discussed activities of the State Language Centre, in particular inspections of the State Language inspectors at various organisations with the aim to examine actual state language skills of employees. A member of For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM stated that examinations of employees state language skills should be conducted on more regular basis. He suggested to increase the fine for not using the state language while providing services. While members of left-wing parties argued that examinations of actual language skills result in provocations and unjustified administrative penalties. As reported, the Commission of the State Language Centre has registered 247 violations of the State Language Law in the time period from 22 March to 10 October 2005. Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Saeima has accepted the draft amendments to the Aviation Law. According to the new amendments, non-citizens of Latvia as well as citizens of the ‘third countries’ are allowed to work as pilots and commanders of the airplane.

The Saeima has accepted the draft amendments to the Aviation Law. According to the new amendments, non-citizens of Latvia as well as citizens of the ‘third countries are allowed to work as pilots and commanders of the airplane. Vesti Segodnya

The next integration monitor edition will be published and sent out after holidays – 2 January, 2005 and will cover the whole holiday week.

The next integration monitor edition will be published and sent out after holidays – 2 January, 2005 and will cover the whole holiday week.

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