aprīlis 4, 2007

  • Iterview with the head of the NGO Russian Community in Latvia Vjaceslavs Altuhovs
  • State Security Police investigate information about possibilities to buy a book ‘Main Kampf in Riga

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the NGO Russian Community in Latvia Vjaceslavs Altuhovs about the activities of the organisation and the situation of Russians in Latvia. Mr.Altuhovs argues that there are positive tendencies regarding issues concerning Russians, namely a growing number of Russians hired for responsible positions in the state administration; allocation of funding for projects implemented by Russian NGOs and signing the border agreement with Russia.

The State Security Police have started investigation regarding the information published by

The State Security Police have started investigation regarding the information published by Vesti Segodnya about possibilities to buy a book ‘Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler in one of the bookstores in Riga. The distribution of Nazi literature as well as propaganda of xenophobic views is prohibited by law in Latvia. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 3, 2007

  • Russian-language newspapers discuss naturalisation issues
  • Yesterday a Foundation for Non-Governmental Organizations was established
Russian-language newspapers report on citizenship granting event held by the Naturalisation Board. During the event 30 persons received Latvian citizenship. Newspapers note that voting rights as well as possibilities to travel, work and study in the EU have been mentioned as main motivations to naturalise. While the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane has stated that the number of naturalisation applications received by the Board has dropped significantly since Latvia non-citizens were granted the right to free movement within the EU.

Russian-language newspapers report on citizenship granting event held by the Naturalisation Board. During the event 30 persons received Latvian citizenship. Newspapers note that voting rights as well as possibilities to travel, work and study in the EU have been mentioned as main motivations to naturalise. While the head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane has stated that the number of naturalisation applications received by the Board has dropped significantly since Latvia non-citizens were granted the right to free movement within the EU. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, a Foundation for Non-Governmental Organizations was established by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration in collaboration with the Embassy of Norway and society ‘Latvian Civic Alliance’. In next four years it is planned to allocate Ls 3,514,000 (approximately EUR 5,000,000) for the support of Latvian NGOs. Long-term development of Latvian NGOs, as well NGOs’ projects will be funded by the organisation.

Yesterday, a Foundation for Non-Governmental Organizations was established by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration in collaboration with the Embassy of Norway and society ‘Latvian Civic Alliance. In next four years it is planned to allocate Ls3,514,000 (approximately EUR5,000,000) for the support of Latvian NGOs. Long-term development of Latvian NGOs, as well NGOs projects will be funded by the organisation.

marts 31, 2007

  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russia should refrain from signing and ratification of any agreements with Latvia until the rights of Russians are observed
Speaker of the Russian State Duma and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that Russia should refrain from signing any agreements with Latvia (including the border agreement) till Latvian citizenship is not granted to all Latvian non-citizens. According to Zhirinovsky, as minimum, Latvia should grant voting rights to the Russian minority and stop excluding the Russian language from public sphere. “The parliamentary group of the Liberal Democratic Party will object ratification of the border agreement with Latvia,” added Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Speaker of the Russian State Duma and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that Russia should refrain from signing any agreements with Latvia (including the border agreement) till Latvian citizenship is not granted to all Latvian non-citizens. According to Zhirinovsky, as minimum, Latvia should grant voting rights to the Russian minority and stop excluding the Russian language from public sphere. The parliamentary group of the Liberal Democratic Party will object ratification of the border agreement with Latvia, added Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vesti Segodnya

marts 30, 2007

  • Meeting of representatives of Latvian Human Rights Committee and ECRI
Russian language newspapers report on a meeting of representatives of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and members of the Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC). The representatives of the LHRC stressed that Latvia has ignored the EU recommendations concerning the observation of minority rights referring to the minority education reform as one of examples.

Russian language newspapers report on a meeting of representatives of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and members of the Latvian Human Rights Committee (LHRC). The representatives of the LHRC stressed that Latvia has ignored the EU recommendations concerning the observation of minority rights referring to the minority education reform as one of examples. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

marts 29, 2007

  • Diena features several articles about minority schools in Latvia.
  • European Parliament discusses the Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia

Diena features several articles about minority schools in Latvia. Referring to the Director of the State General Education Evaluation Agency Evija Papule, the newspaper states that the ethnic composition of students of minority schools is becoming more diverse as the parents start to appreciate advantages of bilingual education offered by minority schools. Approximately 10 – 12 percent of students enrolled in schools having Latvian and Russian as the main instruction languages are not Latvians or Russians. Parents of children enrolled in minority schools argue that a flexible approach towards use of languages and tolerance towards persons of different ethnicity and cultural competence are the main benefits offered by minority schools. The newspaper also prints a comprehensive article about the Rezekne Polish Secondary School.

Russian-language newspapers report on debates about the Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia launched at the European Parliament. According to the draft framework decision, criminal liability should be stipulated for intentional public incitement to violence or hatred, public insults or threats, public denial of genocide or crimes against humanity as defined in the Statute of the International Criminal Court, public dissemination or distribution of texts, pictures or other material containing expressions of racism and xenophobia and directing of a racist or xenophobic group. Russian-language newspapers report on debates about the Framework Decision on Combating Racism and Xenophobia launched at the European Parliament. According to the draft framework decision, criminal liability should be stipulated for intentional public incitement to violence or hatred, public insults or threats, public denial of genocide or crimes against humanity as defined in the Statute of the International Criminal Court, public dissemination or distribution of texts, pictures or other material containing expressions of racism and xenophobia and directing of a racist or xenophobic group. Chas, Vesti SegodnyaChas, Vesti Segodnya
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