Feb. 8, 2007

  • Chas prints an article by a member of the Consultative Council on Ethnic Minority Education Elizabete Krivcova
  • Naturalisation Board presented a report on its main problems to the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee
  • Strategic Analyses Committee has published a book which among other analyses the Russian language press in Latvia
  • FHRUL proposes to soften requirements on state language proficiency for certain professions
  • Latvian non-citizens-pensioners are loosing about LVL 6 - 7 millions due to lack of a social agreement between Latvia and Russia
  • Telegraf prints an interview with the authors of a study Integration of Latvian Youth and Value Changes

Chas prints an article by the head of the NGO Humanitarian Perspective, member of the Consultative Council on Ethnic Minority Education Elizabete Krivcova. Mrs. Krivcova states that a dialogue between society and state will not be successful without participation of representatives from major ethnic minority NGOs. Elizabete Krivcova believes that Russian NGOs will trust the Council only if independent experts are invited to participate in its activities.

Chas reports that the Naturalisation Board (NB) has presented a report on its main problems to the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee. A representative of the NB stated that one of the problems is concerning double citizenship, in particular, lack of co-operation with some countries, which refuse to share information about their citizens who might be also Latvian citizens. Another problem is lack of legal in-house expertise.

Chas reports that yesterday, the Strategic Analyses Committee working under the auspices of the President of Latvia has presented a book Informative Space in Latvia: Beginning of XXI century. The book contains an article Phenomenon of the Russian Press in Latvia which analyses the Russian language press in Latvia as a public phenomenon and business.

In response to the adoption of amendments to regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers which stiffer state language requirements for fire fighters, the Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has developed draft amendments which stipulate annulment of such requirements. FHRUL also proposes to annul Latvian citizenship requirement for fire-fighters, policemen and prison staff.

In response to the adoption of amendments to regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers which stiffer state language requirements for fire fighters, the Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has developed draft amendments which stipulate annulment of such requirements. FHRUL also proposes to annul Latvian citizenship requirement for fire-fighters, policemen and prison staff. Chas

Newspapers report that according to calculations of the Ministry of Welfare lack of social agreement between Latvia and Russia results in losses of about LVL 6 -7 millions (EUR 9 -10 millions) for 15,000 of Latvian non-citizens-pensioners who have worked outside Latvia on the territories of other former Soviet republics during the Soviet times.

Newspapers report that according to calculations of the Ministry of Welfare lack of social agreement between Latvia and Russia results in losses of about LVL 6 -7 millions (EUR 9 -10 millions) for 15,000 of Latvian non-citizens-pensioners who have worked outside Latvia on the territories of other former Soviet republics during the Soviet times. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Telegraf prints an interview with the authors of a study Integration of Latvian Youth and Value Changes. The authors argue that that measures to promote ethnic integration are more needed in places where number of ethnic minorities is small, such as Valmiera, while places where ethnic minorities constitute a big share of a population need completely different and new approach as the national integration program has failed.

Feb. 7, 2007

  • Head of the Russias Trade and Industry Chamber Yevgeniy Primakov criticises Latvia for large number of non-citizens among countrys Russian speaking residents
  • Chas prints an article on issues concerning merging of Russian NGOs in Latvia
Yesterday, the Head of the Russia’s Trade and Industry Chamber Yevgeniy Primakov who was on a two-day official visit to Latvia, voiced criticism regarding a large number of non-citizens among country’s Russian speaking residents. Yevgeniy Primakov has stated that treatment of Russians must comply EU human rights standards. He added that bigger respect to Russian-speakers would improve Russian Latvian relations.

Yesterday, the Head of the Russias Trade and Industry Chamber Yevgeniy Primakov who was on a two-day official visit to Latvia, voiced criticism regarding a large number of non-citizens among countrys Russian speaking residents. Yevgeniy Primakov has stated that treatment of Russians must comply EU human rights standards. He added that bigger respect to Russian-speakers would improve Russian Latvian relations.

Chas prints an article of issues concerning merging of Russian NGOs in Latvia. The columnist believes that promotion of education in the Russian language in Latvia could be the task for all Russian NGOs and would serve a platform for unification.

Feb. 6, 2007

  • Cabinet of Ministers has set higher state language proficiency requirements for fire-fighters
  • Representatives of the extreme right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) are planning to come to Latvia on 16 March
  • Leader of the Latvian National Democratic Party Jevgenijs Osipovs promises to organise cruel protest actions against optimisation of Russian language schools in Liepaja
  • U.S. Ambassador to Latvia and representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association opened an exhibition on Afro-American writers in Riga
At the end of last year, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to regulations on required levels of state language proficiency for certain professions. According to the new norms fire-fighters must speak the state language at the highest level. The State Fire Safety and Rescue Service (SFSRS) noted that state language proficiency level of 545 or almost one fifth of all fire-fighters does not correspond the required level. The SFSRS has asked the Cabinet of Ministers to annul the amendments.

At the end of last year, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted amendments to regulations on required levels of state language proficiency for certain professions. According to the new norms fire-fighters must speak the state language at the highest level. The State Fire Safety and Rescue Service (SFSRS) noted that state language proficiency level of 545 or almost one fifth of all fire-fighters does not correspond the required level. The SFSRS has asked the Cabinet of Ministers to annul the amendments. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Representatives of the extreme right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) are planning to come to Latvia on 16 March – unofficial commemoration day of Latvian WWII legionaries. They are planning to participate in a conference and procession of legionaries organised by the Latvian extreme right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym). However, leader of the NSS Viktors Birze in an interview with

Representatives of the extreme right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) are planning to come to Latvia on 16 March – unofficial commemoration day of Latvian WWII legionaries. They are planning to participate in a conference and procession of legionaries organised by the Latvian extreme right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym). However, leader of the NSS Viktors Birze in an interview with Telegraf has stated that presence of the NPD is not welcomed at the commemoration events because 16 March is a day of legionaries who have fight for Latvia. The Minister of Interiors Ivars Godmanis has stated that neo-Nazis should not be let into the country and included into the list of persons who are forbidden to enter Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, NRA

In response to the decision of the Liepaja City Council to close several Russian schools, leader of the ultra left political organisation Latvian National Democratic Party Jevgenijs Osipovs has sent an open letter to the Mayor of the Liepaja City Council demanding to hold public discussions and public opinion poll and then take a decision.  If the Council does not consider public opinion, Jevgenijs Osipovs promises to organise large and cruel protest actions.

In response to the decision of the Liepaja City Council to close several Russian schools, leader of the ultra left political organisation Latvian National Democratic Party Jevgenijs Osipovs has sent an open letter to the Mayor of the Liepaja City Council demanding to hold public discussions and public opinion poll and then take a decision. If the Council does not consider public opinion, Jevgenijs Osipovs promises to organise large and cruel protest actions. Chas

Yesterday, the U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Catherine Todd Bailey and representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association opened an exhibition on Afro-American writers in Riga in the framework of the Afro-American History Months. In the framework of the Month a number of events will be held to introduce Latvian residents with history and culture of Afro-Americans.

Yesterday, the U.S. Ambassador to Latvia Catherine Todd Bailey and representatives of the Afro-Latvian Association opened an exhibition on Afro-American writers in Riga in the framework of the Afro-American History Months. In the framework of the Month a number of events will be held to introduce Latvian residents with history and culture of Afro-Americans. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Feb. 5, 2007

  • FHRUL might not support ratification of the border agreement between Latvia and Russia
The political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has stated that it might not support ratification of the border agreement between Latvia and Russia because it can harm interests of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia. One of the arguments of FHRUL is that their support to the agreement might be interpreted as acceptance of human rights violations and discrimination against Russian-speakers, such as mass non-citizenship, recognition of Russian as foreign language and liquidation of Russian language education system.

The political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has stated that it might not support ratification of the border agreement between Latvia and Russia because it can harm interests of Russian-speaking residents of Latvia. One of the arguments of FHRUL is that their support to the agreement might be interpreted as acceptance of human rights violations and discrimination against Russian-speakers, such as mass non-citizenship, recognition of Russian as foreign language and liquidation of Russian language education system. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Feb. 3, 2007

  • Chas prints an article on a book about history of Russians in Latvia until XIII century

Chas prints an article on a book Captivating History of Russians in Latvia. The book provides information on Russians in Latvia until XIII century. Editor of the book, historian Igors Gusevs in an interview with the newspaper stated that the book is devoted to friendship and cooperation between Latvians and Russians and it shows that Latvians and Russians have never been enemies.

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