aprīlis 27, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


publishes an article by Latvian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Georgs Andrejevs. He provides several arguments based on international documents against the statements released by several politicians and newspapers that the fact of Latvias occupation has not been recognized internationally. publishes an article by Latvian Ambassador to the Council of Europe Georgs Andrejevs. He provides several arguments based on international documents against the statements released by several politicians and newspapers that the fact of Latvia’s occupation has not been recognized internationally. According to the social opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS the popularity ratings of all governing parties have slightly decreased during the last three months. April again saw an increase in the popularity of Repse’s party New Era (20% of the respondents would vote for this party), followed by FHRUL and then Latvia’s Way, FF/LNNK, Latvia’s Social Democratic Party and the People’s Party. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Saiema Speaker Janis Straume and New Era leader Einars Repse are the three most popular persons in Latvia.

According to the social opinion poll conducted by the company SKDS the popularity ratings of all governing parties have slightly decreased during the last three months. April again saw an increase in the popularity of Repses party New Era (20% of the respondents would vote for this party), followed by FHRUL and then Latvias Way, FF/LNNK, Latvias Social Democratic Party and the Peoples Party. Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Saiema Speaker Janis Straume and New Era leader Einars Repse are the three most popular persons in Latvia. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

publishes the responses of its readers towards the news published in publishes the responses of its readers towards the news published in Lauku AvizeLauku Avize that a representative of the OSCE has objected to the wording of the oath to be given by the newly elected MPs. All published letters state that Latvia should be more persistent in defending its rights in the language sphere and should not do everything foreign experts say. that “a representative of the OSCE has objected to the wording of the oath to be given by the newly elected MPs.” All published letters state that Latvia should be more persistent in defending its rights in the language sphere and should not do everything foreign experts say.

Lauku Avize

continues interviewing language specialists and officials trying to find out the reasons for the resignation of director of the State Language Center Dzintra Hirsa. Two of her colleagues – head of the Control Department of the State Language Center Maris Birzgalis and deputy director of the State Language Center Agris Timuska – state that work at the Center is very difficult, salaries are very low and the state does not provide sufficient funding. Both employees admit that at various points they have considered resigning. Nevertheless Agris Timuska voiced his readiness to apply for the post of director of the State Language Center. continues interviewing language specialists and officials trying to find out the reasons for the resignation of director of the State Language Center Dzintra Hirsa. Two of her colleagues – head of the Control Department of the State Language Center Maris Birzgalis and deputy director of the State Language Center Agris Timuska – state that work at the Center is very difficult, salaries are very low and the state does not provide sufficient funding. Both employees admit that at various points they have considered resigning. Nevertheless Agris Timuska voiced his readiness to apply for the post of director of the State Language Center. The Foundation of Humanitarian Studies “Vedi” is producing its third book about Russians in Latvia. The book is compiled of works by famous researchers from Latvia and Russia. This issue is devoted to the history and culture of old-believers in Latvia.

The Foundation of Humanitarian Studies Vedi is producing its third book about Russians in Latvia. The book is compiled of works by famous researchers from Latvia and Russia. This issue is devoted to the history and culture of old-believers in Latvia. Vesti segondja

aprīlis 26, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Dienas editorial is about the language situation in the country. Columnist Askolds Rodins refers to the recently published study The Usage of the Latvian Language among Russians. He concludes that according to the results of the study non-Latvians have learned Latvian on a level necessary for daily communications and now Latvians themselves are responsible for promoting the Latvian language and culture among non-Latvians.


reports on the discussion Television, Power and Society from the Perspective of Latvia and Russia among representatives of Russias TV channels and Latvias TV journalists and officials. President of Russias Academy of Television Vladimir Pozner suggested that Latvia should create one strong national channel funded from the state budget that would air programmes in the Russian language as well. The most active participants of the discussion were journalists, media experts and officials from Latvia. Therefore Russias delegation concluded that there is a lack of communication among Latvian TV journalists and officials. reports on the discussion “Television, Power and Society from the Perspective of Latvia and Russia” among representatives of Russia’s TV channels and Latvia’s TV journalists and officials. President of Russia’s Academy of Television Vladimir Pozner suggested that Latvia should create one strong national channel funded from the state budget that would air programmes in the Russian language as well. The most active participants of the discussion were journalists, media experts and officials from Latvia. Therefore Russia’s delegation concluded that there is a lack of communication among Latvian TV journalists and officials. FHRUL deputy chairperson Janis Urbanovics states that very soon the EU and then NATO will demand that Latvia grant Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens of Latvia. He notes that his party has never made a mistake regarding the requirements of the EU.

FHRUL deputy chairperson Janis Urbanovics states that very soon the EU and then NATO will demand that Latvia grant Latvian citizenship to all non-citizens of Latvia. He notes that his party has never made a mistake regarding the requirements of the EU. Vesti Segodnja

Vesti Segodnja

asks opinions of several MPs about the sudden resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa. Latvias Way deputy Antons Seiksts believes that the reasons for Hirsas resignation are the following, first, she was tired, second, the State Language Centre should take responsibility for the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights on Podkolzinas case. Peoples Party Dzintars Abikis agrees with Seiksts. FF/LNNK deputy Juris Vidins states that Hirsha resigned because of the pressure from the Russian language press. FHRUL deputy Miroslav Mitrafanov states that Hirsas resignation should not be celebrated and foresees that her successor will be even stricter than Hirsa. asks opinions of several MPs about the sudden resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa. Latvia’s Way deputy Antons Seiksts believes that the reasons for Hirsa’s resignation are the following, first, she was tired, second, the State Language Centre should take responsibility for the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights on Podkolzina’s case. People’s Party Dzintars Abikis agrees with Seiksts. FF/LNNK deputy Juris Vidins states that Hirsha resigned because of the pressure from the Russian language press. FHRUL deputy Miroslav Mitrafanov states that Hirsa’s resignation should not be celebrated and foresees that her successor will be even stricter than Hirsa. Independent TV company “All Russia” has arrived in Latvia to shoot a documentary about Russians residing in Latvia. The key goal of the director is to ruin the existing image of Latvia as Russia’s enemy.

Independent TV company All Russia has arrived in Latvia to shoot a documentary about Russians residing in Latvia. The key goal of the director is to ruin the existing image of Latvia as Russias enemy. Telegraf

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes an interview with Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Indulis Berzins from the National Radio. Berzins states that Latvia should amend the election laws and that would be the best way how to respond to the ruling of the ECHR on Podkolzina’s case.

Latvijas Vestnesis publishes an interview with Latvian Foreign Affairs Minister Indulis Berzins from the National Radio. Berzins states that Latvia should amend the election laws and that would be the best way how to respond to the ruling of the ECHR on Podkolzinas case.

aprīlis 25, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

After ten years as Director of the State Language Centre, Dzintra Hirsa has handed in a letter of resignation. Hirsa does not disclose the reasons of her resignation and refuses to talk to the press. Her colleagues at the President’s State Language Commission assume that she could no longer take the constant pressure from the press and politicians and inadequate financial support. The last drop was the opposition of human rights and integration experts against amendments to the regulations of the State Language Law providing the expansion of the list of professions in the private sector proposed by the State Language Centre and the ruling on Podkolzina’s case. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka will take a decision on Hirsa’s resignation after returning from Sweden.

After ten years as Director of the State Language Centre, Dzintra Hirsa has handed in a letter of resignation. Hirsa does not disclose the reasons of her resignation and refuses to talk to the press. Her colleagues at the Presidents State Language Commission assume that she could no longer take the constant pressure from the press and politicians and inadequate financial support. The last drop was the opposition of human rights and integration experts against amendments to the regulations of the State Language Law providing the expansion of the list of professions in the private sector proposed by the State Language Centre and the ruling on Podkolzinas case. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka will take a decision on Hirsas resignation after returning from Sweden. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf


interviews the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Normunds Penke. The ambassador agrees that relations with Russia have improved during the last year. He believes that Russia wants to benefit from the new status of Latvia when it becomes an EU member state. Regarding the situation in Latvia, Penke is concerned that Latvia has two information spaces and that the Russian language press continues to work in the old style. In Moscow cooperation and discussions between the two countries are no longer so emotional and the emphasis is on legal aspects. interviews the Latvian Ambassador to Russia Normunds Penke. The ambassador agrees that relations with Russia have improved during the last year. He believes that Russia wants to benefit from the new status of Latvia when it becomes an EU member state. Regarding the situation in Latvia, Penke is concerned that Latvia has two information spaces and that the Russian language press continues to work in “the old style.” In Moscow cooperation and discussions between the two countries are no longer so emotional and the emphasis is on legal aspects. The President’s State Language Commission is going to submit amendments to the state budget asking to provide 275,000 lats for implementing projects aimed at improving the situation concerning the state language. The State Language Commission has determined five areas, which should receive funding from the state budget. One of the priorities is to provide funding in the amount of 25,000 lats for Latvian language training for Russian teachers who will have to teach in Latvian as of 2004. State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite proposed creating a state language agency to manage funding for projects related to the state language

The Presidents State Language Commission is going to submit amendments to the state budget asking to provide 275,000 lats for implementing projects aimed at improving the situation concerning the state language. The State Language Commission has determined five areas, which should receive funding from the state budget. One of the priorities is to provide funding in the amount of 25,000 lats for Latvian language training for Russian teachers who will have to teach in Latvian as of 2004. State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite proposed creating a state language agency to manage funding for projects related to the state language. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins state that no drastic amendments to the Constitution should be adopted this year as it would send the wrong signals about the situation in the country to the world. The Prime Minister’s party Latvia’s Way is categorically against the “proposed amendments” to the Constitution developed by Social Democratic Party leader Juris Bojars. The President did not comment on the content of Bojar’s Constitution but she is not going to support it.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga and Prime Minister Andris Berzins state that no drastic amendments to the Constitution should be adopted this year as it would send the wrong signals about the situation in the country to the world. The Prime Ministers party Latvias Way is categorically against the proposed amendments to the Constitution developed by Social Democratic Party leader Juris Bojars. The President did not comment on the content of Bojars Constitution but she is not going to support it. Diena

The Saeima’s Legal Commission has drafted the final version of the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The Saeima will review the amendments in the third reading on 30 April. The Commission has specified the article regarding local municipalities “Full-fledged citizens of Latvia shall elect local governments, and the Latvian language shall be the working language.” The biggest discussions were about the solemn undertaking. The current wording says that an MP takes an oath, however, old-believers and MPs who have dual citizenship will be allowed to take an undertaking.

The Saeimas Legal Commission has drafted the final version of the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The Saeima will review the amendments in the third reading on 30 April. The Commission has specified the article regarding local municipalities Full-fledged citizens of Latvia shall elect local governments, and the Latvian language shall be the working language. The biggest discussions were about the solemn undertaking. The current wording says that an MP takes an oath, however, old-believers and MPs who have dual citizenship will be allowed to take an undertaking. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

reports that an OSCE expert opposes the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The OSCE expert has sent his objections to head of the Legal Office Gunars Kusins. Kusins does not disclose the name of the expert as it was a private letter. The OSCE representative suggests amending the wording of the solemn oath by striking out the phrase where an MP promises to strengthen the Latvian language as the sole state language. While Head of the Legal Office Gunars Kusins as well Latvias Way deputy Karlis Leiskalns backed the proposed amendments, however, MPs voted against the amendments. reports that “an OSCE expert opposes the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language.” The OSCE expert has sent his objections to head of the Legal Office Gunars Kusins. Kusins does not disclose the name of the expert as it was a private letter. The OSCE representative suggests amending the wording of the solemn oath by striking out the phrase where an MP promises to strengthen the Latvian language as the sole state language. While Head of the Legal Office Gunars Kusins as well Latvia’s Way deputy Karlis Leiskalns backed the proposed amendments, however, MPs voted against the amendments. Deputy State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Martins Virsis reports on the results of the Ministry’s delegation visit to Pskov, St.Petersburg and Moscow in the middle of April. He states that Pskov and St.Petersburg are very interested in cross border cooperation with Latvia.

Deputy State Secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Martins Virsis reports on the results of the Ministrys delegation visit to Pskov, St.Petersburg and Moscow in the middle of April. He states that Pskov and St.Petersburg are very interested in cross border cooperation with Latvia. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

interviews the representative of the Latvian government at human rights institutions Kristine Malinovska. She provides information about the current status of the cases of Slivenko, Shevanova and the Sisoyevi against Latvia filed with the European Court of Human Rights. interviews the representative of the Latvian government at human rights institutions Kristine Malinovska. She provides information about the current status of the cases of Slivenko, Shevanova and the Sisoyevi against Latvia filed with the European Court of Human Rights. Full integration of Russian-speaking residents into Latvian society is a condition for security in the region, therefore the USA will continue thorough monitoring of the Baltic states also after the summit in Prague, said Heather Conley

Full integration of Russian-speaking residents into Latvian society is a condition for security in the region, therefore the USA will continue thorough monitoring of the Baltic states also after the summit in Prague, said Heather Conley, USDeputy Assistant Secretary of State, at the annual Conference on Regional Cooperation and Development in Stockholm. Chas

Vesti Segodnja follows the delegation of Russia’s TV in Latvia. The newspaper reports on the delegation’s meetings with the Mayor of Riga Gundars Bojars, Mayor of Jurmala Dainis Urbanovics and students of the Baltic Russian Institute.

Vesti Segodnja follows the delegation of Russias TV in Latvia. The newspaper reports on the delegations meetings with the Mayor of Riga Gundars Bojars, Mayor of Jurmala Dainis Urbanovics and students of the Baltic Russian Institute. Vesti Segodnja concludes that journalists from Moscow are very far from the problems of Russian-speakers in Latvia and view these problems as unimportant and easy to solve. Telegraf

The administration of National TV has dismissed the head of the Russian news department of Channel II Irina Vinnika. She states that the administration simply does not like her. Nobody has set any guidelines for the Russian news department. It does not care about the Russian audience at all. Vinnika also assumes that the administration does not like the fact that she is an active figure in the field of integration.


aprīlis 24, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Diena reports on the presentation of the research Latvian Language Usage by Russian-speakers conducted by the Baltic Institute of Social Sciences. In 10 years the number of people who speak Latvian has grown by 10% although the data for last 3-4 years have not changed. Researchers believe that this could be explained by the following: existence of two information spaces created by the mass media and the controversy around the switch of secondary education to Latvian. Only 12% of non-Latvians say that they do not speak Latvian at all. 87% of Russians believe that all Latvias residents should speak the state language fluently. Researchers believe that psychological aspects and lack of mutual respect are the key obstacles in expanding a Latvian language environment. The study shows that popularity of the Latvian press and TV channels is decreasing among Russians.


provides comments of several experts on the study. provides comments of several experts on the study. ChasChas editor-in-chief Kseniya Zagorovskaya believes that attitudes of people in general towards the language are more tolerant than those of politicians. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks agrees with Zagarovskaya and adds, Society is more tolerant than politicians, media and the law. Experts who took part in the discussion held by the National Programme for Latvian Language Training Programme stated that the upcoming 8th Saeima elections will influence language issues. editor-in-chief Kseniya Zagorovskaya believes that attitudes of people in general towards the language are more tolerant than those of politicians. Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Nils Muiznieks agrees with Zagarovskaya and adds, “Society is more tolerant than politicians, media and the law.” Experts who took part in the discussion held by the National Programme for Latvian Language Training Programme stated that the upcoming 8th Saeima elections will influence language issues. Chas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama LatviiChas, Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes the key conclusions and data of the study. publishes the key conclusions and data of the study. The Saeima’s Legal Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language for the third – final reading in the Saeima. The Committee did not pass a concrete decision. It will continue the review today after having consultations with language experts.

The Saeimas Legal Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language for the third – final reading in the Saeima. The Committee did not pass a concrete decision. It will continue the review today after having consultations with language experts. Neatkariga

Chas notes that the main discussions were about the solemn undertaking or oath of the office. Saeima Legal Office chairperson Gunars Kusins stated that MPs should avoid such a wording of the undertaking which stipulates that representatives of national minorities must nurture the Latvian language as the sole state language. Kusins believes that such an undertaking would deny MPs who represent national minorities the possibility to propose amendments to language legislation.

Chas notes that the main discussions were about the solemn undertaking or oath of the office. Saeima Legal Office chairperson Gunars Kusins stated that MPs should avoid such a wording of the undertaking which stipulates that representatives of national minorities must nurture the Latvian language as the sole state language. Kusins believes that such an undertaking would deny MPs who represent national minorities the possibility to propose amendments to language legislation.


reports about the reaction of ministers to the call of FF/LNNK on providing funding for securing the status of the state language from the state budget of this year. Prime Minister Andris Berzins is against any amendments to the state budget. The Prime Minister says that the proposals of the Presidents State Language Commission have been forwarded to four ministries. Their responsibility is to make sure that the proposals of the Commission are not overlapping with any of the national programmes. Special Task Minister for Co-operation with International Financial Institutions Roberts Zile replied that it is the responsibility of the Saeima to adopt amendments to the state budget. The newspaper concludes that FF/LNNKs call is a good pre-election slogan, but regarding money – lets do not rush. reports about the reaction of ministers to the call of FF/LNNK on providing funding for securing the status of the state language from the state budget of this year. Prime Minister Andris Berzins is against any amendments to the state budget. The Prime Minister says that the proposals of the President’s State Language Commission have been forwarded to four ministries. Their responsibility is to make sure that the proposals of the Commission are not overlapping with any of the national programmes. Special Task Minister for Co-operation with International Financial Institutions Roberts Zile replied that it is the responsibility of the Saeima to adopt amendments to the state budget. The newspaper concludes that FF/LNNK’s call is a good pre-election slogan, but regarding money – let’s do not rush.


publishes an interview with President of Russias Academy of Television Vladimir Pozner. He admits that Russias television channels provide a one-sided reflection about Russians residing in Latvia, that is, about discrimination of the rights of non-citizens and alleged marches of Nazis. Pozner believes that the situation is not so bad because there are not so many Russians who want to emigrate to Russia, nevertheless he disapproves of some unfair and old laws. publishes an interview with President of Russia’s Academy of Television Vladimir Pozner. He admits that Russia’s television channels provide a one-sided reflection about Russians residing in Latvia, that is, about discrimination of the rights of non-citizens and alleged marches of Nazis. Pozner believes that the situation is not so bad because there are not so many Russians who want to emigrate to Russia, nevertheless he disapproves of some unfair and old laws. Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf Vesti Segodnja, Telegraf


publishes an article Tomorrows Challenges by Latvias Way deputy chairman Ivars Godmanis. He believes that Latvia will face new challenges in the economy, foreign policy and social development when the country becomes a member of the EU and NATO. Concerning social development, Godmanis believes that the main challenge is to strengthen and improve a modern civil society in Latvia. However, the securing of Latvian values is important as well, which means: 1) material and mental investments in the development of Latvian culture, language and traditions, 2) promotion of Latvian values among non-Latvians and 3) the expansion of Latvinness in Europe and the world.. Godmanis stresses that while promoting Latvian culture, respect towards the culture and traditions of other ethnic groups should be shown by involving them in NGOs and the Integration Foundation. publishes an article “Tomorrow’s Challenges” by Latvia’s Way deputy chairman Ivars Godmanis. He believes that Latvia will face new challenges in the economy, foreign policy and social development when the country becomes a member of the EU and NATO. Concerning social development, Godmanis believes that the main challenge is to strengthen and improve a modern civil society in Latvia. However, the securing of Latvian values is important as well, which means: 1) material and mental investments in the development of Latvian culture, language and traditions, 2) promotion of Latvian values among non-Latvians and 3) “the expansion of Latvinness in Europe and the world.”. Godmanis stresses that while promoting Latvian culture, respect towards the culture and traditions of other ethnic groups should be shown by involving them in NGOs and the Integration Foundation. Daugavpils Latvian experimental school board’s members have sent an open letter to

Daugavpils Latvian experimental school boards members have sent an open letter to Diena stating that the City administrations school optimisation plan does not foresee the possibility to create another school with Latvian as an instruction language in Daugavpils.


publishes the proposals of applicants for the post of the director of the National Television. One of the 5 applicants Uldis Duka suggests closing Channel II which airs programmes in Russian. Janis Leja believes that the profitability of Channel II should be reviewed very carefully. Uldis Grava believes that Channel II should remain and be used as a tool for promoting language acquisition and air programmes about integration as well. Gundars Reders also believes that Channel II should stay and air integration, sports and children programmes. publishes the proposals of applicants for the post of the director of the National Television. One of the 5 applicants Uldis Duka suggests closing Channel II which airs programmes in Russian. Janis Leja believes that the profitability of Channel II should be reviewed very carefully. Uldis Grava believes that Channel II should remain and be used as a tool for promoting language acquisition and air programmes about integration as well. Gundars Reders also believes that Channel II should stay and air integration, sports and children programmes.

aprīlis 23, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The Saeima’s Human Rights Committee discussed a proposal to grant the status of a politically repressed person to non-citizens as well. FF/LNNK did not support the proposal, FHRUL backs the proposal and other political forces do not have a stance regarding the issue. In 1992 the status of a politically repressed person was granted to all politically repressed persons, but since 1995 the status has been granted only to Latvian citizens.

The Saeimas Human Rights Committee discussed a proposal to grant the status of a politically repressed person to non-citizens as well. FF/LNNK did not support the proposal, FHRUL backs the proposal and other political forces do not have a stance regarding the issue. In 1992 the status of a politically repressed person was granted to all politically repressed persons, but since 1995 the status has been granted only to Latvian citizens. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

organised a discussion about the planned switch of secondary education to the Latvian language in 2004. Only 4 directors of Russian schools responded to the call of the newspaper to take part in the discussion. Minister of Education and Science Karlis Greiskalns and head of the Integration Unit of the General Education Department at the MoES Evija Papule represented the government. Director of the Russian Secondary School in Cesis Inna Semjonova states that although students and their parents understand that education should be in the state language, they still want to study in their mother tongue. The most usual argument is that teachers are not qualified and trained for teaching their subjects in the Latvian language. The Education Minister believes that all practical issues concerning the reform in 2004 have been solved. Now the work should be done on a political level, that is, teachers and the school administration should build a positive attitude towards the reform. The participants of the discussion agreed that the reform should be implemented although Semjonova believes that schools should be given some flexibility regarding the timeframe. organised a discussion about the planned switch of secondary education to the Latvian language in 2004. Only 4 directors of Russian schools responded to the call of the newspaper to take part in the discussion. Minister of Education and Science Karlis Greiskalns and head of the Integration Unit of the General Education Department at the MoES Evija Papule represented the government. Director of the Russian Secondary School in Cesis Inna Semjonova states that although students and their parents understand that education should be in the state language, they still want to study in their mother tongue. The most usual argument is that teachers are not qualified and trained for teaching their subjects in the Latvian language. The Education Minister believes that all practical issues concerning the reform in 2004 have been solved. Now the work should be done on a political level, that is, teachers and the school administration should build a positive attitude towards the reform. The participants of the discussion agreed that the reform should be implemented although Semjonova believes that schools should be given some flexibility regarding the timeframe. FF/LNNK has asked its coalition partners to enter amendments to the state budget of this year, in particular, to increase funding for securing the status of the state language. FF/LNNK refers to the statement of President’s State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite released last week that “the situation concerning the state language will not improve if concrete and immediate measures are not taken and without adequate financial resources.”

FF/LNNK has asked its coalition partners to enter amendments to the state budget of this year, in particular, to increase funding for securing the status of the state language. FF/LNNK refers to the statement of Presidents State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite released last week that the situation concerning the state language will not improve if concrete and immediate measures are not taken and without adequate financial resources. Chas, Vesti Segodnja

Today is the first day of a new project “The Days of Russia’s TV in Latvian TV Channels.” Leading stars of Russian Federation TV channels, such as Vladimir Pozner, Irena Lesnevskaya and others, arrived in Latvia last night.

Today is the first day of a new project The Days of Russias TV in Latvian TV Channels. Leading stars of Russian Federation TV channels, such as Vladimir Pozner, Irena Lesnevskaya and others, arrived in Latvia last night. Chas, Panorama Latvii


reports on the seminar Transfer to One Education System in Latvia which took place in Liepaja. The majority of participants admitted that the seminar did not provide any new ideas or statements. reports on the seminar “Transfer to One Education System in Latvia” which took place in Liepaja. The majority of participants admitted that the seminar did not provide any new ideas or statements.

Panorama Latvii

gives its interpretation regarding the review of the Naturalisation Board concerning the alleged sale of citizenship by the staff members of the Board. The newspaper states that the government was in a very difficult position - the government could not dismiss Aldermane and stop naturalisation because then there would be a pressure from Russia and the international community, but it had to react in some way to the demands of the nationalists. The newspaper concludes that if all non-citizens were granted the status of a citizen if they had expressed such a wish there would not be such problems at all. gives its interpretation regarding the review of the Naturalisation Board concerning the alleged sale of citizenship by the staff members of the Board. The newspaper states that the government was in a very difficult position - the government could not dismiss Aldermane and stop naturalisation because then there would be a pressure from Russia and the international community, but it had to react in some way to the demands of the nationalists. The newspaper concludes that if all non-citizens were granted the status of a citizen if they had expressed such a wish there would not be such problems at all.

Panorama Latvii

introduces its audience to leader of the Association of Uzbeks Nur Baxriddin Sindrov. He tells about the Association and its future plans. The number one priority is to establish Sunday school for 302 Uzbeks residing in the whole territory of Latvia. introduces its audience to leader of the Association of Uzbeks “Nur” Baxriddin Sindrov. He tells about the Association and its future plans. The number one priority is to establish Sunday school for 302 Uzbeks residing in the whole territory of Latvia. On Saturday night three persons – a Russian citizen and two stateless persons - have run away from the illegal immigrant camp in Olaine.

On Saturday night three persons – a Russian citizen and two stateless persons - have run away from the illegal immigrant camp in Olaine. Neatkariga

Several high ranking foreign officials are on a visit to Latvia. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Jan Petersen is paying a visit to Latvia from today through April 24. Minister of Defence of Luxembourg Charles Goerens is on a one-day visit to Latvia. Austrian President Thomas Klestil is on a two-day visit to Riga.

Several high ranking foreign officials are on a visit to Latvia. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Jan Petersen is paying a visit to Latvia from today through April 24. Minister of Defence of Luxembourg Charles Goerens is on a one-day visit to Latvia. Austrian President Thomas Klestil is on a two-day visit to Riga. Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas, Vesti Segodnja

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