jūlijs 25, 2007

  • Painter of social posters Artis Buks on the positions of the state language

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with a painter of social posters Artis Buks. Mr. Buks criticizes weak positions of the state language and national policy concerning it. Artis Buks believes that the state must create conditions that would make the usage of Latvian language more beneficial than the usage of others languages.

jūlijs 24, 2007

  • Political Union of Latvias First Party and Latvias Way has appealed to the governing coalition to permit granting double citizenship to children of Latvian citizens who were born abroad
The political union of Latvia’s First Party and Latvia’s Way has appealed to the governing coalition to permit granting double citizenship to children of Latvian citizens who were born abroad. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins supported the proposal with a reservation that a person has to make a choice which country’s citizenship to keep upon reaching full age.

The political union of Latvias First Party and Latvias Way has appealed to the governing coalition to permit granting double citizenship to children of Latvian citizens who were born abroad. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins supported the proposal with a reservation that a person has to make a choice which countrys citizenship to keep upon reaching full age. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

jūlijs 23, 2007

  • 13 persons have applied for asylum in Latvia during the first half of 2007
  • Telegraf prints an article on situation around the Russian News Service on Latvian National Televisions second channel LTV7
According to the State Border Guard, 13 persons have applied for asylum in Latvia during the first half of 2007. Asylum seekers have arrived to Latvia from Azerbaijan, Russia, Mongolia, Armenia, Belorussia, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Seven persons were refused asylum in the country, while the applications of six persons are under consideration. In total, in the time period from 1998-2007, 10 persons were granted asylum in Latvia and 18 – alternative status. One person got naturalised and became Latvian citizen.

According to the State Border Guard, 13 persons have applied for asylum in Latvia during the first half of 2007. Asylum seekers have arrived to Latvia from Azerbaijan, Russia, Mongolia, Armenia, Belorussia, Iraq, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Seven persons were refused asylum in the country, while the applications of six persons are under consideration. In total, in the time period from 1998-2007, 10 persons were granted asylum in Latvia and 18 – alternative status. One person got naturalised and became Latvian citizen. NRA

Telegraf prints an article on situation around the Russian News Service on Latvian National Televisions second channel LTV7. In an interview with the newspaper, ex-director of the Russian News Service Vladimirs Novodvorskis who has recently resigned from the post has stated that according to the channels policy, LTV7 will not provide as many programs for ethnic minorities as before. Vladimirs Novodvorskis also has criticized the board of the channel for decreasing number of Russian-language programs and for lack of policy to attract Russian speaking audience. However, the General Director of the Latvian National Television Janis Holsteins has stated that Russian news program on LTV7 is one of the core components of the channel as it is the only Russian news program on public television and it will not be liquidated.

jūlijs 20, 2007

  • Border Guard has detained 19 Moldovans, 11 Georgians and 6 Ukrainians for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally in 2007
  • Latvijas Avize reports about a meeting of the working group called to revise and improve the National Program for the Promotion of Tolerance.
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the head of the Commission of Strategic Analysis Zaneta Ozolina have discussed issues concerning consolidation of society
The Head of State Border Guard Gunars Dabolins has stated that 19 citizens of Moldova, 11 citizens of Georgia and 6 citizens of Ukraine were detained for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally during the first half of 2007. Gunars Dabolins has stated that one of the main priorities of the Border Guard for the second half of the year is not to allow influx of illegal immigrants to Latvia mainly from Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.

The Head of State Border Guard Gunars Dabolins has stated that 19 citizens of Moldova, 11 citizens of Georgia and 6 citizens of Ukraine were detained for attempt to pass the Latvian border illegally during the first half of 2007. Gunars Dabolins has stated that one of the main priorities of the Border Guard for the second half of the year is not to allow influx of illegal immigrants to Latvia mainly from Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia. Chas

Latvijas Avize reports about a meeting of the working group called to revise and improve the National Program for the Promotion of Tolerance. According to the head of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Ilze Liepa, the Program must aim at decreasing intolerance towards as many social groups as possible. However, the head of the Discrimination Department of the Ombudsman Office Liga Biksiniece believes that if the program is too broad it will be ineffective. Therefore, Ms. Biksiniece considers that the program must be aimed at promotion of tolerance towards defined particular target groups which face intolerance more often. The work on revision and improvement of the Program will be finished in 2008.

Latvijas Avize reports that the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the head of the Commission of Strategic Analysis Zaneta Ozolina have discussed issues concerning consolidation of society. Zaneta Ozolina has stated that there is luck of common idea which would be able to unite the society. According to Ms. Ozolina, the Commission has planned to launch discussions on values and ideas which dominate among various groups in society as well as on ways to promote sense of belonging to the state.

jūlijs 19, 2007

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared an agreement according to which residents of Russias –Latvias border zone will be able to receive visas in simplified order

Telegraf reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared an agreement according to which citizens of Latvia, Russia and the EU as well as non-citizens who reside in Russias –Latvias border zone will be able to receive visas to one or the other country in simplified order. Residents of border zone will be allowed to receive visas in simplified order with an aim to visit their relatives, burial places, to receive medical treatment, to take part in cultural and sport events or in case of disease or death of relative abroad.

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