aprīlis 21, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Most right-wing political parties do not support withdrawal of the prohibition to candidate for municipal elections for former State Security Committees staff and Communist Partys members after 13 January 1991
  • New government regulations on permanent residents Latvian language proficiency
  • Three ministers meet to discuss the education reform
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia mutual agreement on education reform should be achieved
  • FHRUL representatives about protest activities against the education reform planned in May
  • Deputy chairperson of the Russias State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee about Russian-speakers situation in Latvia
Most right-wing political parties do not support the draft law on municipal elections that stipulate withdrawing the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committee’s staff and Communist Party’s members after January 13 1991. The draft law has been elaborated by the working group under the People’s party leadership. Member of the working group Artis Kampars (New Era) suggested to evaluate whether keeping the prohibition in place may cause any legal consequences, like, for example, complaint

Most right-wing political parties do not support the draft law on municipal elections that stipulate withdrawing the prohibition to candidate for elections for former State Security Committees staff and Communist Partys members after January 13 1991. The draft law has been elaborated by the working group under the Peoples party leadership. Member of the working group Artis Kampars (New Era) suggested to evaluate whether keeping the prohibition in place may cause any legal consequences, like, for example, complaint to the European Court for Human Rights. Diena

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted regulation stipulating Latvian language proficiency requirement for all persons applying for permanent residence in Latvia. According to the regulation, every applicant will have to pass state language exam demonstrating Latvian language proficiency at least at the lower (B) level. The regulation has been adopted in compliance with the new Immigration Law, and it will not be apply to the persons who have obtained primary, secondary or highest education in the state language. Foreigners, who do not speak Latvian, will be able to apply for temporary residence.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers has adopted regulation stipulating Latvian language proficiency requirement for all persons applying for permanent residence in Latvia. According to the regulation, every applicant will have to pass state language exam demonstrating Latvian language proficiency at least at the lower (B) level. The regulation has been adopted in compliance with the new Immigration Law, and it will not be apply to the persons who have obtained primary, secondary or highest education in the state language. Foreigners, who do not speak Latvian, will be able to apply for temporary residence. Latvijas Avize

The Minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Special Task Minister on Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muizinieks, and the Minister of Finance Oskars Spurdzins have started regular meetings in order to discuss the education reform and other issues, requiring additional state financial support. The Ministry on Education and Science is planning to establish Communication Department to inform the society about the ministry’s work and implementation of the education reform.

The Minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics, the Special Task Minister on Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muizinieks, and the Minister of Finance Oskars Spurdzins have started regular meetings in order to discuss the education reform and other issues, requiring additional state financial support. The Ministry on Education and Science is planning to establish Communication Department to inform the society about the ministrys work and implementation of the education reform. Latvijas Avize

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has distributed a statement on education reform in Latvia. According to the statement, there is a need to achieve full agreement of all parties on the further implementation of education reform.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has distributed a statement on education reform in Latvia. According to the statement, there is a need to achieve full agreement of all parties on the further implementation of education reform. Latvijas Avize

The Riga City Council’s deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans has stated that the protest action against education reform on 1 May will be held even if the permission to organize the event will be refused by the municipality. According to Gilman, police will not be able to interfere, as many foreign journalists will be accredited in Latvia on the occasion of Latvia’s accession the EU. Manifestation is planned for the 1 May, on 2 May the FHRUL representatives are planning to meet with Daugavpils residents, and on 9 May an event nearby the Monument to Riga’s Liberators from Nazi Invaders will be organized.

The Riga City Councils deputy Aleksandrs Gilmans has stated that the protest action against education reform on 1 May will be held even if the permission to organize the event will be refused by the municipality. According to Gilman, police will not be able to interfere, as many foreign journalists will be accredited in Latvia on the occasion of Latvias accession the EU. Manifestation is planned for the 1 May, on 2 May the FHRUL representatives are planning to meet with Daugavpils residents, and on 9 May an event nearby the Monument to Rigas Liberators from Nazi Invaders will be organized. Telegraf, Chas

Vesti Segodnya interviews deputy chairperson of the Russias State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Natalya Narochnitskaya, who recalls her meeting with the minister on Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, during which protest actions against the education reform in Latvia was one of the discussion points. Narochnitskaya believes the Russia has made a mistake acknowledging the concept of renewal instead of establishment of Latvias independence. According to Narochnitskaya, Russia will not abandon its stance regarding Russian-speakers rights in Latvia, and new initiatives aimed at improvement of their situation are planned.

aprīlis 20, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • The European Court for Human Rights delivers judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries
  • Head of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks: students strike contradicts with the law
  • Study materials in the Latvian language for minority schools are too complicated
  • Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs replies to the Latvian officials accusations regarding protest actions against the education reform
  • Deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons: Education Law amendments are promoting ethnic conflict
The European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) has delivered judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries. The ECHR has found the claim of Aleksandr Ivanov against Latvia, concerning his expulsion from the country, ungrounded. Regarding Vikulovs family’s claim, several grounds have been dismissed by the ECHR, while examination of others is postponed until information from the Latvian government is received. According to

The European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) has delivered judgments in the cases of two former Russian militaries. The ECHR has found the claim of Aleksandr Ivanov against Latvia, concerning his expulsion from the country, ungrounded. Regarding Vikulovs familys claim, several grounds have been dismissed by the ECHR, while examination of others is postponed until information from the Latvian government is received. According to Diena, Latvia will have to prove that Vikulovis human rights have been observed during their arrest and stay in the illegal migrants camp, not the legitimacy of their expulsion. Diena

Head of the Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has named the students’ strike as a violation of social order and non-compliance with the existing legislation. Representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis objects that ‘not a single car has been turned upside down or even scratched’ during the protest actions. Charges will be brought against the last week strike’s organizers in accordance with the law.

Head of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee Andrejs Vilks has named the students strike as a violation of social order and non-compliance with the existing legislation. Representative of the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis objects that ‘not a single car has been turned upside down or even scratched during the protest actions. Charges will be brought against the last week strikes organizers in accordance with the law. Latvijas Avize

Telegraf reports the visit of the minister on Education and Science Juris Radzevics to Daugavpils. The study materials published for minority schools in the Latvian language turned out to be written in a very complicated language, and the teachers have to explain the content meaning in simpler words. The minister has pointed to the necessity to ‘simplify the study materials for minority schools. Vesti Segodnya columnist Nikolajs Kabanovs criticizes this decision since there will be Latvian schools for Latvians and Latvian schools for Russians. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Chas quotes response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to the Latvian authorities accusations towards Russian politicians, who are allegedly supporting protest activities against the education reform. Russia believes that Latvia tries to shift responsibility for increased ethnic problems to external forces.

The deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons believes that amendments to the Education Law defining language proportions were adopted because the right-wing politicians wanted to consolidate their electorate, and to distract voters’ attention from the acute social and economic problems. According to Adamsons, ‘such a reform is promoting ethnic conflicts’.

The deputy chairman of the Latvian Social Democratic Party Janis Adamsons believes that amendments to the Education Law defining language proportions were adopted because the right-wing politicians wanted to consolidate their electorate, and to distract voters attention from the acute social and economic problems. According to Adamsons, ‘such a reform is promoting ethnic conflicts. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 19, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Prime minister on the recent protest actions against the education reform
  • Dmitry Rogozin comments on the statements of Latvian officials
  • New protest activities planned
  • State Agency for Work with Diaspora can be created soon in Russia
  • Janis Urbanovics about the goals of the education reform
  • An article about the Russian-language portals in Latvia
  • Conference about Latvias future at the Liepaja school
  • Article of the extreme right-wing organization All for Latvia!
According to the prime-minister Indulis Emsis, the recent protest actions against the education reform will not change the government’s stance on this issue. He stresses the need for the continued dialog with the teachers, principles, students and their parents.

According to the prime-minister Indulis Emsis, the recent protest actions against the education reform will not change the governments stance on this issue. He stresses the need for the continued dialog with the teachers, principles, students and their parents. Vesti Segodnya

The Russia’s State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin has commented on the statements of Latvian officials accusing Russia in the support of the protest activities against the education reform. Rogozin has denied the possibility that Russia, as any other foreign state, is able to organize manifestations with the participation of thousands of students. He believes that after 1 May the EU will make Latvia to observe minority rights.

The Russias State Council deputy speaker Dmitry Rogozin has commented on the statements of Latvian officials accusing Russia in the support of the protest activities against the education reform. Rogozin has denied the possibility that Russia, as any other foreign state, is able to organize manifestations with the participation of thousands of students. He believes that after 1 May the EU will make Latvia to observe minority rights. Vesty Segodnya

Yesterday the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have decided to submit application to the Riga City Council for permit on organizing manifestation near the Freedom’s Monument on 1 May.

Yesterday the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have decided to submit application to the Riga City Council for permit on organizing manifestation near the Freedoms Monument on 1 May. Chas

The director of the Russian Institute of Union of Independent States Konstantin Zatulin has informed about the possible creation of the State Agency for Work with Diaspora. Judicial and political protection of the Russian-speaking population outside Russia is one of the possible functions of the agency.

The director of the Russian Institute of Union of Independent States Konstantin Zatulin has informed about the possible creation of the State Agency for Work with Diaspora. Judicial and political protection of the Russian-speaking population outside Russia is one of the possible functions of the agency. Telegraf

Neatkariga Rita Avize features an article of the chairman of the Peoples Harmony Party Janis Urbanovics, who argues that the true objective of the education reform is political revenge of Latvian officials for the necessity to learn Russian during the period of Soviet occupation.

Diena prints an article about the Latvian Russian-language Internet portals, which display Russias flag and slogans like Russian Latvia, Russian Schools are our Stalingrad!, and who popularize views opposing the Latvian official national policies. Most of the websites are anonymous.

Latvijas Avize reports on the conference Latvian society in 10 years organized by Liepaja Secondary School No.8 and the Liepaja Centre for Social and National Integration. The optimistic prognoses have been made by the Special Task Minister for Societal Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks, and by the head of the Integration Department of the Ministry on Education and Science Evija Papule. Evija Papule, for example, believes that in 10 years Europeans will study Latvias positive experience in the area of minority education reform.

Latvijas Avize features an article of the head of extreme right-wing organization All for Latvia! about pro-Russian political forces in Latvia, stressing the need for the victory of the nationalistic parties in the next Saeima elections.

aprīlis 17, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • Protest activities on 15 and 16 April gathered less participants than was promised
  • Courts decision in Aleksandrs Gilmanss case
  • Latvian authorities accuse Russia of supporting protest actions against the education reform
  • Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks doubts possibility of a dialog with the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools
  • Riga City Councils officials propose harsher penalties for organizers of the non-sanctioned mass events
  • Situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic states is being discussed at the negotiations between Russia and the EU
  • An article about relations between the Headquarters and schools supporting the education reform
  • Interview with Dzintra Hirsa, former director of the State Language Centre

Diena writes that around 2, 000 of students (4% of the total number of minority students) missed lessons on Tuesday in protest against the education reform, but on Friday – 10-20 students from each school, supporting the Headquarters for the Defense of the Russian-language Schools. According to the Russian language newspapers, on Friday 5,000-10,000 people participated in the protest activities. Diena reminds that the Headquarters leaders earlier promised to gather up to 50,000 participants. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

On Friday, hundreds of students (according to

On Friday, hundreds of students (according to Chas – 2,000 persons) gathered near the Court building where the case of the Riga City Councils deputy from FHRUL Aleksandrs Gilman was examined. Gilman was accused of the administrative violation of the rules of mass events organization (disturbing transport movement), while organizing protest actions against the education reform on 5 February. The court ruled to impose a fine of 80 lats, while Gilman is planning to appeal. Diena, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Newspapers report on the statements of the Latvian authorities about the role of Russia in organizing protest activities against the education reform. During her visit to China, the President of Latvia has stated to the media agency

Newspapers report on the statements of the Latvian authorities about the role of Russia in organizing protest activities against the education reform. During her visit to China, the President of Latvia has stated to the media agency ITAR-TASS that these activities are mostly inspired by Moscows politicians. The Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has stated to the Latvian radio that people trained in the organization of mass activities have come to Latvia from Russia. The head of Saeimas Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks has accused Russia in supporting of the opponents of the education reform. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Special Task Minister on Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks doubts a possibility of establishing a dialog with the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, as this is an unregistered organization. According to the minister, the dialog should be made with students and teachers since they are willing to discuss the issue. He believes that the government, society and media should provide all possible support to the schools supporting the education reform.

The Special Task Minister on Society Integration Affairs Nils Muiznieks doubts a possibility of establishing a dialog with the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, as this is an unregistered organization. According to the minister, the dialog should be made with students and teachers since they are willing to discuss the issue. He believes that the government, society and media should provide all possible support to the schools supporting the education reform. Latvijas Avize

Representatives of the Riga City Council have proposed amendments to the Criminal Law and the Code of Administrative Violations, which stipulate harsher penalties for repeated organization of  the non-sanctioned mass events. Regarding the Criminal Law, proposals stipulate an increase of the maximum term of imprisonment from 6 to 10 years. In its turn, Code of Administrative Violations, if amended, would stipulate fine up to 10 000 lats. According to the head of the Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee , the police is deciding on whether to persecute the organizers of the protest events last Thursday. The official is also planning to ask the Department on Education, Youth and sports to deprive teachers, who have participated in the protest activities, of annual Riga City Council’s extra payments to the teachers.

Representatives of the Riga City Council have proposed amendments to the Criminal Law and the Code of Administrative Violations, which stipulate harsher penalties for repeated organization of the non-sanctioned mass events. Regarding the Criminal Law, proposals stipulate an increase of the maximum term of imprisonment from 6 to 10 years. In its turn, Code of Administrative Violations, if amended, would stipulate fine up to 10 000 lats. According to the head of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee , the police is deciding on whether to persecute the organizers of the protest events last Thursday. The official is also planning to ask the Department on Education, Youth and sports to deprive teachers, who have participated in the protest activities, of annual Riga City Councils extra payments to the teachers. Latvijas Avize, Chas

The situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic States is being discussed between EU and Russia for possible inclusion into the mutual agreement, which Russia has requested as a condition for signing the supplementary protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states. According to the representatives of the European Commission, this request of Russia is ungrounded since the Baltic States have fulfilled all political criteria of the EU.

The situation of Russian-speakers in the Baltic States is being discussed between EU and Russia for possible inclusion into the mutual agreement, which Russia has requested as a condition for signing the supplementary protocol of the treaty on collaboration between Russia and the European Union, applying it to all new EU member states. According to the representatives of the European Commission, this request of Russia is ungrounded since the Baltic States have fulfilled all political criteria of the EU. Diena, Chas

Diena prints an article by Aleksandrs Sabanovs, who refers to the information provided by the directors of the Russian-language schools supporting the education reform. The directors report the cases when they had been strictly criticized for supporting the education reform by the Russian-language press. Some directors also report on the cases when representatives of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have threatened the school administration for not supporting the Headquarters activities and supporting the education reform.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with Dzintra Hirsa, the former director of the State Language Centre. Dzintra Hirsa is concerned about preservation of the Latvian language under the conditions of growing English languages use.

aprīlis 16, 2004

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

  • About protest actions against the education reform
  • Prime Minister Indulis Emsis asks law enforcement organizations to investigate threats received by teachers, parents and students
  • Chairman of the Security Police Janis Reiniks: Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are not capable of controlling the situation
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga calls on Russia to sign a boarder agreement with Latvia
  • Suggestion to deprive teachers, who participated in the protest actions against the education reform, of their additional payments
  • More articles on the call of the European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles on Sweden to influence Latvian integration policy more actively
According to the police information, approximately 5,000 students and their parents participated in the protest actions against the education reform yesterday in Riga. Approximately 1,000 minority students participated in the protest actions in Daugavpils, and several hundreds in Liepaja. During the protest action the MPs from the For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs submitted a letter to the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, requiring to establish a moratorium on the education reform and to begin a constructive dialogue with the representatives, nominated by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools. According to the minister, both MPs refused his invitation to discuss the issue of education reform already yesterday, stating that their goal was only to deliver a letter.

According to the police information, approximately 5,000 students and their parents participated in the protest actions against the education reform yesterday in Riga. Approximately 1,000 minority students participated in the protest actions in Daugavpils, and several hundreds in Liepaja. During the protest action the MPs from the For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) Jakovs Pliners and Vladimirs Buzajevs submitted a letter to the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics, requiring to establish a moratorium on the education reform and to begin a constructive dialogue with the representatives, nominated by the Congress of the Defenders of Russian-language schools. According to the minister, both MPs refused his invitation to discuss the issue of education reform already yesterday, stating that their goal was only to deliver a letter. Rigas Balss informs that Juris Radzevics is not planning to cancel the education reform, but suggests to take extra measures in its implementation, like, for example, dividing minority classes into smaller groups so that lessons in the Latvian language are better understood by the students. Diena, Latvijas Vestnesis, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has made an official statement, asking the law enforcement institutions to investigate information, provided by the teachers, children and parents about threats received from the ‘unfriendly towards Latvia forces’, who are trying to ensure their participation in the protest actions against the education reform. According to the Prime Minister, his Cabinet of Ministers will not give in to the pressure.

Prime Minister Indulis Emsis has made an official statement, asking the law enforcement institutions to investigate information, provided by the teachers, children and parents about threats received from the ‘unfriendly towards Latvia forces, who are trying to ensure their participation in the protest actions against the education reform. According to the Prime Minister, his Cabinet of Ministers will not give in to the pressure. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, Rigas Balss, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chairman of the Security Police Janis Reiniks believes that the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are not capable any more to control the situation, and that level of aggressiveness during the protest actions, organized by the Headquarters, is increasing. Four administrative protocols have been filed against the representatives of FHRUL for the unapproved protest actions’ organization.  Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics is planning to discuss a possible review of the legislation in order to prevent ‘organized lesson-skipping’ in the future.

Chairman of the Security Police Janis Reiniks believes that the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools are not capable any more to control the situation, and that level of aggressiveness during the protest actions, organized by the Headquarters, is increasing. Four administrative protocols have been filed against the representatives of FHRUL for the unapproved protest actions organization. Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics is planning to discuss a possible review of the legislation in order to prevent ‘organized lesson-skipping in the future. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has called on Russia to sign a boarder agreement with Latvia, at the same time stressing that pressure from Russia’s side on Latvia has increased recently due to Latvia’s close accession to the EU.

President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has called on Russia to sign a boarder agreement with Latvia, at the same time stressing that pressure from Russias side on Latvia has increased recently due to Latvias close accession to the EU. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee has suggested to deprive teachers, who failed to show up at schools due to the participation in the protest actions against the education reform, of their additional payments.

Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee has suggested to deprive teachers, who failed to show up at schools due to the participation in the protest actions against the education reform, of their additional payments. Diena

There are more articles in the newspapers about the call of the European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles on Sweden, as a big authority for the Baltic countries, to influence Latvian integration policy more actively, in order to help solving the problem of non-citizens.

There are more articles in the newspapers about the call of the European Council Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles on Sweden, as a big authority for the Baltic countries, to influence Latvian integration policy more actively, in order to help solving the problem of non-citizens. Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

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