aprīlis 21, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a letter to Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, agreeing with her that Russian-Latvian relations need improvement and "their potential is far from exhausted." Putin wrote to Vike-Freiberga in a response to her message following the meeting between the two presidents in Austria in February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a letter to Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, agreeing with her that Russian-Latvian relations need improvement and "their potential is far from exhausted." Putin wrote to Vike-Freiberga in a response to her message following the meeting between the two presidents in Austria in February.

Russia and Latvia should be very careful about each other's interests and concerns, considering the fact that the majority of the problems that Russia is constantly pointing out to the Latvian administration still need to be solved, the Russian president wrote. In this context, Putin pointed out the necessity of improving the situation that emerged after Riga made a decision to denounce the agreement on the transit of Russian citizens through Latvian territory by train. Latvia said the move was based on the European Union (EU) requirements. Moreover, it is not known yet when the agreement will be annulled. In closing, Putin expressed his confidence that "cardinal changes in the issues that concern Russia and our compatriots in Latvia will become a powerful starting signal for the development and deepening of the entire complex of Russian-Latvian relations."

Russia and Latvia should be very careful about each other's interests and concerns, considering the fact that the majority of the problems that Russia is constantly pointing out to the Latvian administration still need to be solved, the Russian president wrote. In this context, Putin pointed out the necessity of improving the situation that emerged after Riga made a decision to denounce the agreement on the transit of Russian citizens through Latvian territory by train. Latvia said the move was based on the European Union (EU) requirements. Moreover, it is not known yet when the agreement will be annulled. In closing, Putin expressed his confidence that "cardinal changes in the issues that concern Russia and our compatriots in Latvia will become a powerful starting signal for the development and deepening of the entire complex of Russian-Latvian relations." Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

In East part of Latvia – Latgale – Daugavpil’s City Naturalisation Board organised a conference “Experience of Towns and Rural Districts in Solving Integration Problems”. In Latgale 40% non-citizens have not exploited all possibilities to learn the language. Lack of integration roots in the lack of mutual trust and social resources.

In East part of Latvia – Latgale – Daugavpils City Naturalisation Board organised a conference Experience of Towns and Rural Districts in Solving Integration Problems. In Latgale 40% non-citizens have not exploited all possibilities to learn the language. Lack of integration roots in the lack of mutual trust and social resources. Neatkariga.

Friday the Government did not give its approval to the framework document of ID cards. Ministers considered that the issue concerning the changes in place of residency registration in regard to ID cards has not been developed accurately enough. The concept will be reviewed again in two weeks.

Friday the Government did not give its approval to the framework document of ID cards. Ministers considered that the issue concerning the changes in place of residency registration in regard to ID cards has not been developed accurately enough. The concept will be reviewed again in two weeks. Neatkariga, Jauna

Friday Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued the statement in regard to the essay contest for Latvian students announced by publishing house “Vieda”. MoFA states that “the fact that Latvian authorities did not react to such discriminating actions towards Russians is a prove to the lack of their political will to improve Latvian Russian relations in practice”.

Friday Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued the statement in regard to the essay contest for Latvian students announced by publishing house Vieda. MoFA states that the fact that Latvian authorities did not react to such discriminating actions towards Russians is a prove to the lack of their political will to improve Latvian Russian relations in practice. Chas

The conference “Small Language in XXI Century Europe” took place in Riga. Russian newspaper

The conference Small Language in XXI Century Europe took place in Riga. Russian newspaper Chas informs that the Russian language was not considered as a small language in Latvia and that was a surprise for international guests of the conference.


interviews Deputy Head of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs J.Lejins. The main discussion subjects were in regard to immigrants, what would happen when Latvia joins the EU, introduction of ID cards. interviews Deputy Head of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs J.Lejins. The main discussion subjects were in regard to immigrants, what would happen when Latvia joins the EU, introduction of ID cards. 

aprīlis 20, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

A survey conducted by the Naturalisation Administration about public integration in Latvia indicates alarmingly large public distrust in state institutions and justice under the law, the administration's head, Eizenija Aldermane, said during the presentation of the survey Thursday. The survey, titled Road to Civic Society 2000, showed that about 90 percent of population did not trust the government and its agencies. "If politicians and the government as well as mass media do not work with non-citizens, we may lose them. It is better not to make any mistakes so that we do not have to correct them later," said Aldermane.

A survey conducted by the Naturalisation Administration about public integration in Latvia indicates alarmingly large public distrust in state institutions and justice under the law, the administration's head, Eizenija Aldermane, said during the presentation of the survey Thursday. The survey, titled Road to Civic Society 2000, showed that about 90 percent of population did not trust the government and its agencies. "If politicians and the government as well as mass media do not work with non-citizens, we may lose them. It is better not to make any mistakes so that we do not have to correct them later," said Aldermane. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

With barely two weeks passed since the decision to form a coalition with Social Democrats on the Riga city council, Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party board late Thursday said it will hold off until Social Democrats fully dissociate themselves from the left-wing alliance For Human Rights. FF/LNNK is one of the ruling government parties while Social Democrats and For Human Rights represent the opposition. FF/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats told reporters that for now the party board cannot support signing of a coalition agreement and the FF/LNNK faction on the city council, keen to enter into the agreement, will have to obey to the instructions by the party board.

With barely two weeks passed since the decision to form a coalition with Social Democrats on the Riga city council, Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party board late Thursday said it will hold off until Social Democrats fully dissociate themselves from the left-wing alliance For Human Rights. FF/LNNK is one of the ruling government parties while Social Democrats and For Human Rights represent the opposition. FF/LNNK chairman Maris Grinblats told reporters that for now the party board cannot support signing of a coalition agreement and the FF/LNNK faction on the city council, keen to enter into the agreement, will have to obey to the instructions by the party board. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

The support by the new United States administration to NATO enlargement and admission of Latvia to the alliance has not changed in comparison with the stance taken by Bill Clinton's administration but it will not be realistic to expect that the US will name a specific favourite in pre-accession talks, said the US ambassador to Latvia, James H. Holmes. Holmes made this statement to BNS Thursday after the talks with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who will travel to Washington shortly.

The support by the new United States administration to NATO enlargement and admission of Latvia to the alliance has not changed in comparison with the stance taken by Bill Clinton's administration but it will not be realistic to expect that the US will name a specific favourite in pre-accession talks, said the US ambassador to Latvia, James H. Holmes. Holmes made this statement to BNS Thursday after the talks with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who will travel to Washington shortly. BNS, Neatkariga

Latvian ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Arturs Puga, has presented his credentials to Kyrgyz President, Askar Akayev, the Latvian Foreign Ministry press centre reported to BNS on Thursday.

Latvian ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Arturs Puga, has presented his credentials to Kyrgyz President, Askar Akayev, the Latvian Foreign Ministry press centre reported to BNS on Thursday. BNS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a letter to Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, agreeing with her that Russian-Latvian relations needed improvement and "their potential is far from exhausted." Putin wrote to Vike-Freiberga in a response to her message following the meeting between the two presidents in Austria in February, Interfax agency reported, quoting the Russian president's press service. The Latvian president's spokeswoman Aiva Rozenberga told BNS that Putin's letter has not been received yet.

BNS, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii Six individuals Friday gathered at the Russian Embassy in Riga to protest infringements on freedom of speech in Russia they saw in developments concerning the NTV television channel. The demonstrators carried posters. One of the posters said in English "Freedom to Media in Russia," another featured a caricature of Russian President Vladimir Putin, wearing shabby clothes and a hat. Other posters had on them logos of NTV and magazine Itogi in a black frame of mourning with notices in English and Russian "Closed in April 2001."

Six individuals Friday gathered at the Russian Embassy in Riga to protest infringements on freedom of speech in Russia they saw in developments concerning the NTV television channel. The demonstrators carried posters. One of the posters said in English "Freedom to Media in Russia," another featured a caricature of Russian President Vladimir Putin, wearing shabby clothes and a hat. Other posters had on them logos of NTV and magazine Itogi in a black frame of mourning with notices in English and Russian "Closed in April 2001." BNS

Latvian foreign minister Indulis Berzins will Apr. 26 report to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly about Latvia's accomplishments as the Council of Europe presiding state over the period from the previous assembly session in January. At the assembly session Berzins will also answer questions, the Latvian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane reported.

Latvian foreign minister Indulis Berzins will Apr. 26 report to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly about Latvia's accomplishments as the Council of Europe presiding state over the period from the previous assembly session in January. At the assembly session Berzins will also answer questions, the Latvian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Liga Bergmane reported. BNS

In the nearest future there will be changes in the leading posts of FF/LNNK. Saeima Speaker J.Straume could become Deputy Chairman of the party after the resignation of the previous Deputy A.Argalis. D.Stalts will replace the late MP J.Sinka. And A.Gaigala will take the place of D.Stalts at the Riga City Council.

In the nearest future there will be changes in the leading posts of FF/LNNK. Saeima Speaker J.Straume could become Deputy Chairman of the party after the resignation of the previous Deputy A.Argalis. D.Stalts will replace the late MP J.Sinka. And A.Gaigala will take the place of D.Stalts at the Riga City Council. Neatkariga

aprīlis 19, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Both For Human Rights in United Latvia and FF/LNNK consider that Social Democrats may not conclude several coalition agreements in Riga City Council because booth of them are sure that Social Democrats will sign such an agreement with them. From the expressions of Social Democrats one may conclude that they intend to fulfil all obligations concerning distribution of posts with FHRUL but plan to sign the agreement with FF/LNNK.

Both For Human Rights in United Latvia and FF/LNNK consider that Social Democrats may not conclude several coalition agreements in Riga City Council because booth of them are sure that Social Democrats will sign such an agreement with them. From the expressions of Social Democrats one may conclude that they intend to fulfil all obligations concerning distribution of posts with FHRUL but plan to sign the agreement with FF/LNNK. Diena

Contrary to the present practice when data in citizen passports are entered in passport offices according to person’s place of residence, the data in the new citizen passports will be entered at the DCMA Passport Centre where non-citizen passports are prepared now. According to the agreement with the German company Giesecke & Devrient the passport forms will be produced outside Latvia but data entered in Latvia at the Passport Centre.

Contrary to the present practice when data in citizen passports are entered in passport offices according to persons place of residence, the data in the new citizen passports will be entered at the DCMA Passport Centre where non-citizen passports are prepared now. According to the agreement with the German company Giesecke & Devrient the passport forms will be produced outside Latvia but data entered in Latvia at the Passport Centre. Diena

Four years ago DCMA Passport Centre started printing of non-citizen passports personalising more than 20 000 passport per months. Now it operates not on full capacity, but is ready with July 1 start working on personalising Latvian citizen, diplomatic and service passports, and later also on IDs.

Four years ago DCMA Passport Centre started printing of non-citizen passports personalising more than 20 000 passport per months. Now it operates not on full capacity, but is ready with July 1 start working on personalising Latvian citizen, diplomatic and service passports, and later also on IDs. Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

Contrary to the forecasts that the victory of left-wing parties could increase the wish of non-citizens to become naturalised, the number of applicants has not increased, even slightly reduced. Totally during t first three months of this year there were 2298 applicants and 2743 people became Latvian citizens. Head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane thinks that the present tempo of naturalisation will remain with a possible slight increase at the end of year when part of naturalisation applicants would complete Naturalisation Board organised preparation courses for naturalisation exams. Most probably the activity of non-citizens will not be so high as after opening so-called “naturalisation windows”.

Contrary to the forecasts that the victory of left-wing parties could increase the wish of non-citizens to become naturalised, the number of applicants has not increased, even slightly reduced. Totally during t first three months of this year there were 2298 applicants and 2743 people became Latvian citizens. Head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane thinks that the present tempo of naturalisation will remain with a possible slight increase at the end of year when part of naturalisation applicants would complete Naturalisation Board organised preparation courses for naturalisation exams. Most probably the activity of non-citizens will not be so high as after opening so-called naturalisation windows. Diena

The Central Election Commission (CEC) on Wednesday announced repeated local elections in eastern town Ilukste, CEC Chairman Arnis Cimdars told

The Central Election Commission (CEC) on Wednesday announced repeated local elections in eastern town Ilukste, CEC Chairman Arnis Cimdars told BNS. The elections in Ilukste will be held July 22. Result of the March 11 poll in Ilukste was cancelled by a Daugavpils court ruling because Social Democrat candidate Andris Ancans did not qualify for requirements of the election candidate outlined under the law. Shortly before elections he did not have a job in Ilukste and there were no other grounds for him to run in the local elections there.

To further Latvian integration into NATO and discuss urgent security policy issues with the new US President administration Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga will go an a week long visit to The USA.

To further Latvian integration into NATO and discuss urgent security policy issues with the new US President administration Latvian President V.Vike-Freiberga will go an a week long visit to The USA. Neatkariga, Respublika

Vesti Segodnya titled this information Latvia is ready to accept nuclear weapons.

Russian National Council ratified the protocol once more prolonging Latvian – Russian intergovernmental agreement of June 2, 1993 on regulation of migration process and ensuring the rights of migrants.

Russian National Council ratified the protocol once more prolonging Latvian – Russian intergovernmental agreement of June 2, 1993 on regulation of migration process and ensuring the rights of migrants.

Yesterday Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka met Russian Ambassador I.Studennikov to discuss Latvian – Russian co-operation in legal matters. I.Labucka suggested to reconsider and actualise the current co-operation agreement. Both officials also analyse the integration process in Latvia. Minister of Justice informed Russian Ambassador about the established consultative council on public integration affairs. In his turn the Ambassador confirmed that his compatriots if they had chosen to live in Latvia, should master the Latvian language. He also spoke about criminal proceedings against WW II veterans that caused negative emotions in Russia. I.Labucka answered to this saying that Latvian jurisdiction was independent and persons tried were wartime criminals but not veterans. Both officials expressed hope that relations between those two countries would improve in future.

Yesterday Latvian Minister of Justice I.Labucka met Russian Ambassador I.Studennikov to discuss Latvian – Russian co-operation in legal matters. I.Labucka suggested to reconsider and actualise the current co-operation agreement. Both officials also analyse the integration process in Latvia. Minister of Justice informed Russian Ambassador about the established consultative council on public integration affairs. In his turn the Ambassador confirmed that his compatriots if they had chosen to live in Latvia, should master the Latvian language. He also spoke about criminal proceedings against WW II veterans that caused negative emotions in Russia. I.Labucka answered to this saying that Latvian jurisdiction was independent and persons tried were wartime criminals but not veterans. Both officials expressed hope that relations between those two countries would improve in future. Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Spain supports Latvia's aim at joining the European Union, and completing accession negotiations by 2002, as well as NATO membership, said The Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique i Camps at a press conference in Riga on Wednesday. He also said that the Spanish public opinion is for EU expansion and that dialogue with the public on EU expansion exists on both the political and business levels.

Spain supports Latvia's aim at joining the European Union, and completing accession negotiations by 2002, as well as NATO membership, said The Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique i Camps at a press conference in Riga on Wednesday. He also said that the Spanish public opinion is for EU expansion and that dialogue with the public on EU expansion exists on both the political and business levels. BNS, Latvijas Vestnesis, Vesti Segodnya

Lithuanian Parliamentary Chairman Arturas Paulauskas is Thursday leaving for Latvia for a working visit and a series of meetings with top officials of the neighbouring Baltic state. Paulauskas is to see Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, his Latvian counterpart, Janis Straume, Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins on Friday.

Lithuanian Parliamentary Chairman Arturas Paulauskas is Thursday leaving for Latvia for a working visit and a series of meetings with top officials of the neighbouring Baltic state. Paulauskas is to see Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, his Latvian counterpart, Janis Straume, Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins on Friday. BNS

Latvian national debt continues to increase rapidly. During the last month it increased for 87 million Ls. Now it reached 616 million Ls.

Latvian national debt continues to increase rapidly. During the last month it increased for 87 million Ls. Now it reached 616 million Ls. Respublika, Vesti Segodnya, Neatkariga

If the Latvian project to introduce ID cards is not cheaper than Estonian one, it will cost Latvian taxpayers not less than 12 million Ls. Even if every Latvian resident (2.3 million) would buy such a card for 3 Ls, it would cover only a half of all expenses. The newspaper

Respublika interviewed the Head of DCMA about these new ID cards.

E.Chuyanova in the newspaper Chas writes about the composition contest organised by the publishing house Vieda for Latvian school students Road to the New World – or Real Nationalism and real culture – the only guarantee for survival of the Latvian nation. One of the proposed themes was Realisation of divine justice – or Liberation of Latvia from 700 000 settlers. The editors of the newspaper sent the Prosecutor Generals office an official letter with a request to find out whether such an contest was not kindling of national hatred.

A few days ago the government at the sitting of State Secretaries discussed amendments to the regulations of the procedure of naturalisation exams. D.Zhdanova from Chas found out that there was nothing to be afraid of, the procedure would not become more complicated. The amendments under discussion consisted of 8 points – mostly editorial. The Cabinet of Ministers could consider the amendments after two months. Chas

After finding out the fact that some of the new Riga City Council deputies did not have the adequate state language proficiency level, State Language Centre intends to check the language knowledge of deputies, representing For Human Rights in United Latvia once more. Disregarding the fact that in the nearest future Strasbourg Human Rights Court will consider the case of the member of Movement Equality from Daugavpils I.Podkolzina for taking her of the list of candidates for the previous Saeima election for not adequate state language proficiency level. At the Riga City Council faction For Human Rights in United Latvia meeting, deputies decided not go to the State Language Centre and take any repeated test.

Panorama Latvii

aprīlis 18, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

On of the issues that could raise public interest in the nearest future could be the idea to permit using IDs along with passports in elections. The newspaper

On of the issues that could raise public interest in the nearest future could be the idea to permit using IDs along with passports in elections. The newspaper Jauna Avize interviewed the Assistant to the Minister of Economics E.Karnitis who told that IDs could perform within the country the functions of internal passport and there were negotiations on establishing united Baltic ID system.

This week DCMA is celebrating its 10th anniversary and due to this the Department will hold information days on April 18 – 19 when people will be able to learn about DCMA activities, receive answers to their questions about migration and citizenship. Department Head M.Bicevskis urges people to call them and apply for these days and ask their questions.

This week DCMA is celebrating its 10th anniversary and due to this the Department will hold information days on April 18 – 19 when people will be able to learn about DCMA activities, receive answers to their questions about migration and citizenship. Department Head M.Bicevskis urges people to call them and apply for these days and ask their questions. Neatkariga

Latvian representative NAF oficer I.Paulins within the OSCE Border Observing Mission went to Georga.

Latvian representative NAF oficer I.Paulins within the OSCE Border Observing Mission went to Georga. Neatkariga

aprīlis 12, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

A group of 15 Ukrainian National Bolsheviks Wednesday in a rally outside the Latvian embassy in Kiev, staged in a protest against oppression of Russian speaker residents and WW II veterans in Latvia, burned Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in effigy.

A group of 15 Ukrainian National Bolsheviks Wednesday in a rally outside the Latvian embassy in Kiev, staged in a protest against oppression of Russian speaker residents and WW II veterans in Latvia, burned Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in effigy. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Latvian justice minister Ingrida Labucka and UNDP representative in Latvia, Jan Soerensen, Wednesday signed a joint agreement about attracting funds of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and foreign donors for implementation of the public integration program. The justice minister also presented a declaration about implementation of the public integration program, noting progress already achieved and appreciating the European Commission and UNDP efforts towards implementation of the program. The UNDP has already set aside 100,000 US dollars for the national program of public integration in Latvia and will raise additional 320,000 USD to provide to the Latvian government full support in co-ordinating public integration policies, developing and implementing projects, putting in place a monitoring mechanism and informing the public about integration-related issues. Among other international donators, which have already invested essential amounts in integration projects are the embassies of foreign countries, EC and OSCE.

Latvian justice minister Ingrida Labucka and UNDP representative in Latvia, Jan Soerensen, Wednesday signed a joint agreement about attracting funds of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and foreign donors for implementation of the public integration program. The justice minister also presented a declaration about implementation of the public integration program, noting progress already achieved and appreciating the European Commission and UNDP efforts towards implementation of the program. The UNDP has already set aside 100,000 US dollars for the national program of public integration in Latvia and will raise additional 320,000 USD to provide to the Latvian government full support in co-ordinating public integration policies, developing and implementing projects, putting in place a monitoring mechanism and informing the public about integration-related issues. Among other international donators, which have already invested essential amounts in integration projects are the embassies of foreign countries, EC and OSCE. Diena, Lauku Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Sweden Presidency in the EU in the discussions with Poland and Ukraine named Latvia as a positive model in the field of immigration legislation and its control.

Sweden Presidency in the EU in the discussions with Poland and Ukraine named Latvia as a positive model in the field of immigration legislation and its control. Diena


talks with the new Riga mayor G.Bojars. He gives his considerations about the results of the municipal election. The loss of the ruling parties lies in the over-exaggerated expenses for their election campaigns. The victory of Social Democrats is based on several aspects – people have lost their trust in ruling parties and usually not very well-off people in the entire world do not vote for right-wing parties. He voices that Social Democrats are not going to introduce socialism in the country, they just want to prove that they are good administrators. talks with the new Riga mayor G.Bojars. He gives his considerations about the results of the municipal election. The loss of the ruling parties lies in the over-exaggerated expenses for their election campaigns. The victory of Social Democrats is based on several aspects – people have lost their trust in ruling parties and usually not very well-off people in the entire world do not vote for right-wing parties. He voices that Social Democrats are not going to introduce socialism in the country, they just want to prove that they are good administrators. In yesterday’s meeting with business people V.Vike-Freiberga compared Latvia to Canada in the respect of language situation in both countries. She said that there are countries where market rules the situation, however, as in Latvia the number of people who do not speak Latvian is essential the norms of the Language Law are justifiable.

In yesterdays meeting with business people V.Vike-Freiberga compared Latvia to Canada in the respect of language situation in both countries. She said that there are countries where market rules the situation, however, as in Latvia the number of people who do not speak Latvian is essential the norms of the Language Law are justifiable. Chas

Saeima Intergovernmental Committee members – FHRUL A.Bartashevich, New Party I.Udre, J.Bunks LW – went to Cuba to talk with its leader F.Castro regarding the issues of national minority rights in Latvia.

Saeima Intergovernmental Committee members – FHRUL A.Bartashevich, New Party I.Udre, J.Bunks LW – went to Cuba to talk with its leader F.Castro regarding the issues of national minority rights in Latvia. Vesti Segodnja

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