marts 19, 2002



Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Monday presented survey of its annual research on human rights situation in Latvia in 2001 finding as the most soaring human rights problem in Latvia are the still high number of cases pending court hearing and related prolonged terms of pre-trial detentions. "The prolonged investigation is promoted by groundless division of one case in several case, slow reform within the judiciary which on its turn is due to insufficient funding," said Muiznieks. He noted that Latvia last year faced "new and dangerous challenges" to press freedom and judiciary -- murders of a journalist and a judge. During the last year concerns also were caused by state language policy and its consequences in the sphere of minorities rights as well as right to private life and freedom of speech. Muiznieks said the biggest success last year was adoption of the new Labor Law by Latvia and implementation of several measures to promote naturalization of the country's sizeable non-citizen population. "The state last year for the first time allocated money for implementation of society integration program. But the goals of the program are not comparable with the allocated financing -- the sum is too scant," he said. Legal mechanisms for the protection of human rights gained importance last year as the European Court of Human Rights began considering claims filed by Latvia's residents and Latvia's Constitutional Court began considering claims filed by individuals. "These legal mechanisms are becoming increasingly important and everybody has to learn to use these opportunities," said Muiznieks. The survey is published in Latvian and English languages in 1,000 copies. A part of the survey will be included also in the year book of International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights (IHF).

Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Monday presented survey of its annual research on human rights situation in Latvia in 2001 finding as the most soaring human rights problem in Latvia are the still high number of cases pending court hearing and related prolonged terms of pre-trial detentions. "The prolonged investigation is promoted by groundless division of one case in several case, slow reform within the judiciary which on its turn is due to insufficient funding," said Muiznieks. He noted that Latvia last year faced "new and dangerous challenges" to press freedom and judiciary -- murders of a journalist and a judge. During the last year concerns also were caused by state language policy and its consequences in the sphere of minorities rights as well as right to private life and freedom of speech. Muiznieks said the biggest success last year was adoption of the new Labor Law by Latvia and implementation of several measures to promote naturalization of the country's sizeable non-citizen population. "The state last year for the first time allocated money for implementation of society integration program. But the goals of the program are not comparable with the allocated financing -- the sum is too scant," he said. Legal mechanisms for the protection of human rights gained importance last year as the European Court of Human Rights began considering claims filed by Latvia's residents and Latvia's Constitutional Court began considering claims filed by individuals. "These legal mechanisms are becoming increasingly important and everybody has to learn to use these opportunities," said Muiznieks. The survey is published in Latvian and English languages in 1,000 copies. A part of the survey will be included also in the year book of International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights (IHF). Diena, Lauku Avize, Vecernaya Riga, Neatkariga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Amendments to the Election Law is the most important political criteria which is of significance for Latvia to be met already before NATO foreign ministers meeting May 14-15 in Reykjavik -- such insinuation was heard by Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins from several NATO member countries Monday in the last meeting of the North Atlantic Council ahead of Prague summit.

Amendments to the Election Law is the most important political criteria which is of significance for Latvia to be met already before NATO foreign ministers meeting May 14-15 in Reykjavik -- such insinuation was heard by Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins from several NATO member countries Monday in the last meeting of the North Atlantic Council ahead of Prague summit. Diena, Lauku Avize

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry criticizes the decision of the National TV and Radio Council not to renew the license of radio station B&B; and considers the decision as the violation of the rights of national minorities. In its turn, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the “Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs again attempts to politicize the issues which in fact have completely content and form”.

Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry criticizes the decision of the National TV and Radio Council not to renew the license of radio station B&B and considers the decision as the violation of the rights of national minorities. In its turn, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs again attempts to politicize the issues which in fact have completely content and form. Diena, Neatkariga, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

inquires its readers in Daugavpils about the language situation in Daugavpils. The majority said that it is very difficult to use only Latvian when communicating with people working in public spheres, for instance, sales persons speak very bad Latvian or even do not speak the language at all. inquires its readers in Daugavpils about the language situation in Daugavpils. The majority said that it is very difficult to use only Latvian when communicating with people working in public spheres, for instance, sales persons speak very bad Latvian or even do not speak the language at all.

Vesti Segodnja

claims that at the 2-ond reading of the Law on the Passports and ID cards the majority of Latvian MPs wanted to keep the record of persons nationality in the passport. claims that at the 2-ond reading of the Law on the Passports and ID cards the majority of Latvian MPs wanted to keep the record of person’s nationality in the passport. Daugavpils City Council Education Department believes that the City needs at least 2,5 million lats to secure the positions of the Latvian language in Daugavpils.

Daugavpils City Council Education Department believes that the City needs at least 2,5 million lats to secure the positions of the Latvian language in Daugavpils. Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii

Vecernaya Riga

informs about international conference Education for Integration organized by the Soros Foundation. The conference discussed bilingual education issues in Latvia. informs about international conference “Education for Integration” organized by the Soros Foundation. The conference discussed bilingual education issues in Latvia.

marts 18, 2002



No serious incidents on March 16 Latvian Legion Day were registered. The commemoration day on Saturday for the World War II Latvian Legion passed without instigation and serious incidents. Former Legionnaires interviewed by

No serious incidents on March 16 Latvian Legion Day were registered. The commemoration day on Saturday for the World War II Latvian Legion passed without instigation and serious incidents. Former Legionnaires interviewed by Diena believe that there is still too much unjustified commotion about March 16 and the day is overly politicized.

Regional political party Latgale’s Light decides to participate in eighth Saeima elections.

Regional political party Latgales Light decides to participate in eighth Saeima elections. Diena says that Diena and Latvian State Televisions news broadcast Panorama reporters were denied entry to the partys congress in Daugavpils Saturday, which is against the law. Political analyst Janis Ikstens says that Latgales Light could become For Human Rights In A United Latvias most serious rival in the region. He explains that the above reporters were not allowed to cover the partys congress because of the party leaders stance on the mass media the reporters represented. Neatkarigas editorial says that Latgales Light will not clear the 5 percent threshold at elections if it is only supported by voters in Daugavpils, which is why it will have to have a joint ticket with some other political party or a union of parties. Chas says that the party is already considering several proposals on cooperation, which will be decided on in June.

Vesti Segodnja

talks with history professor Isaevic Ivanov about ethnic relations, Saeima elections and new Russian leader Rihards Eigims. Ivanov believes that there are two communities of the Russians in Latvia: the Russians who have lived in Latvia for generations and the others who came after the establishment of Soviet Latvia and that is the reason why there is no unified Russian political force. He believes that the Russians themselves are able to solve their problems and that Daugavpils City Mayor could be the new leader for the Russians in Latvia. talks with history professor Isaevic Ivanov about ethnic relations, Saeima elections and new Russian leader Rihards Eigims. Ivanov believes that there are two communities of the Russians in Latvia: the Russians who have lived in Latvia for generations and the others who came after the establishment of Soviet Latvia and that is the reason why there is no unified Russian political force. He believes that the Russians themselves are able to solve their problems and that Daugavpils City Mayor could be the new leader for the Russians in Latvia.


interviews Peoples Party leader Andris Skele. Peoples Party leader voices criticism regarding statements and promises of New Era leader Repse, stating that Repse did not do anything when he had a chance to do. About the chances of his party at the next Saeima elections Skele says that it will have at least 18 seats in the Saeima, as well as he does not believe that left-wing parties could win at the elections. interviews People’s Party leader Andris Skele. People’s Party leader voices criticism regarding statements and promises of New Era leader Repse, stating that Repse did not do anything when he had a chance to do. About the chances of his party at the next Saeima elections Skele says that it will have at least 18 seats in the Saeima, as well as he does not believe that left-wing parties could win at the elections.

marts 16, 2002



The number of people who would vote against accession of Latvia to the European Union has increased sharply in February marking the biggest upsurge of Euro-scepticism in the Baltic country since November 1998. If the referendum on accession of Latvia to the EU was held in February as many as 36.3 percent (in November 2001 -- 43.2 percent) would vote in favor of accession while 43 percent would vote against accession (31.2 percent) and 20.7 percent were undecided (25.6 percent), according to a public opinion poll conducted by Latvijas Fakti polling station in February. People with higher income, higher education, males and ethnic Latvians are more positive towards the accession. EIB director Edvards Kusners told that Latvia at this point "can, at least for a certain time, carry the name of the most Euro-sceptic country". He explained the negative attitude of people towards the EU by the European Commission's proposal concerning agriculture financing to the new member countries.

The number of people who would vote against accession of Latvia to the European Union has increased sharply in February marking the biggest upsurge of Euro-scepticism in the Baltic country since November 1998. If the referendum on accession of Latvia to the EU was held in February as many as 36.3 percent (in November 2001 -- 43.2 percent) would vote in favor of accession while 43 percent would vote against accession (31.2 percent) and 20.7 percent were undecided (25.6 percent), according to a public opinion poll conducted by Latvijas Fakti polling station in February. People with higher income, higher education, males and ethnic Latvians are more positive towards the accession. EIB director Edvards Kusners told that Latvia at this point "can, at least for a certain time, carry the name of the most Euro-sceptic country". He explained the negative attitude of people towards the EU by the European Commission's proposal concerning agriculture financing to the new member countries. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Diena publishes article by political scientist Artis Pabriks about the possible input of the recently established State Language Commission in improving language situation in Latvia. He refers to the statements of State Language Commission member Ina Druviete and the language policy implemented by the Latvian Government for the last decade. Pertaining the State Language Commission Pabriks sees some unclear questions, which should be tackled: first, legal status of the Commission and its ability to co-operate with the Government and NGOs; second, selection criteria of the members of the Commission, as a number of the sub-commissions are headed by people who will eventually face the conflict of interests; and third, it is not clear why so few experts of international law and language learning are among Commission’s members. Pabriks believes that the Commission will not meet the expectations, because legal measures have secondary meaning in implementing successful language policy, and it seems that the Commission will continue to emphasize legal aspects and represive mechanisms while neglecting stimulating measures for language learning.

Diena publishes article by political scientist Artis Pabriks about the possible input of the recently established State Language Commission in improving language situation in Latvia. He refers to the statements of State Language Commission member Ina Druviete and the language policy implemented by the Latvian Government for the last decade. Pertaining the State Language Commission Pabriks sees some unclear questions, which should be tackled: first, legal status of the Commission and its ability to co-operate with the Government and NGOs; second, selection criteria of the members of the Commission, as a number of the sub-commissions are headed by people who will eventually face the conflict of interests; and third, it is not clear why so few experts of international law and language learning are among Commissions members. Pabriks believes that the Commission will not meet the expectations, because legal measures have secondary meaning in implementing successful language policy, and it seems that the Commission will continue to emphasize legal aspects and represive mechanisms while neglecting stimulating measures for language learning.

Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCHRES) is holding an international conference on March 20 called “The OSCE and Latvia: Co-operation in the Past and Future”, set to include participation of the Prime Minister Andris Berzins, OSCE representatives and other officials.

Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (LCHRES) is holding an international conference on March 20 called The OSCE and Latvia: Co-operation in the Past and Future, set to include participation of the Prime Minister Andris Berzins, OSCE representatives and other officials. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

A visit to Latvia has been planned for the OSCE Democratic Institution and Human Rights Office head Gerald Stoudman from March 18-20, during which he is to discuss the awaited parliament elections in Latvia this October. The Latvian Foreign Ministry reported that Stoudman is set to meet Latvian officials, and also take over an unfinished project launched in Latvia - coordinating research on bilingual education and language training for naturalization candidates.

A visit to Latvia has been planned for the OSCE Democratic Institution and Human Rights Office head Gerald Stoudman from March 18-20, during which he is to discuss the awaited parliament elections in Latvia this October. The Latvian Foreign Ministry reported that Stoudman is set to meet Latvian officials, and also take over an unfinished project launched in Latvia - coordinating research on bilingual education and language training for naturalization candidates. BNS, LETA

Lauku Avize publishes rather detailed information regarding State Language Commission’s field session to Daugavpils. After the session, State Language Chairperson Mara Zalite said, “on some level language situation in Daugavpils is politicized. No more people should not be cheated by telling that Latvia is a rebelled region of Russia which will join Russia again one day”. She also added that Daugavpils City Council has inherited soviet style: as soon as somebody voiced criticism about something, immediately it was followed by repression against this person”.

Lauku Avize publishes rather detailed information regarding State Language Commissions field session to Daugavpils. After the session, State Language Chairperson Mara Zalite said, on some level language situation in Daugavpils is politicized. No more people should not be cheated by telling that Latvia is a rebelled region of Russia which will join Russia again one day. She also added that Daugavpils City Council has inherited soviet style: as soon as somebody voiced criticism about something, immediately it was followed by repression against this person.

marts 15, 2002



Saeima’s majority turned down FHRUL’s proposal to lift language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. The ruling parties also announced that they will not discuss the possibility to abolish language requirement while the status of the state language is not secured in the Constitution.

Saeimas majority turned down FHRULs proposal to lift language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. The ruling parties also announced that they will not discuss the possibility to abolish language requirement while the status of the state language is not secured in the Constitution. Diena, Rigas Balss, Chas, Telegraf

British Ambassador to Latvia Thursday in a meeting with Latvia's Naturalization Board Head, held as part of series of his farewell visits to Latvian officials, discussed the Board's plans for further informing society about naturalization and society integration process in Latvia. Nash inquired about what kind of "positive signals" Latvian government and politicians are planning to send to the country's non-citizen population to promote their naturalization. The two officials were unanimous that with "certain confrontation" emerging in the society the government and politicians "should not close their eyes in front of stateless persons, there should be more positive signals coming from the state". Aldermane voiced that "some manifestations of confrontation in society are even growing". Speaking about financial side of the Naturalization Board Aldermane said that financing required for society information projects is threatening to decrease because financing provided by foreign donators from now on will be available only through Society Integration Foundation while the state budget has allocated "not a single santim" for the board's public awareness campaign. Nash also inquired about the possibility to simplify citizenship acquisition process but Aldermane voiced doubts concerning amendments to the Citizenship Law. Nash praised the work of the Naturalization Board and pledged to keep the naturalization process in Latvia.

British Ambassador to Latvia Thursday in a meeting with Latvia's Naturalization Board Head, held as part of series of his farewell visits to Latvian officials, discussed the Board's plans for further informing society about naturalization and society integration process in Latvia. Nash inquired about what kind of "positive signals" Latvian government and politicians are planning to send to the country's non-citizen population to promote their naturalization. The two officials were unanimous that with "certain confrontation" emerging in the society the government and politicians "should not close their eyes in front of stateless persons, there should be more positive signals coming from the state". Aldermane voiced that "some manifestations of confrontation in society are even growing". Speaking about financial side of the Naturalization Board Aldermane said that financing required for society information projects is threatening to decrease because financing provided by foreign donators from now on will be available only through Society Integration Foundation while the state budget has allocated "not a single santim" for the board's public awareness campaign. Nash also inquired about the possibility to simplify citizenship acquisition process but Aldermane voiced doubts concerning amendments to the Citizenship Law. Nash praised the work of the Naturalization Board and pledged to keep the naturalization process in Latvia. BNS

Baltic Prime Ministers hold meeting with British Premier Blair in London. The meeting focused on issues related to NATO, the European Union and relations with Russia. Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins officially invited Blair to Riga July 5-7 for the NATO summit.

Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis Fate of the B&B; Russian radio station Krievu radio Riga, which was closed down by the decision of the National Radio and TV Council because of violating copyrights, becomes hot issue.

Fate of the B&B Russian radio station Krievu radio Riga, which was closed down by the decision of the National Radio and TV Council because of violating copyrights, becomes hot issue. Diena commentator Askolds Rodins opines that "everything can be politicized, especially if it has "ethnic clout". If this year we wont have the convenient legionnaires march, then we can make amends with the shutdown of a radio station". Vesti Segodnja commented the closure of the station as destroying the big part of information space in Russian.

Yesterday Naturalization Board Head Eizenija Aldermane asked the Ministry of Justice provide additional funding to ensure more security at naturalization examinations. The Naturalization Board wants to install video cameras in the examination rooms and establish one more examination commission in Riga.

Yesterday Naturalization Board Head Eizenija Aldermane asked the Ministry of Justice provide additional funding to ensure more security at naturalization examinations. The Naturalization Board wants to install video cameras in the examination rooms and establish one more examination commission in Riga. Chas

The newspaper also publishes an informative article, which briefs about the differences between the statuses of a Latvian citizen and non-citizen, what is EU citizenship and the rights of a EU citizen.

The newspaper also publishes an informative article, which briefs about the differences between the statuses of a Latvian citizen and non-citizen, what is EU citizenship and the rights of a EU citizen.

Vesti Segodnja

interviews professor, political scientist Mavriks Vulfsons about political situation in Latvia. He believes that Latvia should not rush with NATOs membership because Latvia is not ready for that yet and it is too expensive for the country. Vulfsons also does not agree with the views of the majority of Latvian politicians that the Latvian language is under threat, in his opinion, national minorities have realized that they have to know Latvian. He is also very skeptic about Latvias foreign policy realized by politicians. Vulfsons considers that Latvias foreign policy should be oriented to European countries, in particular, Germany, and not to the USA. interviews professor, political scientist Mavriks Vulfsons about political situation in Latvia. He believes that Latvia should not rush with NATO’s membership because Latvia is not ready for that yet and it is too expensive for the country. Vulfsons also does not agree with the views of the majority of Latvian politicians that the Latvian language is under threat, in his opinion, national minorities have realized that they have to know Latvian. He is also very skeptic about Latvia’s foreign policy realized by politicians. Vulfsons considers that Latvia’s foreign policy should be oriented to European countries, in particular, Germany, and not to the USA.

Vesti Segodnja

conducts research about the crimes of Latvian policemen in Byelorussia in 1944 publishing the article under the title To Kill as Many Russians as Possible. conducts research about the crimes of Latvian policemen in Byelorussia in 1944 publishing the article under the title “To Kill as Many Russians as Possible”. Yesterday the National TV and Radio Council (NTRC) adopted directive on registering the amounts of languages used in the programs aired by commercial broadcasting stations. The directive will become internal NTRC document that will allow to control whether the norm in the Law on Radio and TV providing for language quotas in radio programs, is observed. Now according to the directive NTRC and commercial broadcasting stations have to record language usage on the basis of a common approach. The new method provides for that the amount of foreign languages spoken will be registered in each individual program and then put together.

Yesterday the National TV and Radio Council (NTRC) adopted directive on registering the amounts of languages used in the programs aired by commercial broadcasting stations. The directive will become internal NTRC document that will allow to control whether the norm in the Law on Radio and TV providing for language quotas in radio programs, is observed. Now according to the directive NTRC and commercial broadcasting stations have to record language usage on the basis of a common approach. The new method provides for that the amount of foreign languages spoken will be registered in each individual program and then put together. Telegraf.

Riga City Council monument board rejected a proposal by some of authors of monument located in Riga's Uzvaras Parks park (Victory Park) to rename the monument as memorial ensemble and transform it into a sign of commemoration to all countries-members of anti-hitlerist coalition. Board chairman Ojars Sparitis said there are political grounds for the rejection of the proposal because Latvian-Russian agreement provides for retention of memorial constructions but not their transformation. The monument issue could be considered repeatedly after the fate of Uzvaras Parks park is decided.

Riga City Council monument board rejected a proposal by some of authors of monument located in Riga's Uzvaras Parks park (Victory Park) to rename the monument as memorial ensemble and transform it into a sign of commemoration to all countries-members of anti-hitlerist coalition. Board chairman Ojars Sparitis said there are political grounds for the rejection of the proposal because Latvian-Russian agreement provides for retention of memorial constructions but not their transformation. The monument issue could be considered repeatedly after the fate of Uzvaras Parks park is decided. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

marts 14, 2002



Following suggestions made by the Latvian Security Police, the Riga City council has cancelled its previously issued permission for two right-wing movements to hold a procession through the center of the Latvian capital on March 16 in honor of the Latvian Nazi SS Waffen soldiers of World War II. The Latvian Security Police believe that such a procession could cause negative public and even international resonance, harming Latvia's national interests. The police said that they already have their eye on these two organizations, as they suspect them of provocative actions.

Following suggestions made by the Latvian Security Police, the Riga City council has cancelled its previously issued permission for two right-wing movements to hold a procession through the center of the Latvian capital on March 16 in honor of the Latvian Nazi SS Waffen soldiers of World War II. The Latvian Security Police believe that such a procession could cause negative public and even international resonance, harming Latvia's national interests. The police said that they already have their eye on these two organizations, as they suspect them of provocative actions. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Rigas Balss, Vecernaja Riga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the State Language Commission was on a field session in Daugavpils. After learning the situation in Daugavpils the main conclusion of the members was that the most important is to build a positive attitude towards learning and speaking the Latvian language. Another conclusion was that language situation in Daugavpils has worsened after the last municipal elections.

Yesterday the State Language Commission was on a field session in Daugavpils. After learning the situation in Daugavpils the main conclusion of the members was that the most important is to build a positive attitude towards learning and speaking the Latvian language. Another conclusion was that language situation in Daugavpils has worsened after the last municipal elections. Diena, Neatkariga

The "self-sufficiency" of the Russian language is one of key reasons that hamper everyday use of the Latvian language in Daugavpils, State Language Commission Chairwoman Mara Zalite told reporters yesterday after the commission's session in Daugavpils. Insufficient use of the state language in Daugavpils not only violates the rights of Latvians to use the Latvian language but also negatively affects social integration processes and is behind the alienation among various ethnic communities. The Russian mass media partly plays a negative role in Daugavpils since information oftenis biased and breeds intolerance. Regarding methods for improving the situation with the state language use in Daugavpils, Zalite mentioned relocating certain state language institutions to the city, creating attractive job openings, working out a target program for Latgale province. In the commission's view, some responsibility about the current situation must be assumed by the Latvians residing in Daugavpils, who usually use the Russian language in communication.

The "self-sufficiency" of the Russian language is one of key reasons that hamper everyday use of the Latvian language in Daugavpils, State Language Commission Chairwoman Mara Zalite told reporters yesterday after the commission's session in Daugavpils. Insufficient use of the state language in Daugavpils not only violates the rights of Latvians to use the Latvian language but also negatively affects social integration processes and is behind the alienation among various ethnic communities. The Russian mass media partly plays a negative role in Daugavpils since information oftenis biased and breeds intolerance. Regarding methods for improving the situation with the state language use in Daugavpils, Zalite mentioned relocating certain state language institutions to the city, creating attractive job openings, working out a target program for Latgale province. In the commission's view, some responsibility about the current situation must be assumed by the Latvians residing in Daugavpils, who usually use the Russian language in communication. LETA

The Russian newspapers believe that language problems in Daugavpils result from the lack of money and Daugavpils’ difficult economic situation

The Russian newspapers believe that language problems in Daugavpils result from the lack of money and Daugavpils difficult economic situation. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Chas editorial also refers to the field session of the State Language Commission. The columnist writes, “non-Latvians are not against the Latvians and Latvian language, as the ruling politicians try to put it, they are for democracy”.

Chas editorial also refers to the field session of the State Language Commission. The columnist writes, non-Latvians are not against the Latvians and Latvian language, as the ruling politicians try to put it, they are for democracy.

Today the Saeima will consider the proposal of FF/LNNK to ban ex-communists take the positions at city/town authorities.

Today the Saeima will consider the proposal of FF/LNNK to ban ex-communists take the positions at city/town authorities. Chas

Yesterday Society Integration Foundation presented the announced areas for integration projects. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka and Riga Vice Mayor Sergej Dolgopolov took part at the presentation.

Yesterday Society Integration Foundation presented the announced areas for integration projects. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka and Riga Vice Mayor Sergej Dolgopolov took part at the presentation. Chas

V. Fedocov gives his interpretation about the language policy in Latvia. In his opinion, the proposed amendments to the Constitution, in particular the article which provides for that residents are entitled to receive replies from municipalities in the Latvian language demonstrate that Latvian government do not want to communicate with almost a half of Latvia’s population. The author concludes that any forced measures call forth contra reaction and collision between 53% of Latvia’s population [Latvians] with 47 % can have rather unpredictable results.

V. Fedocov gives his interpretation about the language policy in Latvia. In his opinion, the proposed amendments to the Constitution, in particular the article which provides for that residents are entitled to receive replies from municipalities in the Latvian language demonstrate that Latvian government do not want to communicate with almost a half of Latvias population. The author concludes that any forced measures call forth contra reaction and collision between 53% of Latvias population [Latvians] with 47 % can have rather unpredictable results. Vesti Segodnja

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