Nov. 2, 2007

  • Ombudsman has initiated an investigation on the list of differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens prepared by the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs
  • Chas prints two articles with arguments why Russian speaking residents of Latvia should or should not take part in a demonstration For Law-Governed State! For Honest Policy! on 3 November in Riga
The Ombudsman has initiated an investigation on the list of differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens prepared by the member of the Latvian Human Rights Committee, MP from the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Vladimirs Buzajevs. The list describes 80 existing and 51 already canceled differences in rights between citizens and non-citizens as well as cases when not only Latvian citizens but also citizens of other EU countries in Latvia have advantages over Latvian non-citizens. The majority of differences refer to prohibition for occupation of certain professions.

The Ombudsman has initiated an investigation on the list of differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens prepared by the member of the Latvian Human Rights Committee, MP from the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Vladimirs Buzajevs. The list describes 80 existing and 51 already canceled differences in rights between citizens and non-citizens as well as cases when not only Latvian citizens but also citizens of other EU countries in Latvia have advantages over Latvian non-citizens. The majority of differences refer to prohibition for occupation of certain professions. Vesti Segodnya

Chas prints two articles with arguments why Russian speaking residents of Latvia should or should not take part in a demonstration For Law-Governed State! For Honest Policy! which is planned to be held on 3 November in Riga. The aim of the demonstration is to show the government that Latvian residents disagree with its present course. Author of one article - a member of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Aleksandrs Gilmans, - considers that Russian speakers should not take part in the demonstration because the government will not take into account problems and needs of ethnic minorities anyway. Author of another article - the head of the NGO Humanitarian Perspective Elizabete Krivcova, - considers that Russians and other ethnic minorities must take part in the demonstration to show that they are interested in building dialogue with ethnic Latvians to discuss principles of possible co-existence and co-operation. Ms. Krivcova believes that by participating in the demonstration ethnic minorities can show that they are involved in political life and that their interests must be taken into account.

Oct. 31, 2007

  • Director of Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff criticizes Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Vesti Segodnya reports that the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre Efraim Zuroff has criticized Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia for the fact that no Nazi criminals were prosecuted or sentenced during the past years in these countries.


Oct. 30, 2007

  • Chas reports on a conference Participation of Latvia Non-citizens in Municipal Elections as a Stimulus for Integration and Naturalisation
  • MP Augusts Brigmanis: Union of Greens and Farmers does not support granting all non-citizens Latvian citizenship or granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections
  • Russia is planning to establish Russian-European institute of freedom and democracy which would monitor situation of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia

Chas reports on a conference Participation of Latvia Non-citizens in Municipal Elections as a Stimulus for Integration and Naturalisation held by NGOs the Russian Community in Liepaja, the Union of Citizens and Non-citizens and the Humanitarian Perspective on 28 October in Liepaja. Representatives of Russian NGOs in Latvia and state officials have taken part in the conference. The aim of the conference was to form a delegation who would forward to the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers the draft amendments to Latvian legal acts which stipulate granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. According to the director of the Humanitarian Perspective Elizabete Krivcova, naturalisation in Latvia will move forward only when government will acknowledge rights of non-citizens by certain activities such as granting them rights to participate in municipal elections.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of the Saeimas faction Union of Greens and Farmers, MP Augusts Brigmanis. Mr. Brigmanis has stated that Union of Greens and Farmers does not support granting all non-citizens Latvian citizenship or granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. However, Mr. Brigmanis believes that naturalisation procedure could be simplified for all those who want to become citizen of Latvia.

Vesti Segodnya reports that at the Russia-EU Summit, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin has informed about the plans to establish Russian-European institute of freedom and democracy. Among the aims of the institute would be monitoring situation of ethnic minorities and migrants in the EU and Russia. In an interview with the newspaper, the member of the Russias Presidential Council Sergey Markov has stated that situation of non-citizens and Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia are among core issues on which Russia will continue to draw attention of the EU.

Oct. 29, 2007

  • Chas and Vesti Segodnya report on a seminar Russian World in the Baltic countries: Future Visions and Space for Self-determination
  • Most popular parties in October: the Concord Centre, New Era, Union of Greens and Farmers

Chas and Vesti Segodnya report on a seminar Russian World in the Baltic countries: Future Visions and Space for Self-determination held on 27 October in Riga. Academicians from Latvia and Russia, politicians and representatives of NGOs have taken part in the seminar. According to a report on political participation of Russian residents of Latvia presented by the academician Juris Rozenvalds, integration idea in Latvia is unpopular among Latvians and Russians. The head of the Institute of Social-Political Studies of the University of Latvia Nils Muiznieks has stated that Russian residents of Latvia must naturalise and to work in governmental institutions to have full-fledged engagement in political life.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party – 12,5% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima’s elections were held in October. The New Era is supported by 11% of citizens and the Union of Greens and Farmers by 6,4 %. Other parties, including People’s party, Latvia’s First Party and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM which compose governing coalition, are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 31,5 % of respondents do not know whom they would vote for, while 17,1 % would not participate in the elections.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party – 12,5% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeimas elections were held in October. The New Era is supported by 11% of citizens and the Union of Greens and Farmers by 6,4 %. Other parties, including Peoples party, Latvias First Party and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM which compose governing coalition, are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 31,5 % of respondents do not know whom they would vote for, while 17,1 % would not participate in the elections. Diena

Oct. 27, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a conference Access of Non-citizens to Municipal Elections as a Stimulus for Integration and Naturalisation

Vesti Segodnya reports that representatives of Russian NGOs in Latvia are holding a conference Access of Non-citizens to Municipal Elections as a Stimulus for Integration and Naturalisation on 28 October in Liepaja. According to one of the organisers of the conference, head of the Russian Community in Liepaja Valerijs Kravcovs, Russian NGOs have prepared the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law stipulating granting non-citizens voting rights which will be submitted to the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers asking to forward it to the Saeima.

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