Oct. 19, 2007

  • Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Head of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office Vilnis Jekabsons
  • Diena features an interview with the coordinator of education section of the national program Roma in Latvia Daiga Zake

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Head of the Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office Vilnis Jekabsons. According to Mr. Jekabsons, about 2,000 foreigners were issued temporary residency permits for the first time, while, 136,000 persons were issued visas to Latvia during first six months of 2007. As of 1 July 2007, 42,511 foreigners, including 6,940 residents of the EU and 22,700 ex-Latvian non-citizens who have become citizens of other countries were residing in Latvia with valid residency permits.

Diena features an interview with the coordinator of education section of the national program Roma in Latvia Daiga Zake. According to Ms. Zake, lack of education for Roma people is the main reason of their low social status, isolation in society and promotion of stereotypes towards them. Daiga Zake believes that finding solution for Roma education problems would establish a basis for education of immigrants children. Daiga Zake has stated that public discussions Roma Child in School for parents representing Roma, Latvian, Russian and other ethnicities, as well as teachers, social workers, representatives of NGOs, state and municipal institutions were held during October in various cities of Latvia. In November, seminars for teachers on how to work with Roma children will be held in four Latvian cities.

Oct. 18, 2007

  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM might propose government to liquidate the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Russian compatriots from Latvia and Estonia ask Russian President to cancel visa requirements to enter Russia

Latvijas Avize reports that the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM might propose government to liquidate the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration for the sake of saving state funds. The Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has criticized the proposal and stated that the State Language Centre also might be liquidated as cost-cutting measure. Oskars Kastens believes that the Integration Secretariat will be especially important in the future due to the growing influx of guest workers.

Chas reports that Russian citizens and non-citizens who live in Latvia and Estonia have sent an appeal to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin complaining about financial difficulties and asking to abolish visa requirements for Russian compatriots entering Russia.

Oct. 17, 2007

  • Two Roma young girls attacked allegedly by a group of skinheads in Riga
  • State Border Guards repeatedly have drawn administrative protocols to six citizens of Thailand who were illegally employed in Latvia
  • Russian NGO Veche proposes to establish councils on non-citizens affairs in municipalities
Newspapers report that two Roma young girls were attacked allegedly by a group of skinheads in Riga on 13 October. After the accident two 13-year-old girls were placed in hospital. According to representative of the Ombudsman Office, the crime has racist background.

Newspapers report that two Roma young girls were attacked allegedly by a group of skinheads in Riga on 13 October. After the accident two 13-year-old girls were placed in hospital. According to representative of the Ombudsman Office, the crime has racist background. Telegraf, Diena, NRA

NRA reports that the State Border Guards repeatedly have drawn administrative protocols to six citizens of Thailand who were illegally employed in Latvia. Also, on 15 and 14 October, the State Border Guards have detained 44 persons – 20 Latvian citizens and 24 foreigners for working without working permits.

Chas reports that leaders of the Russian NGO Veche have come up with a proposal to establish councils on non-citizens affairs in municipalities. According to Veche, such councils would promote trust of non-citizens towards local authorities, would help to determine real needs in public and cultural events for ethnic minorities and would help to understand reasons for slowdown of naturalisation speed and options for its promotion.

Oct. 16, 2007

  • 200 persons took part in a picket against non-citizenship in Riga
  • According to the Migrant Integration Policy Index, Latvia is the least welcoming country for immigrants
  • The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens proposes to allow granting double citizenship to WWII refugees, deported persons and children left without parents care
About 200 persons took part in a picket against non-citizenship in front of the representative office of the European Commission in Riga yesterday.

About 200 persons took part in a picket against non-citizenship in front of the representative office of the European Commission in Riga yesterday. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

According to a ranking based on the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) conducted by the British Council and Migration Policy Group in Brussels, Latvia is the least welcoming country for immigrants among other European countries, while the most welcoming is Sweden. The MIPEX reflects how European countries integrate immigrants

According to a ranking based on the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) conducted by the British Council and Migration Policy Group in Brussels, Latvia is the least welcoming country for immigrants among other European countries, while the most welcoming is Sweden. The MIPEX reflects how European countries integrate immigrants using 140 indicators including such factors as immigrants' rights in the workplace; the opportunities for permanent settlement; permission for family to join them; laws to combat racism and prejudice. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, NRA

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has sent a proposal to the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis asking to include group of persons such as WWII refugees, deported persons and children left without parents’ care into the list of persons who might be allowed granting double citizenship. Presently, a working group is elaborating draft amendments to the legal norms which stipulate granting double citizenship to children of Latvian citizens who were born abroad.

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has sent a proposal to the Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis asking to include group of persons such as WWII refugees, deported persons and children left without parents care into the list of persons who might be allowed granting double citizenship. Presently, a working group is elaborating draft amendments to the legal norms which stipulate granting double citizenship to children of Latvian citizens who were born abroad. Latvijas Avize, NRA

Oct. 15, 2007

  • Russian NGOs in Latvia ask the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament to speed up consideration of a petition on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • 42% of Latvian residents are representatives of ethnic minorities
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with Ruslan Pankratov who has submitted an application to the ECHR against Latvianisation of his name
  • 1,989 guest workers have arrived to Latvia during first six months of 2007
  • According to a study Attitude towards State Language, 56% of Latvia residents believe that the state has to ensure usage of state language in service sphere

Chas reports that representatives of several Russian NGOs in Latvia have sent to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament an appeal asking to speed up consideration of a petition signed by 16,000 residents of Latvia on granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. NGOs also asked to evaluate impact of mass scale non-citizenship on observance of Latvian residents rights and to support recommendations on elimination of non-citizenship addressed to Latvia by various international organisations.

According to

According to Chas, at present, 42% of Latvian residents are representatives of ethnic minorities. Many minority members in Latvia are non-citizens: 40% of Russians, 61% of Belorussians, and 64% of Ukrainians do not have any citizenship.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with activist of the NGO Return Our Names Ruslan Pankratov who has submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against Latvianisation of first and last name (adding the ending –s) in his passport. According to Ruslan Pankratov there are 3,000 persons registered in the NGO Return Our Names who support initiative against Latvianisation of personal names. Mr. Pankratov believes that modification of names amounts to forced assimilation and is form of ethno linguistic nationalism.

According to the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, 1,989 guest workers have arrived to Latvia during first six months of 2007. The majority of guest workers have arrived from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belorussia, Armenia and Uzbekistan.

According to the Department of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, 1,989 guest workers have arrived to Latvia during first six months of 2007. The majority of guest workers have arrived from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belorussia, Armenia and Uzbekistan. Latvijas Avize, Diena

According to a study “Attitude towards State Language” conducted by the State Language Agency (SLA) in summer, 56% of Latvia residents believe that the state has to ensure usage of state language in service sphere. Also, 49% believes that level of Latvian language proficiency for certain professions and posts must be defined in legal norms. According to the study, 34% of ethnic minority respondents have stated that they use their native language in private life and in other spheres. In an interview with

According to a study Attitude towards State Language conducted by the State Language Agency (SLA) in summer, 56% of Latvia residents believe that the state has to ensure usage of state language in service sphere. Also, 49% believes that level of Latvian language proficiency for certain professions and posts must be defined in legal norms. According to the study, 34% of ethnic minority respondents have stated that they use their native language in private life and in other spheres. In an interview with Latvijas Avize, a representative of the SLA has told about a broad study State Language Law: History and Topicality conducted by the agency. The study will reflect on how the politicians have taken care of development and protection of the state language. Latvijas Avize

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