aprīlis 13, 2006

  • Conference Facing Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in Latvia
  • Igors Pimenovs: I am for agreement between Latvian and Russian politicians on the social-economical grounds
The Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and the Latvian Bible Society held an expert conference “Facing Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in Latvia.” Participants of the seminar discussed the situation concerning these issues in Latvia. The representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Daugavpils University Dmitrijs Olehnovics gave an insight in the history of anti-Semitic propaganda in Latvia. Olenhovics noted that manifestations of anti-Semitism continue to exist in Latvia, including in the political discourse, arguing that it is “a way to attract a particular electorate.” The lawyer of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilvija Puce noted that according to some studies there is a high level of Islamphobia in Latvia. The Professor Ilga Apine stated “Latvians justify their fear of others by their bitter experience of the past.” The Co-president of the Latvian Christian - Jewish Council Ruvins Ferbers stressed that the best way to promote tolerance is recognition of positive aspects in a common history.

The Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and the Latvian Bible Society held an expert conference Facing Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in Latvia. Participants of the seminar discussed the situation concerning these issues in Latvia. The representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Daugavpils University Dmitrijs Olehnovics gave an insight in the history of anti-Semitic propaganda in Latvia. Olenhovics noted that manifestations of anti-Semitism continue to exist in Latvia, including in the political discourse, arguing that it is a way to attract a particular electorate. The lawyer of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilvija Puce noted that according to some studies there is a high level of Islamphobia in Latvia. The Professor Ilga Apine stated Latvians justify their fear of others by their bitter experience of the past. The Co-president of the Latvian Christian - Jewish Council Ruvins Ferbers stressed that the best way to promote tolerance is recognition of positive aspects in a common history. Latvijas Avize

Member of the Riga City Council Igors Pimenovs in an interview with

Member of the Riga City Council Igors Pimenovs in an interview with NRA stated that the only chance for Russian-speaking residents in Latvia to improve their situation is to acquire trust of Latvians: Russian politicians should pursue the idea. I am for agreement between Latvian and Russian politicians not on the ethnic, but on the social-economical grounds. Igors Pimenovs also believes that the two-community is a barrier for the survival of the Latvian culture: the Latvian national revolution which began in 1991 still goes on. Its aim was the preservation and stability of the Latvian culture and language. However, at the same time magnification of the ‘Latvian identity in our society leads to magnification of the two-community society.

aprīlis 12, 2006

  • Supreme Court Senate rejected a complaint asking to review decisions of first instances regarding the Jurijs Petropavlovskis case
  • Synagogue restored in Daugavpils
  • Presentation of a study on the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens in Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the President of OKROL
  • CPCB asked the Prosecutions Office to initiate a criminal process on the bribery case in the Naturalistion Board in Valmiera

Yesterday, the Supreme Court Senate rejected the application of Jurijs Petropavlovskis where he asked to review decisions taken by first instance courts to stop court proceedings regarding his first complaint challenging the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers not to grant him Latvian citizenship. As reported the Cabinet of Ministers refused him Latvian citizenship because of his activities (as a member of the Headquarters) in organizing protest actions against the implementation of minority education reform. Jurijs Petropavlovskis is planning to appeal the decision with the European Court of Human Rights. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the first restored synagogue after the WWII was opened in Daugavpils (the city in the eastern part of Latvia). The building has been renovated with the financial support of the children of painter Mark Rothko, the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of Americas Heritage Abroad, and others. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Today, the Latvian Human Rights Committee and Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia will present a study on the differences between the rights of citizens and non-citizens in Latvia. The authors of the study have summarized about 100 domestic legislative and normative acts and 150 international agreements which they believe discriminate the rights of non-citizens in Latvia. The authors also point on 70 existing differences in such spheres as employment, public activities, property, business, social protection, and others. Vesti Segodnya

The President of the United Congress of the Russian Communities in Latvia (OKROL in its Russian acronym) Aleksandrs Gaponenko in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that last year Russians in Latvia have changed their perception about their identity: Russians have regained their national self-consciousness… We began to maintain the main aspects of our spiritual life – Orthodox Christmas and Eastern, Days of Slavic Writing and Culture, 8 March (the International Womens day), 9 May (WWII Victory day). Aleksandrs Goponenko also said that the Russian and Latvian communities still live in two ‘disconnected worlds and mutual ignorance and incomprehension – is one of the reasons for the ethnic conflicts.

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (CPCB) asked the Prosecutions Office to initiate a criminal process on the bribery case in the Naturalisation Board in Valmiera. Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 11, 2006

  • Enterprise Register registered the radical political party All for Latvia!
  • Supreme Court Senate will review the case of Yurijs Petropavlovskis
  • President of Latvia finds the punishment with a suspended sentence in the case of instigation of racial hatred insufficient
  • Russian representative in PACE about possible continuation of post-monitoring dialog with Latvia

Yesterday the Enterprise Register has registered the radical political party All for Latvia!. The aim of the party is to introduce Latvian language as the main language of communication, including in the private sector. The representatives of All for Latvia believe that Latvian citizenship should be granted only to persons of ethnic Latvian origin and to those who are loyal to the state. All for Latvia is planning to run for the Saeima elections this year. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Today the Supreme Court Senate will review the case on the denial of the Cabinet of Ministers to grant Latvian citizenship to the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-Language Schools Yurijs Petropavlovskis. As reported, the government argued that Yurijs Petropavlovskis is not a loyal citizen because of his activities in organizing protest actions against minority education reform. The Administrative Regional Court refused the claim of Petropavlovskis. The Court argued that the claim was beyond the courts competence as this was not an administrative, but a political case. Chas, Latvijas Avize

In the interview with Latvijas Avize, the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga criticized the Riga Regional Courts decision to punish three young men guilty of the instigation of racial hatred only with a suspended sentence. Vaira Vike-Freiberga believes that this is an extraordinarily severe crime, first of all, towards humanity… The fact that these persons were punished with a suspended sentence signalizes that we do not have a deeply condemnatory attitude towards the cases when a person is attacked, humiliated, or assaulted on the street just because s/he comes from another country or has a different skin colour. As reported, several persons physically assaulted a dark-skinned citizen of the United States and a staff member of the US Embassy in Latvia on July 2005.

The representative of the Russian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Leonid Sluckiy has stated that Russia might insist on the continuation of the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia if the situation of Russian-speaking population does not change. Leonid Sluckiy has noted that the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia will be closed in June. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 10, 2006

  • New Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration appointed
  • State Language Centre: number of complaints on the disuse of Latvian language is increasing
  • Liepaja Jewish Community is planning to open the Jewish Museum in Liepaja
On Saturday, the government has appointed Karina Petersone (Latvia’s Way) to the post of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration. The former Minister Ainars Latkovskis (New Era) has resigned from this post on Friday. Karina Petersone has stated that she will continue to implement the integration policy launched by the former Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks. The new minister is planning to focus her work not only on ethnic integration, but also on the decrease of the split between various social groups.

On Saturday, the government has appointed Karina Petersone (Latvias Way) to the post of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration. The former Minister Ainars Latkovskis (New Era) has resigned from this post on Friday. Karina Petersone has stated that she will continue to implement the integration policy launched by the former Minister of Integration Nils Muiznieks. The new minister is planning to focus her work not only on ethnic integration, but also on the decrease of the split between various social groups. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

According to the State Language Centre (SLC), the number of complaints on the disuse of Latvian language has been increasing during the last years. Last year, the SLC has made 1 976 inspections and reviewed 431 complaints. In the interview with

According to the State Language Centre (SLC), the number of complaints on the disuse of Latvian language has been increasing during the last years. Last year, the SLC has made 1 976 inspections and reviewed 431 complaints. In the interview with Latvijas Avize, the head of the SLC Control Department and the chief inspector Livija Icaka has stated that most of the complaints concern the disuse of the state language in various organizations, primarily in private enterprises. She has also noted: we made control in the state joint stock company Latvian Railway and found false more than 200 state language proficiency certificates. As another important problem Livija Icaka has mentioned the fact that state institutions more often provide information on their activities both in Latvian and Russian thus accepting the existing bilinguism.

The Liepaja Jewish Community is planning to open the Jewish Museum in Liepaja this year. In the interview with

The Liepaja Jewish Community is planning to open the Jewish Museum in Liepaja this year. In the interview with Diena, the representative of the Community Mitrons Korofjolovs has stated that the museum will show the history of Liepajas Jews. At present, about 9 000 Jews live in Latvia.

aprīlis 8, 2006

  • Public opinion poll on the most popular political parties in March
According to a public opinion survey conducted by the Marketing and Public Opinion Research Centre "SKDS", the party New Era would receive 14.9%, Union of Greens and Farmers - 9.6% and For Human Rights in United Latvia – 9.5% of votes if the Saeima elections were held on March. According to the survey, “For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM” (7.4%) and the People’s party (6.6%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier.

According to a public opinion survey conducted by the Marketing and Public Opinion Research Centre "SKDS", the party New Era would receive 14.9%, Union of Greens and Farmers - 9.6% and For Human Rights in United Latvia – 9.5% of votes if the Saeima elections were held on March. According to the survey, For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (7.4%) and the Peoples party (6.6%) would also pass the required 5 per cent barrier. Chas

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