marts 22, 2005

  • Newspapers discuss the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Article about difficulties to register a child, whose one parent is non-citizen of Latvia, but other – the citizen of Russia
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools plans new protest actions
  • Latvijas Avize continues the discussion about the statements of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks, who is also a member of the working group dealing with preparation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities for ratification. Artis Pabriks believes that it would be good to ratify the Convention till June, however, he has doubts that all coalition partners are ready to ratify the Convention. When asked to comment on the minority definition, the Minister states that the goal of the minority definition is to distinguish soviet immigrants from traditional minorities. While Telegraf criticises the stance of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis who said that only those minorities, which have lived in Latvia for at least 100 years, will be regarded as national minorities. The newspaper also provides the views of the representative of Latvia to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Boris Cilevics, who has stated that the ratification of the Convention with such reservations will intensify the criticism of European institutions towards Latvia.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about difficulties to register the child, whose one parent is non-citizen of Latvia, but other – the citizen of Russia. For the moment there are 5 children, which have been refused to be registered as Latvian citizens or non-citizens by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. The newspaper features cases of two families. In both cases state institutions suggested these families to register their child as a citizen of a foreign country. The legal officer of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs Janis Pitkovskis suggested solution is that these children are registered as Russian citizens, and then as soon as possible renounce their citizenship, while their mothers should apply for naturalisation and then naturalise together with their children. The parents of children disagree with a complicated and absurd solution offered by OCMA and one family will apply with the European Court of Human Rights.

If Latvia does not ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities till May, the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools in collaboration with the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will organise a mass meeting near the Monument of Freedom on 4 May. May 4 is the day when the anniversary of the Proclamation of Latvia’s Independence Declaration is marked. Representatives of the Headquarters state that the goal of the mass meeting is to show the international community that a part of society does not regard 4 May as a day of celebration because on this day Latvia’s society was divided into citizens and non-citizens, since that day the Russian language was deprived its status, etc. The organisers believe that approximately 3,000 people could participate in the meeting. The Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis announced that the government will not respond to these categorical demands.

If Latvia does not ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities till May, the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools in collaboration with the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia will organise a mass meeting near the Monument of Freedom on 4 May. May 4 is the day when the anniversary of the Proclamation of Latvias Independence Declaration is marked. Representatives of the Headquarters state that the goal of the mass meeting is to show the international community that a part of society does not regard 4 May as a day of celebration because on this day Latvias society was divided into citizens and non-citizens, since that day the Russian language was deprived its status, etc. The organisers believe that approximately 3,000 people could participate in the meeting. The Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks and Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis announced that the government will not respond to these categorical demands.

The Headquarters will also organise other actions. On 4 April there will be a meeting near the building of the Constitutional Court when the claim of left wing MPs challenging the compliance of the minority education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and international standards will be reviewed. On 17 April the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools will take place.

The Headquarters will also organise other actions. On 4 April there will be a meeting near the building of the Constitutional Court when the claim of left wing MPs challenging the compliance of the minority education reform to the Constitution of Latvia and international standards will be reviewed. On 17 April the second Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools will take place. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize continues a discussion about the statements of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Peoples Party) and possible sanctions, such as dismissal of Kirsteins from his post. The newspaper features views of the leaders of governing political parties. According to the newspaper, only the Peoples Party perceives the statements of Kirsteins regarding national minorities and integration as a problem.

marts 21, 2005

  • Week Against Racism takes place in Riga
  • Diena writes about education of Roma in Latvia
  • Journalist Aivars Tarvids criticises the integration policy in Latvia
Newspapers report on activities in the framework of the Week Against Racism, organised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration in collaboration with the European Youth Human Rights Network (EYHR-Net). On Saturday in the centre of Riga everyone was offered to experience intolerance, xenophobia and fear in the ‘racism tunnel.’ The youth discussion on racism and the basketball knockout

Newspapers report on activities in the framework of the Week Against Racism, organised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration in collaboration with the European Youth Human Rights Network (EYHR-Net). On Saturday in the centre of Riga everyone was offered to experience intolerance, xenophobia and fear in the ‘racism tunnel. The youth discussion on racism and the basketball knockout The Basketball against the Racism will also take place. 79% out of 117 people at the age of 18 – 35, surveyed by the EYHR-Net in the Old Town of Riga, admitted that they are informed about racism, while 63% stated that racism is an actual problem in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss

Diena reports on the results of the project Qualitative Education for Romani Children and the implementation of new project Romani Child in the School: You Are Welcome!. Both projects are implemented by the Education Initiative Centre in towns where Roma are living in substantial numbers. According to the projects director Daiga Zake, the programme stipulates the inclusion of the Romani children in mainstream classes instead of their segregation in classes only for Romani children. The teacher of the Jurmala Mezmala Secondary School Tamara Cica notes that many Roma live in poverty and do not have money to buy books and clothes for their children. She believes that particular activities aimed at the improvement of the education level of Roma should be implemented. Although the Ministry of Education and Science and the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration theoretically support her opinion, for the moment there are no national programmes aimed at the improvement of the situation of Roma in Latvia, although the development of the action plan for the integration of Roma in society has been discussed at ministerial level.

Vesti Segodnya reprints excerpts from the article by journalist Aivars Tarvids, published on the Internet portal The journalist sharply criticises the national integration policy and stresses that ‘in the best case it [national integration policy] is a failure, in the worst – crime. According to Tarvids, the ethnic voting in municipal elections is a result of states policy in the area of societal integration, which ‘splits the people and encourages to ethnic confrontation. The journalist believes that the implementation of the education reform consolidated Russians and strengthened their hate against Latvia.

marts 19, 2005

  • Ainars Latkovskis: Latvia will not apply the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to immigrants
  • Governing coalition will discuss the recent statements of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins
  • Interview with the former leader of the party Latvias Way Andrejs Pantelejevs about the results of the municipal elections
  • Article by the advisor of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilmars Mezs
  • Latvijas Avize criticises state institutions for allowing the Headquarters for the Defence for Russian-language Schools to continue its activities
  • Zigurds Strikis, the assistant of MP Leoppolds Ozolins, about the draft declaration on the condemnation of the totalitarian communism regime and Soviet Occupation
Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis stated that ‘Latvia will not apply the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to immigrants.’ According to the Minister, only those minorities, which have lived in Latvia for at least 100 years, will be regarded as national minorities. While the chief rapporteur on the implementation of the Framework Convention to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and member of Saeima Boris Cilevics (People’s Harmony Party) warns that the Council of Europe will not admit reservations which contradict the goals of the Convention. According to Cilevics, the new head of the PACE Monitoring Committee Gyorgy Frunda is planning to visit Latvia.

Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis stated that ‘Latvia will not apply the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities to immigrants. According to the Minister, only those minorities, which have lived in Latvia for at least 100 years, will be regarded as national minorities. While the chief rapporteur on the implementation of the Framework Convention to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) and member of Saeima Boris Cilevics (Peoples Harmony Party) warns that the Council of Europe will not admit reservations which contradict the goals of the Convention. According to Cilevics, the new head of the PACE Monitoring Committee Gyorgy Frunda is planning to visit Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

The governing coalition will discuss the recent statements of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (the People’s Party). As reported, in his interview to the Latvian daily

The governing coalition will discuss the recent statements of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (the Peoples Party). As reported, in his interview to the Latvian daily Latvijas Avize Aleksandrs Kirsteins proposed to replace some state integration policies with partial assimilation or repatriation of ethnic non-Latvians According to the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis (the Peoples Party), the Kirsteins statements do not promote the consolidation of society in Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an interview with the former leader of the party Latvias Way Andrejs Pantelejevs about the results of the municipal elections. Andrejs Pantelejevs states that the results revealed that alongside the powerful mono-ethnic Latvian political parties also powerful mono-ethnic Russian political parties appear on the political scene. Andrejs Pantelejevs stresses that all mono-ethnic parties are interested to promote radical ideas. He argues that now is the time when ‘sharp conflicts among various parts of society are very possible. Pantelejevs also warns that the next Saeima elections may bring an extremely polarised and unpredictable parliament.

Diena features an article by the advisor of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilmars Mezs. In his article, Ilmars Mezs reveals his views on the discussion on minority rights in Latvia during the session of the Intergroup for the Defence of Traditional National Minorities, Constitutional Regions and Regional Languages of the European Parliament. The discussion was initiated by the member of the European Parliament Tatjana Zdanoka and, in the opinion of Mezs, was used in the pre-election campaign of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia. Ilmars Mezs argues that influence of this intergroup is not as big as it was reported: the intergroup it is not an official structure of the Parliament. Mezs also notes that in the discussion several members of the intergroup have pointed out that minorities which live in Latvia should speak the Latvian language.

Latvijas Avize criticises state institutions for allowing the unregistered and, according to the newspaper, anti-governmental organisation Headquarters for the Defence for Russian-language Schools continue its activities. The newspaper notes that the Headquarters published the calls to participate in meeting at the Monument of Freedom on 16 March in its web page. The Minister of Justice Solvita Aboltina responds that she has not discussed this issue with the Minister of Interior Eriks Jekabsons because ‘Jekabsons does not have a political will to deal with the Headquarters. The press secretary of the Ministry of Interior Krists Leiskalns states that a possibility to close this organisation will be discussed if the organisation perform illegal activities.

Vesti Segodnya re-prints excerpts of the interview with Zigurds Strikis, the assistant of MP Leoppolds Ozolins (the Union of Greens and Farmers) with the national radical newspaper DDD about the draft declaration on the condemnation of the totalitarian communism regime and Soviet Occupation. Zigurds Strikis admits that next Saeima may adopt the declaration. According to Strikis, the MP Leopolds Ozolins and several other MPs support the radical version of the declaration which demands Russia to deport all persons who were housed in Latvia during occupation.

marts 18, 2005

  • Politicians discuss clashes at the yesterdays procession in commemoration of legionnaires
  • Council of the Latvian Jewish Parishes and Communities: authorise ‘procession of legionnaires was a mistake
  • Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Jurij Fedotov criticises the minority situation in Latvia and Estonia
  • Chas discusses the ethnic aspects of voting in the municipal elections in Riga
  • Director of the Centre of Analysis ‘Fond Rossii Tatyana Poloskova talks about the Russian electorate in Latvia
  • Saeima repeatedly refuses a proposal of the Peoples Harmony Party to dismiss Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the post of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee
  • Integration expert Nils Muiznieks comments on the book ‘Ethnic and National Minorities in Europe. The History and Nowadays by ethnologist Leo Dribins
‘The Riga City Council acted irresponsibly when it authorised the procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires’ stated the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis. According to the Prime Minister, the municipality officials underestimated possible security risks and consequences of the procession. The Prime Minister added ‘the events clearly showed a desire of several right and left-wing political parties and groups to bring damage to state security, public order as well as state’s image.’ The Head of the Saeima National Security Committee Indulis Emsis announced that more serious clashes were planned by several organisations, but were prevented thanks to successful and appropriate measures taken by the State Security Police. Emsis believed that such processions should be prohibited by law. In the response to the statements of the Prime Minister, Riga City Council argued that the Law on Processions, Pickets and Meetings stipulates that a municipality has a right to refuse to issue authorisation to organise a procession/picket/meeting. However in this case, according to the representative of the Riga City Council Dzintars Zaluksnis, there were no legal grounds to refuse to issue the authorisation. While the organisers of the procession, the Club 415, submitted a claim to the Administrative District Court demanding the Riga City Council to pay them the compensation in the amount of LVL 100,000 because the Council refused to authorise a similar procession last year.

‘The Riga City Council acted irresponsibly when it authorised the procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires stated the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis. According to the Prime Minister, the municipality officials underestimated possible security risks and consequences of the procession. The Prime Minister added ‘the events clearly showed a desire of several right and left-wing political parties and groups to bring damage to state security, public order as well as states image. The Head of the Saeima National Security Committee Indulis Emsis announced that more serious clashes were planned by several organisations, but were prevented thanks to successful and appropriate measures taken by the State Security Police. Emsis believed that such processions should be prohibited by law. In the response to the statements of the Prime Minister, Riga City Council argued that the Law on Processions, Pickets and Meetings stipulates that a municipality has a right to refuse to issue authorisation to organise a procession/picket/meeting. However in this case, according to the representative of the Riga City Council Dzintars Zaluksnis, there were no legal grounds to refuse to issue the authorisation. While the organisers of the procession, the Club 415, submitted a claim to the Administrative District Court demanding the Riga City Council to pay them the compensation in the amount of LVL 100,000 because the Council refused to authorise a similar procession last year. Latvijas Avize reports on that the Russian mass media has printed many critical articles about the procession of the legionnaires, for instance, Vesti Segodnya writes that the events have shown that the government protects the rights of neo-fascists who hate Russians and had refused Russians a possibility to express their opinion. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The Council of the Latvian Jewish Parishes and Communities has issued a statement regarding the procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires. The Council states that the authorisation of the ‘procession of legionnaires’ was a mistake and calls the government prohibit such actions in the future as it creates negative Latvia’s image and reputation at the international level. The Council denied assumptions that the Jewish Community was involved in organising protest actions, which took place during the procession.

The Council of the Latvian Jewish Parishes and Communities has issued a statement regarding the procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires. The Council states that the authorisation of the ‘procession of legionnaires was a mistake and calls the government prohibit such actions in the future as it creates negative Latvias image and reputation at the international level. The Council denied assumptions that the Jewish Community was involved in organising protest actions, which took place during the procession. Chas, Telegraf

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Jurij Fedotov has sharply criticised the minority situation in Latvia and Estonia during the 61

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister of Russia Jurij Fedotov has sharply criticised the minority situation in Latvia and Estonia during the 61st session of the UN Commission on Human Rights. The Russian official has pointed to the mass non-citizenship as the main humanitarian problem in Latvia and Estonia. Fedotov also called Latvia to fulfil recommendations of international experts, such as granting non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections, as soon as possible. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Chas discusses ‘ethnic aspects of voting in the municipal elections in Riga. Journalist Anatolij Kamenev states that Russians voted for so-called Russian political parties without careful reading of their economic and social programmes and analysing their competences in municipal work.

Telegraf prints an article by the Director of the Centre of Analysis ‘Fond Rossii Tatyana Poloskova on the Russian electorate in Latvia. Referring to the results of monitoring, carried out by the Fond Rosii, Tatyana Poloskova states that some changes have been observed in the so called Russian electorate for last few years. The researcher believes that Russian diaspora in Latvia is a rather virtual notion and in fact it combines different social groups, which are integrated into society at different levels. Poloskova states that in majority cases young Russian people tend to identify themselves as Europeans, as well as representatives of a middle-class and Russian business. They are very interested in possibilities to implement their social roles, economic stability, prevention of xenophobia, good relations with Russia and integration in the European Union. Citizenship and the status of the Russian language in Latvia do not play an important role for them.

Yesterday Saeima repeatedly refused a proposal of the People’s Harmony Party to dismiss Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the post of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (People’s Party). The party reproaches Aleksandrs Kirsteins for his recent statements to replace state integration policy with partial assimilation or repatriation of ethnic non-Latvians.

Yesterday Saeima repeatedly refused a proposal of the Peoples Harmony Party to dismiss Aleksandrs Kirsteins from the post of the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Peoples Party). The party reproaches Aleksandrs Kirsteins for his recent statements to replace state integration policy with partial assimilation or repatriation of ethnic non-Latvians. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Diena prints a review of the dr.polit. Nils Muiznieks on the book ‘Ethnic and National Minorities in Europe. The History and Nowadays by ethnologist Leo Dribins. The book provides a review of minority situation in Europe in historical perspective as well as discusses the society integration policy of Latvia from 1998 to 2003. The book is published by the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy of the University of Latvia.

marts 17, 2005

  • 35 persons were detained during a procession in commemoration of Latvian legionnaires
  • Interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis
  • A young man is detained on suspicions about the possibly racially motivated assault against an Indian man in the Old Town of Riga
  • Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis condemns the expressions of the head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins regarding Russian minority in Latvia
  • Intergroup for the Defence of Traditional National Minorities, Constitutional Regions and Regional Languages of the European Parliament suspends the review of recommendations regarding minority rights in Latvia
  • Naturalisation Board has received more than 4,000 naturalisation applications during January and February of this year
  • Director of the Marketing and Public Opinion Centre SKDS Arnis Kaktins talks about the ethnic aspects of voting in the context of recent municipal elections
Yesterday 35 persons, among them several representatives of the political union For Human Rights in United Latvia, were detained after the organisation

Yesterday 35 persons, among them several representatives of the political union For Human Rights in United Latvia, were detained after the organisation Dzimtene (the Motherland), gathered and attempted to block a procession in commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires. The procession was organised by the national-radical youth organisation Klubs 415 (Club 415) and had received the legally required authorisation by the Riga City Council, while the opponent protestors had been denied authorisation on grounds of planning the event later, but for the same place and time, thus allegedly posing a risk of clashes. The representatives of Dzimtene, some of whom were wearing striped clothes and yellow stars of David in a reference to the SS atrocities, cried out anti-fascist slogans. An additional controversy was raised when Latvian news agency LETA yesterday made public shots of amateur video, in which the head of FHRULs parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners was seen giving money to an elderly man shortly before the conflict. Jakov Pliner denies giving money to attract participants to the unauthorised anti-fascism protest action. In interviews to LETA, Latvian daily Diena and Russian-language newspapers the MP declares that he simply answered a call of a retired journalist to donate money for the publishing of newspaper devoted to the 60th anniversary of the victory in World War II. In an interview to Latvian Television, Pliners said that the money was provided for persons in need. Newspapers report that a similar procession in Liepaja took place without excesses. No state officials, with the exception of one MP from the union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM, participated in these processions. The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has stated that the events of the Day of the Legionnaires are an example how democratic freedoms could be employed against the interests of the democracy and that Latvia, like any other democratic state, has to face this problem. Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis believes that FHRUL should bear the responsibility for clashes during the procession as they have provoked the actions. The Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry as well as Simon Wiesenthal Centre have publicly condemned the processions in commemoration of Latvian legionnaires. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Vestnesis features an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Ainars Latkovskis about societal integration in Latvia and the results of the recent municipal elections. The minister points to the necessity to move forward such values as welfare and the rule of law, which are common for all the ethnic groups, to prevent ethnic voting in future. Commenting the development of the ‘minority definition, Ainars Latkovskis mentions the experience of the other European countries where only those nationalities having ties with the state for at least one century and the citizenship of this state are recognised as minorities. ‘In the sense of Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Romany people and Livs could be national minorities, adds the ministers, at the same time stressing that Latvia already guarantees all the rights for minorities living in Latvia. The minister mentions the development of the Programme for the Support of Roma as a big challenge for the Society Integration Secretariat, because the Romany community is not united and there are many problems to be solved, among them, the schooling of Romany children and the integration of Romany people in the labour market.

A 20-year-old man has been detained on suspicions about the possibly racially motivated assault against a man of Indian origin in the Old Town of Riga. A criminal case of hooliganism has been initiated by the police. The police concede that the young man belongs to a group of skinheads – an informal youth group with racist supremacist views. According to the police, in total four persons was involved in the assault.

A 20-year-old man has been detained on suspicions about the possibly racially motivated assault against a man of Indian origin in the Old Town of Riga. A criminal case of hooliganism has been initiated by the police. The police concede that the young man belongs to a group of skinheads – an informal youth group with racist supremacist views. According to the police, in total four persons was involved in the assault. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize

Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis (People’s Party) has condemned the recent expressions of the head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (People’s Party). As reported, in his interview to the Latvian daily

Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis (Peoples Party) has condemned the recent expressions of the head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Peoples Party). As reported, in his interview to the Latvian daily Latvijas Avize Aleksandrs Kirsteins stated that Latvia should promote the repatriation of all ‘civil occupants to their native country. The Peoples Harmony party is planning to propose to recall Aleksandrs Kirsteins from his post. Diena

Latvijas Avize reports on suspension of the review of recommendations regarding minority rights observation in Latvia at Intergroup for the Defence of Traditional National Minorities, Constitutional Regions and Regional Languages of the European Parliament. According to Latvijas Avize, among the recommendations to Latvia about the necessity to grant the rights for Russian-speaking minority to get education in Russian and to choose the form of Latvian language learning as well as recommendations to grant the rights for non-citizens to travel inside the European Union without a visa. The intergoup also has called on Russia to apologise to Latvia for the occupation in order to facilitate the reconciliation process. The review of recommendations is reported to have been temporarily suspended due to the municipal elections in Latvia.

Keeping up the increased rate since EU accession, the Naturalisation Board has received more than 4,000 naturalisation applications during January and February of this year. 2,500 persons have been naturalised.

Keeping up the increased rate since EU accession, the Naturalisation Board has received more than 4,000 naturalisation applications during January and February of this year. 2,500 persons have been naturalised. Vesti Segodnya

Chas features an interview with the director of the Marketing and Public Opinion Centre SKDS Arnis Kaktins about the ethnic aspects of voting in the context of recent municipal elections. According to the sociologist, the results of the municipal elections is indicative of the deepening of the ethnic divide and the possible formation of a two-community state in Latvia, as the voting patterns show that there is little voter demand for moderate parties.

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