aprīlis 5, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Russian language newspapers elaborate on preparations to the protest actions against the education reform
  • Interview with the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre
  • Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools expresses support to the protest actions against the education reform
  • Chairman of the Russia State Councils Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev about decision of the Latvia Ministry of Culture to postpone the Russian Culture days in Latvia
  • Findings of the study Importance of the regional aspects in solution of citizenship issues
  • Project Promotion of Society Integration with the help of intercultural education
  • Vesti Segodnya about the seminar Roma Culture in Latvia
Russian language newspapers write about the preparations of Riga, Jelgava, Kalnciems and Daugavpils Russian-language schools’ students and their parents to the oncoming protest actions against the education reform.

Russian language newspapers write about the preparations of Riga, Jelgava, Kalnciems and Daugavpils Russian-language schools students and their parents to the oncoming protest actions against the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre, who believes that the main cause of the problems in the area of education reform is a lack of constructive dialogue with the minority schools; and that after implementation of the education reform competitiveness of minority students on the employment market will increase.

Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) has adopted a resolution stipulating support to the protest actions against the education reform, organized by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, until moratorium on education reform is established. Position of LASHOR chairman is vacant at the moment, as the stepping-down chairman Igors Pimenovs has refused to candidate repeatedly, and there was no other immediate candidate.

Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools (LASHOR) has adopted a resolution stipulating support to the protest actions against the education reform, organized by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, until moratorium on education reform is established. Position of LASHOR chairman is vacant at the moment, as the stepping-down chairman Igors Pimenovs has refused to candidate repeatedly, and there was no other immediate candidate. Chas

Chairman of the Russia State Council’s Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev has expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the Latvian Ministry of Culture to postpone the Russian Culture days in Latvia, which were planned to take place in 2004, by two years. Latvian Ministry of Culture has allegedly explained its decision by lack of financing and existing priority of establishing cultural ties with the EU countries. According to Konstantin Kosachev, if Latvian government understands EU integration as alienation from Russia, then the only benefactors of such ‘short-sighted’ policy will be the opponents of cooperation between Latvia and Russia. Konstantin Kosachev believes that the planned event would give an opportunity not only to the ethnic Russians, but also to all other Latvian residents who speak the language, for the unique intellectual enrichment.

Chairman of the Russia State Councils Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev has expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of the Latvian Ministry of Culture to postpone the Russian Culture days in Latvia, which were planned to take place in 2004, by two years. Latvian Ministry of Culture has allegedly explained its decision by lack of financing and existing priority of establishing cultural ties with the EU countries. According to Konstantin Kosachev, if Latvian government understands EU integration as alienation from Russia, then the only benefactors of such ‘short-sighted policy will be the opponents of cooperation between Latvia and Russia. Konstantin Kosachev believes that the planned event would give an opportunity not only to the ethnic Russians, but also to all other Latvian residents who speak the language, for the unique intellectual enrichment. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya features an article about findings of the study Importance of the regional aspects in dealing with citizenship issues. According to the study, 42% of the non-citizens living in Riga have stated that they do not want to naturalize because they believe that the state should grant them a citizenship automatically, as they were born in Latvia. 17,9% non-citizens of Latvia regard the process of naturalization as derogatory.

30 teachers, students and representatives of NGOs have participated in the project “Promotion of Society Integration with the help of intercultural education”, organized by the Special Tasks Minister’s for Society Integration Secretariat. The project was financially supported by the British Embassy in Latvia.

30 teachers, students and representatives of NGOs have participated in the project Promotion of Society Integration with the help of intercultural education, organized by the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat. The project was financially supported by the British Embassy in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya prints an article about the seminar Roma Culture in Latvia, organized by the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat. According to the director of the Department on Ethnic Minority Affairs Irina Vinnika, although Roma are considered to be the most integrated minority in Latvia ( 92% of Roma have Latvian citizenship and speak Latvian language fluently), they are also the most isolated part of the Latvian society. After dedicating the first seminar to the culture, Secretariat is planning to raise other Roma-related issues in the future, like, for example, Roma genocide during the World War II.

aprīlis 3, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Planned protest actions against the education reform
  • Two members of the European Parliament send a letter to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in support of the Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubikss right to candidate for European Parliament
  • Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks visits Jelgava minority elementary school
  • Representatives of the Riga City Council and Ministry of Education and Science discuss implementation of the education reform with the parents of Riga secondary school No. 40
Newspapers write about the protest actions against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools for the period from 13 till 16 April. The Headquarters’ Daugavpils section calls Russian schools’ students to participate in the strike against the education reform on 15 April, attending school, but not participating in the learning process.

Newspapers write about the protest actions against the education reform, planned by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools for the period from 13 till 16 April. The Headquarters Daugavpils section calls Russian schools students to participate in the strike against the education reform on 15 April, attending school, but not participating in the learning process. Chas informs about planned protest actions in Riga. Latvijas Avize, Chas

President of the European Parliament (EP) European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) parliamentary group Francis Wurtz and vice-president of GUEE/NGL Sylvia Kaufmann have sent a letter to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga drawing attention to the recent decision of the Riga District court to dismiss a claim of the Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubiks, who was convicted in 1995 for an attempt to overthrow the state, to cancellation of his conviction record. The EP representatives believe that this verdict deprives Alfreds Rubiks of opportunity to participate in the EP election and discriminates against the socialists’ supporters, restricting their choice. Francis Wurtz and Sylvia Kaufmann also state that such attitude towards the representative of the opposition is not acceptable, stressing that Latvia must observe the ‘Copenhagen criteria’, which include respect of the democratic rights and freedom of all inhabitants of the state.

President of the European Parliament (EP) European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) parliamentary group Francis Wurtz and vice-president of GUEE/NGL Sylvia Kaufmann have sent a letter to the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga drawing attention to the recent decision of the Riga District court to dismiss a claim of the Latvia Socialist Party leader Alfreds Rubiks, who was convicted in 1995 for an attempt to overthrow the state, to cancellation of his conviction record. The EP representatives believe that this verdict deprives Alfreds Rubiks of opportunity to participate in the EP election and discriminates against the socialists supporters, restricting their choice. Francis Wurtz and Sylvia Kaufmann also state that such attitude towards the representative of the opposition is not acceptable, stressing that Latvia must observe the ‘Copenhagen criteria, which include respect of the democratic rights and freedom of all inhabitants of the state. Vesti Segodnya

Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has visited Jelgava minority elementary school, in order to discuss the education reform. According to the press secretary of the Special Tasks Minister’s Secretariat Gunta Line, students of the 9th grade have not expressed particular dissatisfaction about transition to the Latvian language as a main language of instruction, but teachers have pointed to the unsatisfactory quality of the textbooks. Teachers believe that textbooks, originally intended for the Latvian-language schools, are not suitable for bilingual instruction.

Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks has visited Jelgava minority elementary school, in order to discuss the education reform. According to the press secretary of the Special Tasks Ministers Secretariat Gunta Line, students of the 9th grade have not expressed particular dissatisfaction about transition to the Latvian language as a main language of instruction, but teachers have pointed to the unsatisfactory quality of the textbooks. Teachers believe that textbooks, originally intended for the Latvian-language schools, are not suitable for bilingual instruction. Latvijas Avize

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the representatives of Riga City Council and Ministry of Education and Science with the parents of Riga  secondary school No. 40, in order to discuss implementation of the education reform. During the meeting representatives of minority students’ parents adopted a resolution, demanding a moratorium on education reform. The resolution will be submitted to the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics on 6 April.

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the representatives of Riga City Council and Ministry of Education and Science with the parents of Riga secondary school No. 40, in order to discuss implementation of the education reform. During the meeting representatives of minority students parents adopted a resolution, demanding a moratorium on education reform. The resolution will be submitted to the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics on 6 April. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

aprīlis 2, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Minister of Education and Science is planning to visit 20 minority schools until end of May
  • Postponement of the Russian Culture days in Latvia
  • DaugavpilsCity Council did not authorize organization of the meeting against the education reform
  • Peoples Harmony Party warns about the possibility of new strong protest actions against education reform
  • Interview with the ambassador of Latvia to Russia Normans Penke about relationship between Latvia and Russia
  • Representatives of the national-radical organization Latvijas Nacionala fronte about decolonization of Latvia
Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics is planning to visit 20 minority schools until end of May, in order to clarify opinion of teachers and parents about the preparedness of minority schools to the transition to Latvian as a main language of instruction.

Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics is planning to visit 20 minority schools until end of May, in order to clarify opinion of teachers and parents about the preparedness of minority schools to the transition to Latvian as a main language of instruction. Vesti Segodnya

Latvia Ministry of Culture has notified that the Russian Culture days in Latvia, which were planned to take place in 2004, will be postponed till 2006 due to the lack of money. According to the cooperation program between Russia and Latvia, the Culture days must be financed by the state in which it takes place.

Latvia Ministry of Culture has notified that the Russian Culture days in Latvia, which were planned to take place in 2004, will be postponed till 2006 due to the lack of money. According to the cooperation program between Russia and Latvia, the Culture days must be financed by the state in which it takes place. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Daugavpils City Council has not authorized organization of the meeting against the education reform in town, planned by the Daugavpils section of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools. There are approximately 50 members of the Headquarters section in Daugavpils.

Daugavpils City Council has not authorized organization of the meeting against the education reform in town, planned by the Daugavpils section of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools. There are approximately 50 members of the Headquarters section in Daugavpils. Vesti Segodnya

People’s Harmony Party (PHP) has spread a statement, voicing support for the first steps made by the government in order to release tension around the education reform’s implementation in the society. At the same time PHP warns that time for the situation analysis in minority schools is almost over, and new strong protest actions against education reform will take place in case problems are not resolved.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) has spread a statement, voicing support for the first steps made by the government in order to release tension around the education reforms implementation in the society. At the same time PHP warns that time for the situation analysis in minority schools is almost over, and new strong protest actions against education reform will take place in case problems are not resolved. Diena

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the ambassador of Latvia to Russia Normans Penke about relationship between Latvia and Russia. According to the ambassador, there had been no constructive political dialogue between Russia and Latvia since Latvian regained independence.

Chas features an interview with the representatives of the radical national organization ‘Latvijas Nacionala fronte (National Front of Latvia) Liene Apine and Liga Muzikante, who state that Latvia should be ‘liberated from occupants. According to the representatives of the National Front of Latvia, a Law on Decolonization should be adopted, stipulating attraction of financing for ‘peaceful repatriation of occupants to their ethnic fatherland.

marts 31, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Statements of the rapporteurs of Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) Monitoring Committee on minority rights observation in Latvia
  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia will request moratorium on the education reform
  • Increasing amount of naturalization applications
  • Meeting of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics with representatives of Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee
  • Opinion poll: part of minority students will not be capable to learn in Latvian
  • Patriarch of the Russia Orthodox Church Aleksij II rejects invitation of the state authorities to visit Latvia
Latvia must ratify Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, speed up the naturalization process and implement the education reform, but there is no need for intervention of Russia, because minorities in Latvia are able to protect themselves, – stated the rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) Monitoring Committee Erik Jurgens and Kimmo Sasi. According to the rapporteurs, amendments to the Law on Education comply with the Framework Convention and must be implemented, rendering assistance to the minority schools who have problems with the education reform’s implementation. CEPA officials were not able to answer the question about renewal of the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Journalist of

Latvia must ratify Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, speed up the naturalization process and implement the education reform, but there is no need for intervention of Russia, because minorities in Latvia are able to protect themselves, – stated the rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) Monitoring Committee Erik Jurgens and Kimmo Sasi. According to the rapporteurs, amendments to the Law on Education comply with the Framework Convention and must be implemented, rendering assistance to the minority schools who have problems with the education reforms implementation. CEPA officials were not able to answer the question about renewal of the monitoring procedure on the observation of minority rights in Latvia. Journalist of Vesti Segodnya Abiks Elkins believes that the rapporteurs will not require renewal of monitoring procedure immediately, but will give Latvia an opportunity to ratify the Framework Convention and to develop a dialogue on education reform till the end of this year. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

Today Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group is planning to propose amendments to the Law on Education, stipulating the  moratorium on the education reform until the September 2007, defining  institution, which determines the subjects to be taught in Latvian in minority schools, as previously suggested by the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, and changing the paragraph of the law which allows state and local governments financial support only for those private schools, which provide education in the state language.

Today Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group is planning to propose amendments to the Law on Education, stipulating the moratorium on the education reform until the September 2007, defining institution, which determines the subjects to be taught in Latvian in minority schools, as previously suggested by the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, and changing the paragraph of the law which allows state and local governments financial support only for those private schools, which provide education in the state language. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Naturalization Board foresees that approximately 15,000 – 16,000 non-citizens could naturalize during this year. According to the chairman of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane, 1900 naturalization applications have been received in March, which is the largest monthly amount of naturalization applications received by the Board since the beginning of the naturalization process. Eizenija Aldermane has also stated that at the present moment Naturalization board does not have sufficient capacity to ensure timely review of all applications.

Naturalization Board foresees that approximately 15,000 – 16,000 non-citizens could naturalize during this year. According to the chairman of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane, 1900 naturalization applications have been received in March, which is the largest monthly amount of naturalization applications received by the Board since the beginning of the naturalization process. Eizenija Aldermane has also stated that at the present moment Naturalization board does not have sufficient capacity to ensure timely review of all applications. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics with representatives of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee. The minister stated that implementation of the education reform will not be postponed, and expressed readiness to meet the opponents of the education reform on condition that protest actions against the reform would be discontinued.

Newspapers feature articles about the meeting of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics with representatives of the Saeima Education, Culture and Science Committee. The minister stated that implementation of the education reform will not be postponed, and expressed readiness to meet the opponents of the education reform on condition that protest actions against the reform would be discontinued. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

According to the opinion poll, conducted by the head of Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners and teacher Valerijs Buhvalovs,  part of minority students will not be capable to study in Latvian at secondary school, because they do not have sufficient learning skills. These conclusions have been made after the polling of 150 minority students from Grades 9 in ten minority schools.

According to the opinion poll, conducted by the head of Saeima For Human Rights in the United Latvia parliamentary group Jakovs Pliners and teacher Valerijs Buhvalovs, part of minority students will not be capable to study in Latvian at secondary school, because they do not have sufficient learning skills. These conclusions have been made after the polling of 150 minority students from Grades 9 in ten minority schools. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Chas

According to the Russia news agency

According to the Russia news agency Interfax, Patriarch of the Russia Orthodox Church Aleksij II will not accept the invitation of the state authorities to visit Latvia until problems in the area of observation of Russian-speakers rights are resolved. Aleksij II believes that rights of the Russian-speakers to obtain information and get education in their mother tongue are restricted in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf, Chas

marts 30, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Rapporteurs of the CEPA Monitoring Committee visit Latvia
  • About necessity to involve teachers and specialists in discussion about the education reform
  • Latvijas Avize writes about similarities between positions of the Latvias First Party and Peoples Harmony Party on society integration issues
  • Arabian TV channel Al-Dzazira plans to prepare a broadcast about the implementation of the education reform in Latvia
Rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee Erik Jurgens and Kimmo Sasi visit Latvia in order to evaluate minority situation and implementation of the education reform. Yesterday officials discussed implementation of the education reform with the representatives of two Riga minority schools and non-governmental organizations. During the meeting with the PACE rapporteurs, minority schools’ students have stated that they know Latvian language well enough to be competitive at the job market, at the same time insisting that it is impossible to learn chemistry, physics and algebra in Latvian, as they will need translation to Russian in order to understand the exercise. According to the students, they have nothing against acquiring several subjects in English, as this language is applicable in many states.

Rapporteurs of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee Erik Jurgens and Kimmo Sasi visit Latvia in order to evaluate minority situation and implementation of the education reform. Yesterday officials discussed implementation of the education reform with the representatives of two Riga minority schools and non-governmental organizations. During the meeting with the PACE rapporteurs, minority schools students have stated that they know Latvian language well enough to be competitive at the job market, at the same time insisting that it is impossible to learn chemistry, physics and algebra in Latvian, as they will need translation to Russian in order to understand the exercise. According to the students, they have nothing against acquiring several subjects in English, as this language is applicable in many states. Vesti Segodnya informs about the unapproved picket against education reform, organized by the representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools at the time of the rapporteurs visit. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

During the meeting of the representatives from the state institutions, Riga City Council and non-governmental organizations, a necessity to reach a compromise in the area of education reform has been recognized. The member of the board of NGO “Baltic Forum” Abrams Kleckins has pointed to the need of actively involving teachers (especially the Latvian language teachers from minority schools) and specialists, who are able to evaluate impact of the education reform on the level of minority students’ academic achievement.

During the meeting of the representatives from the state institutions, Riga City Council and non-governmental organizations, a necessity to reach a compromise in the area of education reform has been recognized. The member of the board of NGO Baltic Forum Abrams Kleckins has pointed to the need of actively involving teachers (especially the Latvian language teachers from minority schools) and specialists, who are able to evaluate impact of the education reform on the level of minority students academic achievement. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article about surprising similarities between positions of the Latvias First Party and the Peoples Harmony Party on society integration issues. The author of the article Inara Murniece points to the lack of a particular stand on the issues of state language and education reform in the government declaration, stressing that it is possible to interpret it very freely. Comparing programs of Peoples Harmony Party and Latvias First Party and statements of their representatives, Inara Murniece concludes that they differ only in the area of implementation of the education reform, while both agree on necessity of ratifying the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities as soon as possible, and on simplification of the naturalization procedures.

Arabian TV channel

Arabian TV channel Al-Dzazira is planning to prepare a broadcast about implementation of the education reform in Latvia. Chas

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