Aug. 30, 2007

  • Statement of the Integration Minister regarding repatriation of Latvian emigrants working abroad
  • An article about the meeting of Russian compatriots from the Baltic States in Tallinn
Russian-language newspapers report on the statement of the Special Assignments Minister for the Society Integration Oskars Kastens regarding the possible repatriation of the Latvian emigrants working abroad. Referring to the experience of other states, minister foresees that only one third of economic emigrants (i.e., 20,000 out of approximately 60,000 Latvians working abroad) could return to Latvia.

Russian-language newspapers report on the statement of the Special Assignments Minister for the Society Integration Oskars Kastens regarding the possible repatriation of the Latvian emigrants working abroad. Referring to the experience of other states, minister foresees that only one third of economic emigrants (i.e., 20,000 out of approximately 60,000 Latvians working abroad) could return to Latvia. Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf prints an article about the meeting of Russian compatriots from the Baltic States in Tallinn. The main issue discussed during the meeting concerned education possibilities in Russian language in the Baltic States.

Aug. 29, 2007

  • An article on conclusions of the Report on Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU
  • State Security Police suggests to refuse the authorisation of the demonstration ‘Russian March
  • Diena reports on publication of new cartoon portraying the Prophet Mohamed in Swedish newspaper
  • Diena prints a large article about the implementation of minority education in Estonia

Telegraf features an article about the main conclusions of the Report on Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU issued by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. According to the report, in 2006 Latvia has been very slow in adopting the necessary legislation in compliance with the Race Equality Directive. The authors of the report also state that ‘the very low number of recorded complaints in some Member States (among them also in Latvia) despite NGO reports and independent research surveys pointing towards the existence of ethnic discrimination in these countries, could indicate a lack of awareness of the existence and functioning of the specialised bodies.

State Security Police has suggested Riga City Council to refuse the authorisation of the demonstration ‘Russian March’ planned by the radical National Democratic Party and the NGO

State Security Police has suggested Riga City Council to refuse the authorisation of the demonstration ‘Russian March planned by the radical National Democratic Party and the NGO Rodina on 8 September. Referring to the previous activities of the organisers of the demonstration, State Security Police concedes the possibility of advocating of ideas of ethnic intolerance as well as deliberate encouragement to the confrontation between the representatives of several ethnic groups during this demonstration. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Diena reports on publication of new cartoon portraying the Prophet Mohamed in Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda, which has caused the official protest of the government of Iran as well as the Muslim protests outside the newspapers office. The cartoon in question, by Swedish artist of Latvian origin (as reported by Diena, his grandfather was Latvian) Lars Vilks, depicted Muhammad's head on the body of a dog and was used as an illustration for the leading article of the newspaper discussing the issues concerning the rights to freedom of religion and the rights of artist to express himself without censorial restrictions.

Diena prints a large article about the implementation of minority education in Estonia. According to the spokesman of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research Priit Simson, the implementation of the minority education reform in Estonia promises to be more gradual than in Latvia.

Aug. 28, 2007

  • Articles about the campaign of the State Language Agency (SLA) State language in shops
Newspapers report on the campaign of the State Language Agency (SLA) “State language in shops”, during which the control of the usage Latvian language in shops will be intensified. According to the newspapers, the most frequent violation identified by the SLA during the campaign in Daugavpils district (South-Eastern Latvia) was insufficient usage of Latvian necessary for the fulfilment of salesperson’s duties. Several salespersons and cashiers were fined, while 26 shop managers were issued a warning.  

Newspapers report on the campaign of the State Language Agency (SLA) State language in shops, during which the control of the usage Latvian language in shops will be intensified. According to the newspapers, the most frequent violation identified by the SLA during the campaign in Daugavpils district (South-Eastern Latvia) was insufficient usage of Latvian necessary for the fulfilment of salespersons duties. Several salespersons and cashiers were fined, while 26 shop managers were issued a warning. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Aug. 27, 2007


  • Prosecutor terminates criminal proceedings in the case of incitement to national, ethnic and racial hatred
  • Statements of the co-chairman of the Latvian Way/Latvias First Party Ainars Slesers regarding non-citizens
  • Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Oskars Kastens on the proposals encouraging the return of Latvian emigrants
  • Latvijas Avize reports on conference Topical Human Rights Issues in Latvia: international and national rules and recommendations
  • Russian-language newspapers report on the acts of vandalism directed towards several monuments for Soviet soldiers
Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Riga Regional Court Ieva Garanca has decided to terminate criminal proceedings in the case of Andris Jordans due to the lack of features constituting criminal offence. According to the newspaper, in public discussion taking place in February this year young neo-Nazi Andris Jordans announced that it would be preferable to exterminate Jews and Roma people as ‘non-humans’. Two participants of this discussion - deputies of the Riga City Council Vladislavs Rafalskis (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) and Viktors Gluhovs (The Concord Centre) - applied to the court asking to evaluate these expressions. The criminal proceedings against Andris Jordans were initiated under the Section 78 Paragraph 1 (instigation to national, ethnic or racial hatred or enmity) of the Criminal Code. During the criminal proceedings Andris Jordans stressed that the phrase about ‘non-humans’ was expressed only with the goal to test the reaction of the organisers of the discussion.

Prosecutor of the Prosecutors Office of the Riga Regional Court Ieva Garanca has decided to terminate criminal proceedings in the case of Andris Jordans due to the lack of features constituting criminal offence. According to the newspaper, in public discussion taking place in February this year young neo-Nazi Andris Jordans announced that it would be preferable to exterminate Jews and Roma people as ‘non-humans. Two participants of this discussion - deputies of the Riga City Council Vladislavs Rafalskis (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) and Viktors Gluhovs (The Concord Centre) - applied to the court asking to evaluate these expressions. The criminal proceedings against Andris Jordans were initiated under the Section 78 Paragraph 1 (instigation to national, ethnic or racial hatred or enmity) of the Criminal Code. During the criminal proceedings Andris Jordans stressed that the phrase about ‘non-humans was expressed only with the goal to test the reaction of the organisers of the discussion.

Russian-language newspapers print the statement of the co-chairman of the Latvian Way/Latvia’s First Party Ainars Slesers believing that all the non-citizens of Latvia should be granted voting rights in municipal elections. Slesers also stresses the need for public referendum on this issue.

Russian-language newspapers print the statement of the co-chairman of the Latvian Way/Latvias First Party Ainars Slesers believing that all the non-citizens of Latvia should be granted voting rights in municipal elections. Slesers also stresses the need for public referendum on this issue. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Diena prints an article by the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Oskars Kastens about the proposals encouraging the return of Latvian emigrants. According to the minister, all the parts involved in the elaboration of these proposals (among them representatives of the Integration Secretariat, Ministry of Welfare, State Employment Agency, Association of Public and Private Partnership, Latvian Association for Latvians in Ireland etc.) evaluated the granting of double citizenship to the children of Latvian citizens who are born abroad as very important aspect encouraging the return of Latvian emigrants.

Latvijas Avize reports on conference Topical Human Rights Issues in Latvia: international and national rules and recommendations. Director of the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia Arturs Kucs has pointed to the problems in the area of implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. According to Kucs, Latvian courts quite often have difficulties to prove the racial motivation of the crime because of the incompetence of the police: racially motivated offences have been qualified and investigated as hooliganism by the police. Representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia before International Human Rights Organisations Inga Reine pointed to the increasing amount of claims received by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) from the residents of Latvia. 30 claims have been received during the first seven months of this year instead of 22 claims in the last year.

Russian-language newspapers report on the acts of vandalism directed towards the monument for Soviet soldiers in the Saldus district and the monument for the commander of the Defence of Liepaja, major-general Nikolajs Dedajevs in Liepaja.

Russian-language newspapers report on the acts of vandalism directed towards the monument for Soviet soldiers in the Saldus district and the monument for the commander of the Defence of Liepaja, major-general Nikolajs Dedajevs in Liepaja. Chas

Aug. 25, 2007

  • Weekly Nedela features an article about the need to attract the guest workers
  • Latvijas Avize: Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration discredits the State Language Inspection

Weekly Nedela features an article about the need to attract the guest workers to the Latvian labour market. Referring to statistical information, journal informs that great proportion of guest workers are employed in the sectors of construction, transport and communications and manufacturing.

Latvijas Avize reproaches the Special Assignments Minister for Society Integration Oskars Kastens for publicly discrediting the work of the State Language Inspection. The minister criticised the work of the inspection during the interview to the TV broadcasting First Persons of the State.

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