maijs 11, 2007

  • Saeima has adopted the declaration supporting the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn
  • Chas interviews the head of the Russian Community of Liepaja and a member of the European Russian Alliance Valerijs Kravcovs
  • Consultative Council on Ethnic Minority Education discussed LASHORs proposal to introduce a compulsory examination in the native language and literature in minority schools
Yesterday, the Saeima has adopted a draft declaration supporting the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn. The declaration also condemns the Russian Federation for its intervention into Estonian internal affairs. The MP from the oppositional left wing party For Human Rights in United Latvia Nikolajs Kabanovs has stated that the adoption of such declaration could worsen Latvian-Russian relations.

Yesterday, the Saeima has adopted a draft declaration supporting the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn. The declaration also condemns the Russian Federation for its intervention into Estonian internal affairs. The MP from the oppositional left wing party For Human Rights in United Latvia Nikolajs Kabanovs has stated that the adoption of such declaration could worsen Latvian-Russian relations. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Chas features an interview with the head of the Russian Community of Liepaja (city in the Northern part of Latvia) and a member of the European Russian Alliance Valerijs Kravcovs stating that the members of the European Russian Alliance are concerned about the lack of Latvian non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. According to Valerijs Kravcovs, the Russian Community of Liepaja would support any political party agreeing to grant voting rights to non-citizens.

Yesterday, the Consultative Council on Ethnic Minority Education of the Ministry of Education and Science has discussed a proposal of the Latvian Association for Support of Russian Language Schools (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) to introduce a compulsory examination in the native language and literature in minority schools. The LASHOR’s head Igors Pimenovs has argued that the main objective of the proposal is the preservation of minorities’ native language and culture by means of raising students’ motivation to learn their native language and literature. However, the representative of the Centre of Education and Examination Content has claimed that students willing to pass examination in native language and literature already have such an opportunity and that the number of such students is increasing. The proposal will be further discussed at the Cabinet of Ministers’s session.

Yesterday, the Consultative Council on Ethnic Minority Education of the Ministry of Education and Science has discussed a proposal of the Latvian Association for Support of Russian Language Schools (LASHOR in its Russian acronym) to introduce a compulsory examination in the native language and literature in minority schools. The LASHORs head Igors Pimenovs has argued that the main objective of the proposal is the preservation of minorities native language and culture by means of raising students motivation to learn their native language and literature. However, the representative of the Centre of Education and Examination Content has claimed that students willing to pass examination in native language and literature already have such an opportunity and that the number of such students is increasing. The proposal will be further discussed at the Cabinet of Ministerss session. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 10, 2007

  • Newspapers report on the Victory Day events
  • All for Latvia! proposes to hold a public discussion on the removal of the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders
  • State Language Centre has punished 183 persons for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work during the first four months of 2007
Yesterday, several thousands people took part in the “Victory Day” celebrations near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders in Riga and other Latvian cities. Meanwhile, the extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvia acronym), as planned, held a protest action against the celebrations nearby the Monument. A young man who has pulled out a poster from the hands of a member of the protest action has been arrested. The Police have also detained a member of the former neo-Nazi organisation “Perkonkrusts” Igors Siskins who has unrolled a banner with swastika. Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis has blamed the right wing radicals for their attempts to provoke conflicts nearby the Monument in Riga.

Yesterday, several thousands people took part in the Victory Day celebrations near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders in Riga andother Latvian cities. Meanwhile, the extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvia acronym), as planned, held a protest action against the celebrations nearby the Monument. A young man who has pulled out a poster from the hands of a member of the protest action has been arrested. The Police have also detained a member of the former neo-Nazi organisation Perkonkrusts Igors Siskins who has unrolled a banner with swastika. Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis has blamed the right wing radicals for their attempts to provoke conflicts nearby the Monument in Riga. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA, Telegraf

Yesterday, the ultra-right political party “All for Latvia!” has appealed to the right wing political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and its member the Mayor of Riga Janis Birks to hold a public discussion concerning the removal of the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders. The leader of “All for Latvia!” Raivis Dzintars has stated that the location of such a monument in the centre of the capital does not comply with the official interpretation of history concerning the WWII. However, the Mayor of Riga does not support the removal of the Monument.

Yesterday, the ultra-right political party All for Latvia! has appealed to the right wing political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM and its member the Mayor of Riga Janis Birks to hold a public discussion concerning the removal of the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders. The leader of All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars has stated that the location of such a monument in the centre of the capital does not comply with the official interpretation of history concerning the WWII. However, the Mayor of Riga does not support the removal of the Monument. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Newspapers report that the State Language Centre has punished 183 persons, including 18 teachers, a school director and two director’s substitutes, for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work during the first four months of 2007. Two school directors were fined for hiring people with insufficient state language skills.

Newspapers report that the State Language Centre has punished 183 persons, including 18 teachers, a school director and two directors substitutes, for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work during the first four months of 2007. Two school directors were fined for hiring people with insufficient state language skills. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

maijs 9, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhniy

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the Russian Ambassador to Latvia Viktor Kalyuzhniy criticizing the decision of the Riga City Council to issue a permit for the extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union (NSS in it Latvian acronym) to hold a protest action against celebration of the Victory Day near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders on 9 May. According to Viktor Kalyuzhniy, such protest action is insulting to WWII veterans. The Ambassador believed that similar disorders that occurred in Tallinn because of the removal of the Red Army war memorial from the centre of the city would not happen in Latvia.

maijs 8, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the Inspections Department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis
  • Boarder Guard has detained two Russian National Bolsheviks trying illegally to enter Latvia
  • Article by a political scientist Viktors Makarovs on situation on the integration of Russian speaking residents in Estonia and Latvia

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the State Language Centre Inspections Department Antons Kursitis. Antons Kursitis has stated that aim of the State Language Centre is to observe implementation of the State Language Law. Mr. Kursitis believed that the state has to insure the dominant position of the state language since Latvia is the only place where Latvian language can be maintained. According to Antons Kursitis, the situation when ethnic Latvians are not able to find a job because of insufficient Russian language proficiency is not normal.

Latvijas Avize reports that the Boarder Guard has detained two Russian National Bolsheviks tried illegally to enter Latvia on 4 May. According to a representative of the State Boarder Guard, two men will be expelled from Latvia and fined for illegal crossing the border during this week.

Diena prints an article by a political scientist from the University of Helsinki Viktors Makarovs on the situation concerning Russian speaking residents in their integration in Latvia and Estonia. According to Antons Makarovs, the social and linguistic integration of Russian speakers in Latvia will remain insufficient until the rights of this group for public participation and expression of various interests, opinions, and values concerning ethnic policy will not be recognized. Antons Makarovs also believes that there is a low possibility that clashes which occurred in Tallinn concerning removal of the Red Army war memorial from the centre of the city will repeat in Latvia.

maijs 7, 2007

  • Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee is planning to set a night watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders on 8 and 9 May
  • Interview with the head of the NGO „Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks on naturalisation
  • Insulting statements against Russians have appeared on the street fencing in a district of Riga
  • Article by a member of the Peoples party Aigars Kimenis arguing that Latvian non-citizens of Latvia should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections
Newspapers reports that the Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee (LAC) is planning to set a watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders at night on 8 May and on 9 May. As reported, the extreme ultra-right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) is planning to hold a protest action against celebration of a “Victory Day” on 9 May. Members of the NSS are planning to hold a mournful procession and to put flowers in memory of “the victims of Bolshevik terror” beneath the monument. At the same day, several other organisations are planning to hold events in the honour of “Victory Day” and Soviet soldiers near the monument. In an interview with

Newspapers reports that the Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee (LAC) is planning to set a watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders at night on 8 May and on 9 May. As reported, the extreme ultra-right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) is planning to hold a protest action against celebration of a Victory Day on 9 May. Members of the NSS are planning to hold a mournful procession and to put flowers in memory of the victims of Bolshevik terror beneath the monument. At the same day, several other organisations are planning to hold events in the honour of Victory Day and Soviet soldiers near the monument. In an interview with Telegraf, the leader of the LAC Eduards Goncarovs has stated that the LACs members will try not to allow provocations of national radical organisations and clashes with WWII veterans. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an interview with the head of the NGO „Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks. The NGO has organised courses free-of-charge for naturalisation applicants during the last six years. Igors Kuzmuks believed that several measures to promote naturalisation have the opposite effect hindering the process of integration. According to Igors Kuzmuks, courses supported by the Society Integration Foundation stipulating a fee for participants whose monthly income is more than LVL 100 (EUR 142) prevent naturalisation.

Telegraf reports that insulting statements against Russians have appeared on the street fencing in a district of Riga.

Diena prints an article by a member of the Peoples party Aigars Kimenis believing that Latvian non-citizens should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections. According to Aigars Kimenis, the state granting non-citizens voting rights would send a signal that the loyalty towards the state and the adoption of Latvian values become less important.

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