marts 17, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

By signing an agreement with Welfare Party Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party hopes to sign similar agreements with several more small parties represented at Riga City Council to get support of nine deputies from these parties and establish a majority for Social Democrats and FF/LNNK coalition. But the Chairman of FF/LNNK objected to such a majority that was achieved only with the representatives of small parties but without Latvian Way and People’s Party.

By signing an agreement with Welfare Party Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party hopes to sign similar agreements with several more small parties represented at Riga City Council to get support of nine deputies from these parties and establish a majority for Social Democrats and FF/LNNK coalition. But the Chairman of FF/LNNK objected to such a majority that was achieved only with the representatives of small parties but without Latvian Way and Peoples Party. Diena, Rigas Balss

The political forces in Riga City Council did not manage to form any coalition yet, and the guilty one is Social Democrats who come out with different announcements almost every day.

The political forces in Riga City Council did not manage to form any coalition yet, and the guilty one is Social Democrats who come out with different announcements almost every day. Neatkariga

Jauna Avize writes that there is a chance for S.Dolgopolov from For Human Rights in United Latvia to become the Vice-Mayor of Riga City Council.

Newspapers published a complete list on the new Riga City Council deputies.

Newspapers published a complete list on the new Riga City Council deputies. Diena, Rigas Balss

After considering more than 15 complains the Central Election Commission has stated that one third of those is to be considered at court.

After considering more than 15 complains the Central Election Commission has stated that one third of those is to be considered at court. Diena, Jauna Avize (19.03)

The Chairman of the Commission A.Cimdars came to a conclusion that there were necessary regular amendments to prevent some uncertainties already before elections and clarify the principles of forming election commissions and criteria of selecting their members.

The Chairman of the Commission A.Cimdars came to a conclusion that there were necessary regular amendments to prevent some uncertainties already before elections and clarify the principles of forming election commissions and criteria of selecting their members. Neatkariga, Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis

On Friday without any much fuss and any incidents the commemoration events of Latvian legionnaires took place. Latvian Archbishop J.Vanags held the commemoration service at the Dome Church. Among the present were several MPs from FF/LNNK and People’s Party.

On Friday without any much fuss and any incidents the commemoration events of Latvian legionnaires took place. Latvian Archbishop J.Vanags held the commemoration service at the Dome Church. Among the present were several MPs from FF/LNNK and Peoples Party. Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnya (19.03)

About 35 – 40 National Bolsheviks held their regular March 16 picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow to protest against the celebration of Legionnaires Day in Latvia and calling to release their arrested party members.

About 35 – 40 National Bolsheviks held their regular March 16 picket at the Latvian Embassy in Moscow to protest against the celebration of Legionnaires Day in Latvia and calling to release their arrested party members. Chas

Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins, commenting the results of the visit of President V.Vike-Freiberga to Lithuania, said that it was a positive one and the relations between Latvia and Lithuania in general were good. He added that there were several issues that needed further solution.

Latvian MFA State Secretary M.Riekstins, commenting the results of the visit of President V.Vike-Freiberga to Lithuania, said that it was a positive one and the relations between Latvia and Lithuania in general were good. He added that there were several issues that needed further solution. Neatkariga

Latvijas Vestnesis gives more details on this visit.

Latvijas Vestnesis gives more details on this visit.

On Thursday afternoon at Riga Secondary School No 6 almost started a fight among about 200 Latvian and Russian students. Press Secretary of Riga Municipal Police K.Brauna told that about 200 youngsters gathered at the School No 6. Some of them wanted to take a revenge for expulsion from this school of two Russian speaking pupils for hooligan behaviour. On Tuesday when those two students were expelled they threatened to take a revenge, they even set a precise time and day for this to happen. To meet the assailants almost all students of the school came out. But the administration called for police that arrived and dispersed the crowd.

On Thursday afternoon at Riga Secondary School No 6 almost started a fight among about 200 Latvian and Russian students. Press Secretary of Riga Municipal Police K.Brauna told that about 200 youngsters gathered at the School No 6. Some of them wanted to take a revenge for expulsion from this school of two Russian speaking pupils for hooligan behaviour. On Tuesday when those two students were expelled they threatened to take a revenge, they even set a precise time and day for this to happen. To meet the assailants almost all students of the school came out. But the administration called for police that arrived and dispersed the crowd. Neatkariga, Chas

L.Fedoseyev in

L.Fedoseyev in Chas comments the decision on granting Public Harmony Awards. He finds it strange that awards were given to those officials whose duty is to do it. L.Fedoseyev writes also about the proposal of the Director of National State Language Training Program A.Priedite, who, speaking about the future integration of Latvian society, said that there was a need to establish a strong national publication in the Russian language to overcome the information splitting of the society.

A.Stroy interviewed the leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars about the results of the Riga City Council election and the future coalition. J.Bojars said that Social Democrats were ready to co-operate with one representative of the ruling coalition – FF/LNNK because the election showed people’s attitude – it was a protest against two ruling parties Latvian Way and People’s Party. When asked about the possible national policy of Social Democrats (preservation of Russian speaking education) the Chairman answered that it was not an issue to be dealt with at the Riga City Council but they would open some new national minority schools for nations that did not have such, Russian were not the only national minority in Riga.

A.Stroy interviewed the leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars about the results of the Riga City Council election and the future coalition. J.Bojars said that Social Democrats were ready to co-operate with one representative of the ruling coalition – FF/LNNK because the election showed peoples attitude – it was a protest against two ruling parties Latvian Way and Peoples Party. When asked about the possible national policy of Social Democrats (preservation of Russian speaking education) the Chairman answered that it was not an issue to be dealt with at the Riga City Council but they would open some new national minority schools for nations that did not have such, Russian were not the only national minority in Riga. Chas

Starting from tomorrow Russia will not let to import cargoes with goods produced in Eastern Asia if they were not transported via overland routs through Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China or Korea or through Russian ports. Manager of the Riga Free Port L.Loginov said that this prohibition ruined the several years long attempts of the Free Port to attract to Riga vendors of Eastern goods. Minister of Communication A.Gorbunov thinks that the impact of this step would not be big and he looks forward for the negotiations with Russia during which it could lift this ban.

Starting from tomorrow Russia will not let to import cargoes with goods produced in Eastern Asia if they were not transported via overland routs through Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China or Korea or through Russian ports. Manager of the Riga Free Port L.Loginov said that this prohibition ruined the several years long attempts of the Free Port to attract to Riga vendors of Eastern goods. Minister of Communication A.Gorbunov thinks that the impact of this step would not be big and he looks forward for the negotiations with Russia during which it could lift this ban. Rigas Balss

marts 16, 2001

Press Report 

Press Report

The Soros Foundation Latvia presented its annual Social Harmony Awards, awarded for special contribution to promotion of harmony between ethnic groups and healthy inter-ethnic environment as well as to strengthening democracy. The awards went to Aina Balasko, head expert of ethnic minority rights at the Naturalisation Board, Aina Priedite, the head of the national program for the Latvian language teaching, and Ramona Umblija, the city council deputy executive director in Ventspils, western Latvia.

The Soros Foundation Latvia presented its annual Social Harmony Awards, awarded for special contribution to promotion of harmony between ethnic groups and healthy inter-ethnic environment as well as to strengthening democracy. The awards went to Aina Balasko, head expert of ethnic minority rights at the Naturalisation Board, Aina Priedite, the head of the national program for the Latvian language teaching, and Ramona Umblija, the city council deputy executive director in Ventspils, western Latvia. Diena, Jauna, Chas, Respublika

FF/LNNK stated that they want stability in Riga Council and that is possible only if the four parties – FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, LW and People’s Party – form a coalition. FF/LLNK council also wants to have an ultimate answer regarding if Social Democrats considers co-operation with FHRUL. “Inability to name the candidate for the post of Mayor shows the lack of unity in the party”, commented FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats.

FF/LNNK stated that they want stability in Riga Council and that is possible only if the four parties – FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, LW and Peoples Party – form a coalition. FF/LLNK council also wants to have an ultimate answer regarding if Social Democrats considers co-operation with FHRUL. Inability to name the candidate for the post of Mayor shows the lack of unity in the party, commented FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats. Diena

Among 28 European countries Latvia takes the 25th place in students civic education. Latvian teachers are aware of the flaws in civic education therefore new curriculum for social sciences is developed in the framework of the education project funded by the World Bank.

Among 28 European countries Latvia takes the 25th place in students civic education. Latvian teachers are aware of the flaws in civic education therefore new curriculum for social sciences is developed in the framework of the education project funded by the World Bank. Diena

The most real and possible candidate of the Social Democrats to the post of Mayor G.Bojars claims to have a university degree, however, he has an official prove only from his father university which are providing only post graduate studies.

The most real and possible candidate of the Social Democrats to the post of Mayor G.Bojars claims to have a university degree, however, he has an official prove only from his father university which are providing only post graduate studies. Diena, Neatkariga

The Latvian parliament Thursday rejected Social Democrats request for resignation of Interior Minister Mareks Seglins, accused by Social Democrats in lack of professionalism in heading the Interior Ministry.

The Latvian parliament Thursday rejected Social Democrats request for resignation of Interior Minister Mareks Seglins, accused by Social Democrats in lack of professionalism in heading the Interior Ministry. Chas, Neatkariga

According to unofficial information big parties want to split FHRUL in order to form a coalition with only one part of it - People’s Harmony Party headed by J.Jurkans.

According to unofficial information big parties want to split FHRUL in order to form a coalition with only one part of it - Peoples Harmony Party headed by J.Jurkans. Neatkariga

Yesterday Russia’s Government issued the directive providing 19,1 million roubles for the allowances for military pensioners residing in the Baltic countries and not possessing Russia’s citizenship. The amount of the allowance is 417 roubles or three times minimum pension in Russia (about LVL 9) for a military pensioner and 139 roubles for a widow of a military pensioner.

Yesterday Russias Government issued the directive providing 19,1 million roubles for the allowances for military pensioners residing in the Baltic countries and not possessing Russias citizenship. The amount of the allowance is 417 roubles or three times minimum pension in Russia (about LVL 9) for a military pensioner and 139 roubles for a widow of a military pensioner. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Panorama Latvii

interviews private school director O.Isakova who participated at the conference Russian compatriots: from the Support to Co-operation. O.Isakova talks about the possible role of Russia in education of Russian speaking students in Latvia. interviews private school director O.Isakova who participated at the conference “Russian compatriots: from the Support to Co-operation”. O.Isakova talks about the possible role of Russia in education of Russian speaking students in Latvia. The Lithuanian president is proposing leaders from all nine candidate countries for NATO membership make a joint appeal to the new US administration to declare their resolve to continue down the path towards NATO membership. Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga originally proposed the Baltic states make such an appeal during her current state visit in Vilnius. Adamkus liked the idea, but said he felt an appeal by all nine candidates would carry more weight and would be more likely heard than one by the 3 Baltic states. The Latvian president agreed to Adamkus' proposal.

The Lithuanian president is proposing leaders from all nine candidate countries for NATO membership make a joint appeal to the new US administration to declare their resolve to continue down the path towards NATO membership. Latvian president Vaira Vike-Freiberga originally proposed the Baltic states make such an appeal during her current state visit in Vilnius. Adamkus liked the idea, but said he felt an appeal by all nine candidates would carry more weight and would be more likely heard than one by the 3 Baltic states. The Latvian president agreed to Adamkus' proposal. Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

The announcement of the official election results has been postponed for a day, however, the discussions among the parties go on. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars said that they could offer to FF/LNNK to co-operate on such conditions, that they would not be able to refuse. FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats comments that the good offer probably means either seats at Riga Free Port Board or the seat of G.Bojars in the Presidium of the Saeima, however, FF/LNNK considers that they could have these seats without the help of Social Democrats.

The announcement of the official election results has been postponed for a day, however, the discussions among the parties go on. Social Democrats chairman J.Bojars said that they could offer to FF/LNNK to co-operate on such conditions, that they would not be able to refuse. FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats comments that the good offer probably means either seats at Riga Free Port Board or the seat of G.Bojars in the Presidium of the Saeima, however, FF/LNNK considers that they could have these seats without the help of Social Democrats. Chas

Other 2 chairpersons of Russian Party blames the third for his self-initiative in signing co-operation agreement with Democratic Party, Labour Party and Latvian Farmers Union to form a coalition Centrs at Riga City Council. Russian Party representative at Riga Council was not authorised to sign the agreement.

Other 2 chairpersons of Russian Party blames the third for his self-initiative in signing co-operation agreement with Democratic Party, Labour Party and Latvian Farmers Union to form a coalition Centrs at Riga City Council. Russian Party representative at Riga Council was not authorised to sign the agreement. Chas, Vesti Segodnja


columnist L.Fedosejev writes that Latvian Russians are fed up with feeling afraid and they start to feel themselves as a real and influential power and ready to co-operate, however, now it is up to Latvian politicians and mass media in the Latvian language what happens next. columnist L.Fedosejev writes that Latvian Russians are fed up with feeling afraid and they start to feel themselves as a real and influential power and ready to co-operate, however, now it is up to Latvian politicians and mass media in the Latvian language what happens next.

Vesti Segodnja

comes to the conclusion that the best coalition partners for Social Democrats are FHRUL as in that case Social Democrats would have the post of Riga mayor, control over Riga Port and the possibility to implement their programme. comes to the conclusion that the best coalition partners for Social Democrats are FHRUL as in that case Social Democrats would have the post of Riga mayor, control over Riga Port and the possibility to implement their programme. The surviving members of Latvian Nazi Waffen SS unit or the so-called Latvian Legionnaires on Friday traditionally commemorated their fallen brethren-in-arms but the ceremony was more low-key than in previous years.

The surviving members of Latvian Nazi Waffen SS unit or the so-called Latvian Legionnaires on Friday traditionally commemorated their fallen brethren-in-arms but the ceremony was more low-key than in previous years.

This year the Legionnaires had to give up their annual procession to the Freedom Monument in Riga centre, as the monument is under the renovation at the moment, but the commemoration service in the Dome Church was held as usual.

This year the Legionnaires had to give up their annual procession to the Freedom Monument in Riga centre, as the monument is under the renovation at the moment, but the commemoration service in the Dome Church was held as usual. Respublika


marts 15, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Social Democrats did not provide with the name of their candidate to the post of Riga mayor as they promised. However, Social Democrats Party leader J.Bojars emphasised once again that they are not giving up the post. J.Bojars was also sure that FF/LNNK will form a coalition with them without People’s Party and LW, but that is in contradiction to the statements of FF/LNNK chairperson M.Grinblats to the mass media.

Social Democrats did not provide with the name of their candidate to the post of Riga mayor as they promised. However, Social Democrats Party leader J.Bojars emphasised once again that they are not giving up the post. J.Bojars was also sure that FF/LNNK will form a coalition with them without Peoples Party and LW, but that is in contradiction to the statements of FF/LNNK chairperson M.Grinblats to the mass media. Diena

The discussions among the parties are going on. LW says, “considering logic and stability of government LW should be in the coalition only on the condition that also People’s Party and FF/LNNK are the members of it”. However, FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats said that he does not want to make any written agreements regarding this condition.

The discussions among the parties are going on. LW says, considering logic and stability of government LW should be in the coalition only on the condition that also Peoples Party and FF/LNNK are the members of it. However, FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats said that he does not want to make any written agreements regarding this condition. Chas

“Danish Parliament and Government have decided to achieve the admission of the Baltic States to the EU already in fall 2002”, voiced Danish Prime Minister in his Wednesday’s press conference. Denmark will be in the EU Presidency at the time when the decision of the EU expansion is to be taken.

Danish Parliament and Government have decided to achieve the admission of the Baltic States to the EU already in fall 2002, voiced Danish Prime Minister in his Wednesdays press conference. Denmark will be in the EU Presidency at the time when the decision of the EU expansion is to be taken. Diena

Former political inmates have written an open letter to the President V.Vike-Freiberga asking to explain why A.Zakis who worked for Prosecutor Office at Soviet times and himself had interrogated Soviet dissidents in 80-ies will head President’s Chancellery. Former inmates say that they can prove that A.Zakis was aggressive against the traitors of Soviet regime. The President has inquired for additional information about A.Zakis’ possible link to KGB.

Former political inmates have written an open letter to the President V.Vike-Freiberga asking to explain why A.Zakis who worked for Prosecutor Office at Soviet times and himself had interrogated Soviet dissidents in 80-ies will head Presidents Chancellery. Former inmates say that they can prove that A.Zakis was aggressive against the traitors of Soviet regime. The President has inquired for additional information about A.Zakis possible link to KGB. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika, Chas

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has been nominated for the Peace Award of Hessen state. According to Hessen newspapers the High Commissioner has been chosen for this award because “thanks to his persistent and quiet activities violent national conflicts have been prevented in the Baltic states, as he has persuaded Estonia and Lithuania to give fair treatment to their Russian minorities”.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel has been nominated for the Peace Award of Hessen state. According to Hessen newspapers the High Commissioner has been chosen for this award because thanks to his persistent and quiet activities violent national conflicts have been prevented in the Baltic states, as he has persuaded Estonia and Lithuania to give fair treatment to their Russian minorities. Diena doubts if the awarding institution really knows for what it is giving its recognition, as Lithuania was not in High Commissioner Max van der Stoel mission, it was Latvia, where the proposals of the High Commissioner, for example in regard to the Citizenship Law, not always were received with delight.

The decision of Russia’s Central Bank that gives Latvia the status of the offshore country and could be the ground for closing accounts of Latvian commercial banks in Russia does not have economic base, it is rather sanctions against Latvia or an economic conflict”, admits Bank of Latvia governor E.Repse.

The decision of Russias Central Bank that gives Latvia the status of the offshore country and could be the ground for closing accounts of Latvian commercial banks in Russia does not have economic base, it is rather sanctions against Latvia or an economic conflict, admits Bank of Latvia governor E.Repse. Diena, Panorama Latvii, Chas

The counting of votes is almost completed and the unofficial list of the elected candidates’ names are announced. In Riga the highest number of voices is received by the previous Riga mayor FF/LNNK A.Argalis, the second goes social democrat D.Ivans, however, D.Ivans is not named among the four candidates of social democrats for the post of mayor.

The counting of votes is almost completed and the unofficial list of the elected candidates names are announced. In Riga the highest number of voices is received by the previous Riga mayor FF/LNNK A.Argalis, the second goes social democrat D.Ivans, however, D.Ivans is not named among the four candidates of social democrats for the post of mayor. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Saeima Human Rights Committee gave its approval to the amendments in the Administrative Violation Code, which authorises the National Radio and TV Council to impose administrative fines on the means of mass media for violating language norms. In February NRTC established language violations in Latvian Independent TV. The TV channel showed the movie dubbed in Russian.

Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Chas Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga can not imagine that Social Democrats could be excluded from the ruling coalition on the Riga city council and "politics in general" after their impressive victory in the municipal election in Riga.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga can not imagine that Social Democrats could be excluded from the ruling coalition on the Riga city council and "politics in general" after their impressive victory in the municipal election in Riga. Panorama Latvii

Russia’s embassy has not yet received the official information about the arrival date of the new Russia’s ambassador to Latvia. Latvia has received the official note from Russia about the arrival of new ambassador I.Studennikov where the possible date of ambassador’s arrival is mentioned 18 March.

Russias embassy has not yet received the official information about the arrival date of the new Russias ambassador to Latvia. Latvia has received the official note from Russia about the arrival of new ambassador I.Studennikov where the possible date of ambassadors arrival is mentioned 18 March. Lauku Avize

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee has agreed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that during this week the Committee will receive the records of Russian and Latvian Presidents’ meeting in Austria, thus deputies who have access to state secrets could learn them. The reason why these records were included in the category of secret documents is still unclear.

Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee has agreed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that during this week the Committee will receive the records of Russian and Latvian Presidents meeting in Austria, thus deputies who have access to state secrets could learn them. The reason why these records were included in the category of secret documents is still unclear. Lauku Avize, Chas

The most real candidate of Social Democrats for the post of mayor G.Bojars talks about his party’s plans – first, Social Democrats will involve in decision taking process also opposition parties, second, all municipal tenders are to be open, third, bigger attention should be paid to solving social problems.

The most real candidate of Social Democrats for the post of mayor G.Bojars talks about his partys plans – first, Social Democrats will involve in decision taking process also opposition parties, second, all municipal tenders are to be open, third, bigger attention should be paid to solving social problems. Vesti Segodnja

Russian Minister of National and Migration Affairs A.Blohin announced the new regulations on immigration. The new regulations will include legal norms on citizen quotas and naturalisation period. According to the minister in the closest future several drafts “On Immigration”, “On Refugees”, “On Citizenship” will be submitted to the State Duma for the revision.

Russian Minister of National and Migration Affairs A.Blohin announced the new regulations on immigration. The new regulations will include legal norms on citizen quotas and naturalisation period. According to the minister in the closest future several drafts On Immigration, On Refugees, On Citizenship will be submitted to the State Duma for the revision. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Chas

“The municipal election of 2001 in students history books most likely will be described as peaceful come back of Latvia’s Russians to their legitimate place”, writes

The municipal election of 2001 in students history books most likely will be described as peaceful come back of Latvias Russians to their legitimate place, writes Vesti Segodnja. Although the new citizens are educated and quite well-off people, they did not vote for liberal parties, because the middle class of Latvias Russians have organic links with the community of non-citizens. Also Russians in Latvia have never stopped get involved in political activities even at the times when it is was banned, thus Russians in Latvia did not acquire low-esteem complex as Russian communities in other former Soviet Union republics. Vesti Segodnja

European Integration Institution director, political scientist I.Ostrovskaya answers the questions of

European Integration Institution director, political scientist I.Ostrovskaya answers the questions of Respublica about the municipal election. In her opinion, ruling parties – LW and Peoples Party – have to decide themselves to go in the opposition not only in Riga City Council but also in the Parliament. It is the only way how they could win at the next Saeima election.


asks the opinion of the leading specialist of political technologies A.Voroncov about the results of the election. In his opinion Prime Minister A.Berzins should be blamed for the loss of LW at the election and A.Berzins should resign from the post of Prime Minister. For Peoples Party leader A.Skele A.Voroncov suggests to cease the activities of his party. In his opinion the most suitable partner for Social Democrats is FHRUL. asks the opinion of the leading specialist of political technologies A.Voroncov about the results of the election. In his opinion Prime Minister A.Berzins should be blamed for the loss of LW at the election and A.Berzins should resign from the post of Prime Minister. For People’s Party leader A.Skele A.Voroncov suggests to cease the activities of his party. In his opinion the most suitable partner for Social Democrats is FHRUL.

marts 14, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

If FF/LNNK agrees to work in coalition with Social Democrats without People’s Party and Latvia’s Way in Riga City Council, it would result in the fall of government say some political scientists. Today Social Democrats will announce their candidate for the post of Mayor. “We are not satisfied with the current Government and the results of election show people’s opinion about Latvia’s Way and People’s Party, however, our goal is not to overthrow the Government”, said social democrat

If FF/LNNK agrees to work in coalition with Social Democrats without Peoples Party and Latvias Way in Riga City Council, it would result in the fall of government say some political scientists. Today Social Democrats will announce their candidate for the post of Mayor. We are not satisfied with the current Government and the results of election show peoples opinion about Latvias Way and Peoples Party, however, our goal is not to overthrow the Government, said social democrat

G.Bojars. He did not deny the possibility to form a coalition with FHRUL if the attempts to form coalition with FF/LNNK fail. Social Democrats are willing to co-operate with the union “Centrs” which is formed of the Latvian Democratic Party (LDP), the Latvian Farmers' Union (LFU), the Russian Party (RP) and Labour Party (LP) and which all together have 5 mandates at Riga City Council. FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats said that it is almost sure that FF/LNNK will not agree to the proposal of Social Democrats to form a coalition without LW and People’s Party.

G.Bojars. He did not deny the possibility to form a coalition with FHRUL if the attempts to form coalition with FF/LNNK fail. Social Democrats are willing to co-operate with the union Centrs which is formed of the Latvian Democratic Party (LDP), the Latvian Farmers' Union (LFU), the Russian Party (RP) and Labour Party (LP) and which all together have 5 mandates at Riga City Council. FF/LNNK leader M.Grinblats said that it is almost sure that FF/LNNK will not agree to the proposal of Social Democrats to form a coalition without LW and Peoples Party. Diena, Jauna, Chas

As of the next month the new head of President’s Chancellery will be prosecutor A.Zakis who previously took the post of international co-operation division prosecutor at Prosecutor General's Office. No announcement of the job opening was made as the President personally made the choice. A.Zakis has been working for General Prosecutor Office since the beginning of his career and

As of the next month the new head of Presidents Chancellery will be prosecutor A.Zakis who previously took the post of international co-operation division prosecutor at Prosecutor General's Office. No announcement of the job opening was made as the President personally made the choice. A.Zakis has been working for General Prosecutor Office since the beginning of his career and Diena informs that in the 80-ies he was in charge of national dissident cases. He was a prosecutor also in Kalejs (war crime suspect) case. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Last three months the total number of the residents in Latvia who would vote for joining the EU if the referendum takes place now has dropped. The social poll was carried out by Market and Public Opinion Research Centre on the request of European Integration Bureau. In February 41,4% of the inquired persons would vote for Latvia’s membership in the EU, 32,7% would vote against and 26% (it is 5.5% more than the last month) were not certain about their position. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

Last three months the total number of the residents in Latvia who would vote for joining the EU if the referendum takes place now has dropped. The social poll was carried out by Market and Public Opinion Research Centre on the request of European Integration Bureau. In February 41,4% of the inquired persons would vote for Latvias membership in the EU, 32,7% would vote against and 26% (it is 5.5% more than the last month) were not certain about their position. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Respublika

The parties spend almost the same amount of money for municipal election promotion campaigns as for previous Saeima election, but one deputy mandate at Riga City Council “costs” twice as much as a seat in Saeima. The cost of the seat in Riga Council varies from LVL 500 to 60 000 – for Latvia’s Way it is LVL 62 000, People’s Party – 55 000, FF/LNNK – 19 090, Social Democrats – 7142, FHRUL – 1200, Christian Democratic Party – 500.

The parties spend almost the same amount of money for municipal election promotion campaigns as for previous Saeima election, but one deputy mandate at Riga City Council costs twice as much as a seat in Saeima. The cost of the seat in Riga Council varies from LVL 500 to 60 000 – for Latvias Way it is LVL 62 000, Peoples Party – 55 000, FF/LNNK – 19 090, Social Democrats – 7142, FHRUL – 1200, Christian Democratic Party – 500. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja

President V.Vike-Freiberga together with the minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development and Agriculture are on three-day official visit to Lithuania.

President V.Vike-Freiberga together with the minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development and Agriculture are on three-day official visit to Lithuania. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas

The possible candidates of Social Democrats to Riga Mayor post are G.Bojars and the current Social Democrats faction leader in Riga Council J.Gulbis. Some Social Democrats have expressed their dissatisfaction with “family business” in the party (J.Bojars is Social Democrat Party chairman and his son G.Bojars is the candidate of Social Democrats to the post of Riga Mayor).

The possible candidates of Social Democrats to Riga Mayor post are G.Bojars and the current Social Democrats faction leader in Riga Council J.Gulbis. Some Social Democrats have expressed their dissatisfaction with family business in the party (J.Bojars is Social Democrat Party chairman and his son G.Bojars is the candidate of Social Democrats to the post of Riga Mayor). Neatkariga

Danish weekly newspaper

Danish weekly newspaper Weekendavisen writes that the Baltic countries are a test for NATO – it will show how far NATO is ready to go in confrontation with Russia. It is stressed that after some years of silence the issue about the acceptance of the Baltic States to NATO is again on the agenda. Neatkariga

Vesti Segodnja

gives its opinion on the development of the situation in Riga City Council. Social Democrats could agree to form coalition with the three ruling parties only on the conditions that they get involved in the big government and privatisation of large enterprises and the post of Riga mayor is taken by a social democrat, however, even all above mentioned gains could be too small compensation because if Social Democrats agree on this coalition they would lose at next Saeima election for sure. If Social Democrats form a coalition with FHRUL they would have to stand against a firm confrontation from the side of the Government. The newspaper sees that FHRUL is in the most favourable situation and informs that non-official consultations between Social Democrats and FHRUL have been launched yesterday. gives its opinion on the development of the situation in Riga City Council. Social Democrats could agree to form coalition with the three ruling parties only on the conditions that they get involved in the “big government and privatisation of large enterprises” and the post of Riga mayor is taken by a social democrat, however, even all above mentioned gains could be too small compensation because if Social Democrats agree on this coalition they would lose at next Saeima election for sure. If Social Democrats form a coalition with FHRUL they would have to stand against a firm confrontation from the side of the Government. The newspaper sees that FHRUL is in the most favourable situation and informs that non-official consultations between Social Democrats and FHRUL have been launched yesterday. Social Democrats faction in Saeima leader E.Baldzens said to

Social Democrats faction in Saeima leader E.Baldzens said to Vesti Segodnja that they do not exclude the possibility to form the government if it falls. As well as he confirmed that Social Democrats will co-operate with FHRUL, the question is just what kind of co-operation it will be.

marts 13, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The government coalition factions council Monday authorised Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party to inform Social Democrats that the ruling coalition regards the combination of the three ruling coalition parties and Social Democrats as the most optimal on the Riga city council.

The government coalition factions council Monday authorised Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party to inform Social Democrats that the ruling coalition regards the combination of the three ruling coalition parties and Social Democrats as the most optimal on the Riga city council.

The first discussions among the parties show that it will not be possible to form the position in Riga City Council without Social Democrats. However, Social Democrats did not accept the proposal of FF/LNNK to form a coalition of Social Democrats and three ruling right wing parties. LWSD party leader G.Bojars said that “we will find one main partner and let other parties to take part in decision taking”. Social Democrats will also have their candidate for the post of mayor, although they have not named anyone particular.

The first discussions among the parties show that it will not be possible to form the position in Riga City Council without Social Democrats. However, Social Democrats did not accept the proposal of FF/LNNK to form a coalition of Social Democrats and three ruling right wing parties. LWSD party leader G.Bojars said that we will find one main partner and let other parties to take part in decision taking. Social Democrats will also have their candidate for the post of mayor, although they have not named anyone particular. Diena

The fact that Social Democrats obtained positive results at the election not only in Riga, but also in the countryside shows that people believe and voted for the ideas of Social Democrats and not so much for the personalities on Social Democrats lists. However, the candidates for the posts of mayors mostly come from the lists of People’s party and LW. On average Social Democrats have won 2-3 seats at municipalities, including Ventspils municipality where Social Democrats have one seat and where previously ruled exclusively the list of Ventspils mayor A.Lembergs.

The fact that Social Democrats obtained positive results at the election not only in Riga, but also in the countryside shows that people believe and voted for the ideas of Social Democrats and not so much for the personalities on Social Democrats lists. However, the candidates for the posts of mayors mostly come from the lists of Peoples party and LW. On average Social Democrats have won 2-3 seats at municipalities, including Ventspils municipality where Social Democrats have one seat and where previously ruled exclusively the list of Ventspils mayor A.Lembergs. Diena, Neatkariga


sees only one possible coalition at Riga City Council – FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, Peoples Party and LW. The leader of Social Democrats said that the first discussion session with FF/LNNK was very promising and social democrats agreement to co-operate with FF/LNNK is of high probability. Peoples Party leader A.Skele is ready to join the coalition with Social Democrats. sees only one possible coalition at Riga City Council – FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, People’s Party and LW. The leader of Social Democrats said that the first discussion session with FF/LNNK was very promising and social democrats agreement to co-operate with FF/LNNK is of “high probability”. People’s Party leader A.Skele is ready to join the coalition with Social Democrats. Already before the election results were announced State Chancellery head M.Bondars informed about resigning from the post. M.Bondars is 44th on FF/LNNK list, however, he hopes that he is elected.

Already before the election results were announced State Chancellery head M.Bondars informed about resigning from the post. M.Bondars is 44th on FF/LNNK list, however, he hopes that he is elected. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas

Latvijas Vestnesis

interviews Central Electorate chairman A.Cimdars. When asked to give his judgement about the election, A.Cimdars says that the election were more colourful than the previous ones. Three types of the problems were established. First, violations of the Election Law, such as, the missing lists in Majori, one citizen cast vote without presenting the act of the Land Book and one person who is not a citizen cast vote at one of Riga polling districts. The second type of the problems relates to people dissatisfaction with the requirements of the law, such as, people asked why political campaigns were still aired on the day of election, however, it is the competence of the legislators. And the third problem – on the contrary to the last election, people showed very big interest in the pre-election materials, but as the last time a lot of complaints was received for wasting money on these materials, this time there was a shortage of them. The positive things about the election are that almost everywhere people had a choice of different candidate lists and that the turnout of the election was good. interviews Central Electorate chairman A.Cimdars. When asked to give his judgement about the election, A.Cimdars says that the election were more “colourful” than the previous ones. Three types of the problems were established. First, violations of the Election Law, such as, the missing lists in Majori, one citizen cast vote without presenting the act of the Land Book and one person who is not a citizen cast vote at one of Riga polling districts. The second type of the problems relates to people dissatisfaction with the requirements of the law, such as, people asked why political campaigns were still aired on the day of election, however, it is the competence of the legislators. And the third problem – on the contrary to the last election, people showed very big interest in the pre-election materials, but as the last time a lot of complaints was received for wasting money on these materials, this time there was a shortage of them. The positive things about the election are that almost everywhere people had a choice of different candidate lists and that the turnout of the election was good. Yesterday the CoM Committee adopted the draft of the directive providing that all Russia’s citizens travelling by train through Latvia in transit will have to have transit visas. The decision was justified with the recent actions of Russia’s national bolshevists who entered Latvia travelling by train in transit. It should be noted that it will generate a serious profit in the state budget as Russia’s trains are daily routing in the territory of Latvia.

Yesterday the CoM Committee adopted the draft of the directive providing that all Russias citizens travelling by train through Latvia in transit will have to have transit visas. The decision was justified with the recent actions of Russias national bolshevists who entered Latvia travelling by train in transit. It should be noted that it will generate a serious profit in the state budget as Russias trains are daily routing in the territory of Latvia. Chas, Latvijas Vestnesis, Respublika

The leaders of the parties give their opinions about the results of the election. All of them agree that the results are the evidence that the people of Latvia want to change something. FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats is satisfied with results and thinks that the positive results in Riga were received thanks to A.Argalis. Prime Minister A.Berzins says that the election results for Latvia’s Way are satisfactory and also comes to conclusion that the personalities of candidates played important role. Ventspils’ Mayor A.Lembergs states that the society went for the leftists because the ruling parties have realised unsuccessful economical policy.

The leaders of the parties give their opinions about the results of the election. All of them agree that the results are the evidence that the people of Latvia want to change something. FF/LNNK chairman M.Grinblats is satisfied with results and thinks that the positive results in Riga were received thanks to A.Argalis. Prime Minister A.Berzins says that the election results for Latvias Way are satisfactory and also comes to conclusion that the personalities of candidates played important role. Ventspils Mayor A.Lembergs states that the society went for the leftists because the ruling parties have realised unsuccessful economical policy. Neatkariga

Last week the Saeima turned down the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minority Rights not only because Latvia is not able to implement the requirements of the Convention, but also, because the term national minority is not defined in any regulations, laws or conventions.

Last week the Saeima turned down the proposal of FHRUL to ratify the Framework Convention on National Minority Rights not only because Latvia is not able to implement the requirements of the Convention, but also, because the term national minority is not defined in any regulations, laws or conventions. Lauku Avize gives the explanation of the term in the United States and some western countries. Latvia has tried to define the term and there are two main approaches – one suggests to include in the term only citizens of other nationalities; the other states that the term should be applied to both citizens and non-citizens if they are of other nationalities. Another firmer approach is that a national minority term should be applied to those nationalities which do not have their own country, such as, Romanians, or nationalities, which have lived in Latvia for centuries, such as Polish, Lithuanians also a part of Russians. In fact, Latvia should not rush with the ratification, as some member states of the EU have not ratified it either.

Yesterday FHRUL distributed a short thank you- analytical note for people who voted for FHRUL signed by J.Jurkans, T.Zdanok and A.Rubiks.

Yesterday FHRUL distributed a short thank you- analytical note for people who voted for FHRUL signed by J.Jurkans, T.Zdanok and A.Rubiks. Chas, Panorama Latvii


writes that the most possible coalition is FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, LW and Green Party. In newspapers opinion FHRUL and Peoples Party are not in such favourable conditions. The reproaches and attacks of Peoples Party leader A.Skele to Social Democrats in 1997 and 1998 are not forgotten and co-operation between the two parties is possible only if A.Skele apologises in public. Also Social Democrats are in a tricky situation – it is almost impossible that they form coalition with FHRUL, however, if they form a coalition with FF/LNNK and LW, Social Democrats will have to take a part of responsibility for their deeds when comes Saeima election. writes that the most possible coalition is FF/LNNK, Social Democrats, LW and Green Party. In newspaper’s opinion FHRUL and People’s Party are not in such favourable conditions. The reproaches and attacks of People’s Party leader A.Skele to Social Democrats in 1997 and 1998 are not forgotten and co-operation between the two parties is possible only if A.Skele apologises in public. Also Social Democrats are in a tricky situation – it is almost impossible that they form coalition with FHRUL, however, if they form a coalition with FF/LNNK and LW, Social Democrats will have to take a part of responsibility for their deeds when comes Saeima election. The members of FHRUL say, “One more election and all politicians will speak Russian and not with the aim to attract Russian-speaking voters but because the political situation in the country will change”. The most popular persons of FHRUL are satisfied with the results and are ready to co-operate with any political powers.

The members of FHRUL say, One more election and all politicians will speak Russian and not with the aim to attract Russian-speaking voters but because the political situation in the country will change. The most popular persons of FHRUL are satisfied with the results and are ready to co-operate with any political powers. Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

writes that the loss of LW at the municipal election is the beginning of the governmental crisis. In any case the result for LW will be the loss of power - if LW is invited to co-operate with Social Democrats and FF/LNNK at Riga City Council, it is just an additional headache for them as thus LW betrays their ideological partners Peoples Party which do not have any hopes to be in the coalition, but if LW stays in the opposition at Riga Council, then the close co-operation of FF/LNNK with Social Democrats will be not only at Riga Council but also at the Saeima. After the fall of the Government there are two solutions for the right wing parties. First, LW and Peoples Party invites FHRUL to form the government and thus their loss at the next Saeima election is definite. Another solution – form the coalition which could be like the forecasted coalition at Riga Council – Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and LW, however, in that case LW will not be given very important posts. This solution does not satisfy all parties of 7th Saeima and in this case it is better to start from the scratch, that is, extraordinary Saeima elections. writes that the loss of LW at the municipal election is the beginning of the governmental crisis. In any case the result for LW will be the loss of power - if LW is invited to co-operate with Social Democrats and FF/LNNK at Riga City Council, it is just “an additional headache for them” as thus LW betrays their ideological partners People’s Party which do not have any hopes to be in the coalition, but if LW stays in the opposition at Riga Council, then the close co-operation of FF/LNNK with Social Democrats will be not only at Riga Council but also at the Saeima. After the fall of the Government there are two solutions for the right wing parties. First, LW and People’s Party invites FHRUL to form the government and thus their loss at the next Saeima election is definite. Another solution – form the coalition which could be like the forecasted coalition at Riga Council – Social Democrats, FF/LNNK and LW, however, in that case LW will not be given very important posts. This solution does not satisfy all parties of 7th Saeima and in this case it is better to start from the scratch, that is, extraordinary Saeima elections. Saeima deputy social democrat I.Burvis says that the victory of Social Democrats is “development of our success”, however, he admits that it is possible that Social Democrats will be in the opposition if 3 ruling parties are able to come to an agreement. I.Burvis says that in fact they were hoping for 20-22 seats at Riga Council. In regard to the possibility to co-operate with FHRUL he says, “never say never”.

Saeima deputy social democrat I.Burvis says that the victory of Social Democrats is development of our success, however, he admits that it is possible that Social Democrats will be in the opposition if 3 ruling parties are able to come to an agreement. I.Burvis says that in fact they were hoping for 20-22 seats at Riga Council. In regard to the possibility to co-operate with FHRUL he says, never say never. Panorama Latvii.

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