Oct. 2, 2007

  • President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden: situation where ethnic minorities are deprived of rights to participate in political and social life is inappropriate for Europe
  • Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins considers that Latvia has to continue protecting its labour market
  • Chas reports that representatives of Latvia are taking part in the European Russian Forum
  • Days of Russian Culture in Ventspils
After an official visit to Latvia and Estonia, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden has stated: “situation where ethnic minorities are deprived of rights to participate in political and social life is inappropriate for Europe. In contemporary civilised society millions of people cannot be deprived of rights.”

After an official visit to Latvia and Estonia, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene van der Linden has stated: situation where ethnic minorities are deprived of rights to participate in political and social life is inappropriate for Europe. In contemporary civilised society millions of people cannot be deprived of rights. Vesti Segodnya

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins criticizes the position of the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia according to which Latvia must simplify procedure for legal employment of foreigners. The Minister has stated that Latvia has to continue protecting its labour market, therefore, attraction of guest workers must remain expensive and time consuming procedure. Gaidis Berzins considers that influx of cheep labour force would have negative impact on several social and economical issues. The Minister also considers that Latvia has to attract qualified guest workers from the EU countries who are ready to learn Latvian language and to respect Latvia culture and traditions.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins criticizes the position of the Employers Confederation of Latvia according to which Latvia must simplify procedure for legal employment of foreigners. The Minister has stated that Latvia has to continue protecting its labour market, therefore, attraction of guest workers must remain expensive and time consuming procedure. Gaidis Berzins considers that influx of cheep labour force would have negative impact on several social and economical issues. The Minister also considers that Latvia has to attract qualified guest workers from the EU countries who are ready to learn Latvian language and to respect Latvia culture and traditions. Vesti Segodnya

Chas reports that representatives of Latvia are taking part in the European Russian Forum Russian Speaking Society in Europe and its Role in EU - Russia Relations held in Brussels from 1-2 October.

Chas reports on the Days of Russian Culture in Ventspils (city in the North-western part of Latvia). Various concerts and cultural events were held in the framework of the festivity.

Sept. 29, 2007

  • Members of the Association of History of Ghetto and Jewish Genocide have sent an open letter to the General Prosecutor of Latvia Janis Maizitis with an appeal to evaluate a decision to terminate criminal proceedings against neo-Nazi Andris Jordans
  • Leader of the NGO Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks criticizes Latvian authorities for unwillingness to solve problems concerning ethnic integration in Latvia
The members of the Association of History of Ghetto and Jewish Genocide have sent an open letter to the General Prosecutor of Latvia Janis Maizitis criticising a decision of the Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court to terminate criminal proceedings against a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans who has stated at public discussion that Jews and Roma people are ‘non-humans’ and it would be preferable to exterminate them. The members of the Association ask the General Prosecutor to evaluate the decision.

The members of the Association of History of Ghetto and Jewish Genocide have sent an open letter to the General Prosecutor of Latvia Janis Maizitis criticising a decision of the Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court to terminate criminal proceedings against a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans who has stated at public discussion that Jews and Roma people are ‘non-humans and it would be preferable to exterminate them. The members of the Association ask the General Prosecutor to evaluate the decision. Vesti Segodnya

In an interview with

In an interview with Vesti Segodnya, the leader of the NGO Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks criticizes Latvian authorities for unwillingness to solve problems concerning ethnic integration in Latvia. Igors Kuzmuks believes that the government ignores the fact that Latvia is two community state. Igors Kuzmuks also has stated that Prata Speks will continue to provide free-of-charge Latvian language courses for promotion of real integration.

Sept. 28, 2007

  • Chas reports on first ever free of charge courses in Daugavpils for Roma minority members preparing to pass exam for Latvian language proficiency certificate
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a draft law which stipulates conditions for persons to change their name, surname and ethnic belonging
  • Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammarberg will visit Latvia in October
  • Diena prints an article about a research Influence of Foreign Countries on Society Ethnic Integration Process in Latvia

Chas reports on first ever free of charge courses in Daugavpils for Roma minority members preparing to pass exam for Latvian language proficiency certificate. According to the head of Roma NGO in Daugavpils Me-Roma, unemployment level among Roma people is higher than among other ethnic minorities and one of the main reasons for that was absence of language proficiency certificate.

A new draft law presented at a meeting of the State Secretaries yesterday allows a person who reached the age of 15 to change his/her name, surname and ethnic belonging if these factors complicate life of a person, person wants to receive double name or surname, person changes gender or wants to return family surname. According to the draft project, if a person wants to change ethnic belonging to Latvian ethnicity s/he doesn’t need to present a document which confirms state language proficiency.

A new draft law presented at a meeting of the State Secretaries yesterday allows a person who reached the age of 15 to change his/her name, surname and ethnic belonging if these factors complicate life of a person, person wants to receive double name or surname, person changes gender or wants to return family surname. According to the draft project, if a person wants to change ethnic belonging to Latvian ethnicity s/he doesnt need to present a document which confirms state language proficiency. Vesti Segodnya

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammarberg will come with an official visit to Latvia in the beginning of October.

The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Thomas Hammarberg will come with an official visit to Latvia in the beginning of October. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Diena prints an article by the Executive Director of the Centre for Eastern European Political Studies (CEPS) Andis Kudors about a research Influence of Foreign Countries on Society Ethnic Integration Process in Latvia conducted by the CEPS. According to the results of the research, Western countries and international organisations have had a positive influence on society integration process in Latvia, although, influence of the Russian Federation has hindered integration process. The authors of the research concluded that Russian institutions have tried to promote parallel integration of Russian speaking residents of Latvia towards Russia. According to the research, Russian influence is aimed against Latvian ethnic integration policy and contradicts Latvian legal acts concerning the state language.

Sept. 27, 2007

  • Chas prints opinion of representatives of Roma and Jewish communities on a decision of the Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court to terminate a criminal proceeding against a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans
  • Article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners on issues concerning Russian language schools in Latvia
  • Article by the head of the Latvian Association in Support of Russian Language Schools Igors Pimenovs on the reasons why non-citizens do not naturalise

Chas prints opinion of representatives of Roma and Jewish communities on a decision of the Prosecutor of the Riga Regional Court Ieva Garanca to terminate a criminal proceeding against a neo-Nazi Andris Jordans who has stated at public discussion that Jews and Roma people are ‘non-humans and it would be preferable to exterminate them. An independent expert on issues concerning Latvian Roma Vanda Zamicka-Bergendal has criticized the decision of the Prosecutors Office and arguments for such decision. According to Ms. Zamicka-Bergendal, crime of Andris Jordans is clear because he has made the statements deliberately in front of several witnesses and video cameras. Ms. Zamicka-Bergendal has stated that racial statements towards Roma are not rare in Latvia and many Roma face those. Vice president of the World Roma Union Normunds Rudevics also has criticized the decision of the Prosecutors Office and stated that such statements obviously violate human rights. Chairman of the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko has stated Jews are concerned about the lack of reaction from official bodies on this incident and noted that unless the case is solved in Latvia it will be forwarded to international structures.

Vesti Segodnyaprints an article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners (both from the FHRUL) on issues concerning Russian language schools in Latvia. According to the authors of the article, Russian education is the only way to preserve Russian culture. The authors believe that Russian language schools in Latvia could be preserved only by activities of teachers, parents and senior pupils who are willing to preserve the schools.

Vesti Segodnyaprints an article by the head of the Latvian Association in Support of Russian Language Schools Igors Pimenovs on the reasons why non-citizens do not naturalise. Mr. Pimenovs believes that people are indifferent towards receiving citizenship due to psychological reasons. According to Mr. Pimenovs, officials demonstrate mistrust towards Latvian non-citizens by applying to them equal naturalisation requirements as for foreigners.

Sept. 26, 2007

  • State Language Inspection has issued 425 administrative protocols on violation of the State Language Law imposing various fines during eight months of 2007
According to

According to Latvijas Avize, the State Language Inspection has issued 425 administrative protocols on violation of the State Language Law imposing various fines ranging from LVL 10 to 100 (EUR 14 - 142) during eight months of 2007. The Inspection has issued 1,396 acts on preventive inspections and warnings and conducted 1,185 preventive inspections when inspectors gave only oral instructions on how to comply with the State Language Law.

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