maijs 12, 2006

  • Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Russias activities hamper integration of Russian speakers into Latvian society
  • Russian Ambassador held meetings with the Minister of Education and the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Saeima granted the citizenship of Latvia to the orchestra conductor and theatre director for special merits
The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks in an interview with Austrian newspaper

The Latvian Minister of Foreign Affairs Artis Pabriks in an interview with Austrian newspaper Die Presse stated that a part of Russian-speaking minorities in Latvia is fully integrated into the Latvian society: however, the other part keeps one foot whether in Russia or in the past. Artis Pabriks argued that integration of Russian-speakers is hampered by Russias activities aimed at ‘protection of their rights. Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Victor Kalyuzhniy held meetings with the Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone. Victor Kalyuzhniy and Baiba Rivza discussed the minority education reform, role of ethnic minorities in development and implementation of the minority education reform, and possible solutions to particular problems. The Minister of Education promised to prepare a comprehensive report on the results of the reform. In turn, the Integration Minister Karina Petersone after the meeting in an interview to the National Television news program stated that the state is planning to organize more Latvian language courses and to help elderly persons to prepare for naturalisation exams.

The Russian Ambassador to Latvia Victor Kalyuzhniy held meetings with the Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone. Victor Kalyuzhniy and Baiba Rivza discussed the minority education reform, role of ethnic minorities in development and implementation of the minority education reform, and possible solutions to particular problems. The Minister of Education promised to prepare a comprehensive report on the results of the reform. In turn, the Integration Minister Karina Petersone after the meeting in an interview to the National Television news program stated that the state is planning to organize more Latvian language courses and to help elderly persons to prepare for naturalisation exams. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Saeima supported the draft project on the grant of Latvian citizenship to conductor Maris Jansons and his wife, and to the theatre director Mihails Gruzdovs for their special merits.

Yesterday, the Saeima supported the draft project on the grant of Latvian citizenship to conductor Maris Jansons and his wife, and to the theatre director Mihails Gruzdovs for their special merits. Chas

maijs 11, 2006

  • Group of MPs has finished the audit of the Naturalisation Board
  • Security Police forwarded the case of Aleksandrs Gilmans to the Prosecutions Office
A group of MPs (members of the People’s Party) which was formed to inspect the way naturalization exams are taken place has finished their audit of the Naturalisation Board (NB). The Head of Saeima’s Citizenship Law Implementation Committee Anta Rugate stated that during the audit of naturalisation exams in various branches of the NB the group detected a number of failures. Anta Rugate argued that examination process is not transparent and clear enough, therefore, MPs recommended to draft amendments to improve the process. The group of MPs also asked the Ministry of Justice to hold an independent audit of the NB and increase salaries of its staff.

A group of MPs (members of the Peoples Party) which was formed to inspect the way naturalization exams are taken place has finished their audit of the Naturalisation Board (NB). The Head of Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee Anta Rugate stated that during the audit of naturalisation exams in various branches of the NB the group detected a number of failures. Anta Rugate argued that examination process is not transparent and clear enough, therefore, MPs recommended to draft amendments to improve the process. The group of MPs also asked the Ministry of Justice to hold an independent audit of the NB and increase salaries of its staff. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

On Tuesday, the Security Police forwarded the case of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans to the Prosecution’s Office. As reported, the Security Police argue that the statements made by Aleksandrs Gilmans on the internet forum on the Headquarters’ homepage are anti-governmental.

On Tuesday, the Security Police forwarded the case of the activist of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans to the Prosecutions Office. As reported, the Security Police argue that the statements made by Aleksandrs Gilmans on the internet forum on the Headquarters homepage are anti-governmental. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss

maijs 10, 2006

  • Several thousands people celebrate the Victory day
  • Conference Legal Norms on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow? will be hold on 13 May
  • Department of Education of the Riga City Council is planning to audit the number of students in several Russian-language schools
Yesterday, several thousands people took part in the “Victory Day” celebrations (9 May was celebrated as the end of World War II in the Soviet Union) in Riga and  other cities of Latvia. While a number of Latvian nationalists held a protest action, arguing that 9 May is not a celebration for Latvia but rather the beginning of Latvia’s occupation. The radical right-wing political party “All for Latvia!” held a conference “Is the war over?” Leader of the party Raivis Dzintars stated that Latvians have to fight for Latvian Latvia: “ideological, political and psychological war for Latvia still goes on.”

Yesterday, several thousands people took part in the Victory Day celebrations (9 May was celebrated as the end of World War II in the Soviet Union) in Riga and other cities of Latvia. While a number of Latvian nationalists held a protest action, arguing that 9 May is not a celebration for Latvia but rather the beginning of Latvias occupation. The radical right-wing political party All for Latvia! held a conference Is the war over? Leader of the party Raivis Dzintars stated that Latvians have to fight for Latvian Latvia: ideological, political and psychological war for Latvia still goes on. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

The political party “The Concord Centre” in cooperation with several Russian NGOs will hold a conference “Legal Norms on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?” on 13 May. The conference will cover three basic themes: legal norms concerning minority education in independent Latvia in 1918-1939; international experience; and potential of the draft project on minority schools.

The political party The Concord Centre in cooperation with several Russian NGOs will hold a conference Legal Norms on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow? on 13 May. The conference will cover three basic themes: legal norms concerning minority education in independent Latvia in 1918-1939; international experience; and potential of the draft project on minority schools. Chas

The Department of Education of the Riga City Council is planning to audit the actual number of students in several Russian-language schools. A representative of the Department stated that there are five schools in Riga which have difficulties to collect the required number of students to be able to open a class. As reported, one school in Riga providing studies in Russian was caught cheating with a number of enrolled students in order to receive state funding.

The Department of Education of the Riga City Council is planning to audit the actual number of students in several Russian-language schools. A representative of the Department stated that there are five schools in Riga which have difficulties to collect the required number of students to be able to open a class. As reported, one school in Riga providing studies in Russian was caught cheating with a number of enrolled students in order to receive state funding. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 9, 2006

  • Researchers: historical memory and cultural trauma hinder development of trustful and confident relations among ethnic groups in Latvia
  • Journalist of the radical newspaper DDD appeals the denial to issue for colleagues the press cards in the Saeima
  • New educational program for Russian speaking Jews STARS
Researchers Ilze Baldone and Aleksejs Snitnikov in an article “Cultural trauma – barrier for integration of society?” published on the public policy portal

Researchers Ilze Baldone and Aleksejs Snitnikov in an article Cultural trauma – barrier for integration of society? published on the public policy portal argue that historical memory and cultural trauma, experienced by Latvians, hinder development of trustful and confident relations among ethnic groups in Latvia. Latvijas Avize

The article available in Latvian

On Monday, the Saeima Presidium forwarded an appeal by journalist of the radical newspaper

On Monday, the Saeima Presidium forwarded an appeal by journalist of the radical newspaper DDD Liene Apine to the Saeimas Juridical Bureau. The journalist appeals the decision of the Saeimas Press Service to deny her colleagues - newspapers editor Liga Muzikante and editor-in-chief Aivars Garda (both leaders of the radical organisation Latvian National Front) - the press card for working in the Saeima. The Saeimas Press Service argued that the press cards were not issued because Liga Muzikante and Avairs Garda may spread information which may instigate to ethnic hatred and intolerance. Latvijas Avize

New educational program STARS (Student Torah Alliance for Russian Speakers) was launched in Riga. The aim of the program is to introduce Jewish young people with Jewish religion, history, traditions and philosophy. Telegraf

maijs 8, 2006

  • Saeima develops a draft law on the status of EU non-citizen
  • Presentation of a book The Quality of Education at Russian Schools Undergoing the Reform

Chas reports that the Saeima elaborates a draft law on the status of EU non-citizen. The status will entitle non-citizens to work and live in the EU countries.

The MP Jakovs Pliners (FHRUL) and Valerijs Buhvalovs presented a book “The Quality of Education at Russian Schools Undergoing the Reform.” The research is based on the initial results collected at Russian schools. According to the results, the workload of students has increased, the average academic attainment level has decreased, the number of school children who have to repeat the grade, as well as the number of drop-outs grows.  Jakovs Pliners stated that “the officials assure that the situation in bilingual education is normal. However, their conclusions are based on the polling results of school directors who may not tell all the information.”

The MP Jakovs Pliners (FHRUL) and Valerijs Buhvalovs presented a book The Quality of Education at Russian Schools Undergoing the Reform. The research is based on the initial results collected at Russian schools. According to the results, the workload of students has increased, the average academic attainment level has decreased, the number of school children who have to repeat the grade, as well as the number of drop-outs grows. Jakovs Pliners stated that the officials assure that the situation in bilingual education is normal. However, their conclusions are based on the polling results of school directors who may not tell all the information. Chas

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