marts 29, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Society and political circles in Estonia are less split than in Latvia, Latvian parliament human rights and public affairs committee chairman told a news conference Wednesday. Antons Seiksts was speaking on return of the committee MPs from a visit in Tallinn. He said that in Estonia differences between ethnic Estonians and people of other nationalities are less perceptible and, the opposition MPs in Estonian parliament are much more constructive in their work. Seiksts said that in practical matters Estonians are much more flexible towards people of other nationalities. For example, Estonia has state financed Russian radio and the entire legislation is automatically being translated not only into English language but also into Russian. A.Seiksts also wanted to stress the role of the Russian mass media in Estonia – they are constructive and politically alienated. Committee MP Viola Lazo meanwhile said Estonians have all the time been a small step ahead of Latvia in society integration and had granted citizenship to people who were loyal towards formation of the Estonian state. Lazo stressed integration is a bilateral process and therefore the wish to integrate should be created both for Latvians and people of other nationalities. "Nobody wants to go along the golden middle because extremities are of more political advantage," she said. Lazo added that in numerous areas of integration Latvia has done a lot more than Estonia but Estonia has succeeded in better presenting its achievements both at home and internationally. Committee MP Juris Vidins said he feels convinced after the visit in Estonia that financial resources help to solve a lot of problems. "Estonia has the same problems we have but bigger financial resources, granted for the integration, help to smooth soaring matters", said Vidins. Committee MP Miroslavs Mitrofanovs said his impressions about the processes in Estonia are contradictory. On the one hand, Estonians are more tolerant towards people of other nationalities, for example, in the area of education. But a negative impression is created by the fact that integration achievements, which are being declared quite often, differ from what is actually implemented in life, for example, people of other nationalities are rarely involved in implementation of integration programs.

Society and political circles in Estonia are less split than in Latvia, Latvian parliament human rights and public affairs committee chairman told a news conference Wednesday. Antons Seiksts was speaking on return of the committee MPs from a visit in Tallinn. He said that in Estonia differences between ethnic Estonians and people of other nationalities are less perceptible and, the opposition MPs in Estonian parliament are much more constructive in their work. Seiksts said that in practical matters Estonians are much more flexible towards people of other nationalities. For example, Estonia has state financed Russian radio and the entire legislation is automatically being translated not only into English language but also into Russian. A.Seiksts also wanted to stress the role of the Russian mass media in Estonia – they are constructive and politically alienated. Committee MP Viola Lazo meanwhile said Estonians have all the time been a small step ahead of Latvia in society integration and had granted citizenship to people who were loyal towards formation of the Estonian state. Lazo stressed integration is a bilateral process and therefore the wish to integrate should be created both for Latvians and people of other nationalities. "Nobody wants to go along the golden middle because extremities are of more political advantage," she said. Lazo added that in numerous areas of integration Latvia has done a lot more than Estonia but Estonia has succeeded in better presenting its achievements both at home and internationally. Committee MP Juris Vidins said he feels convinced after the visit in Estonia that financial resources help to solve a lot of problems. "Estonia has the same problems we have but bigger financial resources, granted for the integration, help to smooth soaring matters", said Vidins. Committee MP Miroslavs Mitrofanovs said his impressions about the processes in Estonia are contradictory. On the one hand, Estonians are more tolerant towards people of other nationalities, for example, in the area of education. But a negative impression is created by the fact that integration achievements, which are being declared quite often, differ from what is actually implemented in life, for example, people of other nationalities are rarely involved in implementation of integration programs. Latvijas Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnja

The Social Democrats Wednesday in consultations with nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK offered the party to co-operate on the Riga city council and hold the post of a vice-mayor and head four committees, a Social Democrat board member said. Janis Dinevics said the Social Democrats offered the FF/LNNK to co-operate on the Riga city council and not to remain in the opposition. "We offered them concrete offices -- the post of vice-mayor and heading social, environment, property and security committees," said Dinevics. FF/LNNK had not provided an answer to the offer and pledged to discuss it within the party. FF/LNNK faction head on the city council, Janis Birks, told that the question about the possible co-operation with Social Democrats "remains open" and will be considered at the party's board meeting on Thursday, however, neither he nor the former Riga Mayor Argalis took part in these discussion.

The Social Democrats Wednesday in consultations with nationalist Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK offered the party to co-operate on the Riga city council and hold the post of a vice-mayor and head four committees, a Social Democrat board member said. Janis Dinevics said the Social Democrats offered the FF/LNNK to co-operate on the Riga city council and not to remain in the opposition. "We offered them concrete offices -- the post of vice-mayor and heading social, environment, property and security committees," said Dinevics. FF/LNNK had not provided an answer to the offer and pledged to discuss it within the party. FF/LNNK faction head on the city council, Janis Birks, told that the question about the possible co-operation with Social Democrats "remains open" and will be considered at the party's board meeting on Thursday, however, neither he nor the former Riga Mayor Argalis took part in these discussion. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti Segodnja, Lauku Avize

The new Russian ambassador I.Studennikov’s first official visit was to the Soviet Soldiers Monument. The ambassador stressed the important role of Russia in fighting against Nazis and when asked about the first impressions about Latvia he said he would give a press conference a little bit later.

The new Russian ambassador I.Studennikovs first official visit was to the Soviet Soldiers Monument. The ambassador stressed the important role of Russia in fighting against Nazis and when asked about the first impressions about Latvia he said he would give a press conference a little bit later. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

marts 28, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Russia's new ambassador to Latvia, Igor Studennikov, Tuesday presented his credentials to Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The president voiced a hope talking to the new ambassador that his work will mark as new turn in bilateral relations between the two countries, which are "far from being exhausted". In her address the president said Latvia and Russia should assess their historic heritage. Vike-Freiberga also affirmed Latvia's readiness to become Russia's partner both at regional and global level.

Russia's new ambassador to Latvia, Igor Studennikov, Tuesday presented his credentials to Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The president voiced a hope talking to the new ambassador that his work will mark as new turn in bilateral relations between the two countries, which are "far from being exhausted". In her address the president said Latvia and Russia should assess their historic heritage. Vike-Freiberga also affirmed Latvia's readiness to become Russia's partner both at regional and global level. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Yesterday the new Riga City Council Mayor was elected – with marginal majority of the votes for (31 out of 60) G.Bojars (social democrat) was elected to the post, however, according to the preliminary agreements social democrats’ candidate had to receive 34 votes. There is no information who did not keep the promise. FHRUL member Dolgopolov was elected to the post of the deputy with 41 votes for and 19 against. Although the outcome of the vote for Dolgopolov indicated that at least three representatives from coalition government parties had voted in favour of the leftist nominee, spokesmen from all three ruling coalition partners maintained that their parties had voted against Dolgopolov. Andris Argalis, a city council member from Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party, told that his party had voted against Dolgopolov. Argalis suggested, however, that votes in favour of the leftist candidate had been cast by "one of the ruling parties which lays great hopes to that wing."

Yesterday the new Riga City Council Mayor was elected – with marginal majority of the votes for (31 out of 60) G.Bojars (social democrat) was elected to the post, however, according to the preliminary agreements social democrats candidate had to receive 34 votes. There is no information who did not keep the promise. FHRUL member Dolgopolov was elected to the post of the deputy with 41 votes for and 19 against. Although the outcome of the vote for Dolgopolov indicated that at least three representatives from coalition government parties had voted in favour of the leftist nominee, spokesmen from all three ruling coalition partners maintained that their parties had voted against Dolgopolov. Andris Argalis, a city council member from Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party, told that his party had voted against Dolgopolov. Argalis suggested, however, that votes in favour of the leftist candidate had been cast by "one of the ruling parties which lays great hopes to that wing."

G.Bojars had intended to have three vice-mayors and offered one of those offices to FF/LNNK and one to small parties, which secured for him the mayor's office. FF/LNNK rejected the offer and submitted a proposal about the mayor having only one vice-mayor. Social Democrats said it was "a provocation" and claimed that the proposal lacked legal effect due to a number of details.

G.Bojars had intended to have three vice-mayors and offered one of those offices to FF/LNNK and one to small parties, which secured for him the mayor's office. FF/LNNK rejected the offer and submitted a proposal about the mayor having only one vice-mayor. Social Democrats said it was "a provocation" and claimed that the proposal lacked legal effect due to a number of details. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Political scientists provide their considerations about the durance and stability of the current situation at Riga City Council. The major threats to its stability are the fact that “coalition” is formed of too many representatives, social democrats lack city administrative skills and Social Democrats leader J.Bojars has authoritative governance style.

Political scientists provide their considerations about the durance and stability of the current situation at Riga City Council. The major threats to its stability are the fact that coalition is formed of too many representatives, social democrats lack city administrative skills and Social Democrats leader J.Bojars has authoritative governance style. Neatkariga

The formation of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission has been completed and the commission is ready to start working, said commission co-chairman, Latvian transportation minister Anatolijs Gorbunovs. They agree that the formation of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission has been completed and the commission is ready to start work, said commission co-chairman, Latvian transportation minister Anatolijs Gorbunovs. After the meeting with Russian co-chairman Alexander Blokhin, the minister for ethnic affairs, on Tuesday in Moscow Gorbunovs told reporters that the Russian party had finally established task forces and the commission could begin drafting the agreement. During this year it is planned to sign two important agreements – one in the field of customs and the other regarding pensions export between the two countries.

The formation of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission has been completed and the commission is ready to start working, said commission co-chairman, Latvian transportation minister Anatolijs Gorbunovs. They agree that the formation of Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission has been completed and the commission is ready to start work, said commission co-chairman, Latvian transportation minister Anatolijs Gorbunovs. After the meeting with Russian co-chairman Alexander Blokhin, the minister for ethnic affairs, on Tuesday in Moscow Gorbunovs told reporters that the Russian party had finally established task forces and the commission could begin drafting the agreement. During this year it is planned to sign two important agreements – one in the field of customs and the other regarding pensions export between the two countries. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Chas, Respublika

The Latvian government Tuesday cancelled the agreement with Russia under which Russian citizens were not required to obtain visas to cross Latvia in transit by railway. The Latvian Foreign Ministry said the agreement had to be annulled due to the European Union (EU) requirements.

Diena, Neatkariga, Chas Yesterday the Government postponed the revision of the ID card introduction in Latvia.

Yesterday the Government postponed the revision of the ID card introduction in Latvia. Neatkariga


talks with I.Staljnoj, the leader of the youth movement that organised the meeting in defence of the rights of Russians to study in the Russian language on 9 March. In his opinion, all subjects have to be taught in Russian otherwise Russian students would not be able to compete with Latvian students, however, the Latvian should be taught on higher level at schools. talks with I.Staljnoj, the leader of the youth movement that organised the meeting in defence of the rights of Russians to study in the Russian language on 9 March. In his opinion, all subjects have to be taught in Russian otherwise Russian students would not be able to compete with Latvian students, however, the Latvian should be taught on higher level at schools.

marts 27, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Igor Studennikov, the new Russian Ambassador to Latvia, met the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. Both officials discussed the work of the inter-governmental commission and the expected meeting of both commission heads in Moscow this week. Both minister and ambassador agreed that work on the expanding of agreement groundwork must continue with experts working legislative projects of economic, social and educational spheres etc. Consulting opportunities between the Russian and Latvian foreign ministry experts were also discussed.

Igor Studennikov, the new Russian Ambassador to Latvia, met the Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday. Both officials discussed the work of the inter-governmental commission and the expected meeting of both commission heads in Moscow this week. Both minister and ambassador agreed that work on the expanding of agreement groundwork must continue with experts working legislative projects of economic, social and educational spheres etc. Consulting opportunities between the Russian and Latvian foreign ministry experts were also discussed. Lauku Avize

Both immigration and emigration rates fell in Latvia last year, according to the Latvian Central Statistics Office. In 2000 a total of 8,030 persons left Latvia for permanent residence abroad and 1,627 people moved to Latvia, a nearly 50 percent reduction from 3,123 immigrants two years ago. As a result of migration, the number of ethnic Latvians in the country fell by 480 persons last year. Most of those who left Latvia or 70 percent emigrated to the CIS states with remaining 30 percent moving to other countries, including 3.6 percent to Lithuania and 2.2 percent to Estonia. Most of immigrants to Latvia also came from the CIS states (61 percent) with remaining 39 percent coming from other countries, including 2 percent from Lithuania and 0.7 percent from Estonia. Russians were in the majority among both emigrants (more than 50%) and immigrants (more than 40%).

Both immigration and emigration rates fell in Latvia last year, according to the Latvian Central Statistics Office. In 2000 a total of 8,030 persons left Latvia for permanent residence abroad and 1,627 people moved to Latvia, a nearly 50 percent reduction from 3,123 immigrants two years ago. As a result of migration, the number of ethnic Latvians in the country fell by 480 persons last year. Most of those who left Latvia or 70 percent emigrated to the CIS states with remaining 30 percent moving to other countries, including 3.6 percent to Lithuania and 2.2 percent to Estonia. Most of immigrants to Latvia also came from the CIS states (61 percent) with remaining 39 percent coming from other countries, including 2 percent from Lithuania and 0.7 percent from Estonia. Russians were in the majority among both emigrants (more than 50%) and immigrants (more than 40%). Neatkariga

Today is the first sitting of the new Riga City Council and the main task for the deputies is to elect the Mayor. The leaders of ruling coalition partners -- the People's Party, Latvia's Way and Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK -- Monday signed an agreement about supporting FF/LNNK mayoral candidate Andris Argalis and also agreed about starting immediately talks with small parties about possible coalition on the Riga City Council. The Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has gathered enough votes for supporting their candidate Gundars Bojars as Riga Mayor at the Riga City Council vote on Tuesday.

Today is the first sitting of the new Riga City Council and the main task for the deputies is to elect the Mayor. The leaders of ruling coalition partners -- the People's Party, Latvia's Way and Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK -- Monday signed an agreement about supporting FF/LNNK mayoral candidate Andris Argalis and also agreed about starting immediately talks with small parties about possible coalition on the Riga City Council. The Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party (LSDWP) has gathered enough votes for supporting their candidate Gundars Bojars as Riga Mayor at the Riga City Council vote on Tuesday.

FHRUL chairman J.Jurkans confirmed that co-operation agreement with social democrats will turn into a coalition agreement in the very closest future. D.Ivans, social democrat deputy who received the most votes among social democrats and the leader of the Awakening, said that he would give up his mandate if social democrats make agreement with FHRUL.

FHRUL chairman J.Jurkans confirmed that co-operation agreement with social democrats will turn into a coalition agreement in the very closest future. D.Ivans, social democrat deputy who received the most votes among social democrats and the leader of the Awakening, said that he would give up his mandate if social democrats make agreement with FHRUL. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Lauku Avize, Panorama Latvii, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Lauku Avize

re-publishes the parts of President's interview for Russia's newspaper Izvestija. The President says that in her opinion V.Putin understands the problems in Latvia, however, they could not reach one opinion on the status of Russians in Latvia. V.Vike-Freiberga does not think that Russia could use military power to prevent the joining of the Baltic States to NATO, however, some "diplomatic effort" will be made. re-publishes the parts of President's interview for Russia's newspaper Izvestija. The President says that in her opinion V.Putin understands the problems in Latvia, however, they could not reach one opinion on the status of Russians in Latvia. V.Vike-Freiberga does not think that Russia could use military power to prevent the joining of the Baltic States to NATO, however, some "diplomatic effort" will be made. Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga will be on the official visit to Denmark 28-30 March. She has scheduled meetings with Danish Prime Minister and MP.

Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga will be on the official visit to Denmark 28-30 March. She has scheduled meetings with Danish Prime Minister and MP. Lauku Avize

Yesterday was the first day of minister of transport, Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission co-chairman A.Gorbunov's visit to Moscow. He provided his comments to Chas "I hope that as a result of the meeting our co-operation will become more active, however, I do not believe in that very much".

Yesterday was the first day of minister of transport, Latvian-Russian intergovernmental commission co-chairman A.Gorbunov's visit to Moscow. He provided his comments to Chas "I hope that as a result of the meeting our co-operation will become more active, however, I do not believe in that very much".

Saeima winter session will be closed on 9 April and spring session starts on 23 April.

Saeima winter session will be closed on 9 April and spring session starts on 23 April. Diena


gives brief information about Latvias delegation visit to Estonia in order to learn Estonian integration programme. In this regard gives brief information about Latvia’s delegation visit to Estonia in order to learn Estonian integration programme. In this regard RespublikaRespublika provides some facts about Latvias Integration programme – OSCE Mission to Latvia, UN and Freedom House have invested huge amounts of funds in the programme, however, Latvian Government has done nothing to implement the programme, says N.Muiznieks, National Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre director. provides some facts about Latvia’s Integration programme – “OSCE Mission to Latvia, UN and Freedom House have invested huge amounts of funds in the programme, however, Latvian Government has done nothing to implement the programme”, says N.Muiznieks, National Human Rights and Ethnic Research Centre director. According to Russia's newspaper

According to Russia's newspaper Vedomasti Latvia is the least popular tourism country among the Baltic States for Russia's tourists. The number of Russia's tourists visiting Latvia is 5.5 times less than people going to Estonia and 3,5 times less than tourists whose destination is Lithuania. Vesti Segodnja

marts 26, 2001

Press Report

Social democrats' candidate for Riga mayor G.Bojars has chances to have a majority of votes as the agreement with FHRUL provides their support to social democrats' candidate. FF/LNNK says that if social democrats make an agreement with FHRUL FF/LNNK goes to the opposition. The support to G.Bojars has been promised also from the Welfare Party and union

Social democrats' candidate for Riga mayor G.Bojars has chances to have a majority of votes as the agreement with FHRUL provides their support to social democrats' candidate. FF/LNNK says that if social democrats make an agreement with FHRUL FF/LNNK goes to the opposition. The support to G.Bojars has been promised also from the Welfare Party and union Centrs. Diena

Saturday's issue of Russia's newspaper

Saturday's issue of Russia's newspaper Izvestija writes about Latvian President. "She always reaches her aim and besides that she has been known for her directness and openness". The President also said that she has nothing to regret in what she said in her interview for BBC after she had a meeting with Russia's President. Diena, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Social democrats and FHRUL have "practically signed" the agreement on co-operation in Riga City Council. The agreement also includes rather accurate division of the posts for the members of both parties. The mayor should be social democrat G.Bojars and his deputy should be S.Dolgopolovs from FHRUL. However, the agreement should not be considered "the coalition agreement", it is called "agreement on co-ordinating co-operation".

Social democrats and FHRUL have "practically signed" the agreement on co-operation in Riga City Council. The agreement also includes rather accurate division of the posts for the members of both parties. The mayor should be social democrat G.Bojars and his deputy should be S.Dolgopolovs from FHRUL. However, the agreement should not be considered "the coalition agreement", it is called "agreement on co-ordinating co-operation". Neatkariga, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

Yet not registered organisation "Latvian Youth Movement" has planned to organise activities in protest to nationalism in Latvia by the end of April. The main emphasis will be placed on fighting against inequality between citizens and non-citizens.

Yet not registered organisation "Latvian Youth Movement" has planned to organise activities in protest to nationalism in Latvia by the end of April. The main emphasis will be placed on fighting against inequality between citizens and non-citizens. Neatkariga, Jauna

Saeima Human Rights Committee members will visit Estonia to learn Estonian experience concerning national programme "Integration into Estonian Society 2000 - 2007".

Saeima Human Rights Committee members will visit Estonia to learn Estonian experience concerning national programme "Integration into Estonian Society 2000 - 2007". Neatkariga

According to the information sources of both sides the Welfare Party will join FHRUL in the closest future.

According to the information sources of both sides the Welfare Party will join FHRUL in the closest future. Chas

The leading expert in the field of the issues concerning Russian compatriots, the head of the respective department in Academy of Diplomacy at Russian MoFA T.Poloskova is on the visit to Riga and gives a brief interview for

The leading expert in the field of the issues concerning Russian compatriots, the head of the respective department in Academy of Diplomacy at Russian MoFA T.Poloskova is on the visit to Riga and gives a brief interview for Vesti Segodnja. She says that Latvia unfortunately differs from other Baltic countries what regards its attitude to national minorities. T.Poloskova voices that Latvia has done very little in the field of society integration and that actually Latvia is two-community country. Vesti Segodnja.

The Conference of Compatriots obviously will take place in June, says the member of the board T.Zhdanok. The main part of this venture will be the speech of Russia's President V.Putin.

The Conference of Compatriots obviously will take place in June, says the member of the board T.Zhdanok. The main part of this venture will be the speech of Russia's President V.Putin. Panorama Latvii.

NGO "Latvian Russian Co-operation Association" president B.Kotkov spent last week in Moscow meeting with the respective Russian state officials. Among the discussion subjects were the establishment of Russian business organisations and the creation of the International Assistance Foundation to Russians residing abroad.

NGO "Latvian Russian Co-operation Association" president B.Kotkov spent last week in Moscow meeting with the respective Russian state officials. Among the discussion subjects were the establishment of Russian business organisations and the creation of the International Assistance Foundation to Russians residing abroad. Panorama Latvii

marts 24, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

FHRUL chairman J.Jurkans says that they would support G.Bojars (social democrat) for Riga Mayor only on the condition that social democrats sign a coalition agreement with FHRUL. No other forms of co-operation are acceptable.

FHRUL chairman J.Jurkans says that they would support G.Bojars (social democrat) for Riga Mayor only on the condition that social democrats sign a coalition agreement with FHRUL. No other forms of co-operation are acceptable. Diena

The minister of education K.Greiskalns has violated the Law on Corruption - since he has been appointed as a minister he has also been employed as a member of the Police Olympic Centre Board. The minister has been fined with LVL 20.

The minister of education K.Greiskalns has violated the Law on Corruption - since he has been appointed as a minister he has also been employed as a member of the Police Olympic Centre Board. The minister has been fined with LVL 20. Neatkariga.


talks with the families represented in Latvian politics - a son and father Gundars and Juris Bojars (social democrats) and the Kreitusi (Labour Party). Politicians of different parties - FF/LNNK, social democrats, FHRUL - agreed that if the father was not a politician his son would not be among the top politicians. talks with the families represented in Latvian politics - a son and father Gundars and Juris Bojars (social democrats) and the Kreitusi (Labour Party). Politicians of different parties - FF/LNNK, social democrats, FHRUL - agreed that if the father was not a politician his son would not be among the top politicians. The minister of transport A.Gorbunovs comments the upcoming intergovernmental meeting with Russia. For the interview with the Latvian radio A.Gorbunovs said that although both parties want to co-operate the goals are different and that there is influence of high state officials and that is not always very favourable for Latvia, however, he hopes that "these will be fair negotiations and not only rhetoric".

The minister of transport A.Gorbunovs comments the upcoming intergovernmental meeting with Russia. For the interview with the Latvian radio A.Gorbunovs said that although both parties want to co-operate the goals are different and that there is influence of high state officials and that is not always very favourable for Latvia, however, he hopes that "these will be fair negotiations and not only rhetoric". Chas

One of the biggest publishing houses in Latvia "Vieda" has announced an essay contest for students. The students are invited to submit their works where they would describe what could be "the best way to expel Russians from Latvia".

One of the biggest publishing houses in Latvia "Vieda" has announced an essay contest for students. The students are invited to submit their works where they would describe what could be "the best way to expel Russians from Latvia". Vesti Segodnja

Saturday during the Sweden summit Russian President V.Putin once again drew attention to the problems of Russians residing in the Baltic countries. V.Putin stated that Russia is not against the integration of the Baltic States into the EU, however, he hopes that the EU will keep to pay attention to the issues concerning the protection of national minority rights in these countries before they are accepted to the EU.

Saturday during the Sweden summit Russian President V.Putin once again drew attention to the problems of Russians residing in the Baltic countries. V.Putin stated that Russia is not against the integration of the Baltic States into the EU, however, he hopes that the EU will keep to pay attention to the issues concerning the protection of national minority rights in these countries before they are accepted to the EU. Vesti Segodnja.

FHRUL deputy in the Saeima B.Cilevics gives his considerations about the municipal election in Latvia. He does not see the ground for the excuses made by the members of ruling parties that their loss occurred because recently naturalised citizens were supposed to vote for LW, however, they did not. In B.Cilevics' opinion it should serve as a lesson for the ruling parties - they have to start to learn the needs of the new citizens.

FHRUL deputy in the Saeima B.Cilevics gives his considerations about the municipal election in Latvia. He does not see the ground for the excuses made by the members of ruling parties that their loss occurred because recently naturalised citizens were supposed to vote for LW, however, they did not. In B.Cilevics' opinion it should serve as a lesson for the ruling parties - they have to start to learn the needs of the new citizens. Vesti Segodnja.

Panorama Latvii

interviews the leaders of FHRUL - T.Zhdanok, A.Rubiks and J.Jurkans. All of them consider the election as a victory for their union and all of them emphasise that they will first of all observe the interests of the people who voted for them. interviews the leaders of FHRUL - T.Zhdanok, A.Rubiks and J.Jurkans. All of them consider the election as a victory for their union and all of them emphasise that they will first of all observe the interests of the people who voted for them.

Panorama Latvii

talks with the Central Electorate Chairman A.Cimdars. He reports on violations and flaws in the municipal election and talks about the preparatory work already launched for the next Saeima election, as well as gives answers to the questions about his private life. talks with the Central Electorate Chairman A.Cimdars. He reports on violations and flaws in the municipal election and talks about the preparatory work already launched for the next Saeima election, as well as gives answers to the questions about his private life.

Panorama Latvii

met with social democrat leader J.Bojars and asked about the situation in Riga City Council and social democrats further plans. When asked why social democrats do not want to make a coalition agreement with FHRUL, J.Bojars says because FHRUL is composed of three parties and that would make the work difficult. met with social democrat leader J.Bojars and asked about the situation in Riga City Council and social democrats further plans. When asked why social democrats do not want to make a coalition agreement with FHRUL, J.Bojars says because FHRUL is composed of three parties and that would make the work difficult.

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