maijs 7, 2005

  • Newspapers report on the forthcoming visit of the USA President George W. Bush to Latvia
  • President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga returns the amendments to the Immigration Law to Saeima
  • Prosecutors General Office evaluates the statements of the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs
  • Chas prints results of an interactive opinion poll on the status of the Russian language in Latvia
  • Article about the marriage traditions of Roma in the Latgale region
Newspapers report on the forthcoming visit of the USA President George W. Bush to Latvia. Several of them note that the USA President will call Latvia to improve relations with Russia and continue minority integration process. Russian language newspapers print the statement of the Head of the Parliamentary Group of the union  For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners. The MP states that he refuses to meet the president Bush because the USA President overlooks the problems, such as, mass non-citizenship, Latvia has concerning observance of minority rights.  

Newspapers report on the forthcoming visit of the USA President George W. Bush to Latvia. Several of them note that the USA President will call Latvia to improve relations with Russia and continue minority integration process. Russian language newspapers print the statement of the Head of the Parliamentary Group of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Jakovs Pliners. The MP states that he refuses to meet the president Bush because the USA President overlooks the problems, such as, mass non-citizenship, Latvia has concerning observance of minority rights. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga returned to Saeima the amendments to the Immigration Law, recently adopted by the Parliament. The amendments stipulated that foreigners who apply for permanent residence permits in Latvia should submit a declaration of loyalty towards Latvia and promise to respect the Latvian culture and traditions. The People’s Harmony Party invited the President not to promulgate the amendments.

The President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga returned to Saeima the amendments to the Immigration Law, recently adopted by the Parliament. The amendments stipulated that foreigners who apply for permanent residence permits in Latvia should submit a declaration of loyalty towards Latvia and promise to respect the Latvian culture and traditions. The Peoples Harmony Party invited the President not to promulgate the amendments. Diena

The Prosecutor’s General Office has evaluated the statements of the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) expressed during the TV discussion ‘The Process.’ The Prosecutor’s General Office admitted that the statement of the MP does not incite national hatred, however, the Prosecutor’s General Office noted that Saeima is entitled to evaluate statements of an MP. As reported, the MP stated that ‘voters will not trust in Latvian fascism.’ 

The Prosecutors General Office has evaluated the statements of the MP Nikolajs Kabanovs (For Human Rights in the United Latvia) expressed during the TV discussion ‘The Process. The Prosecutors General Office admitted that the statement of the MP does not incite national hatred, however, the Prosecutors General Office noted that Saeima is entitled to evaluate statements of an MP. As reported, the MP stated that ‘voters will not trust in Latvian fascism. Latvijas Avize

Chas prints results of the interactive opinion poll conducted among its members of audience. They were asked what status should be granted to the Russian language in Latvia. 68% out of 1628 respondents stated that Russian should be granted the status of the second state language, 12% believe that secondary education in Russian should be provided by state, while only 9% think that in communication with local municipalities Russian may be used.


The Diena supplement Sestdiena features an article about the marriage traditions of Roma in the Latgale region (the Eastern part of Latvia).

maijs 6, 2005

  • Vesti Segodnya interviews journalist Janis Domburs
  • Latvijas Avize interviews Riga Mayor Aivars Aksenoks
  • Vesti Segodnya: in his visit to Latvia the USA President will stress the importance of observation of minority rights in a democratic country
  • Exhibition on the Armenian Genocide opened in Riga

Vesti Segodnya talks to Janis Domburs, moderator of the weekly TV political show ‘What Is Going On in Latvia? aired by the Latvian National TV. Vesti Segodnya introduces Janis Domburs by stating that ‘he is among very few journalists in Latvia who do not have a label [Latvian or Russian journalist] and his show is highly respected by both the Latvian and Russian audiences. When asked to comment on relations between Latvians and Russians in Latvia, Janis Domburs says ‘I think that now we are in the situation when parallel realities and dual morale exist everywhere… I have given up the idea of happy integration propagated by a number of politicians. I believe that this idea is dead a long time ago and after the minority education reform there are no chances to reincarnate it. However, he admits that he does not have an answer to the question ‘how to accommodate different views and positions.

Latvijas Avize interviews the new Riga City Council Mayor Aivars Aksenoks. He states that ‘Latvian Riga is among his top priorities ‘Latvian in regard to the citys architecture, history and attitude towards people.

Vesti Segodnya declares that the USA President George Bush during his visit to Latvia will state that democracy first of all means the observation of national minority rights.

Diena prints an article about the exhibition of Armenian artists devoted to the Armenian Genocide committed by Ottoman Turkey in 1915 opened in Riga. The daily also features views of Armenian artist who permanently lives in Latvia Vartuzs Karapetjans. He states that he does not feel hatred towards Turkey, however, he does not want Turkey to be in the EU and that Turkish is the official EU language.


maijs 5, 2005

  • Six members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools detained at the official ceremony of Latvias Independence Declaration at the Freedom Monument
  • Supreme Court rules ineffective the decision of the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs on the refusal to register a child, whose one parent is a Latvian non-citizen and another is a Russian citizens, as a Latvian non-citizen
  • Deputy Head of the General Education Department accounts to the Saeima Integration Sub-committee for the implementation of the minority education reform
On 4 May official celebrations of the Proclamation of Latvia’s Independence Declaration and flower placing ceremony were held at the Freedom Monument. Among people who came to the ceremony there were also members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools (according to

On 4 May official celebrations of the Proclamation of Latvias Independence Declaration and flower placing ceremony were held at the Freedom Monument. Among people who came to the ceremony there were also members of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools (according to Chas about 150) dressed in prisoner clothes and headbands saying ‘alien although they had received the denial from the Riga City Council to organise a protest action at that time and place. When the official ceremony started, members of the protest action shouted ‘shame! and waved with flowers bundled with black mourning bands. After a while there was some jostling, however, no serious incidents occurred. Police detained 6 persons; all of them are members of the protest action, including two MPs. The Interior Minister commented ‘probably for the first time since independence so many police officers were present in an official public event, however, their presence was justified because it was necessary to ensure security… these people [members of the protest action] showed disrespect not only towards the President but also the state. The Minister will propose to develop stronger norms on holding mass meetings. While Diena adds views of people who came to celebrate the declaration: many of them state that police should not be so tolerant with participants of protest actions. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Senators of the Administrative Department of the Supreme Court have ruled ineffective the decision taken by the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs that the data of a child whose one parent is a Latvian non-citizen and another is a Russian citizen cannot be included in the Population Register and the child may not be granted the personal code. As reported the DCMA refused to register the child as a Latvian non-citizen and suggested the parents to ask the child Russian citizenship. The Supreme Court refused the argument of the DCMA that they did not register the child as a Latvian non-citizen because international organisations have advised Latvia to reduce the number of non-citizens. The Supreme Court argues that these recommendations may not be interpreted in this way: ‘by that international organisations have implicitly stated that naturalisation of non-citizens should be promoted.’

Senators of the Administrative Department of the Supreme Court have ruled ineffective the decision taken by the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs that the data of a child whose one parent is a Latvian non-citizen and another is a Russian citizen cannot be included in the Population Register and the child may not be granted the personal code. As reported the DCMA refused to register the child as a Latvian non-citizen and suggested the parents to ask the child Russian citizenship. The Supreme Court refused the argument of the DCMA that they did not register the child as a Latvian non-citizen because international organisations have advised Latvia to reduce the number of non-citizens. The Supreme Court argues that these recommendations may not be interpreted in this way: ‘by that international organisations have implicitly stated that naturalisation of non-citizens should be promoted. Diena

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Deputy Head of the General Education Department of the Ministry of Science and Education Evija Papule was invited to the session of the Saeima Integration Subcommittee. The official reported on the implementation of the minority education reform. According to Evija Papule the grades in subjects taught in Latvian this year do not differ from the grades received in these subjects last year when they were taught in Russian. She also noted that for the moment none of minority schools has asked for additional textbooks or funding.

maijs 3, 2005

  • Views of Andrejs Veisbergs, Chairman of the Official Language Committee, on the situation of Latvian in Latvia
  • Interview with the Education Minister
  • Interview with Social Integration Minister
  • Vesti Segodnya prints views of Norberts Klaucens on the upcoming visit of the USA President to Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya: Latvian state has launched a massive attack against the Russian community

Diena prints an article by Andrejs Veisbergs, Chairman of the Official Language Committee, on the role of nation state and language in modern times. Andrejs Veisbergs argues that due to globalisation nation states and national languages do not play a very significant role any more. In his opinion, the situation is changing because people have many identities not only ethnic and rapid development of modern technologies. Nowadays it is a lot easier for immigrants/minorities to maintain close relations with their home countries of origin and live in another communication space than their actual place of residence. In the second part of the article the author refers to the situation in Latvia. He notes that there have been occasions when Latvians are afraid to stand up for their language, for instance, discussions around the strict statement of the Education Minister when she said that she would speak Latvian to Russian schools. Andrejs Veisbergs concludes that the main tasks are ‘consequent implementation of the minority education reform, integration and strong, continuous demands to know Latvian in all functions provided by the EU.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the Minister of Education Ina Druviete. When asked to comment on the implementation of the minority education reform, the Minister states that the State Education Inspection continues to inspect minority schools. The Inspection has concluded that ‘the level of pupils knowledge has improved. Regarding use of languages in Latvia, the Minister reproaches Latvians for'not promoting use of the Latvian language. She adds that ‘officials should speak in Latvian with everybody because it is provided by law, while private persons should speak Latvian because they should realise their responsibility towards society. She admits that municipal officials may provide responses in other languages, however, it is ‘a transitional provision.

Chas interviews the Minister for the Special Assignments for Social Integration Ainars Latkovskis. The Minister believes that Latvias society is very tolerant and ethnic tensions are raised artificially by politicians. He argues that ‘politicians are not interested in solving many issues, for instance social, which do not have ethnicity. Regarding ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, the Minister assures that no practical changes will take placeafter the Convention is ratified. Ainars Latkovskis does not support the proposal of several MPs to examine loyalty of recently naturalised citizens towards Latvia. He believes that if a person holds different political beliefs it may not serve for a reason not to grant him/her Latvian citizenship.

Today Latvia marks the anniversary of the Proclamation Day of Latvia’s Independence. All newspapers look back at 15 years of independent Latvia. Russian language newspapers stress that 15 years ago Russians and Latvians were united, however, now the situation is completely different.

Today Latvia marks the anniversary ofthe Proclamation Day of Latvias Independence. All newspapers look back at 15 years of independent Latvia. Russian language newspapers stress that 15 years ago Russians and Latvians were united, however, now the situation is completely different. Chas prints an article by a member of the Association of Russian Organisations in Latvia (OKROL) who states that for Russians this day is both the day of Latvias independence and the day of big lies. The author stresses that many Russians participated in the re-establishment of Latvias independence; however, they had never expected that ‘they will be awarded with deprivation of citizenship and other rights.

Vesti Segodnya prints an article on the views of the former consul of Latvia to Chicago Norberts Klaucens published on the national radical webpage Noberts Klaucensemmigrated from Latvia when he was a child and was active in fighting for Latvias independence. The webpage published comments of Noberts Klaucens on the upcoming visit of the USA President to Latvia ‘[Latvian officials] will have to silently observe how George Bush will visit places important for Jews and meet Russians in Latvia. The power in Latvia belongs to Russians and Jews.The newspaper claims that the views of Klaucens reflect the views of the majority of Latvians living abroad.

Vesti Segodnya argues that last year the Latvian state has launched a massive attack against active representatives of the Russian community in Latvia. The author of the article believes that it has been caused by Latvias accession to the EU and NATO ‘ruling Latvian politicians feel very secure under the EU and NATO. The author concludes with the question ‘what will be our reaction?

aprīlis 30, 2005

  • Working group which will develop amendments to the Citizenship Law established
  • Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools calls to participate in unapproved protest action
  • State Security Police will look after Muslims during the visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia
  • Interview with Russian journalist Vladislavs Andrejevs on relations between Latvians and Russians in Latvia
The Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis signed a directive on establishment of a working group which task is development of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The amendments to the law should be submitted for the government’s review till 1 July.

The Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis signed a directive on establishment of a working group which task is development of amendments to the Citizenship Law. The amendments to the law should be submitted for the governments review till 1 July. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools calls its supporters to participate in non-violent unauthorised protest action – together with the Latvian President place flowers at the Monument of Freedom shortly before the official ceremony to be held on the occasion of the anniversary of Latvia’s Independence Proclamation Day on 4 May. The Headquarters call people, who will participate in the action, to wear a headband which says ‘alien.’ As reported, the Executive Director of the Riga City Council Eriks Skapars refused to authorise a protest action, planned by the Headquarters.

The Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools calls its supporters to participate in non-violent unauthorised protest action – together with the Latvian President place flowers at the Monument of Freedom shortly before the official ceremony to be held on the occasion of the anniversary of Latvias Independence Proclamation Day on 4 May. The Headquarters call people, who will participate in the action, to wear a headband which says ‘alien. As reported, the Executive Director of the Riga City Council Eriks Skapars refused to authorise a protest action, planned by the Headquarters. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

NRA reports that during the visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia, the State Security Police will pay particular attention to the Muslim community in Latvia and Muslim tourists. According to the Chairman of the Antiterrorism Centre of the Security Police Juris Leitis, the Security Police will pay special attention to criminals, national radicals and mentally unstable people as well. While Imam Midhats Sadtanovs, leader of one of Muslim communities in Latvia, believes that the visit of the USA President will not bring any troubles for Muslims in Latvia. He states that ‘Security Police do not make any troubles for Muslims in Latvia, because I have discussed the differences between various Muslims communities with the Head of the Security Police for a number of times.’ According to Midhats Sadtanovs approximately 5,000 Muslims and their descendants live in Latvia.

NRA reports that during the visit of the USA President George W.Bush to Latvia, the State Security Police will pay particular attention to the Muslim community in Latvia and Muslim tourists. According to the Chairman of the Antiterrorism Centre of the Security Police Juris Leitis, the Security Police will pay special attention to criminals, national radicals and mentally unstable people as well. While Imam Midhats Sadtanovs, leader of one of Muslim communities in Latvia, believes that the visit of the USA President will not bring any troubles for Muslims in Latvia. He states that ‘Security Police do not make any troubles for Muslims in Latvia, because I have discussed the differences between various Muslims communities with the Head of the Security Police for a number of times. According to Midhats Sadtanovs approximately 5,000 Muslims and their descendants live in Latvia. Neatkariga Rita Avize


The Neatkariga Rita Avize supplement ‘Mes (‘We) prints an interview with Russian journalist Vladislavs Andrejevs on relations between Latvians and Russians in Latvia. The young journalist states that rather many Latvians believe that all Russians are unsatisfied with their lives in Latvia. When asked about the minority education reform, the journalist is convinced that many issues would have been solved if the government had had a dialogue with minorities before the government started to implement the reform. He also notes that there is the lack of textbooks and curricula.

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