marts 30, 2005

  • MP Janis Urbanovics talks about societal integration in Latvia
  • Article about the implementation of bilingual education in the Aizkraukle Secondary School

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints an article by MP Janis Urbanovics (the Peoples Harmony Party) about societal integration issues in Latvia. According to Janis Urbanovics, majority of problems between Latvians and Russians are due to miscomprehensions fostered by ruling politicians. When asked to comment on protest actions against the minority education reform, the MP states that Russians do not protest against classes of the Latvian language, but against the intention to use Russian-language schools as an instrument to Latvianise Russians.

Latvijas Avize features an article about the implementation of bilingual education in the Aizkraukle Secondary School No 1. According to the newspaper, the school has no problems concerning the implementation the minority education reform because the school launched teaching with bilingual methods already 11 years ago. One of teachers, interviewed by Latvijas Avize, states that there are no differences observed in the level of students academic success irrespectively whether they study in one language or bilingually.

marts 29, 2005

  • Aigars Kalvitis: the government will develop amendments to the Citizenship Law which will prohibit grant of Latvian citizenship to ‘persons disloyal to Latvia
  • Article about the situation of Roma in Latvias job market
  • Interview with the Head of the Saeima National Security Committee Indulis Emsis
  • Head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs talks about intolerance in society
  • Interview with the film director Janis Streics and the deputy director of the Occupation Museum of Latvia Valters Nollendorfs about ethnic relations in Latvia

Vesti Segodnya sharply criticises the recent statements of the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis. In his interview with the Latvian Television the Prime Minister stated that ‘the government will develop amendments to the Citizenship Law, which will prohibit the grant of Latvian citizenship to persons disloyal to Latvia. Vesti Segodnya argues that the goal of these amendments is to deprive members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools of Latvian citizenship and to prevent the influx of new citizens. The representative of Latvia to the Councils of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Boris Cilevics comments that Europe will not permit that a state refuses to grant citizenship because of ideological or political reasons.

Diena prints an article about the situation of Roma in Latvias job market. Although the National Human Rights Bureau have received only few complaints about discrimination of Roma in the labour market, experts estimate that the official employment level of Roma in Latvia does not exceed 5%, besides in majority of cases Roma have low-paid and low-skilled jobs. The newspaper interviews the teacher of Roma origin Tamara Cica, who believes that employers are ill-disposed towards Roma. The teacher also mentions several cases when employers refused to employ Roma on the basis of their ethnicity. The researcher of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Dace Lukumiete states that it is difficult to prove that employers have refused to employ Roma because of their ethnic origin; however, no court cases on discrimination of Roma in the job market in Latvia have been initiated yet.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Head of the Saeima National Security Committee Indulis Emsis. When asked to comment on the situation concerning commemoration of WW II Latvian Legionnaires, he states that the goal of such actions is to incite to national hatred. According to Emsis, it is necessary to amend legislation so that the usage of communism and Nazi symbols would be banned and registration of some organisations, such as, national-Bolsheviks would not be possible.

Telegraf prints an interview with the head of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs about human rights situation in Latvia. When asked about the situation concerning tolerance in society, Kucs states that there are many radicals on both sides – Russians and Latvians, however only two court cases regarding incitement to national hatred have been initiated till now. He notes that the key reasons are that effective legal norms, which prohibit national hatred, do not work in practice and that legal norms of the Criminal Law stipulates that it should be proved that a person incited to national hatred intentionally. However, the Head of the Human Rights Institute warns that stricter norms and authorities may have side effects: restrictions on the freedom of expression and others. He suggests another solution how to deal with radical media and politicians: if a person has read an article aimed against other ethnicities, s/he should sue politician/media for defamation.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the film director Janis Streics and the deputy director of the Occupation Museum of Latvia Valters Nollendorfs about ethnic relations in Latvia and ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Janis Streics believes that the situation around the implementation of the minority education reform and the usage of the Russian language has been politically exaggerated. Valters Nollendorfs, however, believes that the number of persons, who do not feel anything common with this state, will lessen because of changes of generations. According to Nollendorfs, both Latvians and non-Latvians have to see themselves as members of one society. When asked to comment on ratification of the Framework Convention, Streics argues that Russians should not call themselves a national minority as they have their motherland by the Latvias border. Valters Nollendorfs believes that the Convention should be ratified with reservations and it should be applied only to those ethnic minorities who lived in pre-war Latvia.

marts 26, 2005

  • Diena engages into discussions on difficulties to register a child, whose one parent is a Latvian non-citizen
  • Latvijas Avize reports on the visit of the Latvian delegation to the Council of Europes Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee
  • Newspapers report on a planned visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia on 6 May

Diena engages into discussions on difficulties to register a child, whose one parent is a Latvian non-citizen and the other – a citizen of Russia. The daily looks into the case of the Deneiko family. At the moment the recently born child has an identification document which does not contain a personal code. The lack of the personal code means that a child is not entitled to receive state and municipal allowances, cannot apply for a place at kindergarten, etc. Officials of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office suggest childs parents to apply for Russian citizenship, then the child will receive the personal code, and afterwards they may renounce childs Russian citizenship and apply for Latvian. The mother states that she disagrees with the offered solution and argues that she does not want to experiment with her child as in practice there have not been such cases. While officials of the CMAO state that their biggest concern is to reduce the number of people without citizenship in the country. Integration experts and officials, however, note that citizens of another country, in particularly Russia, should not be artificially increased. The possible solution, which is also acceptable to the Deneiko family, is awarding the child a temporary personal code till his mother naturalises.

Latvijas Avize reports on the visit of the Latvian delegation to the Council of Europes Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee. During the Committees meeting naturalisation process, the implementation of the minority education reform and ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities were discussed. The Head of the Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins has recognised that the PACE may stop the post-monitoring of minority issues in Latvia if Latvia ratifies the Framework Convention.

Newspapers report on a planned visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia on 6 May. The foreign affairs experts interpret this visit as a clear and strong signal to Russia to stop interfering in the affairs of its neighbouring countries.

Newspapers report on a planned visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia on 6 May. The foreign affairs experts interpret this visit as a clear and strong signal to Russia to stop interfering in the affairs of its neighbouring countries. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas

marts 24, 2005

  • Vesti Segodnya interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane
  • Newspaper discuss commemoration of the Latvian Legionnaires Day
  • Chas features an article by historian Maija Karklina about growing tendencies of xenophobia in Latvia
  • Second set of municipal elections will be organised in Rezekne and Jurmala

Vesti Segodnya interviews the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. The newspaper states that although on one hand the picture concerning naturalisation looks optimistic – there are about 2,000 applicants a month, on the other hand about 22% of applicants do not pass the language test the first time. The Head of the Naturalisation Board states that the increasing number of applications is over the limits of the Boards capacity and also expresses her concern about insufficient language skills of applicants. She strictly objects to the journalists suggestion that naturalisation requirements should be eased arguing that the existing requirements are already too easy. She continues with referring to the statement of the British Ambassador who has said that after 6-8 weeks of studies any diplomat would be able to pass the Latvian language test at the required level. Eizenija Aldermane promises that no repressive measures will be taken against those applicants who are taking tests several times, however, she also notes that free of charge language courses should not be offered to all, including ones who are able to pay themselves.

Neatkariga Rita Avize prints the views of academician and deputy of the Riga City Council Janis Freimanis (the Peoples Party) on the commemoration of Latvian WW II legionnaires on 16 March. Janis Freimanis reproaches a number of politicians and media for not distinguishing between Russian and Latvian nationalists. He believes that ‘because we live in Latvia, only Latvian nationalists should be presented in the Latvias political spectrum. He also believes that politicians should not be ‘politically correct as it results in ‘the victory of red plague in the Riga City Council. While the columnist of Latvijas Avize Anda Lice points to the necessity to conduct studies about the role of the legion and make them available also for non-Latvians living in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Chas features an article by historian Maija Krumina about the situation concerning extremism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism. The historian argues that there are growing tendencies of extremism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in Latvia and that ‘Latvias ruling class and a big part of the Latvian electorate represent ideology of Latvian nationalism on a number of occasions, such as the demonstration of the Latvian II WW legionnaires, demands towards Russia to recognise the occupation of Latvia, etc. The author concludes that if ‘Latvians want to become real rulers in their country, they have to find courage to analyse their history without using any ideological myths and looking for inner enemies.

Newspapers report that in two cities – Rezekne and Jurmala – were established cases of the purchase of people’s votes in municipal elections; therefore in these cities the elections most probably will be held once again. The criminal cases concerning the purchase of votes in support for the party New Centre have been initiated in both cities. Yesterday the Administrative District Court cancelled the results of the municipal elections in Rezekne, while on 29 March the court will rule on the cancellation of the election results in Jurmala.

Newspapers report that in two cities – Rezekne and Jurmala – were established cases of the purchase of peoples votes in municipal elections; therefore in these cities the elections most probably will be held once again. The criminal cases concerning the purchase of votes in support for the party New Centre have been initiated in both cities. Yesterday the Administrative District Court cancelled the results of the municipal elections in Rezekne, while on 29 March the court will rule on the cancellation of the election results in Jurmala. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

marts 23, 2005

  • Study ‘Requirements of Latvias National Minorities Towards Guarantees for the Maintenance of Their Ethnic Identity conducted
  • Constitutional Court: amendments to the Law on former KGB staff do not contradict the Constitution of Latvia
  • Newspapers discuss Headquarters announcement to organise a protest meeting on 4 May
  • Aleksandrs Kirsteins: Latvia should promote repatriation of the Soviet armys officers to their motherland
  • Newspapers continue discussions about possible dismissal of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the lecturer of the International University of Practical Psychology Ludmila Baranova about the impact of bilingual education
Public policy portal

Public policy portal publishes a study ‘Requirements of Latvias National Minorities Towards Guarantees for the Maintenance of Their Ethnic Identity conducted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The study provides views of Latvias minorities – Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews – about their ethno-cultural identity and requirements and pre-requisites for maintenance of their identity in relation to ratification of the Councils of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the study, the majority of socially active representatives of these minorities believe that lingering with the Conventions ratification is a refusal to grant the implementation of overall international norms. Furthermore, the refusal to ratify the Convention brings about instability among non-Latvian citizens. The authors of the study also provide recommendations regarding ratification of the Convention and formation of public opinion in this area. For full text of the study (available only in Latvian) see here.

Yesterday the Constitutional Court announced the judgement in the case initiated on the basis of the application submitted by 20 MPs who challenged the amendments to the law On the Preservation, Usage of Documents of the Former State Security Committee (KGB) and Establishment of the Fact of Person’s Collaboration with KGB. The challenged amendments stipulated the extension of the time limit for the establishment of the fact of collaboration with the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia, which would mean that ex-staff of KGB would not be able to hold offices in the state security institutions, civil service and stand for elections for the next 10 years. The Court ruled that the challenged amendments fully comply with the Constitution and the Convention and that they do not restrict person’s fundamental freedoms as such.

Yesterday the Constitutional Court announced the judgement in the case initiated on the basis of the application submitted by 20 MPs who challenged the amendments to the law On the Preservation, Usage of Documents of the Former State Security Committee (KGB) and Establishment of the Fact of Persons Collaboration with KGB. The challenged amendments stipulated the extension of the time limit for the establishment of the fact of collaboration with the State Security Committee of the Soviet Republic of Latvia, which would mean that ex-staff of KGB would not be able to hold offices in the state security institutions, civil service and stand for elections for the next 10 years. The Court ruled that the challenged amendments fully comply with the Constitution and the Convention and that they do not restrict persons fundamental freedoms as such. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

Latvijas Avize features a commentary by Aija Calite who sharply criticizes the initiative of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools and the United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia to organise a mass meeting near the Monument of Freedom on 4 May. Aija Calite believes that the goal of this meeting is to incite hatred in Latvian national patriots, which would result in mass insurgencies. Vesti Segodnya features a full text of the Headquarters statement, calling to participate in the meeting. The authors of the statement demand immediate ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities without any reservations and that the Convention would apply to all non-Latvians residing in the territory of Latvia. The Headquarters also demand to amended the Law on the State Language and the Law on Education so that national minorities would have a possibility to choose a language of instruction at school as well as to use their languages in communication with municipal authorities and on street signs in all areas where minorities live in substantial numbers. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

After the meeting of Foreign Affairs Committee’s representatives with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins stated ‘Latvia should foster discussions with Russia on the promotion of repatriation of former Soviet army’s officers to their motherland.’

After the meeting of Foreign Affairs Committees representatives with the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins stated ‘Latvia should foster discussions with Russia on the promotion of repatriation of former Soviet armys officers to their motherland. Vesti Segodnya reports that ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities was also discussed in the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee with the Latvian President. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers continue discussions about the eligibility of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (People’s Party) to hold his post. Newspapers refer to statements of the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks who said that the statements of Aleksandrs Kirsteins regarding national minorities disturbs ministry’s work and state’s diplomatic manoeuvres. The Head of People’s Party Parliamentary Group Janis Lagzdins stated that the future of Kirsteins in his post depends on his ability to become more diplomatic.

Newspapers continue discussions about the eligibility of the Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Aleksandrs Kirsteins (Peoples Party) to hold his post. Newspapers refer to statements of the Foreign Affairs Minister Artis Pabriks who said that the statements of Aleksandrs Kirsteins regarding national minorities disturbs ministrys work and states diplomatic manoeuvres. The Head of Peoples Party Parliamentary Group Janis Lagzdins stated that the future of Kirsteins in his post depends on his ability to become more diplomatic. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the lecturer of the International University of Practical Psychology Ludmila Baranova about the impact of bilingual education on childrens development. Ludmila Baranova, referring to the studies conducted in the USA, states that if a child studies bilingually, s/he does not acquire deep knowledge of a subject. According to lecturer, it is also proved that some subjects, for example mathematics or philosophy, should not be taught bilingually.

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