aprīlis 8, 2008

  • Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens: status of non-citizens in Latvia complies with all international norms
  • State Language Centre has received 201 complaints on violations of the State Language Law during first free months of 2008
  • MP Boriss Cilevics: Americans are willing to co-operate with so-called Russian parties in Latvia with an aim to combat corruption in the country
  • Newspapers report about presentation of series of books about Holocaust Memory and Name
The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that status of non-citizens in Latvia complies with all international norms. Therefore, the Minister believes that a statement by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin that hundreds of thousands of non-citizens in Latvia hinder development of democracy in the country is false.  The Minister also has stated that there is no sense to propose to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections because the majority of Saeima will not support it.

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that status of non-citizens in Latvia complies with all international norms. Therefore, the Minister believes that a statement by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin that hundreds of thousands of non-citizens in Latvia hinder development of democracy in the country is false. The Minister also has stated that there is no sense to propose to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections because the majority of Saeima will not support it.

The State Language Centre has received 201 complaints on violations of the State Language Law during first free months of 2008, - a 70% increase when compared to the same period in 2007. In 2008, already 225 persons were punished for violation of the State Language Law, including 144 persons punished for insufficient usage of state language at work.

The State Language Centre has received 201 complaints on violations of the State Language Law during first free months of 2008, - a 70% increase when compared to the same period in 2007. In 2008, already 225 persons were punished for violation of the State Language Law, including 144 persons punished for insufficient usage of state language at work. Chas

Chas prints an interview with a representative of Latvia in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, MP Boriss Cilevics (the Concord Centre). Mr. Cilevics has stated that representatives of the United States of America in Latvia are disappointed in so-called ethnic Latvian parties, therefore, they are willing to co-operate with so-called Russian parties in Latvia with an aim to combat corruption in the country.

President of the International Association of Ghetto and Jewish Genocide History, writer Leonids Kovals has presented series of books about Holocaust “Memory and Name”.

President of the International Association of Ghetto and Jewish Genocide History, writer Leonids Kovals has presented series of books about Holocaust Memory and Name. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 7, 2008

  • Newspapers continue writing about the petition to grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • Three MPs declared they will speak only Latvian
  • Russian Community of Latvia and Liepaja Russian Community will cooperate again
Newspapers continue writing about the petition to grant non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections, reviewed in the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament last week. MEP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka stated although the Committee on Petitions cannot impose sanctions on Latvia, review of the petition creates public resonance on the issue of non-citizens and their rights. MEP from Latvia Rihards Piks stated that Russian minority should listen to the president of the Russian Federation, who advised them to learn the state language. Mr. Piks also emphasised that the issues of citizenship are outside of the competences of the European Union.

Newspapers continue writing about the petition to grant non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections, reviewed in the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament last week. MEP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka stated although the Committee on Petitions cannot impose sanctions on Latvia, review of the petition creates public resonance on the issue of non-citizens and their rights. MEP from Latvia Rihards Piks stated that Russian minority should listen to the president of the Russian Federation, who advised them to learn the state language. Mr. Piks also emphasised that the issues of citizenship are outside of the competences of the European Union. Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Three MPs currently unaffiliated to any political faction (Karlis Sadurskis, Sandra Kalniete and Ina Druviete) have declared that in order to strengthen the positions of the state language, they will speak only Latvian with journalists from Latvia.

Three MPs currently unaffiliated to any political faction (Karlis Sadurskis, Sandra Kalniete and Ina Druviete) have declared that in order to strengthen the positions of the state language, they will speak only Latvian with journalists from Latvia. Diena, Chas, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Russian Community of Latvia (ROL in its Russian acronym) and Liepaja Russian Community signed cooperation agreement restoring organisational unity and identified future fields of activities. Organisations also stated their equal treatment of all political parties acting in the interests of Russian community and decided that politicians shall not occupy leadership positions within the organisation.

Russian Community of Latvia (ROL in its Russian acronym) and Liepaja Russian Community signed cooperation agreement restoring organisational unity and identified future fields of activities. Organisations also stated their equal treatment of all political parties acting in the interests of Russian community and decided that politicians shall not occupy leadership positions within the organisation. Chas

aprīlis 5, 2008

  • Latvijas Avize reports about a conference Dialogue of Cultures in United Society
  • The Central Statistical Bureau developed a draft Classifier of Ethnicities

Latvijas Avize reports about a conference Dialogue of Cultures in United Society organised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS in its Latvian acronym) within the framework of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. Participants have discussed the roles of majority and minority cultures in to intercultural dialogue, cultural pluralism and social integration. A representative of the University of Latvia stated that reserving only one particular culture a central role would produce cultural monologue, not dialogue. An MEP and a former Minister of Culture Rihards Piks emphasised that cultural dialogue in Latvia is only permissible when Latvian culture has a central place among other cultures, while the culture and values of the main group should be given greater support.

 A draft “Classifier of Ethnicities” developed by the Central Statistical Bureau envisages granting every group a unique number for the purposes of statistics. The criteria of inclusion of groups into the list are not clear: the “Classifier” includes categories such as “French” and “Breton”, “Libyan Arab” and simply “Tunisian”, yet does not mention “Latgalians”. The draft will be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers next week.

A draft Classifier of Ethnicities developed by the Central Statistical Bureau envisages granting every group a unique number for the purposes of statistics. The criteria of inclusion of groups into the list are not clear: the Classifier includes categories such as French and Breton, Libyan Arab and simply Tunisian, yet does not mention Latgalians. The draft will be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers next week. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 3, 2008

  • Diena reports that various anti-Semitic books are sold without restrictions in bookstores in Riga
  • Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready to take part in discussion about the draft project on cancellation of visa requirements for non-citizens
  • Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament has forwarded a petition on Latvian non-citizens to the Coordinators meeting
  • Chas reports about a project Citizenship – My Responsibility, Rights and Opportunities
  • FF/LNIM: persons who want to change their ethnicity to ethnic Latvian must know Latvian language

Diena reports that various anti-Semitic books are sold without restrictions in bookstores in Riga. According to a representative of the Security Police, there is no list of prohibited literature in Latvia, therefore, any publication might appear in bookstores, while only in the framework of the criminal process a publication can be withdrawn from trade. Representative of the Ombudsman Office in an interview with the newspaper has stated that residents should appeal in writing to the Ombudsmans Office about trade of publications which might incite hatred.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready to take part in discussion about the draft project on cancellation of visa requirements for Russian compatriots living in Baltic countries without citizenship.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is ready to take part in discussion about the draft project on cancellation of visa requirements for Russian compatriots living in Baltic countries without citizenship. Chas

Yesterday, the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament has reviewed a petition to grant Latvian non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. After the hearing the Committee forwarded the petition to the Coordinators’ meeting recommending to view the problem as an issue of discrimination against a part of population of the country.

Yesterday, the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament has reviewed a petition to grant Latvian non-citizens the right to vote in municipal elections. After the hearing the Committee forwarded the petition to the Coordinators meeting recommending to view the problem as an issue of discrimination against a part of population of the country. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Chas reports about a project Citizenship – My Responsibility, Rights and Opportunities which is aimed at informing school students about Latvian citizenship. The Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane has stated that a recent study has showed that prestige of Latvian citizenship is low especially outside the capital. Several information seminars will be held in the framework of the project until the end of the year. Essay competition My Latvian Citizen will be held at the end of the project.

The political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) are preparing proposals to the new draft law “On Change of Name, Surname and Ethnicity Record” stipulating that a person who wants to change ethnicity to ethnic Latvian will have to prove Latvian language proficiency. The FF/LNIM considers that without this requirement non-citizens could avoid naturalisation and receive Latvian citizenship according to a different provision of the Citizenship Law, which envisages granting automatic citizenship to ethnic Latvians and Livs. As reported, presently, the draft law stipulates that a person who wants to change ethnicity to Latvian will only have to present a document certifying that at least one of his/her parent or grandparent was ethnic Latvian.

The political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) are preparing proposals to the new draft law On Change of Name, Surname and Ethnicity Record stipulating that a person who wants to change ethnicity to ethnic Latvian will have to prove Latvian language proficiency. The FF/LNIM considers that without this requirement non-citizens could avoid naturalisation and receive Latvian citizenship according to a different provision of the Citizenship Law, which envisages granting automatic citizenship to ethnic Latvians and Livs. As reported, presently, the draft law stipulates that a person who wants to change ethnicity to Latvian will only have to present a document certifying that at least one of his/her parent or grandparent was ethnic Latvian. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 2, 2008

  • Government has approved the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code stipulating liability for using foreign language texts on seals, blanks, titles, signboards and in reports
  • Councillor of the political party New Era Dans Titavs: President of Latvia and the Prime Minister should not speak Russian language
  • Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament will consider a petition to review the minority schools reform in Latvia
Yesterday, the Government has approved the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code which stipulate fines for using foreign language texts on seals, blanks, titles, signboards and in reports of organisations and enterprises if the law stipulates that this information should be provided in state language. The Employers’ Confederation of Latvia has expressed its dissatisfaction with the amendments and pointed out that imposing administrative penalties for provision of information in other languages alongside the state language is absurd, disproportional and contradicts the principles of good governance.

Yesterday, the Government has approved the draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code which stipulate fines for using foreign language texts on seals, blanks, titles, signboards and in reports of organisations and enterprises if the law stipulates that this information should be provided in state language. The Employers Confederation of Latvia has expressed its dissatisfaction with the amendments and pointed out that imposing administrative penalties for provision of information in other languages alongside the state language is absurd, disproportional and contradicts the principles of good governance. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Councillor of the political party New Era Dans Titavs in an interview with

Councillor of the political party New Era Dans Titavs in an interview with Latvijas Avize has stated that the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and the Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis should not speak Russian language at public because it ruins prestige of the state language. Latvijas Avize (1.04), Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas reports that the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament will consider a petition to review the minority schools reform in Latvia and to grant ethnic minorities the right to study in their native languages. The newspaper prints opinion of the Association of Russian Culture, Education and Science (ARKONA in its Russian acronym) criticizing a note by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Committee on Petitions explaining the situation in Latvia. According to the ARKONA, the note reflects false statements about the real situation with education in minority schools. Particularly, the ARKONA criticizes statements that it is possible to receive secondary education in Latvia in eight ethnic minority languages and that demand for education in Russian language has decreased. According to the ARKONA, full-fledged secondary education in Latvia is available only in three minority languages – Russian, Ukrainian and Polish, while demand for education in Russian is high.

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