aprīlis 20, 2007

  • Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights has fined an enterprise Buvniecibas ABC in amount of LVL 5,000 (EUR 7,144) for racially discriminating advertisement
  • FHRUL starts collection of signatures under a mass petition on granting Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • Latvian historians are preparing an exhibition on history of Russians in Latvia which will be held in the premises of the European Parliament
  • Russia asks the PACE to resume monitoring procedure in Latvia
The Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights (CPCR) has fined an enterprise “Buvniecibas ABC” in amount of LVL 5,000 (EUR 7,144) for racially discriminating advertisement placed in the newspaper and on the street stands in Riga. As reported, the advertisement shows an African man who in broken Latvian says “I to want building yours house” and the text behind the advertisement says “All for construction and repair work but foreign labour force.” 

The Centre for the Protection of Consumer Rights (CPCR) has fined an enterprise Buvniecibas ABC in amount of LVL 5,000 (EUR 7,144) for racially discriminating advertisement placed in the newspaper and on the street stands in Riga. As reported, the advertisement shows an African man who in broken Latvian says I to want building yours house and the text behind the advertisement says All for construction and repair work but foreign labour force.Latvijas Avize, Diena

Today, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has started collection of signatures under a mass petition to the European Parliament on granting Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections.

Today, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has started collection of signatures under a mass petition to the European Parliament on granting Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya and Chas report that a group of Latvian historians is preparing an exhibition on history of Russians in Latvia which will be held in the premises of the European Parliament in winter 2007-2008.

Vesti Segodnya reports that, yesterday, on the meeting of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the Head of Russias delegation Konstantin Kosachov has stated that the PACE has to resume monitoring procedure on situation in Latvia. Konstatin Kosachov considered that problem of mass non-citizenship is still urgent in Latvia, therefore, the Council of Europe must press on Latvias government to solve the problem.

aprīlis 19, 2007

  • Articles on the debates on human rights and democracy in the PACE
  • Vesti Segodnya: domestic construction enterprises believe that Latvia has to open its labour market for guest workers from CIS countries
  • Article by Chas columnist on the reasons why non-citizens do not naturalise

Vesti Segodnya and Chas feature articles on the debate on human rights and democracy in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). In an interview with Vesti Segodnya and Chas, the Chairperson of the PACEs Sub-Committee on Rights of Minorities Boriss Cilevics has pointed to the report on human rights in Europe presented at the PACEs session. According to the PACEs representative, the report addresses the problem of mass non-citizenship in some member states of the Council of Europe and calls for granting citizenship to persons who have lost their nationality involuntary. Boriss Cilevics believed that this PACEs concern is caused by citizenship situation in Latvia and Estonia.


Vesti Segodnya reports that domestic construction enterprises are concerned with the lack of labour force. Some employers believe that Latvia should open its labour market for guest workers from CIS countries.

Chas prints an article by a columnist on the reasons why he and other Latvian non-citizens do not naturalize. The columnist believes that naturalisation procedure is humiliating and Latvian citizenship had to be granted him automatically given that he was born in Latvia. The columnist also is not willing to pass the history test in which a person has to agree that Latvia was occupied by Soviet Union.

aprīlis 18, 2007

  • Security Police has asked the Prosecutors Office to start a criminal prosecution against two young people for violation of ethnic and racial equality
  • Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Russia will continue to insist on the implementation of all recommendations in the area on minority rights
  • Chas reports on an advertisement of a judicial service bureau providing 50% discount for Russian speakers
  • One-third of Latvian residents have stated that ethnic groups make feel them insecure

Diena reports that the Security Police has asked the Prosecutors Office to start a criminal prosecution against two young people under Section 78 of the Criminal Law for violation of ethnic and racial equality. As reported, in December 2006, a young girl, citizen of Brazil, accompanied by two locals, was attacked by a group of skinheads in the centre of Riga. The group of skinheads blocked girls and her companions way and made racist statements. Afterwards one member of the group threw a bottle of beer at the girl. Fortunately, the girl avoided the bottle, however, she got some injuries in her leg. The girl and her companions managed to escape. Two of the skinheads were detained shortly after the incident.

Yesterday, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that Russia will continue monitoring the situation of Russian speaking residents in Latvia and will insist on the implementation of all recommendations made by the United Nations, European Council and Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe in the area of minority rights. Sergey Lavrov has stated that the rights of non-citizens, minority education reform, and the slow naturalisation rate are the core issues of Russia’s concern.

Yesterday, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that Russia will continue monitoring the situation of Russian speaking residents in Latvia and will insist on the implementation of all recommendations made by the United Nations, European Council and Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe in the area of minority rights. Sergey Lavrov has stated that the rights of non-citizens, minority education reform, and the slow naturalisation rate are the core issues of Russias concern. Vesti Segodnya

Chas reports on an advertisement placed in one of the newspapers in Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia) of a judicial service bureau providing 50% discount for Russian speakers. According to the advertisement, the bureau also does not provide the judicial service to representatives of sexual minorities. The person who has placed the advertisement has stated that the bureau applies the principle of positive discrimination by means of providing a discount for a particular part of residents because of discrimination of Russian speaking residents in various spheres during the last 15 years.

According to a study by “Eurobarometer”, a third of Latvian residents agree with the statement that ethnic groups in Latvia make feel them insecure. 56% of respondents have disagreed with this position.

According to a study by Eurobarometer, a third of Latvian residents agree with the statement that ethnic groups in Latvia make feel them insecure. 56% of respondents have disagreed with this position. Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 17, 2007

  • Minister of Interior Ivars Godmanis: a large number of non-citizens is one of the main problems in Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize features an interview with representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Adrian Severin
  • NGO Motherland is planning to hold a procession Russians – Native Residents of Latvia, Half of States Inhabitants. Citizenship – to Every One!
  • Chas: member of the Latvian Antifascist Committee took part in a conference held by UNITED
In an interview to

In an interview to Vesti Segodnya, a candidate for the post of the President of Latvia, Minister of Interiors Ivars Godmanis (union of the Latvias First Party and Latvias Way) has stated that a large number of non-citizens is one of the main problems in Latvia since it creates the potential for national instability. Ivars Godmanis believes that there is the need for a thoughtful discussion on the issue of non-citizens and that all candidates for Presidents post have to present their stance and proposals on this matter.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Adrian Severin who has prepared the report on the situation concerning human rights and ethnic minorities in Latvia. Adrian Severin believes that the creation of a civic and multicultural nation is the only possible way for Latvia due to its diverse ethnic and cultural structure. According to Adrian Severin, the main objective in this process is finding the best model of social integration and inter-ethnic co-operation, not dividing the society into separate groups. PACE representative has also stated that minority rights should be recognized with a view to consolidating of the society while Latvia has not only to demand loyalty from minorities, but also to help them to become loyal.

Chas reports that an NGO Motherland is planning to hold a procession Russians – Native Residents of Latvia, Half of States Inhabitants. Citizenship – to Every One! in the framework of Victory Day celebrations on 9 May in the centre of Riga.

Chas prints an interview with a member of the Latvian Antifascist Committee Olegs Parmenenkovs who has taken part in a conference held by the European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees UNITED in Madrid. At the conference, Olegs Parmenenkovs has presented a book issued by the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia on the situation concerning non-citizens in Latvia and video materials on the processions of Latvian WWII legionaries on 16 March.

aprīlis 16, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Latvian Roma National Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics
  • Interview with the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis in Latvijas Avize
In an interview to

In an interview to Vesti Segodnya, the head of the Latvian Roma National Cultural Association Normunds Rudevics has stated that the National Action Plan Roma in Latvia elaborated by the Secretariat of the Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS in its Latvian Acronym) does not effectively address the needs of Latvian Roma. According to Normunds Rudevics, Roma NGOs have elaborated their own versions of integration program. Mr. Rudevics has found that the co-operation of IUMSILS with Roma NGOs has been insufficient. He also believes that the IUMSILS did not take into account Romas suggestions for the Action Plan.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis The Prime Minister believes that Latvia is not a two-community state and that the integration of Russian speakers proceeds successfully.

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