marts 28, 2007

  • Aigars Kalvitis: after signing the border agreement with Latvia, Russia less critical regarding the minority issues in Latvia
  • Inspection of the State Language Centre in the Riga Central Prison
Yesterday, the border agreement between Latvia and Russia was signed by the Prime minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis and Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Fradkov. Aigars Kalvitis believes that it has effected the Russia’s stance towards the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia as this time no reproaches have been received. However, Mikhail Fradkov stated that Russia will keep following the situation of its citizens and “compatriots” in Latvia. According to Fradkov, Russia expects Latvia meeting international standards and promoting naturalisation process.

Yesterday, the border agreement between Latvia and Russia was signed by the Prime minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis and Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Fradkov. Aigars Kalvitis believes that it has effected the Russias stance towards the situation of Russian-speakers in Latvia as this time no reproaches have been received. However, Mikhail Fradkov stated that Russia will keep following the situation of its citizens and compatriots in Latvia. According to Fradkov, Russia expects Latvia meeting international standards and promoting naturalisation process. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya reports on an inspection of the State Language Centre in the Riga Central Prison. The language inspectors examined state language proficiency of the prisons medical staff which ended in fining of two nurses. Representatives of the prisons medical staff reported about the inspection to the daily Vesti Segodnya and claimed that the inspectors required that their Latvian language proficiency is at higher level than it is set by the respective regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers.

marts 27, 2007

  • State Language Centre will held a campaign Use of the State Language in Shops from 1 April to 1 October
  • Representative of the Naturalisation Board: number of the applicants for naturalisation has decreased significantly
  • Today Latvia and Russia will sign a border agreement
The State Language Centre in co-operation with the Latvian Traders Association and the Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights will held a campaign “Use of the State Language in Shops” from 1 April to 1 October. The organisers of the campaign claim that its aim is to create a favourable environment for the Latvian language in shopping places.  In the framework of the project inspectors of the State Language Centre and a commission of experts will examine observance of the State Language Law in small and large stores every month.

The State Language Centre in co-operation with the Latvian Traders Association and the Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights will held a campaign Use of the State Language in Shops from 1 April to 1 October. The organisers of the campaign claim that its aim is to create a favourable environment for the Latvian language in shopping places. In the framework of the project inspectors of the State Language Centre and a commission of experts will examine observance of the State Language Law in small and large stores every month. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Representative of the Naturalisation Board Baiba Jakovleva in an interview with

Representative of the Naturalisation Board Baiba Jakovleva in an interview with Vesti Segodnya has stated that the number of applicants for naturalisation has decreased significantly in comparison to 2004-2005. Ms. Jakovleva believes that it is due to changes in legislation when Latvian non-citizens were granted the right to travel within the EU without visa.

Today, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis and Prime Minister of Russia Mihail Fradkov will sign a border agreement between the two countries. Most of political scientists believe that the border agreement will have some positive effect on mutual relations between Russia and Latvia, however, it will not change Russia’s stance concerning non-citizens and rights of Russian speaking residents in Latvia.

Today, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis and Prime Minister of Russia Mihail Fradkov will sign a border agreement between the two countries. Most of political scientists believe that the border agreement will have some positive effect on mutual relations between Russia and Latvia, however, it will not change Russias stance concerning non-citizens and rights of Russian speaking residents in Latvia. Chas, Diena

marts 26, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the chairman of the Afro-Latvian Association Christopher Ejugbo
  • LASHOR proposes to include a mandatory native language and literature examination in the educational programmes of minority secondary schools
  • Latvijas Avize reports on a petition submitted to the European Parliaments Committee on Petitions with an appeal to stop naturalisation of non-citizens in Latvia

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the chairman of the Afro-Latvian Association Christopher Ejugbo about racism in Latvia. Christopher Ejugbo believes that ‘street racism is a significant problem in Latvia.

Telegraf reports that the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers will review a proposal of the Latvian Association for Support of Russian Language Schools (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) to introduce a mandatory native language and literature examination in educational programmes of minority secondary schools. According to the LASHOR, it would motivate minority students to learn their mother tongue and literature.

Latvijas Avize reports that a Latvian resident Ina Leimane has submitted a petition to the European Parliaments Committee on Petitions asking to stop naturalisation of non-citizens in Latvia. Ina Leimane argues that persons who have arrived to Latvia during the Soviet times are illegal migrants and are disloyal towards the Latvian state, therefore they have to be repatriated to their ethnic motherland.

marts 24, 2007

  • Project tender aimed at promotion diversity values among the youth
  • Steering Council of Compatriots has been established in Moscow recently
An NGO in collaboration with the UK Embassy to Latvia and the British Council have announced a project tender

An NGO in collaboration with the UK Embassy to Latvia and the British Council have announced a project tender Together. The tender is open for schoolchildren and its main aim is to promote a multicultural, diverse and inclusive society through sport and art activities. Chas

Chas reports on the participation of MP Jurijs Sokolovskis (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) in activities of the Steering Council of Compatriots recently established in Moscow. The main goal of the Council is to facilitate the constructive dialogue between the state institutions of Russia and Russian compatriots living abroad.

marts 23, 2007

  • Saeima rejects a draft law setting obligations for municipalities to preserve cultures of ethnic minorities
  • Telegraf reports that representatives of ultra-right National Democratic Party of Germany are planning to come to Latvia
  • Ombudsmans Office calls on the Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights Protection Centre to fine an enterprise Buvniecibas ABC for placing discriminatory advertisement
Yesterday, the Saeima declined a draft law submitted by For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). The draft law set obligations for municipalities to preserve cultures of ethnic minorities. The Saeima also rejected the draft amendments to the Law on Elections to City, County Council and District Municipality” proposed by  FHRUL and “The Concord Centre” which stipulated granting Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections.

Yesterday, the Saeima declined a draft law submitted by For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). The draft law set obligations for municipalities to preserve cultures of ethnic minorities. The Saeima also rejected the draft amendments to the Law on Elections to City, County Council and District Municipality proposed by FHRUL and The Concord Centre which stipulated granting Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Telegraf reports that representatives of extreme ultra-right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) are planning to come to Latvia this summer. Leader of the Latvian extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) Viktors Birze in an interview with the newspaper stated that representatives of both organisations will meet in Riga to discuss mutual interests.

The Ombudsman’s Office called on the Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights to fine an enterprise “Buvniecibas ABC” for placing a racially offensive advertisement in the newspaper. As reported, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens also criticised the advertisement. The advertisement shows an African man who in broken Latvian says “I to want building yours house” and the text behind the advertisement says “All for construction and repair work but foreign labour force.” 

The Ombudsmans Office called on the Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights to fine an enterprise Buvniecibas ABC for placing a racially offensive advertisement in the newspaper. As reported, the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens also criticised the advertisement. The advertisement shows an African man who in broken Latvian says I to want building yours house and the text behind the advertisement says All for construction and repair work but foreign labour force. Latvijas Avize, Diena

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