maijs 7, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The General Prosecutor’s Office has stated that there is no reason to suspend the process of granting Latvian citizenship to persons who have undergone naturalisation tests. Therefore most likely already today about 1800 people will receive Latvian citizenship.

The General Prosecutors Office has stated that there is no reason to suspend the process of granting Latvian citizenship to persons who have undergone naturalisation tests. Therefore most likely already today about 1800 people will receive Latvian citizenship. Diena

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning the situation of national minorities in Latvia, in particular, the recently adopted amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The situation of national minorities in Latvia remains “a serious obstacle to improving relations between the two countries.”

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning the situation of national minorities in Latvia, in particular, the recently adopted amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The situation of national minorities in Latvia remains a serious obstacle to improving relations between the two countries. Panorama Latvii, BNS

After the meeting with Latvia’s Way the President’s State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite said that implementation of measures aimed at securing the state language requires half a million lats. The Prime Minister reported that 4 ministries have reviewed their budgets trying to find the necessary funding in existing budgets. Minister of Finance Gundars Berzins agreed that it should be possible to find funding for the President’s State Language Commission without amending the state budget.

After the meeting with Latvias Way the Presidents State Language Commission chairperson Mara Zalite said that implementation of measures aimed at securing the state language requires half a million lats. The Prime Minister reported that 4 ministries have reviewed their budgets trying to find the necessary funding in existing budgets. Minister of Finance Gundars Berzins agreed that it should be possible to find funding for the Presidents State Language Commission without amending the state budget. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Telegraf

Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that without prior agreement among all governing parties, no party should propose amendments to the state budget till the 8th Saeima elections. If the agreement is violated, the minister heading the ministry receiving additional funding has to resign.

Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that without prior agreement among all governing parties, no party should propose amendments to the state budget till the 8th Saeima elections. If the agreement is violated, the minister heading the ministry receiving additional funding has to resign. Diena, BNS


columnist Voldemars Hermanis writes about the role of Russians in Latvia. He writes that it is very difficult to call Russians a minority in Latvia. He stresses that the Russian community in Latvia is very diverse and has many associations, newspapers and significant influence in the economy and show business. columnist Voldemars Hermanis writes about the role of Russians in Latvia. He writes that it is very difficult to call Russians a minority in Latvia. He stresses that the Russian community in Latvia is very diverse and has many associations, newspapers and significant influence in the economy and show business.

Lauku Avize

publishes an in-depth article about last weeks discussions concerning the election laws and provides statements of several MPs. The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee concluded that the language requirement for election candidates is not proportionate with the goal of securing the state language. Moreover, the requirement is in contradiction with the Constitution as well. Peoples Party deputy Helena Demakova believes that sometimes things that are unpleasant and even painful must be done to get into NATO. She reproaches FF/LNNK for voting against lifting of the language requirements for election candidates. FF/LNNK deputy Dzintars Kudums argues that the goal of FF/LNNK is to join the EU and NATO, therefore reproaches should be addressed to those who have been unable to explain Latvias specific circumstances to the international community. publishes an in-depth article about last week’s discussions concerning the election laws and provides statements of several MPs. The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee concluded that the language requirement for election candidates is not proportionate with the goal of securing the state language. Moreover, the requirement is in contradiction with the Constitution as well. People’s Party deputy Helena Demakova believes that sometimes things that are unpleasant and even painful must be done to get into NATO. She reproaches FF/LNNK for voting against lifting of the language requirements for election candidates. FF/LNNK deputy Dzintars Kudums argues that the goal of FF/LNNK is to join the EU and NATO, therefore reproaches should be addressed to those who have been unable to explain Latvia’s specific circumstances to the international community.

Lauku Avize

interviews Canadian-Latvian political science professor Juris Dreifelds about the latest political developments in Latvia. Dreifelds states that a rather big group of people in Latvia still prefers to live in the Soviet system with only one party and one truth. However, he admits that people are more politically active and realise that they can change something as well. Regarding the language situation in the country Dreifelds says that he does not support the switch of secondary education to Latvian as a language is very often one of the most important factors in peoples lives. He believes that the Latvian language has won and it is not under threat. interviews Canadian-Latvian political science professor Juris Dreifelds about the latest political developments in Latvia. Dreifelds states that a rather big group of people in Latvia still prefers to live in the Soviet system with only one party and one truth. However, he admits that people are more politically active and realise that they can change something as well. Regarding the language situation in the country Dreifelds says that he does not support the switch of secondary education to Latvian as a language is very often one of the most important factors in people’s lives. He believes that “the Latvian language has won and it is not under threat.” FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner writes about double standards of Latvian politicians concerning national minority issues. He points out the attitude of the governing parties to lifting the requirement for election candidates and the President’s statements about education in the Russian language. He notes that the President stated that the Russian language will continue to be used in education, but later in an interview said that studies in Russian most probably would hamper social integration.

FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner writes about double standards of Latvian politicians concerning national minority issues. He points out the attitude of the governing parties to lifting the requirement for election candidates and the Presidents statements about education in the Russian language. He notes that the President stated that the Russian language will continue to be used in education, but later in an interview said that studies in Russian most probably would hamper social integration. Vesti Segodnja

maijs 6, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


columnist Askolds Rodins writes about the suspended process of granting citizenship to those who have undergone naturalisation. He writes if somebody believes that suspension will decrease the number of new citizens who will vote in the 8th Saeima elections, he is foolish and politically short-sighted. It is stupid because it is impossible to suspend naturalisation for half a year, and it is short-sighted because it sends a signal to new citizens that the state does not trust them and fears they will vote for Rubiks. Such a crude gesture could make new-citizens swing to the left. columnist Askolds Rodins writes about the suspended process of granting citizenship to those who have undergone naturalisation. He writes “if somebody believes that suspension will decrease the number of new citizens who will vote in the 8th Saeima elections, he is foolish and politically short-sighted. It is stupid because it is impossible to suspend naturalisation for half a year, and it is short-sighted because it sends a signal to new citizens that the state does not trust them and fears they will vote for Rubiks. Such a crude gesture could make new-citizens swing to the left.” Tuesday Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka will report to the government about the review of the Naturalisation Board conducted by the Investigation Commission. The same day the government is scheduled to decide about the resumption of the process of granting citizenship to about 1800 non-citizens.

Tuesday Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka will report to the government about the review of the Naturalisation Board conducted by the Investigation Commission. The same day the government is scheduled to decide about the resumption of the process of granting citizenship to about 1800 non-citizens. BNS

Neatkariga reports that President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has voiced her satisfaction with the decision of the Saeima to adopt in the first reading the amendments to the election laws.

Neatkariga reports that President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has voiced her satisfaction with the decision of the Saeima to adopt in the first reading the amendments to the election laws.

Chairperson of the President’s State Language Commission Mara Zalite has scheduled a meeting with Latvia’s Way to discuss issues concerning language policy. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that amendments to the state budget could be discussed only after Latvia’s Way and People’s Party have had meetings with Mara Zalite. The People’s Party is going to hold a meeting with Mara Zalite on 8 May.

Chairperson of the Presidents State Language Commission Mara Zalite has scheduled a meeting with Latvias Way to discuss issues concerning language policy. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that amendments to the state budget could be discussed only after Latvias Way and Peoples Party have had meetings with Mara Zalite. The Peoples Party is going to hold a meeting with Mara Zalite on 8 May. BNS

Chas provides excerpts from the speech of speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume given on the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of Latvia’s Independence Declaration on 4 May. Straume stresses that the number of people who do not speak Latvian is still high and that means that national language policy does not create a keen necessity to learn the language. He believes that as soon as possible more funding should be found for securing the status of the state language.

Chas provides excerpts from the speech of speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume given on the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of Latvias Independence Declaration on 4 May. Straume stresses that the number of people who do not speak Latvian is still high and that means that national language policy does not create a keen necessity to learn the language. He believes that as soon as possible more funding should be found for securing the status of the state language. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnja

provides excerpts from the interview with Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka from National TV. The newspaper highlights the statement of the minister that regarding language legislation European practice shows that the sphere of private business is not the subject of regulations. provides excerpts from the interview with Minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka from National TV. The newspaper highlights the statement of the minister that regarding language legislation “European practice shows that the sphere of private business is not the subject of regulations.”


publishes an article by professor of the University of Latvia Andrejs Veisbergs about the future role of the Latvian language and globalisation. He believes that the only way the Latvian language can be functional after 100 years of globalisation is to increase its economic value. He is convinced that, in addition to investing in new technologies, education programmes, and the media, certain repressive mechanisms could be useful for this purpose. publishes an article by professor of the University of Latvia Andrejs Veisbergs about the future role of the Latvian language and globalisation. He believes that the only way the Latvian language can be functional after 100 years of globalisation is to increase its economic value. He is convinced that, in addition to investing in new technologies, education programmes, and the media, certain repressive mechanisms could be useful for this purpose. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a directive about the tasks of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning support of compatriots residing abroad. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to take part in development of national policy concerning compatriots and its implementation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a directive about the tasks of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning support of compatriots residing abroad. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to take part in development of national policy concerning compatriots and its implementation. Panorama Latvii

FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner argues against the switch of secondary education to Latvian as the sole language of instruction.

FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner argues against the switch of secondary education to Latvian as the sole language of instruction. Panorama Latvii

maijs 3, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Yesterday the Saeima adopted in the first reading amendments to the election laws lifting the language requirement for election candidates 73 deputies voted in favour of the draft amendments to the Saeima election law, while 70 voted in favour of amending the municipal election law. As this is more than 2/3 of all deputies, it will not be possible to halt the entry into force of the amendments by having 1/3 of all deputies request the President to stop promulgation and attempt to gather signatures for a referendum. Voting “for” were deputies from Latvia’s Way, the People’s Party, the Social Democratic faction led by Juris Bojars, various deputies formerly of the New Party and FHRUL. Voting “against” were the Social Democrats led by Egils Baldzens, who justified their opposition with reference to the governing parties’ lack of support for their proposed constitutional amendments, and FF/LNNK. While FF/LNNK defence minister Girts Kristovskis argued in favour of the amendments, his party’s deputies voted against, while FF/LNNK speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume did not vote. The amendments were reviewed according to the accelerated procedure (only 2 readings instead of three) and the second and final reading is scheduled for 9 May.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted in the first reading amendments to the election laws lifting the language requirement for election candidates 73 deputies voted in favour of the draft amendments to the Saeima election law, while 70 voted in favour of amending the municipal election law. As this is more than 2/3 of all deputies, it will not be possible to halt the entry into force of the amendments by having 1/3 of all deputies request the President to stop promulgation and attempt to gather signatures for a referendum. Voting for were deputies from Latvias Way, the Peoples Party, the Social Democratic faction led by Juris Bojars, various deputies formerly of the New Party and FHRUL. Voting against were the Social Democrats led by Egils Baldzens, who justified their opposition with reference to the governing parties lack of support for their proposed constitutional amendments, and FF/LNNK. While FF/LNNK defence minister Girts Kristovskis argued in favour of the amendments, his partys deputies voted against, while FF/LNNK speaker of the Saeima Janis Straume did not vote. The amendments were reviewed according to the accelerated procedure (only 2 readings instead of three) and the second and final reading is scheduled for 9 May. Diena, Neatkariga, Chas, Vesti Segodnja


journalist Dita Araja refers to another aspect of the ruling of the ECHR on Podkolzinas case. The ECHR noted that several legal norms were violated by having a sole inspector conduct the test and questioning Podkolzina regarding her political affiliation. Outgoing director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa has argued that at that time there were no legal norm stipulating the procedure for re-examination and the inspector acted according to standard procedures of the State Language Centre. Moreover, according to Hirsa, the decision was not based on a sole inspectors views, as the written examination was sent to the State Language Centre, which took the final decision.journalist Dita Araja refers to another aspect of the ruling of the ECHR on Podkolzina’s case. The ECHR noted that several legal norms were violated by having a sole inspector conduct the test and questioning Podkolzina regarding her political affiliation. Outgoing director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa has argued that at that time there were no legal norm stipulating the procedure for re-examination and the inspector acted according to standard procedures of the State Language Centre. Moreover, according to Hirsa, the decision was not based on a sole inspector’s views, as the written examination was sent to the State Language Centre, which took the final decision.

Latvijas Vestnesis

publishes aninterview with Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Regarding resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa, Berzins says that he believes people who say that she is a good expert and will continue to work in the realm of language policy. He admits that if we want to live in a democratic society we have to observe its norms. I believe, we have succeeded with this during the last year. publishes aninterview with Prime Minister Andris Berzins. Regarding resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa, Berzins says that he believes people who say that she is a good expert and will continue to work in the realm of language policy. He admits that if “we want to live in a democratic society we have to observe its norms. I believe, we have succeeded with this during the last year.”

Vesti Segodnja

reports that FHRUL has not yet received any response from the Prime Minister regarding the resumption of the process of granting citizenship to those who have undergone naturalisation. reports that FHRUL has not yet received any response from the Prime Minister regarding the resumption of the process of granting citizenship to those who have undergone naturalisation. Andris Berzins is the first Latvian Prime Minister since 1993 who has stayed in office for 2 years. Latvia’s success on its way to the EU and NATO, stability in relations with Russia and decreased public alienation from the government are the key achievements of this government, believes the Prime Minister. Politicians of the governing parties and opposition parties agree that this government could live for so long thanks to the ability of Berzins to “take humiliation from his partners.” They believe that the Prime Minister should show stronger will in decision making and implementation.

Andris Berzins is the first Latvian Prime Minister since 1993 who has stayed in office for 2 years. Latvias success on its way to the EU and NATO, stability in relations with Russia and decreased public alienation from the government are the key achievements of this government, believes the Prime Minister. Politicians of the governing parties and opposition parties agree that this government could live for so long thanks to the ability of Berzins to take humiliation from his partners. They believe that the Prime Minister should show stronger will in decision making and implementation. Diena

aprīlis 30, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Today the Saiema will hold an extraordinary session to review in the final reading the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language.

Today the Saiema will hold an extraordinary session to review in the final reading the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. Diena, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize


editorial is about the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The newspaper stresses that the strength of the language lies in the peoples self-esteem and not in laws and undertakings. editorial is about the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the state language. The newspaper stresses that the strength of the language lies in the people’s self-esteem and not in laws and undertakings. FHRUL deputy Janis Urbanovics voices his views about the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the Latvian language. He criticises the government for excluding from the solemn oath the promise to observe international agreements binding on Latvia. He reproaches the governing parties for not ratifying agreements, which Latvia signed a long time ago, such as the Treaty with the Holy See and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

FHRUL deputy Janis Urbanovics voices his views about the amendments to the Constitution aimed at securing the status of the Latvian language. He criticises the government for excluding from the solemn oath the promise to observe international agreements binding on Latvia. He reproaches the governing parties for not ratifying agreements, which Latvia signed a long time ago, such as the Treaty with the Holy See and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Diena

Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka has accepted the resignation letter of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa.

Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka has accepted the resignation letter of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa. Diena, Neatkariga

Lauku Avize

Board member Voldemars Krustins comments on the resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa. Krustins believes that the governing parties are also responsible for her resignation. In Krustins opinion, they even wished for her resignation the Government did not like Hirsas initiatives which were the result of the real needs and complaints of Latvians. The activities of the Centre are not protected and taken care of. Board member Voldemars Krustins comments on the resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa. Krustins believes that the governing parties are also responsible for her resignation. In Krustins’ opinion, they even wished for her resignation “the Government did not like Hirsa’s initiatives which were the result of the real needs and complaints of Latvians. The activities of the Centre are not protected and taken care of.”


reports that today the Cabinet of Ministers should have resumed granting Latvian citizenship to persons who have successfully passed naturalisation exams since. The government decided on 16 April had to postpone resumption for two weeks. The newspaper assumes that the process will not begin again today, as the issue was not included in todays Cabinet agenda. At the moment, the list of persons who have passed naturalisation exams and are waiting for approval of their new status as Latvian citizens amounts to 2000 persons. reports that today the Cabinet of Ministers should have resumed granting Latvian citizenship to persons who have successfully passed naturalisation exams since. The government decided on 16 April had to postpone resumption for two weeks. The newspaper assumes that the process will not begin again today, as the issue was not included in today’s Cabinet agenda. At the moment, the list of persons who have passed naturalisation exams and are waiting for approval of their new status as Latvian citizens amounts to 2000 persons.


publishes an interview with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The President states that she does not know anybody who would be against the Russian language, the issue is about the usage and influence of the Russian and Latvian languages. Regarding the switch of secondary education to Latvian instruction, the President says that the Education Minister has assured her that there will be a sufficient number of qualified teachers, students will be provided with books and study aids, but the President promises to keep an eye on the reform. When asked about naturalisation the President says that she would not like to think that naturalisation has been stopped intentionally. She believes that information campaigns about possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship are a very good initiative and should be continued by the state. publishes an interview with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. The President states that she does not know anybody who would be against the Russian language, the issue is about the usage and influence of the Russian and Latvian languages. Regarding the switch of secondary education to Latvian instruction, the President says that the Education Minister has assured her that “there will be a sufficient number of qualified teachers, students will be provided with books and study aids,” but the President promises “to keep an eye on the reform.” When asked about naturalisation the President says that she would not like to think that naturalisation has been stopped intentionally. She believes that information campaigns about possibilities to acquire Latvian citizenship are a very good initiative and should be continued by the state. The Roma culture association “Shatra” has launched its activities in Jekabpils. The head of the association Laila Leiskina stresses that they wanted to show that Roma are talented people. She admits that drug addiction is a very serious problem among young Roma e because many are without a job and education. She states that Roma very often face discrimination in the job market.

The Roma culture association Shatra has launched its activities in Jekabpils. The head of the association Laila Leiskina stresses that they wanted to show that Roma are talented people. She admits that drug addiction is a very serious problem among young Roma e because many are without a job and education. She states that Roma very often face discrimination in the job market. Neatkariga


talks to FHRUL MP and editor of the web page Minority Electronic Resources Boris Tsilevich. He believes that the key problems for Latvia concerning the rights of national minorities are the Education Law, the State Language Law, the representation of non-Latvians in state and government institutions and restrictions on foreign languages in Latvian TV and radio programmes. talks to FHRUL MP and editor of the web page Minority Electronic Resources Boris Tsilevich. He believes that the key problems for Latvia concerning the rights of national minorities are the Education Law, the State Language Law, the representation of non-Latvians in state and government institutions and restrictions on foreign languages in Latvian TV and radio programmes. The radio station Super FM has launched a new programme “One Is not Enough.” The programme will be a tool for promoting language learning, providing practical advice where and how to learn languages. Project director Igita Reke denies that the programme will be only about the Russian language for Latvians or the Latvian language for Russians.

The radio station Super FM has launched a new programme One Is not Enough. The programme will be a tool for promoting language learning, providing practical advice where and how to learn languages. Project director Igita Reke denies that the programme will be only about the Russian language for Latvians or the Latvian language for Russians. Chas, Telegraf

Vesti Segodnja

reports about the incentive of FF/LNNK to create a new State Language Agency. The newspaper reports that the other two governing parties will support the initiative, as creation of different commissions and establishments is the usual way Latvian politicians show their voters they care about their problems. reports about the incentive of FF/LNNK to create a new State Language Agency. The newspaper reports that the other two governing parties will support the initiative, as “creation of different commissions and establishments” is the usual way Latvian politicians show their voters they care about their problems.


talks to TV experts about programmes in Russian. Acting National TV director Gundars Reders states that national TV has not fulfilled the allowed quota of programmes in the Russian language. Gunta Lidaka, programme director at TV5, states that Russians should feel that they have rights in Latvia and that somebody is concerned and talks about their problems in their language. She believes that programmes in Russian should provide more information about how to live in Latvia, about rights, the economy, and the latest developments in the corridors of power. Lidaka argues against the existing restrictions on the usage of foreign languages and the provision that a programme should be only in one language. Producer of the programme Rigas Balsam for the Soul Igor Pronin believes that the future of TV programmes in Russian first of all depends on people themselves and not on the government. Director of the television company Alter A Natalia Abola states that programmes in Russian survive thanks to the enthusiasm of several individuals and that it is very difficult to find sponsors. National TV and Radio Council member Ilmars Shlapins says that Channel II is not doing well and that programmes in Russian should not be purchased in Russia, but produced in Latvia. talks to TV experts about programmes in Russian. Acting National TV director Gundars Reders states that national TV has not fulfilled the allowed quota of programmes in the Russian language. Gunta Lidaka, programme director at TV5, states that Russians should feel that they have rights in Latvia and that somebody is concerned and talks about their problems in their language. She believes that programmes in Russian should provide more information about how to live in Latvia, about rights, the economy, and the latest developments in the corridors of power. Lidaka argues against the existing restrictions on the usage of foreign languages and the provision that a programme should be only in one language. Producer of the programme “Riga’s Balsam for the Soul” Igor Pronin believes that the future of TV programmes in Russian first of all depends on people themselves and not on the government. Director of the television company Alter A Natalia Abola states that programmes in Russian survive thanks to the enthusiasm of several individuals and that it is very difficult to find sponsors. National TV and Radio Council member Ilmars Shlapins says that Channel II is not doing well and that programmes in Russian should not be purchased in Russia, but produced in Latvia.


publishes an article of Russian language teacher Tatyana Korberg. She states that Russians themselves will kill the Russian language in Latvia as Russian language study books are not very helpful for teachers. publishes an article of Russian language teacher Tatyana Korberg. She states that Russians themselves will kill the Russian language in Latvia as Russian language study books are not very helpful for teachers.

Panorama Latvii

devotes a page to articles about Ukrainian culture in the Ukrainian language. devotes a page to articles about Ukrainian culture in the Ukrainian language.

Panorama Latvii

publishes an article about problems of national minorities and their solutions in Tyrol. publishes an article about problems of national minorities and their solutions in Tyrol. More than 500 children of 20 national minority associations took part in the sport games of national minorities held last Saturday.

More than 500 children of 20 national minority associations took part in the sport games of national minorities held last Saturday. Panorama Latvii

Lauku Avize

publishes the discussion of Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Social Democrat Party leader Juris Bojars. The biggest part of the discussion was devoted to the amendments to the Constitution developed by Bojars. He believes that the Saeima is afraid of his Constitution and will try to block it. He also believes that new amendments to the Constitution should not be harmonised with either Moscow or the OSCE. He stresses that one-fifth part of his Constitution is devoted to human rights. Regarding the resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa, Prime Minister Andris Berzins says that there was no pressure on her from the government and this was her personal decision. publishes the discussion of Prime Minister Andris Berzins and Social Democrat Party leader Juris Bojars. The biggest part of the discussion was devoted to the amendments to the Constitution developed by Bojars. He believes that the Saeima is afraid of “his Constitution” and will try to block it. He also believes that new amendments to the Constitution should not be harmonised with either Moscow or the OSCE. He stresses that one-fifth part of “his Constitution” is devoted to human rights. Regarding the resignation of director of the State Language Centre Dzintra Hirsa, Prime Minister Andris Berzins says that there was no pressure on her from the government and this was her personal decision.

aprīlis 29, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Journalist Aleksandr Shabanov argues against the article “Russian Dialogue: a New Page” by Dmitry Nikolayev published in 12 April’s issue of

Journalist Aleksandr Shabanov argues against the article Russian Dialogue: a New Page by Dmitry Nikolayev published in 12 Aprils issue of Diena. He believes that because of the increasing role of the Latvian language in the country, the future of the Russian language press is under threat. Therefore the behaviour and publications of the Russian language press look unprofessional, destructive and inadequate, as the Russian media are concerned that the Latvian language press will squeeze them out of the market. Diena

Dita Araja writes that the proposed amendments to State Language regulations expanding the list of professions in the private sphere required to have a certain state language proficiency level could lead to court proceedings and international controversy. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of the case law in international courts, which clearly states that requirements set by countries should meet the goals invoked by their governments.

Dita Araja writes that the proposed amendments to State Language regulations expanding the list of professions in the private sphere required to have a certain state language proficiency level could lead to court proceedings and international controversy. Such a conclusion can be made on the basis of the case law in international courts, which clearly states that requirements set by countries should meet the goals invoked by their governments. Diena


writes about the reforms in national TV Channel II concerning the Russian news department. The administration of national TV has planned to introduce an additional news programme, regular nightly interviews and a weekly programme on foreign policy in the Russian language. The administration is also planning to replace the current anchors of the news Irina Vinnika and Regina Locmele. They will be offered the opportunity to conduct the nightly interviews. Irina Vinnika believes that these are just excuses, and that the only goal is to get them out of the news department. She is concerned that news about national minorities will be aired rather seldom, which would make the Russian audience switch to the news of Channel V or, even worse, to Russias TV. Director of the News Department Baiba Strautmane stresses that also in the future key socio-political news will be translated into Russian, but Russian news anchors will produce news about national minorities. writes about the reforms in national TV Channel II concerning the Russian news department. The administration of national TV has planned to introduce an additional news programme, regular nightly interviews and a weekly programme on foreign policy in the Russian language. The administration is also planning to replace the current anchors of the news Irina Vinnika and Regina Locmele. They will be offered the opportunity to conduct the nightly interviews. Irina Vinnika believes that these are just excuses, and that the only goal is to get them out of the news department. She is concerned that news about national minorities will be aired rather seldom, which would make the Russian audience switch to the news of Channel V or, even worse, to Russia’s TV. Director of the News Department Baiba Strautmane stresses that also in the future key socio-political news will be translated into Russian, but Russian news anchors will produce news about national minorities.


interviews professor at the University of Latvia Abrams Kleckins about the 8th Saeima elections. He believes that the current governing parties have exhausted themselves and are not capable of generating and implementing new ideas. Kleckins believes that all residents who pay taxes should have the right to participate in the elections of local municipalities. He is concerned that nationalism has been used against the Latvian people, and it was used to get rid of non-Latvians as competitors in politics. interviews professor at the University of Latvia Abrams Kleckins about the 8th Saeima elections. He believes that the current governing parties have exhausted themselves and are not capable of generating and implementing new ideas. Kleckins believes that all residents who pay taxes should have the right to participate in the elections of local municipalities. He is concerned that nationalism has been used against the Latvian people, and it was used to get rid of non-Latvians as competitors in politics. Representatives of newspapers and magazines issued by the publishing house Petit (mostly in the Russian language) held a meeting with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga.

Representatives of newspapers and magazines issued by the publishing house Petit (mostly in the Russian language) held a meeting with President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Chas

The participants of the Forum for Latvian language teachers concluded that Latvians, including the radio, press and TV, speak incorrect Latvian. A new Latvian language training methodology should be developed and a course in Latvian language culture should be introduced in all universities.

The participants of the Forum for Latvian language teachers concluded that Latvians, including the radio, press and TV, speak incorrect Latvian. A new Latvian language training methodology should be developed and a course in Latvian language culture should be introduced in all universities. Chas

Vesti Segodnja

reproaches the Latvian language press for organising a silent protest against the delegation of Russias TV stating that they did not inform their readers about the visit of the delegation. reproaches the Latvian language press for organising a silent protest against the delegation of Russia’s TV stating that they did not inform their readers about the visit of the delegation. FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner and representatives of Russian NGOs have issued a statement calling on Russian students and their parents to get involved in the preservation of the Russian language and culture, in particular, by supporting the introduction of the subject Basics of Russian Culture at Russian schools

FHRUL deputy Yakov Pliner and representatives of Russian NGOs have issued a statement calling on Russian students and their parents to get involved in the preservation of the Russian language and culture, in particular, by supporting the introduction of the subject Basics of Russian Culture at Russian schools. Vesti Segodnja

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