aprīlis 8, 2000

Press Review

Parties of the ruling coalition will look for a solution for the critical situation in the government in widely represented negotiations and not by supporting the non-confidence vote suggested by the opposition. Latvia’s Way and TB/LNNK support keeping the same coalition but allow changes in the ministerial positions. Latvia’s Way is ready to offer a candidate for the prime minsiter’s post if the coalition partners agree. Aija Poca was mentioned as a possibility. People’s Party is intended to fight for Andris Skele to stay as the prime minister.

Parties of the ruling coalition will look for a solution for the critical situation in the government in widely represented negotiations and not by supporting the non-confidence vote suggested by the opposition. Latvias Way and TB/LNNK support keeping the same coalition but allow changes in the ministerial positions. Latvias Way is ready to offer a candidate for the prime minsiters post if the coalition partners agree. Aija Poca was mentioned as a possibility. Peoples Party is intended to fight for Andris Skele to stay as the prime minister. Diena

Three NGOs in Latvia received a financial support – 12,550 lats - from the Swedish Institute to help implementation of projects related to society integration in Latvia. The organizations are: Latvia’s Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Daugavpils Human Rights Information Center and the European Movement in Latvia.

Three NGOs in Latvia received a financial support – 12,550 lats - from the Swedish Institute to help implementation of projects related to society integration in Latvia. The organizations are: Latvias Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies, Daugavpils Human Rights Information Center and the European Movement in Latvia. Diena

Following the international conference on availability of information the conclusion was made that the people in Latvia still cannot freely access information which is not recognized as a state secret. Also, the Latvian authorities were said to be slow in implementing the advice offered by foreign experts on how to improve the situation.

Following the international conference on availability of information the conclusion was made that the people in Latvia still cannot freely access information which is not recognized as a state secret. Also, the Latvian authorities were said to be slow in implementing the advice offered by foreign experts on how to improve the situation. Neatkariga, Diena


publishes a list of things - 23 of them – that non-citizens cannot do without a valid passport. publishes a list of things - 23 of them – that non-citizens cannot do without a valid passport. Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov during his meeting with town authorities and businessmen in Valmiera said that Russia will support cooperation between the regions in Latvia and Russia. He added that there will always be a market in Russia for products made in Latvia. The mayor of Valmiera plans to visit Pskov and Novgorod this month to agree on economic cooperation.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov during his meeting with town authorities and businessmen in Valmiera said that Russia will support cooperation between the regions in Latvia and Russia. He added that there will always be a market in Russia for products made in Latvia. The mayor of Valmiera plans to visit Pskov and Novgorod this month to agree on economic cooperation. Diena, Respublika, Vesti

By the end of the last week 1/5th of the population was counted in the census. The process in Riga is the slowest.

By the end of the last week 1/5th of the population was counted in the census. The process in Riga is the slowest. Neatkariga

NGO Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens sent an open letter to the Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins turning his attention to the differences in how visa-free regime applies to Latvian citizens and non-citizens. The organization is concerned that most of the agreements providing for visa-free regime apply only to Latvian citizens.

NGO Union of Citizens and Non-Citizens sent an open letter to the Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins turning his attention to the differences in how visa-free regime applies to Latvian citizens and non-citizens. The organization is concerned that most of the agreements providing for visa-free regime apply only to Latvian citizens. Neatkariga

In connection with the recent trial of the members of Perkonkrusts (Thundercross) in Latvia

In connection with the recent trial of the members of Perkonkrusts (Thundercross) in Latvia Vesti write about the history of this organization starting from its foundation in 1930.

Last Friday roughly 60 supporters of V. Ampilov staged a rally outside the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow and submitted a petition to the Latvian government against imprisonment of Vasily Kononov.

Last Friday roughly 60 supporters of V. Ampilov staged a rally outside the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow and submitted a petition to the Latvian government against imprisonment of Vasily Kononov. Vesti add that this issue will be considered not only by Latvian and Russian governments but also by the OSCE and the International Human Rights office. Panorama Latvii

In relation with the vote of the Latvian Saeima last Thursday which did not support granting non-citizens the rights to vote in municipal elections, President of Latvia Ms. Freiberga admitted that the move was not anything special and Latvia does not differ from most of the EU countries with its legislation here.

In relation with the vote of the Latvian Saeima last Thursday which did not support granting non-citizens the rights to vote in municipal elections, President of Latvia Ms. Freiberga admitted that the move was not anything special and Latvia does not differ from most of the EU countries with its legislation here. Vesti, Panorama Latvii


publishes results of the survey carried out by radio PIK. 150 of the 338 respondents answered that the Saeimas vote [on election rights to non-citizens] was an intentional offence. publishes results of the survey carried out by radio PIK. 150 of the 338 respondents answered that the Saeima’s vote [on election rights to non-citizens] was an intentional offence. This Monday and Tuesday Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane will answer questions on the hot-line organized by

This Monday and Tuesday Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane will answer questions on the hot-line organized by Chas.


aprīlis 7, 2000

Press Review

Prime Minister A.Skele ordered Minister of Economics A.Makarovs to resign from his post. TB/LNNK , whose representative A.Makarovs is, does not plan to leave the coalition yet, but they as well as some Latvijas Cels representatives think that A.Skele should take responsibility for the current situation. The President V.V.Freiberga sees in this Prime Minister’s step a certain blow to the coalition.

Prime Minister A.Skele ordered Minister of Economics A.Makarovs to resign from his post. TB/LNNK , whose representative A.Makarovs is, does not plan to leave the coalition yet, but they as well as some Latvijas Cels representatives think that A.Skele should take responsibility for the current situation. The President V.V.Freiberga sees in this Prime Ministers step a certain blow to the coalition. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Rigas Balss, Respublika, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Panorama Latvii

Experts think that A.Skele’s government should fall in the nearest future. Political scientist I.Ostrovska explained this swinging of the Government by an incapability to agree on privatisation issues.

Experts think that A.Skeles government should fall in the nearest future. Political scientist I.Ostrovska explained this swinging of the Government by an incapability to agree on privatisation issues. Neatkariga

The Saeima Social Democrats faction submitted to the Parliament a draft law demanding to consider at the plenary session of April 13 a question of voicing non-confidence to the Prime Minister A.Skele, Minister of Finance E.Krastins and Minister of Education M.Vitols. The draft law has been signed by 17 deputies, including 2 representatives of the New Party and one independent deputy.

The Saeima Social Democrats faction submitted to the Parliament a draft law demanding to consider at the plenary session of April 13 a question of voicing non-confidence to the Prime Minister A.Skele, Minister of Finance E.Krastins and Minister of Education M.Vitols. The draft law has been signed by 17 deputies, including 2 representatives of the New Party and one independent deputy. Neatkariga

Political commentator A.Ozolins writes that the process of overthrowing the Government has started as it was planned. The first thing before this is to draft the shape of the new government, but it is more important is to get rid of this Government before it has adopted irreversible decisions on privatisation of state large enterprises. The minimal task is to get rid of A.Skele, but the maximal is an abstract wish to control the privatisation process.

Political commentator A.Ozolins writes that the process of overthrowing the Government has started as it was planned. The first thing before this is to draft the shape of the new government, but it is more important is to get rid of this Government before it has adopted irreversible decisions on privatisation of state large enterprises. The minimal task is to get rid of A.Skele, but the maximal is an abstract wish to control the privatisation process. Diena

Congratulating on the progress in public integration process, US Deputy State Secretary A.Larson called Latvia to continue her attempts to form good neighbourly relations with Russia and expressed a hope that Russia would respond with the same.

Congratulating on the progress in public integration process, US Deputy State Secretary A.Larson called Latvia to continue her attempts to form good neighbourly relations with Russia and expressed a hope that Russia would respond with the same. Diena

People’s Party found the unwillingness of TB/LNNK to take any decision on J.Adamsons’s case as a dangerous inconstancy and disregarding of national history. In its turn TB/LNNK regards this People’s Party initiative as taking revenge on a political opponent.

Peoples Party found the unwillingness of TB/LNNK to take any decision on J.Adamsonss case as a dangerous inconstancy and disregarding of national history. In its turn TB/LNNK regards this Peoples Party initiative as taking revenge on a political opponent. Diena

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on his first visit to Estonia to meet his Estonian colleague T.Ilvesss. They plan to discuss NATO and EU expansion processes, development of Baltic States co-operation, relations with Russia and the bilateral co-operation.

Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs I.Berzins will go on his first visit to Estonia to meet his Estonian colleague T.Ilvesss. They plan to discuss NATO and EU expansion processes, development of Baltic States co-operation, relations with Russia and the bilateral co-operation. Diena

Latvijas Cels and the New Party concluded an agreement of co-operation for the municipal election of 2001 and harmonising of opinions while working in the Parliament, but in a case of governmental crisis it could serve as the grounds for forming a new Cabinet of Ministers.

Latvijas Cels and the New Party concluded an agreement of co-operation for the municipal election of 2001 and harmonising of opinions while working in the Parliament, but in a case of governmental crisis it could serve as the grounds for forming a new Cabinet of Ministers. Diena

Within the first three months of this year the budget deficit could reach 20 million Ls if there was no foreign aid. It is less than stipulated by international obligations. Minister of Finances E.Krastins found it as a positive tendency when in March there was less increase in social security budget.

Within the first three months of this year the budget deficit could reach 20 million Ls if there was no foreign aid. It is less than stipulated by international obligations. Minister of Finances E.Krastins found it as a positive tendency when in March there was less increase in social security budget. Diena

One more Latvian representation in Russia suffered from an attack of hooligans. This time it was the Latvian consulate in Pskov that was sprayed with red paint.

One more Latvian representation in Russia suffered from an attack of hooligans. This time it was the Latvian consulate in Pskov that was sprayed with red paint. Diena, Respublika,

The proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to grant municipal election right to non-citizens did not get support in the Saeima. Now the faction plans to start activities outside the Parliament to propose a referendum.

The proposal of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia to grant municipal election right to non-citizens did not get support in the Saeima. Now the faction plans to start activities outside the Parliament to propose a referendum. Jauna Avize

The ruling coalition members tried to prove that there were no restrictions for receiving Latvian citizenship, so, “at first get naturalised, then vote”.

The ruling coalition members tried to prove that there were no restrictions for receiving Latvian citizenship, so, at first get naturalised, then vote. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission J.Adamsons once more named Prime Minister A.Skele and Minister of Justice V.Birkavs as persons linked with the scandal of paedophilia.

The Chairman of the Saeima Investigation Commission J.Adamsons once more named Prime Minister A.Skele and Minister of Justice V.Birkavs as persons linked with the scandal of paedophilia. Chas

British military expert S.Pirson in his book “Total war of 2006” forecasts a global conflict involving Islamic countries and Russia against the NATO. And the main war actions will take place in the Baltic.

British military expert S.Pirson in his book Total war of 2006 forecasts a global conflict involving Islamic countries and Russia against the NATO. And the main war actions will take place in the Baltic. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday the voting on the resolution on depriving the Russian delegation of its right of vote took place.

Yesterday the voting on the resolution on depriving the Russian delegation of its right of vote took place. Vesti Segodnya published the results of this voting, stating that Latvian representative J.Sinka was for this resolution but B.Cilevich was against.

N.Kabanov analyses the decision of Russian National Duma to postpone imposing sanctions on Latvia and thinks it was done due to the problems with the situation in Czechnya. Also the huge Russian oil companies do not want to lose their profit from closing down their transit pipelines through Latvia.

N.Kabanov analyses the decision of Russian National Duma to postpone imposing sanctions on Latvia and thinks it was done due to the problems with the situation in Czechnya. Also the huge Russian oil companies do not want to lose their profit from closing down their transit pipelines through Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 6, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Minister of Economics A.Makarovs fulfilled his promise and deprived the Director General of the Privatisation Agency J.Naglis of his right to sign official documents basing it on expiration of Naglis’s authority time.

Minister of Economics A.Makarovs fulfilled his promise and deprived the Director General of the Privatisation Agency J.Naglis of his right to sign official documents basing it on expiration of Nagliss authority time. Neatkariga, Diena, Vesti Segodnya

Russian National Duma did not adopt the draft law on sanctions against Latvia and sent the documents for reconsideration in the second reading. But it circulated an announcement where it condemned Latvian policy concerning Russian speakers.

Russian National Duma did not adopt the draft law on sanctions against Latvia and sent the documents for reconsideration in the second reading. But it circulated an announcement where it condemned Latvian policy concerning Russian speakers. Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Respublika

During the regular meeting of Latvian President and Prime Minister, the officials discussed the proposal of People’s Party to annul the mandate of the Deputy J.Adamsons. So far none of the Saeima factions expressed their support to this initiative of People’s Party. After the meeting A.Skele was sure that the mandate should be annulled.

During the regular meeting of Latvian President and Prime Minister, the officials discussed the proposal of Peoples Party to annul the mandate of the Deputy J.Adamsons. So far none of the Saeima factions expressed their support to this initiative of Peoples Party. After the meeting A.Skele was sure that the mandate should be annulled. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika

Latvijas Cels will ask Prime Minister A.Skele to explain the bill of exchange worth of 29 million he received recently. Also the leaders of TB/LNNK pointed out for several times the great uncertainty in this matter.

Latvijas Cels will ask Prime Minister A.Skele to explain the bill of exchange worth of 29 million he received recently. Also the leaders of TB/LNNK pointed out for several times the great uncertainty in this matter. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Lauku Avize

J.Zvirgzdgraudis in Neatkariga writes about the education system in Latvia stating that current system is characterised by formal approach, lack of efficiency and the most important thing – lack of respect of persons educated. The most catastrophic situation is with teaching of foreign languages.

J.Zvirgzdgraudis in Neatkariga writes about the education system in Latvia stating that current system is characterised by formal approach, lack of efficiency and the most important thing – lack of respect of persons educated. The most catastrophic situation is with teaching of foreign languages. Neatkariga

Political scientist I.Ostrovska, analysing the situation in Latvia, writes that the country is ruled by oligarchs, who make decisions in their small circle, and the Government coalitions vote as they are being told by these people. She also speaks about Prime Minister A.Skele and states that the previous charismatic leader of People’s Party is gone, and he has lost part of his team that helped him to come to power. The only solution for Latvia, according to I.Ostrovska, is to organise an extraordinary election.

Political scientist I.Ostrovska, analysing the situation in Latvia, writes that the country is ruled by oligarchs, who make decisions in their small circle, and the Government coalitions vote as they are being told by these people. She also speaks about Prime Minister A.Skele and states that the previous charismatic leader of Peoples Party is gone, and he has lost part of his team that helped him to come to power. The only solution for Latvia, according to I.Ostrovska, is to organise an extraordinary election. Neatkariga

Left wing union For Human Rights in United Latvia will start a campaign to collect signatures to propose a referendum on granting municipal election right to non-citizens. They also plan to call international organisations to make pressure on Latvia. The Union foresees that on Thursday the Saeima will reject their proposed amendments to the election law, therefore the faction plans to start active political campaign outside the Saeima. Already 25 political organisations and 8200 residents of Latvia have signed a call addressed to UN, CoE and other international organisations to influence Latvia let it allow non-citizens, who have been living in Latvia for at least five years, to participate in municipal elections.

Left wing union For Human Rights in United Latvia will start a campaign to collect signatures to propose a referendum on granting municipal election right to non-citizens. They also plan to call international organisations to make pressure on Latvia. The Union foresees that on Thursday the Saeima will reject their proposed amendments to the election law, therefore the faction plans to start active political campaign outside the Saeima. Already 25 political organisations and 8200 residents of Latvia have signed a call addressed to UN, CoE and other international organisations to influence Latvia let it allow non-citizens, who have been living in Latvia for at least five years, to participate in municipal elections. Diena, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya,Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Riga City Council Social Democrats faction officially announced about their union with TB/LNNK. At the same time they hinted that the Mayor A.Berzins should better leave his post voluntarily.

Yesterday the Riga City Council Social Democrats faction officially announced about their union with TB/LNNK. At the same time they hinted that the Mayor A.Berzins should better leave his post voluntarily. Chas

Last week every member of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia received a “greeting” from Jelgava organisation “Club 415”, supporters of the TB/LNNK ideology, a card depicting Great Russia fascist as a swine, with a demand of no rights for colonists of Latvia. The deputies do not intend to go to police.

Last week every member of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia received a greeting from Jelgava organisation Club 415, supporters of the TB/LNNK ideology, a card depicting Great Russia fascist as a swine, with a demand of no rights for colonists of Latvia. The deputies do not intend to go to police. Chas

L.Fedoseyev in Chas writes that Russian speakers in Latvia are used to the situation that the ruling politicians just do not notice them, only on the occasions when they need “an occupant”. Therefore he was taken by surprise by the proposal of Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss to use Latvian Russian speakers to prove Russia that everything in Latvia was OK. He sees this situation as barter. The establishment notices Latvian Russians, but they in their turn have to say that they do not need any protection from the East.

L.Fedoseyev in Chas writes that Russian speakers in Latvia are used to the situation that the ruling politicians just do not notice them, only on the occasions when they need an occupant. Therefore he was taken by surprise by the proposal of Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss to use Latvian Russian speakers to prove Russia that everything in Latvia was OK. He sees this situation as barter. The establishment notices Latvian Russians, but they in their turn have to say that they do not need any protection from the East. Chas

Ten deputies have been included in the Russian National Duma group for co-operation with Latvian Saeima.

Ten deputies have been included in the Russian National Duma group for co-operation with Latvian Saeima. Lauku Avize names all these deputies. On April 13 the co-ordinator will be elected, and the group will officially start its activities. Lauku Avize

aprīlis 5, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party will decide on Thursday whether to submit to the Saeima a draft law on proposing a vote of non-confidence to A.Skele’s government. Social Democrats have already spoken about his draft law for several times but did not submit it because to overthrow the Government they need not only the votes of the opposition. Now the leader of Social Democrats E.Baldzens hopes for “the cool mind of the deputies”. The Union For Human Rights in United Latvia Saeima faction leader J.Jurkans thought that the opposition would not collect the necessary number of votes. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats was very reserved forecasting the possible votes of his faction members.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party will decide on Thursday whether to submit to the Saeima a draft law on proposing a vote of non-confidence to A.Skeles government. Social Democrats have already spoken about his draft law for several times but did not submit it because to overthrow the Government they need not only the votes of the opposition. Now the leader of Social Democrats E.Baldzens hopes for the cool mind of the deputies. The Union For Human Rights in United Latvia Saeima faction leader J.Jurkans thought that the opposition would not collect the necessary number of votes. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats was very reserved forecasting the possible votes of his faction members. Neatkariga Jauna Avize, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

EU presiding state Portugal voiced her conviction to the Russian Government that there was no threat of nationalism in Latvia. Latvian MFA Press Centre informed that Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs in his letter to the Latvian colleague I.Berzins stated that Portugal relied on Latvian legal system.

EU presiding state Portugal voiced her conviction to the Russian Government that there was no threat of nationalism in Latvia. Latvian MFA Press Centre informed that Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs in his letter to the Latvian colleague I.Berzins stated that Portugal relied on Latvian legal system. Neatkariga

People’s Party Saeima faction, considering that the recent court decree found the Social Democrat J.Adamsons to be a KGB official, submitted to the Parliament a draft law on annulling Adamsons’s mandate. According to the faction Deputy Chairman J.Legzdins on April 13 the draft law will be handed over to commissions and the possible expulsion of Adamsons could take place in May.

Peoples Party Saeima faction, considering that the recent court decree found the Social Democrat J.Adamsons to be a KGB official, submitted to the Parliament a draft law on annulling Adamsonss mandate. According to the faction Deputy Chairman J.Legzdins on April 13 the draft law will be handed over to commissions and the possible expulsion of Adamsons could take place in May. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika

A day before the planned decision on Russian sanctions against Latvia Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss met the Chairman of Russian Duma G.Seleznov. Russian official did not forecast the outcome of this vote but pointed out that many deputies consider that they should return to the second reading of this law, not to adopt it in the third reading in order to examine whether those sanctions would not effect their compatriots. The draft law on sanctions in included in Duma’s agenda for today. During the discussion G.Seleznov told Latvian Ambassador that in the new composition of Duma had been established a co-operation group with the Latvian Parliament. On April 13 they would elect the co-ordinator for this group.

A day before the planned decision on Russian sanctions against Latvia Latvian Ambassador to Russia I.Daudiss met the Chairman of Russian Duma G.Seleznov. Russian official did not forecast the outcome of this vote but pointed out that many deputies consider that they should return to the second reading of this law, not to adopt it in the third reading in order to examine whether those sanctions would not effect their compatriots. The draft law on sanctions in included in Dumas agenda for today. During the discussion G.Seleznov told Latvian Ambassador that in the new composition of Duma had been established a co-operation group with the Latvian Parliament. On April 13 they would elect the co-ordinator for this group. Neatkariga, Diena, Respublika, Vesti Segodnya

The TB/LNNK faction at Riga City Council quite unexpectedly expressed their support to Riga Mayor A.Berzins, i.e. announced that they respected the mayor’s opinion on the stability of the present coalition. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats did not link this announcement to the situation in the Government but explained it as a wish of TB/LNNK not to provoke a discord in Riga City Council.

The TB/LNNK faction at Riga City Council quite unexpectedly expressed their support to Riga Mayor A.Berzins, i.e. announced that they respected the mayors opinion on the stability of the present coalition. TB/LNNK leader M.Grinblats did not link this announcement to the situation in the Government but explained it as a wish of TB/LNNK not to provoke a discord in Riga City Council. Diena, Respublika

On Tuesday Estonian Parliament adopted amendments to the law softening the transition to the Estonian language as the language of tuition in national minority secondary schools planned for school year 2007 – 2008. Originally it was planned that 100% transition should take place at this time, but the adopted amendments determined that a school or a class with the Estonian language as the language of tuition should be considered the one where at least 60% of all subjects were taught in the Estonian language and 40% might be taught in some other language.

On Tuesday Estonian Parliament adopted amendments to the law softening the transition to the Estonian language as the language of tuition in national minority secondary schools planned for school year 2007 – 2008. Originally it was planned that 100% transition should take place at this time, but the adopted amendments determined that a school or a class with the Estonian language as the language of tuition should be considered the one where at least 60% of all subjects were taught in the Estonian language and 40% might be taught in some other language. Diena

aprīlis 4, 2000

Press Report

Press Report

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Saeima faction together with the leaders of the Party will decide on Thursday whether to submit to the Saeima a draft law on proposing the vote of non-confidence to A.Skele’s government. The LSDWP Saeima faction Chairman E.Baldzens told journalists that the present Government had exhausted its possibilities. It could still remain, but it was not able to form unanimous opinions.

Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party Saeima faction together with the leaders of the Party will decide on Thursday whether to submit to the Saeima a draft law on proposing the vote of non-confidence to A.Skeles government. The LSDWP Saeima faction Chairman E.Baldzens told journalists that the present Government had exhausted its possibilities. It could still remain, but it was not able to form unanimous opinions. Neatkariga, Diena, Jauna Avize, Respublika

The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats informed that the Saeima faction of this party had prepared to submit to their coalition partners proposals to amend the coalition agreement that would help to achieve concord among coalition partners before decision making in the Government. According to the current procedure – if the ministers of some party do not support any decision, the decision is postponed but after a week it could be returned to the agenda. And then it is adopted by the majority of voices. To avoid such a situation TB/LNNK proposes to charge the Prime Minister to convoke a meeting of representatives of coalition to achieve unanimity concerning these postponed decisions.

The Chairman of TB/LNNK M.Grinblats informed that the Saeima faction of this party had prepared to submit to their coalition partners proposals to amend the coalition agreement that would help to achieve concord among coalition partners before decision making in the Government. According to the current procedure – if the ministers of some party do not support any decision, the decision is postponed but after a week it could be returned to the agenda. And then it is adopted by the majority of voices. To avoid such a situation TB/LNNK proposes to charge the Prime Minister to convoke a meeting of representatives of coalition to achieve unanimity concerning these postponed decisions. Neatkariga, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

The DCMA organised a press conference where they informed about the concept of ID cards project. They plan to submit this document to the Government this week. The Acting Head M.Bicevskis said that according to the Government’s declaration a new personal ID system should be introduced by 1 June, 2001 that would include passports as travel documents and IDs for internal use.

The DCMA organised a press conference where they informed about the concept of ID cards project. They plan to submit this document to the Government this week. The Acting Head M.Bicevskis said that according to the Governments declaration a new personal ID system should be introduced by 1 June, 2001 that would include passports as travel documents and IDs for internal use. Neatkariga, Respublika, Panorama Latvii, Latvijas Vestnesis

Lauku Avize adds that the cost of this project will be not less than 2 million Ls.

Last year the DCMA examined 2572 applications and complains about decisions taken by the officials of this institution. M.Bicevskis did not consider this to be a normal situation. DCMA representatives were involved in 353 court hearings; 240 cases were considered also on illegal activities of DCMA officials. According to M.Bicevskis that reasons for this situation could be either the DCMA decisions were of low quality and had no grounds or there was not enough explanation of the decisions.

Last year the DCMA examined 2572 applications and complains about decisions taken by the officials of this institution. M.Bicevskis did not consider this to be a normal situation. DCMA representatives were involved in 353 court hearings; 240 cases were considered also on illegal activities of DCMA officials. According to M.Bicevskis that reasons for this situation could be either the DCMA decisions were of low quality and had no grounds or there was not enough explanation of the decisions. Neatkariga

April 1, the deadline for exchanging former USSR passport has come but 7,5% (38 504) of all Latvian residents have not done it. In April there will be no fines for living without valid ID but in May the amount of a fine could be up to 25 Ls.

April 1, the deadline for exchanging former USSR passport has come but 7,5% (38 504) of all Latvian residents have not done it. In April there will be no fines for living without valid ID but in May the amount of a fine could be up to 25 Ls. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

The Chairman of LC and Saeima National Security Commission Head A.Pantelejevs arrived to Moscow to discuss with Russian politicians fighting international criminal groups and events taken place in Latvia. He met high Russian politicians and told them also about the march of legionnaires and trial of V.Kononov.

The Chairman of LC and Saeima National Security Commission Head A.Pantelejevs arrived to Moscow to discuss with Russian politicians fighting international criminal groups and events taken place in Latvia. He met high Russian politicians and told them also about the march of legionnaires and trial of V.Kononov. Neatkariga, Diena, Chas

At the same time also the representatives of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia were in Moscow who, according to A.Pantelejevs, provided Moscow with information “to speculate and keep their political image”.

At the same time also the representatives of the faction For Human Rights in United Latvia were in Moscow who, according to A.Pantelejevs, provided Moscow with information to speculate and keep their political image. Vesti Segodnya

J.Adamsons plans to leave the post of the Hhead of the Saeima Investigation Commission on April 13 when the Commission has to present its final report. But there could also come a proposal to prolong the mandate of the Commission.

J.Adamsons plans to leave the post of the Hhead of the Saeima Investigation Commission on April 13 when the Commission has to present its final report. But there could also come a proposal to prolong the mandate of the Commission. Diena, Jauna Avize, Chas

People’s Party Saeima faction decided not to support the version on Latvian regional division prepared by the Minister of Special Portfolio J.Bunkss. People’s Party consider that this version does not correspond to the Government declaration.

Peoples Party Saeima faction decided not to support the version on Latvian regional division prepared by the Minister of Special Portfolio J.Bunkss. Peoples Party consider that this version does not correspond to the Government declaration. Lauku Avize

A.Chehoyev, Deputy Chairman of Russian National Council Commission on CIS and Compatriots Affairs said that Russian parliamentarians had shown their gesture of good will and postponed the decision taking on imposing sanctions against Latvia for one more week. Now it was Latvia’s turn to show her good will and abstain from voting against Russia in Strasbourg.

A.Chehoyev, Deputy Chairman of Russian National Council Commission on CIS and Compatriots Affairs said that Russian parliamentarians had shown their gesture of good will and postponed the decision taking on imposing sanctions against Latvia for one more week. Now it was Latvias turn to show her good will and abstain from voting against Russia in Strasbourg. Vesti Segodnya,

Chas states that now Latvian politicians have a chance to kick Russia.

Chas states that now Latvian politicians have a chance to kick Russia.

Panorama Latvii

writes about the seminar on European standards in the field of national minority rights. The conclusion they made from presentations – Latvia still had a long way to go to meet European standards. N.Muiznieks, Director of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre said that Europe was not to be blamed for taking no steps to protect national minority rights in Latvia. According to his data already in the middle of 90s OSCE had achieved a lot in this field through silent diplomacy. writes about the seminar on European standards in the field of national minority rights. The conclusion they made from presentations – Latvia still had a long way to go to meet European standards. N.Muiznieks, Director of Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre said that Europe was not to be blamed for taking no steps to protect national minority rights in Latvia. According to his data already in the middle of 90s OSCE had achieved a lot in this field through “silent diplomacy”. In his interview to Latvian Radio Prime Minister A.Skele told about his discussions with Lord Robertson. They also spoke about Russia and expected that after the election of the new President, Russia would clarify many things and be more pragmatic in her approach to relations with neighbouring states, do away with unnecessary emotions let both countries could build their relations according accepted standards.

In his interview to Latvian Radio Prime Minister A.Skele told about his discussions with Lord Robertson. They also spoke about Russia and expected that after the election of the new President, Russia would clarify many things and be more pragmatic in her approach to relations with neighbouring states, do away with unnecessary emotions let both countries could build their relations according accepted standards. Latvijas Vestnesis

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