marts 25, 2008

  • Russia might cancel visa requirements for Latvian and Estonian non-citizens
  • Activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman is arrested and placed to the Central Prison in Riga
Newspapers report that Russia might cancel visa requirements for Latvian and Estonian non-citizens. According to a representative of the Russian State Duma, such draft amendments are under elaboration and will be submitted to the State Duma in May or June 2008.

Newspapers report that Russia might cancel visa requirements for Latvian and Estonian non-citizens. According to a representative of the Russian State Duma, such draft amendments are under elaboration and will be submitted to the State Duma in May or June 2008. Chas, Telegraf

Activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman recently extradited from Russia to Latvia is arrested and placed to the Central Prison in Riga. The Prosecutor’s Office has accused Vladimir Linderman of illegal possession of arms and explosives, calls to over through the Latvian government by force and plotting an attempt on life of the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in 2002.

Activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman recently extradited from Russia to Latvia is arrested and placed to the Central Prison in Riga. The Prosecutors Office has accused Vladimir Linderman of illegal possession of arms and explosives, calls to over through the Latvian government by force and plotting an attempt on life of the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in 2002. Telegraf

marts 20, 2008

  • Diena reports that three young Armenian men consider that they were detained and heavily beaten by the policemen in Riga because of their ethnicity
  • State Boarder Guard Service has detained five foreign citizens employed in Latvia without working permit
  • Ministry of Justice has prepared the draft amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating criminal liability for public glorification of regime which realises genocide
  • Chas prints an article about possible merge of all Russian language parties into the one political force
  • Russia extradites activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia

Diena reports that three young Armenian men consider that they were detained and heavily beaten by the policemen in Riga because of their ethnicity. According to the policemen, the three men were detained because they were drunk, aggressive, they were swearing and resisted the policemen. The Riga Central District Court has sentenced the three men to administrative arrest. However, the men have appealed the sentence in the General Prosecutors Office asserting that they were beaten by the police only because of their ethnicity.

Vesti Segodnya reports that the State Boarder Guard Service has detained five foreign citizens employed in Latvia without working permit. In the meantime, inspectors of the State Language Centre have fined 4 bus drivers for disuse of state language a work.

The Ministry of Justice has prepared the draft amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating criminal liability for “public glorification of regime which conducted genocide, public glorification or justification of persons who conducted genocide and denial of conducted genocide.” The Ministry of Justice proposes to punish such crime with up to five years of imprisonment. However, the draft amendments do not provide definition of what is genocide and do not clarify what kind of public glorification of regime would be a crime.

The Ministry of Justice has prepared the draft amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating criminal liability for public glorification of regime which conducted genocide, public glorification or justification of persons who conducted genocide and denial of conducted genocide. The Ministry of Justice proposes to punish such crime with up to five years of imprisonment. However, the draft amendments do not provide definition of what is genocide and do not clarify what kind of public glorification of regime would be a crime. Vesti Segodnya

Chas prints an article about possible merger of all Russian language parties into one political force. Columnist believes that although language divides population of Latvia into two communities, such merger is impossible in Latvia due to principal ideological differences between Russian political parties.

Newspapers report that Russia extradited an activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia. Vladimir Linderman is accused of calls to overthrough the Latvian government by force and plotting an attempt on life of the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in 2002.

Newspapers report that Russia extradited an activist of the National Bolsheviks Party Vladimir Linderman to Latvia. Vladimir Linderman is accused of calls to overthrough the Latvian government by force and plotting an attempt on life of the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga in 2002. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

marts 19, 2008

  • Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs have launched a book Reform of Ethnic Minority Schools in Latvia: Analysis, Assessment and Perspectives
  • Telegraf prints an article about a list of persons whose have been banned from entry into Latvia
MPs Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs (both from the FHRUL) have launched a book “Reform of Ethnic Minority Schools in Latvia: Analysis, Assessment and Perspectives” According to the book’s authors, the reform failed and caused considerable damage to ethnic minority schools. The authors believe that the reason for the failure is that its aim was to change the language of instructions by any means and all decisions were made by the Saeima without asking the opinion and recommendations of ethnic minorities.

MPs Jakovs Pliners and Valerijs Buhvalovs (both from the FHRUL) have launched a book Reform of Ethnic Minority Schools in Latvia: Analysis, Assessment and Perspectives According to the books authors, the reform failed and caused considerable damage to ethnic minority schools. The authors believe that the reason for the failure is that its aim was to change the language of instructions by any means and all decisions were made by the Saeima without asking the opinion and recommendations of ethnic minorities. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Telegraf prints an article about a list of persons who have been banned from entry into Latvia. According to a representative of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office, there is national black-list in Latvia and there is Schengen black-list which includes a number of persons from the Latvian list. However, not all foreigners could be included into the Schengen black-list because of different inclusion criteria.

marts 18, 2008

  • Newspapers print various comments about the procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries held on 16 March in Riga
  • Ombudsmans Office has asked a company selling computers to withdraw racially discriminating advertisement
  • Diena reports on a case of Palestinian man who has requested asylum in Latvia
The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has stated that Latvian authorities distort historical events by allowing processions of Waffen SS legionaries. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre argues that there were many legionaries who committed crimes against humanity. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also criticised the procession on 16 March stating that Nazi organisation Waffen SS was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Activist of the nationalist political party “All for Latvia!” Raivis Dzintars stated that the procession in honour of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March has demonstrated that ethnic Latvians are masters in Latvia. Raivis Dzintars believes that Latvians should be Latvia’s masters every day and they should finish the battle what Latvian Waffen SS legionaries started. Representatives of the right-wing radical organisation “The National Power Union” (NSS in its Latvian acronym) stated that activists of the German National Democratic Party (NPD) who also took part in 16 March events were invited by the NSS.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has stated that Latvian authorities distort historical events by allowing processions of Waffen SS legionaries. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre argues that there were many legionaries who committed crimes against humanity. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also criticised the procession on 16 March stating that Nazi organisation Waffen SS was condemned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Activist of the nationalist political party All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars stated that the procession in honour of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March has demonstrated that ethnic Latvians are masters in Latvia. Raivis Dzintars believes that Latvians should be Latvias masters every day and they should finish the battle what Latvian Waffen SS legionaries started. Representatives of the right-wing radical organisation The National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) stated that activists of the German National Democratic Party (NPD) who also took part in 16 March events were invited by the NSS. Vesti Segodnya, Chas

The Ombudsman’s Office has asked a company selling computers to withdraw its advertisement from mass media which pictures two laptops – black against white background and white against black background and has a slogan “While the whites are resting, the blacks are working” The Ombudsman’s Office believes that the advertisement is racially discriminating.

The Ombudsmans Office has asked a company selling computers to withdraw its advertisement from mass media which pictures two laptops – black against white background and white against black background and has a slogan While the whites are resting, the blacks are working The Ombudsmans Office believes that the advertisement is racially discriminating. Telegraf

Diena reports on a case of a Palestinian man who has requested asylum in Latvia. The man received a Latvian visa and arrived in Latvia with his wife, a Latvian citizen, in August 2007. Initially he applied for a residence permit however he was refused the permit on account that Latvia does not recognize Palestinian passports. Later, the man applied for asylum, however, the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office (CMAC) refused the claim and ordered the man to leave Latvia arguing that he has requested asylum in order to legalize his residence in Latvia. The man and his spouse have appealed the decision of the CMAC in the Riga Administrative Regional Court which will announce its decision tomorrow. The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis has stated that in this case the Minister of Interior could grant the Palestinian man a residency permit by special order considering the rights to family.

marts 17, 2008

  • Several hundred people have taken part in the commemorative procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March
Newspapers report that several hundred people have taken part in the commemorative procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March in the centre of Riga. The event was massively observed by the Police and security forces. The Mayor of Riga Janis Birks contrary to his earlier statements was not among the members of the procession.  Members of so-called antifascist organisation have been whistling at the procession. The police have prevented anti-fascists from laying a mourning wreath to the Monument of Freedom in commemoration of victims of Nazism.

Newspapers report that several hundred people have taken part in the commemorative procession of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March in the centre of Riga. The event was massively observed by the Police and security forces. The Mayor of Riga Janis Birks contrary to his earlier statements was not among the members of the procession. Members of so-called antifascist organisation have been whistling at the procession. The police have prevented anti-fascists from laying a mourning wreath to the Monument of Freedom in commemoration of victims of Nazism. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

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