marts 26, 2002



Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh is on a visit to Latvia.

Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh is on a visit to Latvia. Diena informs that she was shocked over appeal voiced last week by OSCE official Gerard Stoudmann to Latvia to consider granting Russian language status of the second state language in Latvia. She reaffirmed the question on bilingualism in Latvia is not a European Union requirement either from the part of member countries or institutions. Lindh said Sweden like many other EU member countries has only one state language and, the state language issue "fully rests with Latvia". She also voiced satisfaction over proposals expressed by the Latvian government concerning amendments to the Election Law. It shows "Latvia is meeting all requirements to become a full-fledged EU member country". Lindh added that after accession to the EU, Latvia, like other EU member countries, will be able to use Latvian language in the EU work. Neatkariga, Chas, Telegraf

The number of the applications for naturalization in February has remained at the same high level as in January and even exceeded the total of January’s applications for 50 applications. It could be explained by the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign run by the Naturalization Board.

The number of the applications for naturalization in February has remained at the same high level as in January and even exceeded the total of Januarys applications for 50 applications. It could be explained by the Public Awareness and Citizenship Promotion Campaign run by the Naturalization Board. Diena

Following three years in the office the British ambassador to Latvia, Stephen Nash, has left the country while the new ambassador, Andrew Tesoriere, is expected arriving in Riga during the Easter Holidays.

Following three years in the office the British ambassador to Latvia, Stephen Nash, has left the country while the new ambassador, Andrew Tesoriere, is expected arriving in Riga during the Easter Holidays. Diena, Neatkariga

Lauku Avizes

editorial is by newspapers board chairperson Voldemar Krustins about the statement made by OSCE ODIHR director Stoudmann that Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of the state language. Krustins thinks that Latvia does not have any guarantees that more and more such statements will follow from NATO and the EU. editorial is by newspaper’s board chairperson Voldemar Krustins about the statement made by OSCE ODIHR director Stoudmann that Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of the state language. Krustins’ thinks that Latvia does not have any guarantees that more and more such statements will follow from NATO and the EU.

Vesti Segodnja

talks with political technologist, FHRUL member Jurij Petropavlovskij about the current political situation in Latvia. He believes that the recent statement by the OSCE official Stoudmann was a planned statement in order to see the response of Latvia. Regarding American Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlsons negative reaction to the statement Petropavlovskij says that it shows how these two parties – Europe and the USA - are trying to divide the spheres of influence. He also says that the politicians who protect the rights of national minorities in Latvia will act only in accordance with their intentions and convictions and not because they want to be good and right in the eyes western politicians. talks with political technologist, FHRUL member Jurij Petropavlovskij about the current political situation in Latvia. He believes that the recent statement by the OSCE official Stoudmann was a planned statement in order to see the response of Latvia. Regarding American Ambassador to Latvia Brian Carlson’s negative reaction to the statement Petropavlovskij says that it shows how these two parties – Europe and the USA - are trying to divide the spheres of influence. He also says that the politicians who protect the rights of national minorities in Latvia will act only in accordance with their intentions and convictions and not because they want to be good and right in the eyes western politicians.


journalist Aleksand Vasiljev comments the situation regarding the statement and the response to it. He writes the back luck of our politicians most probably was that they did not managed to work at Stoudmanns views and it seems that his views about the development of situation in Latvia are based on studies made by western countries. The journalist believes that Latvian politicians overreacted because they are afraid that such statements will follow more and more. journalist Aleksand Vasiljev comments the situation regarding the statement and the response to it. He writes “the back luck of our politicians most probably was that they did not managed to “work at” Stoudmann’s views and it seems that his views about the development of situation in Latvia are based on studies made by western countries”. The journalist believes that Latvian politicians overreacted because they are afraid that such statements will follow more and more.


criticizes the work of Society Integration Foundation. It writes that the Foundation becomes a simple feeding trough and does not solve any integration problems on a practical level. criticizes the work of Society Integration Foundation. It writes that “the Foundation becomes a simple feeding trough and does not solve any integration problems on a practical level”. ChasChas journalist Lebedeva criticizes the terms for granting Foundations money, in particular, that only NGOs or organizations that have partnership with NGOs can apply for Foundations as many establishments who deal with Russian culture at the given circumstances had to change their legal status and become limited companies. ’ journalist Lebedeva criticizes the terms for granting Foundation’s money, in particular, that only NGOs or organizations that have partnership with NGOs can apply for Foundation’s as many establishments who deal with Russian culture at the given circumstances had to change their legal status and become limited companies.

marts 25, 2002



A new political party, the Social Democrat Union, was founded in Latvia last Sunday. The party lists nearly 1,000 members. The party founder, MP Egils Baldzens, who recently quit the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party together with a group of associates, was elected as the Social Democrat Union chairman with 545 votes for and only four votes against.

A new political party, the Social Democrat Union, was founded in Latvia last Sunday. The party lists nearly 1,000 members. The party founder, MP Egils Baldzens, who recently quit the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party together with a group of associates, was elected as the Social Democrat Union chairman with 545 votes for and only four votes against. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii


interviews the first Ambassador of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Hugh Gerard Hamilton. The Ambassador believes that countries, including Latvia, can benefit from the presence of the Mission in it. The Ambassador shares with the information about the first days of the Mission in Latvia and the situation with national minorities in Latvia 8 years ago. He says that at those times a part of complaints coming from national minorities about their discrimination were grounded, but for another part of complainants the problems were more of psychological character. Gerard Hamilton admits that the Mission was criticized from both parties – the Russians and the Latvians. Gerard Hamilton voices that the problems Latvia was facing at the time when the OSCE Mission to Latvia was established are solved and now Latvia has to do everything to persuade people that it is truly interested in peoples problems and solving them. interviews the first Ambassador of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Hugh Gerard Hamilton. The Ambassador believes that countries, including Latvia, can benefit from the presence of the Mission in it. The Ambassador shares with the information about the first days of the Mission in Latvia and the situation with national minorities in Latvia 8 years ago. He says that at those times a part of complaints coming from national minorities about their discrimination were grounded, but for another part of complainants the problems were more of psychological character. Gerard Hamilton admits that the Mission was criticized from both parties – the Russians and the Latvians. Gerard Hamilton voices that the problems Latvia was facing at the time when the OSCE Mission to Latvia was established are solved and now Latvia has to do everything to persuade people that it is truly interested in people’s problems and solving them. Moscow believes the negative reaction by Latvia on remarks by OSCE official Gerard Stoudmann on granting state language status to Russian language in Latvia enlightens the very essence of the problem faced by Latvia's Russian speaker minority". The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement distributed on Saturday that while "insisting on existence of only one state language -- Latvian -- the Latvian authorities are unwilling to count with legal right of the massive in numbers Russian speaker minority to use its native tongue in line with Europe's standards". The Russian Foreign Ministry reminds that the international law grants the possibility to minorities to use their native tongue. "The fact that people are banned from internationally acknowledged right for, including "historic considerations", on which Latvian authorities insist, is clearly in contradiction with provisions under European convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as international pact on civic and political rights," the statement reads.

Moscow believes the negative reaction by Latvia on remarks by OSCE official Gerard Stoudmann on granting state language status to Russian language in Latvia enlightens the very essence of the problem faced by Latvia's Russian speaker minority". The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement distributed on Saturday that while "insisting on existence of only one state language -- Latvian -- the Latvian authorities are unwilling to count with legal right of the massive in numbers Russian speaker minority to use its native tongue in line with Europe's standards". The Russian Foreign Ministry reminds that the international law grants the possibility to minorities to use their native tongue. "The fact that people are banned from internationally acknowledged right for, including "historic considerations", on which Latvian authorities insist, is clearly in contradiction with provisions under European convention of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as international pact on civic and political rights," the statement reads. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

FHRUL officially announced about of the foundation of its youth organization. Its administrative secretary Ivan Stalnoj says that the organization is ready for broad and serious actions.


marts 23, 2002



 Amendments to Latvia's Election Law by dropping from it the requirement for election candidates to have top state language proficiency is not a precondition for Latvia's membership in NATO but a step which is important for the country itself, a United States official said. United States assistant secretary of state for Northern European countries, Heather A.Conley, expressed the opinion in an interview with Latvia's leading daily

Amendments to Latvia's Election Law by dropping from it the requirement for election candidates to have top state language proficiency is not a precondition for Latvia's membership in NATO but a step which is important for the country itself, a United States official said. United States assistant secretary of state for Northern European countries, Heather A.Conley, expressed the opinion in an interview with Latvia's leading daily Diena, published on Saturday. It is crucial for Latvia's future development regardless of membership in NATO or the European Union," said Conley. She said Latvia had done a lot of work in society integration -- adopted the Citizenship Law, set up Integration Foundation, reduced naturalization fees, implemented broad society information campaign about citizenship but nevertheless "work has never be completed in this sphere". She added that it would be a "very serious step towards reaching Latvia's political maturity therefore we hope it would be done as soon as it is politically possible". She said it would be important for Latvia to adopt the election law amendments before the parliament elections due this October "because we would not want to see citizens be divided in two classes -- those who can run for elections and those who can not. We simply hope it will be done sooner".

A woman has been detained in attempt to bribe members of the Naturalization Board Examination Commission to provide her have some assistance when taking naturalization examination.

A woman has been detained in attempt to bribe members of the Naturalization Board Examination Commission to provide her have some assistance when taking naturalization examination. Diena, Neatkariga


informs its audience with the main points of the speeches held at the conference The OSCE and Latvia: Past, Present and Future. informs its audience with the main points of the speeches held at the conference “The OSCE and Latvia: Past, Present and Future.”

Lauku Avize

publishes the accurate transcript of OSCE ODIHR Stoudmanns statement about considering granting Russian the status of the state language, as well as the responses of OSCE HCNM Rolf Ekeus American Ambassador Brian Carlson to the statement. The newspaper also publishes the after reaction of Stoudmann trying to explain that it was his personal stance and not official OSCEs view. publishes the accurate transcript of OSCE ODIHR Stoudmann’s statement about considering granting Russian the status of the state language, as well as the responses of OSCE HCNM Rolf Ekeus American Ambassador Brian Carlson to the statement. The newspaper also publishes the after reaction of Stoudmann trying to explain that it was his personal stance and not official OSCE’s view.

Lauku Avize

publishes considerations of a State Language inspector who believes that regulations on the implementation of the state language are not strict enough and have too many gaps. publishes considerations of a State Language inspector who believes that regulations on the implementation of the state language are not strict enough and have too many gaps. Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Polish presidents in a meeting in Vilnius focused on the Baltic states integration in NATO as well as common interests of the four countries while preparing for the European Union membership. The presidents believe the EU members and candidate countries should find a common dialogue on agriculture policy.

Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Polish presidents in a meeting in Vilnius focused on the Baltic states integration in NATO as well as common interests of the four countries while preparing for the European Union membership. The presidents believe the EU members and candidate countries should find a common dialogue on agriculture policy. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii

An OSCE official, who caused great commotion in Latvia after dropping a careless remark on the language issue in the Baltic state, has issued a statement saying that his words should not be taken as the official position by OSCE. The Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Gerard Stoudmann, said he had issued the statement "in order to correct misinterpretations of his remarks concerning the state language of Latvia," reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. Stoudmann, who Wednesday attended a conference in Riga, said Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of an official language in Latvia. Seeing the uproar his remarks had created, the OSCE official felt he had to respond to this. "The remarks I made yesterday should not be interpreted as a recommendation or an official position of the OSCE, or me questioning the status of Latvian as the only state language. Rather they should be seen as my personal reflection on the issue," said Stoudmann. "I wish to stress that my intention never was to suggest that Russian be made the second state language in Latvia, or that this issue was on the agenda," he claimed in the statement. "I am fully aware of the sensitivities surrounding the issue in Latvia. They are understandable in view of the country's history, and for the same reason I also understand, as I stated yesterday, the wish to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language and promote its use by the whole population of Latvia," said the OSCE official.

An OSCE official, who caused great commotion in Latvia after dropping a careless remark on the language issue in the Baltic state, has issued a statement saying that his words should not be taken as the official position by OSCE. The Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Gerard Stoudmann, said he had issued the statement "in order to correct misinterpretations of his remarks concerning the state language of Latvia," reported the Latvian Foreign Ministry. Stoudmann, who Wednesday attended a conference in Riga, said Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of an official language in Latvia. Seeing the uproar his remarks had created, the OSCE official felt he had to respond to this. "The remarks I made yesterday should not be interpreted as a recommendation or an official position of the OSCE, or me questioning the status of Latvian as the only state language. Rather they should be seen as my personal reflection on the issue," said Stoudmann. "I wish to stress that my intention never was to suggest that Russian be made the second state language in Latvia, or that this issue was on the agenda," he claimed in the statement. "I am fully aware of the sensitivities surrounding the issue in Latvia. They are understandable in view of the country's history, and for the same reason I also understand, as I stated yesterday, the wish to strengthen the Latvian language as the state language and promote its use by the whole population of Latvia," said the OSCE official. Chas, Rigas Balss

Vesti Segodnja comments on the situation stating that Latvia intentionally reacted to Stoudmann’s statements in such hysterical manner in order to draw away public and international community attention from the main problems concerning national minorities as “the attack is the best defense.”

Vesti Segodnja comments on the situation stating that Latvia intentionally reacted to Stoudmanns statements in such hysterical manner in order to draw away public and international community attention from the main problems concerning national minorities as the attack is the best defense.

marts 22, 2002



OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Rolf Ekeus, said he will not recommend Latvia to establish a second state language as he recognized Latvian as the only official language in the Baltic state. "... my position is that the one and only State language in Latvia is the Latvian language. The High Commissioner has never made, nor will I make, a recommendation to establish a second State language in Latvia," a spokesman for the commissioner quoted Ekeus as saying. "At the same time, the regulation of the use of language cannot be in violation of fundamental human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities," pointed out Ekeus. "I wish to underline that the establishment of a State language and promotion of its use, which I also support should not be at the expense of other languages. ... For example, the learning of the State language does not preclude the learning of a minority language, and vice versa," said the OSCE commissioner.

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Rolf Ekeus, said he will not recommend Latvia to establish a second state language as he recognized Latvian as the only official language in the Baltic state. "... my position is that the one and only State language in Latvia is the Latvian language. The High Commissioner has never made, nor will I make, a recommendation to establish a second State language in Latvia," a spokesman for the commissioner quoted Ekeus as saying. "At the same time, the regulation of the use of language cannot be in violation of fundamental human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to national minorities," pointed out Ekeus. "I wish to underline that the establishment of a State language and promotion of its use, which I also support should not be at the expense of other languages. ... For example, the learning of the State language does not preclude the learning of a minority language, and vice versa," said the OSCE commissioner.

Following the uproar in Latvia after Stoudmann's careless remark about making Russian the second official language in Latvia, the OSCE official made a statement Thursday, saying his words should not be taken as an official position or recommendation by the OSCE, and it was only his personal opinion.

Following the uproar in Latvia after Stoudmann's careless remark about making Russian the second official language in Latvia, the OSCE official made a statement Thursday, saying his words should not be taken as an official position or recommendation by the OSCE, and it was only his personal opinion.

The US ambassador to Latvia, Brian Carlson told

The US ambassador to Latvia, Brian Carlson told BNS that he was surprised when he heard comments made by Gerard Stoudman of the OSCE, who mentioned the need for considering the introduction of Russian as a second state language in Latvia, reported the US embassy in Riga. "I was surprised hearing about Gerard Stoudman's comments yesterday. I do not agree with him. On my behalf I can say that the US knows nothing about any demands that Latvia should have any other language than only Latvian as the state language. In this respect I would like to draw your attention to Rolf Ekeus' [OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities] clear and defined stance on this issue that he announced at the OSCE conference yesterday," said the US Ambassador.

The European Union (EU) presidency Thursday released a statement, saying it recognized Latvia's right to decide on the language issue on its own.

The European Union (EU) presidency Thursday released a statement, saying it recognized Latvia's right to decide on the language issue on its own. Latvijas Vestnesis, Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja publishes its opinion about the statement made by OSCE ODIHR Stoudmann and reaction of Latvian officials to that under the headline “Latvia Announces War to ..the OSCE?” The newspaper gives also the stance of some MPs.

Vesti Segodnja publishes its opinion about the statement made by OSCE ODIHR Stoudmann and reaction of Latvian officials to that under the headline Latvia Announces War to ..the OSCE? The newspaper gives also the stance of some MPs.


writes that Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried to influence writes that Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried to influence France Press France Press journalist who had recorded Stoudmanns statement. An official of Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the journalist and announced that Stoudmann could not voice such opinion. The journalist himself did not call it as a pressure. journalist who had recorded Stoudmann’s statement. An official of Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the journalist and announced that Stoudmann could not voice such opinion. The journalist himself did not call it as a pressure.


columnist Askolds Rodins comments the response of the Latvian officials to Stoudmanns statements: Latvia responded to the statement in extremely exaggerated manner and without self-respect, like a small brother.columnist Askolds Rodins comments the response of the Latvian officials to Stoudmann’s statements: “Latvia responded to the statement in extremely exaggerated manner and without self-respect, like a small brother”.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins interview on National Radio regarding OSCE ODIHR director Stoudmanns statement that Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of the official state language. The Prime Minister values the statement as highly irresponsible, however, he thinks that it should not increase the number of either EU or NATO skeptics, as OSCE ODIHR, which Stoudmann represents, is in no way linked to the above mentioned organizations. publishes Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins’ interview on National Radio regarding OSCE ODIHR director Stoudmann’s statement that Latvia should consider granting Russian the status of the official state language. The Prime Minister values the statement as highly irresponsible, however, he thinks that it should not increase the number of either EU or NATO skeptics, as OSCE ODIHR, which Stoudmann represents, is in no way linked to the above mentioned organizations. Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins met the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, in Geneva today and drew attention to the role of the Latvian language as the only state language in Latvia for the integration of the country's society. Berzins told BNS that he told Commissioner Robertson also of Latvia's positive supportive attitude towards national minorities. Latvia's foreign minister stated in the meeting that Latvia is the only territory in the world where the Latvian language may successfully develop, while the sustainability of the Russian language is by no means under threat, especially taking into account neighboring Russia and Latvia's positive attitude towards national minorities. Robertson completely supported the opinion voiced by Berzins on the important role of the Latvian language in integrating society, but urged that the requirements for high-level language proficiency for election candidates be scrapped from the Baltic state's election law. Speaking at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva today, Berzins underlined that the Latvian government's priority is the formating of an integrated society. He reported of the social integration program in Latvia, covering various sectors on language training and education, the work of the social integration foundation, and past public awareness campaigns on naturalization projects, reported the Foreign Ministry. Berzins also noted his gratitude to international organizations assisting the improvement of Latvia's legislation, and expressed pleasure over the closure of the OSCE mission in Riga at the end of last year. Berzins indicated Latvia's willingness to be an active participant in international processes and take part in solving global issues. This is proven by Latvia's participation in the UN Human Rights Commission between 1999 and 2001.

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins met the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, in Geneva today and drew attention to the role of the Latvian language as the only state language in Latvia for the integration of the country's society. Berzins told BNS that he told Commissioner Robertson also of Latvia's positive supportive attitude towards national minorities. Latvia's foreign minister stated in the meeting that Latvia is the only territory in the world where the Latvian language may successfully develop, while the sustainability of the Russian language is by no means under threat, especially taking into account neighboring Russia and Latvia's positive attitude towards national minorities. Robertson completely supported the opinion voiced by Berzins on the important role of the Latvian language in integrating society, but urged that the requirements for high-level language proficiency for election candidates be scrapped from the Baltic state's election law. Speaking at the 58th session of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva today, Berzins underlined that the Latvian government's priority is the formating of an integrated society. He reported of the social integration program in Latvia, covering various sectors on language training and education, the work of the social integration foundation, and past public awareness campaigns on naturalization projects, reported the Foreign Ministry. Berzins also noted his gratitude to international organizations assisting the improvement of Latvia's legislation, and expressed pleasure over the closure of the OSCE mission in Riga at the end of last year. Berzins indicated Latvia's willingness to be an active participant in international processes and take part in solving global issues. This is proven by Latvia's participation in the UN Human Rights Commission between 1999 and 2001.

marts 21, 2002



A total of 79 MPs supported the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language in the first reading. FHRUL deputies did not take part in the discussions and vote. Latvia’s Way called on other MPs to start discussions on lifting requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. FF/LNNK referred to the decision adopted at its party congress, which does not provide support to the abolishment of language requirement. However, the decision also says that the party will foster Latvia’s membership to NATO and the EU. FF/LNNK member, minister Roberts Zile in

A total of 79 MPs supported the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language in the first reading. FHRUL deputies did not take part in the discussions and vote. Latvias Way called on other MPs to start discussions on lifting requirement for election candidates from the Election Law. FF/LNNK referred to the decision adopted at its party congress, which does not provide support to the abolishment of language requirement. However, the decision also says that the party will foster Latvias membership to NATO and the EU. FF/LNNK member, minister Roberts Zile in Lauku Avize says that obviously FF/LNNK will be the only party which will vote against the abolishment of language requirement, however, we have to consider our special responsibility towards Latvia Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Lauku Avize, Vecernaja Riga, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Yesterday Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies held a conference “The OSCE and Latvia: Past, Present and Future” where high OSCE officials, Latvian and foreign politicians and international experts discussed the activities and contribution of the OSCE and its Mission to Latvia. One of the most topical and discussed issues was language requirement for election candidates in Latvian legislation. Foreign diplomats and politicians stressed that Latvia should lift language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law in order to join NATO. The statement of OSCE ODIHR Director Gerard Stoudmann that Latvia should grant Russian the status of the second state language has brought fuss and some incomprehension in Latvian society.

Yesterday Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies held a conference The OSCE and Latvia: Past, Present and Future where high OSCE officials, Latvian and foreign politicians and international experts discussed the activities and contribution of the OSCE and its Mission to Latvia. One of the most topical and discussed issues was language requirement for election candidates in Latvian legislation. Foreign diplomats and politicians stressed that Latvia should lift language requirement for election candidates from the Election Law in order to join NATO. The statement of OSCE ODIHR Director Gerard Stoudmann that Latvia should grant Russian the status of the second state language has brought fuss and some incomprehension in Latvian society. Diena and Telegraf say that latter on Gerard Stoudmann explained that he did not say that Russian should have the status of the state language, but only stimulated to note in some way that the Russian language exists, too. However, according to Telegraf, France Press journalist voices that he has recorded Stoudmanns statements where he says official status for the Russian language. Stoudmann also suggested to review the Law on Citizenship advising to grant Latvian citizenship to elderly people and disabled persons without any examinations. Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja.


editorial is regarding the statements made by Stoudmann about granting Russian the status of the state language. The newspaper notes that after some time Stoudmann denied that he had made such statement. The newspaper draws parallels between this case and similar case when the Commission of Europe Head Romano Prodi made similar statements afterwards also denied of making them. editorial is regarding the statements made by Stoudmann about granting Russian the status of the state language. The newspaper notes that after some time Stoudmann denied that he had made such statement. The newspaper draws parallels between this case and similar case when the Commission of Europe Head Romano Prodi made similar statements afterwards also denied of making them. TelegrafTelegraf believes that officials had made such statements intentionally to see the response of public. believes that officials had made such statements intentionally to see the response of public. Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and head of his Latvia's Way party parliament faction Kristiana Libane are indignant over appeal, expressed Wednesday by director of OSCE ODIHR to Latvia to consider granting Russian language status of official state language in Latvia, premier's spokesman told

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins and head of his Latvia's Way party parliament faction Kristiana Libane are indignant over appeal, expressed Wednesday by director of OSCE ODIHR to Latvia to consider granting Russian language status of official state language in Latvia, premier's spokesman told BNS. Arnis Lapins said Prime Minister Andris Berzins and faction head Kristiana Libane underscored "Latvian is and will be and will remain the only state language in Latvia". Both Berzins and Libane regard such a statement by Gerard Stoudmann as irresponsible. Berzins and Libane believe "that man [Stoudmann] who is in Latvia for the first time, obviously, does not understand what he is saying. They believe Stoudmann should resign from his office", said Lapins. Therefore the Prime Minister asked organizers of the conference provide exact information about the official position of both Stoudmann and OSCE High Commissioner Rolf Ekeus concerning the language issue. Lapins said "as the conference organizers affirm, Stoudmann said one thing in the official part of the conference and completely another to journalists." Stoudmann Wednesday called on Latvia to consider granting Russian language status of official state language in Latvia. "Having two state languages would reflect the de facto reality -- look at the news stands and posters in the streets where you see Cyrillic text -- why not confirm it de jure? One shouldn't get paranoid about this," he told journalists. But at the close of the conference he underscored that the opinion he voiced is neither OSCE opinion, nor recommendation and has nothing to do with today's situation but with the future perspective. He also said his remarks were meant in long-term context saying he understands the wish of many of Latvia's politicians to strengthen the Latvian language but hopes the state language issue will lose its dramatic qualities in a longer term and will not be seen as a problem any more. BNS

Remarks by the Director of OSCE ODIHR Gerard Stoudmann, about granting Russian the status of the second state language in Latvia, which he made to several reporters, do not comply with OSCE language policy, which says that every country is free to choose its state language and preserve its culture, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and ex-Prime Minister of Sweden, U.N.Envoy Carl Bildt said during the discussion "Baltic Issue", aired live by Latvian Independent Television LNT last evening. Bildt, who himself attended the conference on the OSCE and Latvia’s cooperation yesterday, said that no such proposals had been made during Stoudmann's speech, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus had also said this was not OSCE's stance. According to the President, such a statement, if it indeed was made, can only be regarded as Stoudmann's personal viewpoint, which has nothing to do with the actual situation. Latvia has been doing everything in its power so that the situation complies with international requirements, Vike-Freiberga stressed.

Remarks by the Director of OSCE ODIHR Gerard Stoudmann, about granting Russian the status of the second state language in Latvia, which he made to several reporters, do not comply with OSCE language policy, which says that every country is free to choose its state language and preserve its culture, President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and ex-Prime Minister of Sweden, U.N.Envoy Carl Bildt said during the discussion "Baltic Issue", aired live by Latvian Independent Television LNT last evening. Bildt, who himself attended the conference on the OSCE and Latvias cooperation yesterday, said that no such proposals had been made during Stoudmann's speech, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus had also said this was not OSCE's stance. According to the President, such a statement, if it indeed was made, can only be regarded as Stoudmann's personal viewpoint, which has nothing to do with the actual situation. Latvia has been doing everything in its power so that the situation complies with international requirements, Vike-Freiberga stressed. LETA

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins has told BNS that he hopes the statements made by the director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights concerning official language status for Russian in Latvia is a misunderstanding. Berzins said that neither NATO country nor EU official, nor any organization - be it NATO, the OSCE or any other - has ever proposed such an idea. And this, according to Berzins, is understandable, as introducing bilingualism in Latvia would mean "the destruction of everything we have done in the past ten years in relation to both social integration and other issues." "Everybody has the right to voice his opinion and the Foreign Ministry regards these remarks by Stoudmann as "unsuccessful impromptu" considering how fast he was correcting his earlier remarks," said Latvian MoFA. Citing support to Latvian as the only state language in Latvia, expressed by OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Rolf Ekeus, the Foreign Ministry points out that only the commissioner is "entitled to give recommendations" and the OSCE has not issued any recommendations whatsoever concerning this issue.

Latvia's Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins has told BNS that he hopes the statements made by the director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights concerning official language status for Russian in Latvia is a misunderstanding. Berzins said that neither NATO country nor EU official, nor any organization - be it NATO, the OSCE or any other - has ever proposed such an idea. And this, according to Berzins, is understandable, as introducing bilingualism in Latvia would mean "the destruction of everything we have done in the past ten years in relation to both social integration and other issues." "Everybody has the right to voice his opinion and the Foreign Ministry regards these remarks by Stoudmann as "unsuccessful impromptu" considering how fast he was correcting his earlier remarks," said Latvian MoFA. Citing support to Latvian as the only state language in Latvia, expressed by OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities Rolf Ekeus, the Foreign Ministry points out that only the commissioner is "entitled to give recommendations" and the OSCE has not issued any recommendations whatsoever concerning this issue.


informs that the representatives of some local Daugavpils mass media were not allowed to enter the congress of political organization Latgales Light, which took place on Saturday in Daugavpils. informs that the representatives of some local Daugavpil’s mass media were not allowed to enter the congress of political organization Latgale’s Light, which took place on Saturday in Daugavpils. People’s Party MP Vaira Paegle comments on the situation regarding language requirement for election candidates and President’s initiative to abolish it. She believes that the current situation is the outcome of unprofessional foreign policy realized by Latvia and that the biggest mistake was that the State President made the promise that requirements will be abolished as in fact only the Saeima has rights to amend laws. In her opinion, now Latvia has no way out and has to lift requirement to save good reputation of Latvia.

Peoples Party MP Vaira Paegle comments on the situation regarding language requirement for election candidates and Presidents initiative to abolish it. She believes that the current situation is the outcome of unprofessional foreign policy realized by Latvia and that the biggest mistake was that the State President made the promise that requirements will be abolished as in fact only the Saeima has rights to amend laws. In her opinion, now Latvia has no way out and has to lift requirement to save good reputation of Latvia. Lauku Avize

The round table discussions among the representatives of Latvia and United Kingdom about Latvia’s aspirations to NATO organized by British Association for Central and East Europe took place in the Saeima.

The round table discussions among the representatives of Latvia and United Kingdom about Latvias aspirations to NATO organized by British Association for Central and East Europe took place in the Saeima. Laiku Avize

Lauku Avize

talks to Jelgava Municipality Mayor about the situation concerning education and society integration in Jelgava. The Mayor says although one of Jelgavas Russian schools protested against transfer of Russian secondary schools to education in Latvian as a sole instruction language, Jelgava will fully implement education reform in 2004. talks to Jelgava Municipality Mayor about the situation concerning education and society integration in Jelgava. The Mayor says although one of Jelgava’s Russian schools protested against transfer of Russian secondary schools to education in Latvian as a sole instruction language, Jelgava will fully implement education reform in 2004.
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