Nov. 9, 2007

  • Diena prints an article by social anthropologist Dace Dzenovska on racism in Latvia
  • Minister of Culture Helena Demakova: Latvia should ignore statements of Russias officials regarding granting Russian language the status of state language in Latvia
  • Ministry of Welfare has elaborated a draft agreement on co-operation in social sphere between Latvia and Russia
  • Kulturas Diena prints an interview with the head of Memorial Arseny Roginsky

Diena prints an article by social anthropologist Dace Dzenovska on racism in Latvia. According to the author, there is racism in Latvia. However, Latvian residents, especially ethnic Latvians criticize and avoid attempts to draw attention to existing racism. Dace Dzenovska also criticizes police for inability to prove racially motivated crimes. Ms. Dzenovska considers that society and police will probably draw serious attention to racial attacks only after someones death.

The Minister of Culture Helena Demakova has stated that Latvia should ignore statements of Russia’s officials regarding granting Russian language the status of state language in Latvia. Mrs. Demakova believes that Latvia conforms to all international standards in protection of rights of ethnic minorities. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins (member of the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM)) has stated that as long as the FF/LNIM is in governing coalition Russian language will never become state language.

The Minister of Culture Helena Demakova has stated that Latvia should ignore statements of Russias officials regarding granting Russian language the status of state language in Latvia. Mrs. Demakova believes that Latvia conforms to all international standards in protection of rights of ethnic minorities. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins (member of the political party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM)) has stated that as long as the FF/LNIM is in governing coalition Russian language will never become state language. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena

The Ministry of Welfare has elaborated a draft agreement on co-operation in social sphere between Latvia and Russia which stipulates abolishment of limitations on payments of pensions for residents of both countries. Particularly, the agreement stipulates that working time spent by non-citizens

The Ministry of Welfare has elaborated a draft agreement on co-operation in social sphere between Latvia and Russia which stipulates abolishment of limitations on payments of pensions for residents of both countries. Particularly, the agreement stipulates that working time spent by non-citizens outside of Latvia during the Soviet period would be included in the total length of service and thus their pensions would raise. Currently, the length of service of non-citizens includes only working time spent on Latvian territory during Soviet times. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Kulturas Diena prints an interview with the head of the international historical- enlightment, human rights and humanitarian society Memorial Arseny Roginsky. Mr. Rogisnky believes that in order to establish peaceful relation between Russians and Latvians both sides should understand and respect positions of each other regarding historical events, such as end of the WWII, victory of USSR and occupation of Latvia, despite those positions are contradictory.

Nov. 8, 2007

  • Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Latvian is the only state language in the country
  • Minister of Culture Helena Demakova: there is no need to establish separate department on ethnic minorities culture in Latvia
In response to a statement made by a representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign that Russian language should have an official status in Latvia, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia has stated that according to the State Language Law, Latvian is the only state language in the country, while, languages of ethnic minorities are being respected and learning of these languages is ensured. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that such statements by Russian officials show that they do not understand integration processes in Latvia.

In response to a statement made by a representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign that Russian language should have an official status in Latvia, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia has stated that according to the State Language Law, Latvian is the only state language in the country, while, languages of ethnic minorities are being respected and learning of these languages is ensured. The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that such statements by Russian officials show that they do not understand integration processes in Latvia. Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

The Minister of Culture Helena Demakova has stated that there is no need to establish separate department on ethnic minorities’ culture in Latvia, because cultural institutions are not divided into Latvian and non-Latvian, and state funding is granted equally to all.

The Minister of Culture Helena Demakova has stated that there is no need to establish separate department on ethnic minorities culture in Latvia, because cultural institutions are not divided into Latvian and non-Latvian, and state funding is granted equally to all. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 7, 2007

  • Security Police considers that an attack on two young Roma girls is not a racial hate crime
  • Latvijas Avize reports that the Supreme Court has received repeated linguistic expertise in a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans
  • Representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Russian language should have an official status in Latvia
According to a representative of the Security Police, materials of the State Police do not provide evidence that an attack on two young Roma girls is a racial hate crime. Therefore, the case is forwarded back to the State Police which has initiated criminal proceedings on hooliganism. As reported two 13-year-old girls were attacked allegedly by a group of skinheads in Riga in October. After the accident girls were placed in a hospital. The Ombudsman’s Office has initiated evaluation of policemen’s actions who right after the accident did not detain the persons alleged of attack on the girls.

According to a representative of the Security Police, materials of the State Police do not provide evidence that an attack on two young Roma girls is a racial hate crime. Therefore, the case is forwarded back to the State Police which has initiated criminal proceedings on hooliganism. As reported two 13-year-old girls were attacked allegedly by a group of skinheads in Riga in October. After the accident girls were placed in a hospital. The Ombudsmans Office has initiated evaluation of policemens actions who right after the accident did not detain the persons alleged of attack on the girls. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize reports that the Supreme Court has received repeated linguistic expertise made by the Latvian Association of Independent Experts in a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans. As reported, Aleksandrs Gilmans is charged for anti-governmental statements made on the internet forum of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools homepage. This is already a third expertise in Gilmans case because two previous expertises were appealed against by the prosecutor and by the Aleksandrs Gilmans lawyer.

Yesterday, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has stated that Russia will try to achieve a change of status of Russian language in Latvia, so that it becomes second official state language and not a foreign one as it is presently.

Yesterday, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation has stated that Russia will try to achieve a change of status of Russian language in Latvia, so that it becomes second official state language and not a foreign one as it is presently. NRA

Nov. 6, 2007

  • Ministers from the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM are planning to come against the draft migration concept
  • Vesti Segodnya prints various opinions on statements regarding Russian speaking residents made by the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers
  • Latvijas Avize and Diena report on an international conference Ethics in Democracy held in Riga
  • MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has discussed situation and problems of Russians residing outside of Russia with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin
  • State Language Centre has received and reviewed 453 complaints on possible violations of the State Language Law
Today, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministers from the Saeima’s faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM are planning to come against the draft migration concept which stipulates simplifying procedures for the influx of guest workers to Latvia. According to the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins and Special Assignments Minister for Administration of European Union Funds Normunds Broks, opening of labour market is insufficiently studied and might cause undesirable social and ethnic consequences.

Today, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministers from the Saeimas faction For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM are planning to come against the draft migration concept which stipulates simplifying procedures for the influx of guest workers to Latvia. According to the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins and Special Assignments Minister for Administration of European Union Funds Normunds Broks, opening of labour market is insufficiently studied and might cause undesirable social and ethnic consequences. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints various opinions on a statement made by the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers that Russians in Latvia are the best Russians in the world and other statements regarding Russian speaking residents. Head of the NGO Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks considers that such statements show that Valdis Zatlers could finally be the President who represents all residents of Latvia. Politician Aleksandrs Brandavs believes that the President could take an initiative on consolidation of the society because he speaks Russian language, have lived in Latvia all his life, knows problems of the countrys population and is familiar with mentality of ethnic minorities.

Latvijas Avize and Diena report on an international conference Ethics in Democracy held by Ethics Research Centre in the University of Montréal, the Canadian Embassy to Latvia and the Latvian Centre for Human Rights in Riga on 5 and 6 November. Representative of the Ombudsman Office Liga Biksiniece has stated that intolerance exists in Latvia despite legal acts which prohibit it. According to Ms. Biksiniece, the Ombudsman Office has received almost 90 complaints on discriminating attitude based on gender, disability or ethnic background during 9 months of 2007 and half of these complaints were recognized as valid.

Russian language newspapers report about an assembly “Russian World” held in Moscow. Representatives of Latvia have also taken part. The MEP from Latvia and co-chairman of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka in an interview with the newspapers has told she had an opportunity to discuss situation and problems of Russians residing outside of Russia with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Russian language newspapers report about an assembly Russian World held in Moscow. Representatives of Latvia have also taken part. The MEP from Latvia and co-chairman of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka in an interview with the newspapers has told she had an opportunity to discuss situation and problems of Russians residing outside of Russia with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

The State Language Centre (SLC) has received and reviewed 453 complaints on possible violations of the State Language Law in time period from January till October 2007. In 2006 the SLC has received 414 complaints in total.

The State Language Centre (SLC) has received and reviewed 453 complaints on possible violations of the State Language Law in time period from January till October 2007. In 2006 the SLC has received 414 complaints in total. Latvijas Avize

Nov. 5, 2007

  • Head of The Concord Centre Nils Usakovs: Russian speaking residents should take part in national manifestations
  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers: Russian residents of Latvia should remain Russian
  • Columnist of Chas: the only way for non-citizens to solve their problems is to become naturalised
Newspapers report on demonstration “For Law-Governed State! For Honest Policy!” held against the present course of the government on 3 November in Riga. The head of political party The Concord Centre Nils Usakovs in an interview with

Newspapers report on demonstration For Law-Governed State! For Honest Policy! held against the present course of the government on 3 November in Riga. The head of political party The Concord Centre Nils Usakovs in an interview with Vesti Segodnya has stated that members of the party were probably the only representatives of Russian speakers at the demonstration. Nils Usakovs believes that Russian speaking residents should take part in such national manifestations held against corruption, cynicism of governing authorities, economical and social crisis.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview the President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers. Mr. President has stated that Russian residents of Latvia should remain Russian while Latvians should remain Latvian. However, Mr. Zatlers believes that two-community state is not a good state model because it carries problems which will last for centuries. Mr. Zatlers also does not support granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections and believes that Latvia has successful experience in naturalisation.

Columnist of

Columnist of Chas considers that the only way for Latvian non-citizens to solve their problems is to become naturalised and to vote in the Saeimas elections for those who truly would be able to change situation.

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