maijs 23, 2007

  • Prosecutor asks to punish national radicals Aivars Garda, Ilze Liepa and Liga Muzinkante with pecuniary penalty for incitement to ethnic hatred
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court continued hearing of the criminal case of the leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the organisation’s members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa publishing also the national radical newspaper

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court continued hearing of the criminal case of the leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the organisations members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa publishing also the national radical newspaper DDD. As reported, the persons have been charged for incitement to ethnic hatred in several DDDs articles published in 2004 and 2005. The Prosecutor has asked to punish Aivars Garda and Ilze Liepa with pecuniary penalty in amount of LVL 4,800 (EUR 6,830) and Liga Muzinkante, editor of the newspaper, - in amount of LVL 6,000 (EUR 8,537). Chas, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 22, 2007

  • Candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Karina Petersone: granting non-citizens voting rights would consolidate the society
  • Supreme Court has ordered repeated linguistic expertise in a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans
In an interview with

In an interview with Telegraf, a candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Karina Petersone from the political party Latvias Way stated that Latvian society will never consist only of citizens. Karina Petersone argued that social researches show that about 60% of non-citizens do not need citizenship or do not want to have it. Therefore, Ms. Petersone believed that granting non-citizens voting rights would consolidate the society and draw its members to common aims.

Latvijas Avize reports that the Supreme Court has ordered repeated linguistic expertise in a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans. As reported, Aleksandrs Gilmans is charged for anti-governmental statements made on the internet forum of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools homepage. The Riga Regional Court resting on the linguistic expertise by the State Language Agency has justified Aleksandrs Gilmans. However, the Prosecutors Office has appealed the ruling arguing that there is a lack of concreteness and argumentation in the expertise. Repeated linguistic expertise is assigned to the Association of Independent Experts.

maijs 21, 2007

  • 123, 199 persons have been granted Latvian citizenship through naturalisation since in 1995
  • The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins has prepared the reply to the Ombudsman's Offices appeal on the of use minority languages in public information
  • Concord Centre asked the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to proclaim the amendments to the Criminal Law adopted on 17 May
  • Candidate for the Presidents of Latvia post Karina Petersone: consolidation of society is one of the Presidents main tasks
  • MP Dzintars Rasnacs: legalization of non-citizens status was a mistake

Chas reports that 123, 199 persons have been granted Latvian citizenship through naturalisation since 1995.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins has prepared the reply to the Ombudsman’s Office’s, former Latvian National Human Rights Office’s (LNHRO) appeal made in 2006. As reported, the LNHRO asked the Cabinet of Ministers to permit the state and municipal institutions to provide written public information in minority languages together with the state language. The Cabinet of Ministers issued a protocol decision stipulating that the LNHRO and the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS) had to place information in minority languages in their premises that, following a request, these institutions submit information also in minority languages. According to Gaidis Berzins, the Cabinet of Ministers’ rules concerning language use comply with international standards. The Minister believed that no amendments to the existing legislation should be made since the liberalization of the provisions concerning the use of foreign languages in public information would allegedly threaten the state language’s environment.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins has prepared the reply to the Ombudsmans Offices, former Latvian National Human Rights Offices (LNHRO) appeal made in 2006. As reported, the LNHRO asked the Cabinet of Ministers to permit the state and municipal institutions to provide written public information in minority languages together with the state language. The Cabinet of Ministers issued a protocol decision stipulating that the LNHRO and the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS) had to place information in minority languages in their premises that, following a request, these institutions submit information also in minority languages. According to Gaidis Berzins, the Cabinet of Ministers rules concerning language use comply with international standards. The Minister believed that no amendments to the existing legislation should be made since the liberalization of the provisions concerning the use of foreign languages in public information would allegedly threaten the state languages environment. Vesti Segodnya

The Saeima’s faction “The Concord Centre” has asked the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to proclaim the amendments to the Criminal Law adopted by the Saeima on 17 May. According to the head of the faction Boriss Cilevics, the adopted amendments to the Criminal Law stipulating punishments for the differential treatment on the grounds of religion do not address racial and ethnic origin as the grounds of discrimination covered by the Race Directive. Mr.Cilevics has also noted that the word “discrimination” has been deleted from the law.

The Saeimas faction The Concord Centre has asked the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga not to proclaim the amendments to the Criminal Law adopted by the Saeima on 17 May. According to the head of the faction Boriss Cilevics, the adopted amendments to the Criminal Law stipulating punishments for the differential treatment on the grounds of religion do not address racial and ethnic origin as the grounds of discrimination covered by the Race Directive. Mr.Cilevics has also noted that the word discrimination has been deleted from the law. Chas (19.05.)

Latvijas Avize features an interview with a candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Karina Petersone from the political party Latvias Way. Ms. Petersone has stated that consolidation of the society is one of the Presidents main tasks. According to Karina Petersone, the sense of belonging to the state, patriotism and pride of the states achievements are the core grounds of social consolidation.


Weekly Nedela features an interview with the Saeimas Secretary, MP from the right-wing political faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Dzintars Rasnacs. According to Mr. Rasnacs, the legalisation of non-citizens status was a mistake. Dzintars Rasnacs believes that residents who have arrived to Latvia during soviet times should be considered as foreigners. Therefore, Mr.Rasnacs says, these people have to choose whether to integrate into the society or to return to their motherland. According to Mr. Rasnacs, various political parties would manipulate non-citizens if they are granted voting rights in municipal elections.

maijs 19, 2007

  • Latvijas Avize features an interview with a candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Maris Riekstins
  • Two National Bolsheviks were expelled from Latvia for trying illegally to enter the country
  • EU-Russian summit: President of Russia Vladimir Putin criticized Latvia and Estonia for violations of Russian speakers rights
  • Conference Development of Human Resources under Conditions of Labour Migration

Latvijas Avize features an interview with a candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Maris Riekstins (Peoples Party). Mr. Riekstins believed that the naturalisation procedure is quite liberal in Latvia, and neither its further liberalisation nor restrictions should be made. According to Maris Riekstins, the promotion of a dialogue in the society and a strict position against any expressions of extremism are important aspects of social integration. Maris Riekstins also did not support the idea to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections.

Latvijas Avize reports that two Russian National Bolsheviks who had been detained for an attempt illegally to enter Latvia were expelled from the country and fined with LVL 250 (EUR 356). The National Bolsheviks are also forbidden to enter Latvia during the next five years.

At the EU-Russian summit, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin criticized Latvia and Estonia for violations of the Russian speaking residents’ rights. Vladimir Putin said that violation of the Russian speakers’ rights was unacceptable and disrespectful for Europe.

At the EU-Russian summit, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin criticized Latvia and Estonia for violations of the Russian speaking residents rights. Vladimir Putin said that violation of the Russian speakers rights was unacceptable and disrespectful for Europe. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Newspapers report on the conference “Development of Human Resources under Conditions of Labour Migration” organised by the Baltic Assembly in Sigulda on 18 May. According to the Social Affairs Committee of the Baltic Assembly, about 200,000 Latvian residents could emigrate from the country during the coming 10 years.

Newspapers report on the conference Development of Human Resources under Conditions of Labour Migration organised by the Baltic Assembly in Sigulda on 18 May. According to the Social Affairs Committee of the Baltic Assembly, about 200,000 Latvian residents could emigrate from the country during the coming 10 years. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, NRA

maijs 18, 2007

  • Saeima has adopted draft amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating punishments for instigation of ethnic or racial hatred
  • Saeima has ratified the border agreement with Russia
  • Candidate for the post of the President of Latvia Karina Petersone: non-citizens should not be prevented from participating in social and state affairs
  • Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane on the decrease of naturalization applications
  • Ombudsman Romans Apsitis replied to a request of the political party The Concord Centre to explain his statement on integration policy
Yesterday, the Saeima has adopted amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating that instigation of ethnic or racial hatred might be punished with up to three years imprisonment, community works or pecuniary penalty of up to 60 minimal wages. An accident which has severe consequences, involves violence or is made by a group of people or a public official might be punished with up to 10 years imprisonment. The pecuniary penalty of up to 30 minimal wages might be applied in cases if discrimination act is repeatedly committed during a year.

Yesterday, the Saeima has adopted amendments to the Criminal Code stipulating that instigation of ethnic or racial hatred might be punished with up to three years imprisonment, community works or pecuniary penalty of up to 60 minimal wages. An accident which has severe consequences, involves violence or is made by a group of people or a public official might be punished with up to 10 years imprisonment. The pecuniary penalty of up to 30 minimal wages might be applied in cases if discrimination act is repeatedly committed during a year. Diena

Yesterday, the Saeima has ratified the border agreement with Russia. The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has supported the Saeima’s decision and stated that the law will be announced without delay. The government of the Russian Federation is planning to ratify the agreement during the summer months.

Yesterday, the Saeima has ratified the border agreement with Russia. The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga has supported the Saeimas decision and stated that the law will be announced without delay. The government of the Russian Federation is planning to ratify the agreement during the summer months. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA

In an interview with

In an interview with Vesti Segodnya, the candidate for the post of the President of Latvia from the political party Latvias Way, MP Karina Petersone has stated that Latvian non-citizens should not be prevented from participating in social and state affairs. According to Karina Petersone, any parliamentary discussion on the issue whether non-citizens should be granted voting in municipal elections would be populist. Therefore, according to the MP, a national referendum would be the best way to take a decision on the issue

In an interview with

In an interview with Telegraf, the Head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane believed that decreasing number of applicants for naturalisation is not a negative trend. According to Eizenija Aldermane, the slow naturalisation rate has caused the decrease of the NB staff and several local branches of the NB will be closed due to the small number of non-citizens.

The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis has replied to the request of the political party “The Concord Centre” to explain his statement made after the Estonian events over the removal of the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn. In the interview with

The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis has replied to the request of the political party The Concord Centre to explain his statement made after the Estonian events over the removal of the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn. In the interview with Diena, Romans Apsitis has stated that Latvia should review its integration policy taking into account lessons learnt from the Estonian experience and to prioritize the interests of ethnic Latvians. In the reply to The Concord Centre, Romans Apsitis has noted that his words were interpreted in a wrong way. According to the Ombudsman, he meant that the process of integration should be more comprehensive and multidimensional in order to prevent peoples negative attitude and aggression towards the state. Telegraf

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