maijs 12, 2004

  • Saeima Committees discuss the protest actions against the education reform
  • Interview with Prime Minister Indulis Emsis
  • Saeima Legal Affairs Committee prepares new amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State
  • Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee postpones discussion about draft law on elimination of racial discrimination
  • Daugavpils mayor Rita Strode worries about the activities of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools in Daugavpils
  • Discussion on minorities problems
  • Yesterday 674 non-citizens were naturalized
Protest actions against education reform have very little in common with the minorities’ education reform, but students are only an instrument for the gaining of political capital before elections, stated the chairman of the State Security Police Janis Reiniks during the Saeima Defense and Internal Affairs Committee and National Security Committee meeting. MPs have decided to call the state security institutions to clarify the actual organizers of the protest actions in order to call them to justice. A  request is planned for Saeima approval to remove immunity, so that three Saeima MPs form For Human Rights in the United Latvia – Jakovs Pliners, Andris Tolmacovs and Vladimirs Buzajevs – involved in organizing the protest ations can be punished adminstratively. Saeima commissions will also evaluate the proposal of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics to amend the law to include responsibility for intetional involvement in administrative infringement measures.

Protest actions against education reform have very little in common with the minorities education reform, but students are only an instrument for the gaining of political capital before elections, stated the chairman of the State Security Police Janis Reiniks during the Saeima Defense and Internal Affairs Committee and National Security Committee meeting. MPs have decided to call the state security institutions to clarify the actual organizers of the protest actions in order to call them to justice. A request is planned for Saeima approval to remove immunity, so that three Saeima MPs form For Human Rights in the United Latvia – Jakovs Pliners, Andris Tolmacovs and Vladimirs Buzajevs – involved in organizing the protest ations can be punished adminstratively. Saeima commissions will also evaluate the proposal of the Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics to amend the law to include responsibility for intetional involvement in administrative infringement measures. Latvijas Avize features an interview with Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics about these issues. Chas features a chronic of the education reform. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Vestnesis prints an interview with Prime Minister Indulis Emsis about possible solutions to education reform problems. The Prime Minister stresses that any solutions must fall within the framework of the existent Law on Education. Indulis Emsis states that it is necessary to recognize that there is one part of students having poor knowledge not only of Latvian, but also of exact or other subjects, which the school has chosen to teach in Latvian. The Prime Minister considers the establishment of additional classes for students, who have problems in particular subjects. According to Indulis Emsis, the government can also help with methodological materials for those schools which are not ready for education reform. The Prime Minister believes that one in six (out of 108) minority secondary schools are not ready for implementation of the education reform.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has prepared new amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State.  The proposed amendments stipulate that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia.

The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee has prepared new amendments to the law On the Status of Former USSR Citizens Who are not Citizens of Latvia or Any Other State. The proposed amendments stipulate that persons who have received a residence permit in another country after 1 May 2004 can be deprived of their non-citizen status in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee postponed the discussion on the draft law on the elimination of discrimination.

Yesterday the Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee postponed the discussion on the draft law on the elimination of discrimination. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya features an article about the meeting of the representatives of the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration and Mayor of Daugavpils Rita Strode. Rita Strode has expressed disquiet about the activities of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools in Daugavpils, stating that before their activities there were not particular problems in the area of education reform in Daugavpils. According to mayor, most participants in the protest actions organized by the Headquarters in Daugavpils, were activists from Riga.

Latvijas Avize writes about discussion on minorities problems with participation of the party Equality leader Tatjana Zdanok, Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the representative of Social Democratic Union Peteris Salkazanovs, organized by the social organization Cita Politika (Different policy). The member of the board of Cita Politika Maris Graudins stated that the true cause of the education reform problems is the neglect of the Latvian government of youth socialization. Its necessary to recognize that we have 493,000 non-citizens and that it would be fair to grant citizenship for all who were born in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, stressed Maris Graudins. Nils Muiznieks stated that the education is essential for the interruption of the reproduction of the Soviet system, which created a divided society on the basis of language knowledge.

Yesterday 674 non-citizens were naturalized. These new citizens are Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Poles.

Yesterday 674 non-citizens were naturalized. These new citizens are Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians and Poles. Rigas Balss

maijs 11, 2004

  • Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Chairperson Artis Pabriks explains the reasons for rejection to ratify Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Today state security institution inform Saeima MPs about protest actions against the education reform
  • Interview with journalist and writer Marina Kostenecka about the latest protest action against the education reform and incitement to hatred
  • Political scientist Viktors Makarovs on futility of language ratios in education reform
  • Article of the Riga City Councils deputy of Olegs Sipcovs about education reform and its real goals
  • Friendship event for students of several ethnic backgrounds from five Latvian and minority schools
Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks has sent an official letter to all embassies of the EU member states in Latvia, explaining the decision of the Saeima to reject the opposition party proposal to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The parlaimentarian believes that premature ratification of the convention would split rather than unite society.

Head of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee Artis Pabriks has sent an official letter to all embassies of the EU member states in Latvia, explaining the decision of the Saeima to reject the opposition party proposal to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. The parlaimentarian believes that premature ratification of the convention would split rather than unite society. Latvijas Avize, Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Today Saeima Defense and Internal Affairs Committee and National Security Committee is planning to hear the security institutions’ information about the protest actions against the education reform and to make a decision about the maintenance of order during any future protest actions.

Today Saeima Defense and Internal Affairs Committee and National Security Committee is planning to hear the security institutions information about the protest actions against the education reform and to make a decision about the maintenance of order during any future protest actions. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the well-known journalist and writer Marina Kostenecka about the latest protest action against the education reform on 1 May. The writer believes that during this protest action there were attempts to incite hatred. As an example the interviewee points to the terminology used by Equality leader Tatjana Zdanok when speaking to the students, saying that she sees a battalion before her. Marina Kostenecka also points to the violence against a Latvian youth on the street as confirmation of hatred in everyday life aroused by the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with political scientist Viktors Makarovs about the education reform in Latvia. Viktors Makarovs believes that ‘the ratio of languages included in law is fiction because minority schools are not ready to teach specific subjects in Latvian and hence the implementation of law in real life is impossible.

Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the deputy of Riga City Council Olegs Sipcovs on education reform. The deputy regards the education reform as gradual and purposeful elimination of the existing education system in the language of the largest national minority in Latvia, i.e. Russians. He mentions the interrupted training of necessary staff, the lack of a department of Russian-language schools in the Ministry of Education and Science, the removal of higher state education in the Russian and the application of bilingual education only to minority schools as examples supporting his statement.

Latvijas Avize writes about the friendship event for students of several nationalities from five Latvian and minority schools, organized by the Adazi free Waldorf School. During the event students painted, participated at sport activities and made music. The main objective of the event, financed by the Society Integration Foundation, was to promote the collaboration between children of various ethnic backgrounds.

maijs 10, 2004

  • Representatives of state security institutions and state officials about the possible escalation of violence during the protest actions against the education reform
  • Interview with Riga Vice-Mayor Sergejs Dolgopolovs
  • Fragments of a Los Angeles Times article about minorities rights in Latvia
  • Approximately 300 Russian school students participate at protest meeting against the education reform in Rezekne
  • Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics meets minority students parents in Liepaja

Rigas Balss features opinion of the state security institutions and state officials about the possible escalation of violation during the protest actions against the education reform. According to the representative of the Constitutional Protection Bureau Dainis Mikelsons, a working group under the leadership of the Prime Minister keeps track of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools activities. Saeima MP Andrejs Klementevs (Peoples Harmony Party) believes that its necessary to establish a moratorium on education reform until 2007 in order to preclude the escalation to violence, because neither the Ministry of Education and Science nor the teachers are ready for the implementation of the reform. The Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics believes that protest actions against the education reform become less and less connected with the education reform, but are events in which people demonstrate in order to provoke the state security officials.

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with Riga Vice-Mayor Sergejs Dolgopolovs, who points to a positive tendency regarding education reform, stating that a dialogue in society has started. Vice-mayor believes that if the moratorium on the education reform is not established de jure, it will work de facto, because many schools are not ready for the reform.

Neatkariga Rita Avize reprints fragments of an article published in the Los Angeles Times about minorities rights observation in Latvia. The author writes about the relationship between Latvia and Russia and the minority education reform in Latvia, pointing out that discussion on the reform is political. The article also mentions restrictions on non-citizens rights, but allegedly does not include any mention about the possibilities to naturalize.

Yesterday approximately 300 Russian school’s students from Rezekne, Riga, Daugavpils and Ludza participated at protest meeting against the education reform in Rezekne.

Yesterday approximately 300 Russian schools students from Rezekne, Riga, Daugavpils and Ludza participated at protest meeting against the education reform in Rezekne. Latvijas Avize, Chas

Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics met with minority students’ parents in Liepaja in order to discuss the education reform.

Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics met with minority students parents in Liepaja in order to discuss the education reform. Chas

maijs 8, 2004

  • Interview with Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks about the protest actions against the education reform
  • Leader of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis fined for violation of Law on Social Organizations and Associations
  • About creation of a Russian community register in Latvia
  • Interview with professor and expert on minority issues of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministrys Diplomatic Academy Tatyana Poloskova

Latvijas Avize features an interview with Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks about the protest actions against the education reform in Latvia. The Minister stresses that there will not be a moratorium on the education reform, but at the same time notes that the most aggressive of the education reforms opponents are not interested in the reform or education as such, but have simply political goals. The minister regards the strengthening of the Latvian language teaching in minority schools as the means for society integration.

Riga Vidzeme Court has imposed a fine of 100 lats on the leader of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis. The leader of the Headquarters was found guilty in violation of the law “On Social Organizations and Associations”, since he is a member of several social organizatios, which organize protest actions, while the Headquarters is not registered as a social organization. Although Jurijs Petropavlovskis stated that the Headquarters can not be regarded as a non-governmental organization but should be seen rather as an ‘interest club’ and that he is not its leader, the court recognized him as a leader of the Headquarters.

Riga Vidzeme Court has imposed a fine of 100 lats on the leader of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis. The leader of the Headquarters was found guilty in violation of the law On Social Organizations and Associations, since he is a member of several social organizatios, which organize protest actions, while the Headquarters is not registered as a social organization. Although Jurijs Petropavlovskis stated that the Headquarters can not be regarded as a non-governmental organization but should be seen rather as an ‘interest club and that he is not its leader, the court recognized him as a leader of the Headquarters. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Chas informs about initiative of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools to create a register of the Russian community in Latvia. According to the representative of the Headquarters working group for convocation of the United Congress of the Russian community Mihails Tjasins, registration is possible using internet or through a phone call, or through the students committees as well as during the mass actions of the Headquarters. Mihails Tjasins believes that the main task of Russian community is not to deal with social and cultural issues, but to focus on political problems, including education, the status of the Russian language in Latvia and citizenship issues.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with professor and expert on minority issues of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministrys Diplomatic Academy Tatyana Poloskova about society integration in Latvia and relationship between Latvia and Russia. The Russian social scientist denies her alleged connection to the organization of protest actions against the education reform, stating that the causes of protest actions must be searched inside of Latvia. According to Tatyana Poloskova, there is not much information in Russia about the education reform in Latvia.

maijs 7, 2004

  • Saeima rejects opposition party proposal to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools foresees a turn to aggressive protest actions against the education reform
  • About extend welcome to 70 new citizens of Latvia
  • Increasing inquiries to the Naturalization Board about possibilities to register non-citizen children after ministers invitation
  • Professor of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministrys Diplomatic Academy Tatyana Poloskova suggests a moratorium on education reform
  • State Security Police points to the connection of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language schools with the National Democratic Party
  • Police carries out a search in the apartment of the activist of Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools
  • Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies annual human rights report criticized
  • Four students from Preilu Secondary Schools Nr.9 about education reform
  • Interview with writer Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete
  • Planned appeal of national extremist organization Visu Latvijai!
Yesterday the Saeima majority rejected the opposition party proposal to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Only 20 MPs form People’s Harmony Party, For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and Latvia’s Socialist Party) voted to submit the proposed law for review to the Saeima commissions. MPs from Latvia’s First Party and Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre (union of Greens and Farmers) abstained. All other deputies voted against.  Right-wing deputies allegedly believe that submission of the convention to Saeima is a roundabout attempt to try to achieve the cancellation of the education reform. Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks said that the ratification of the convention cannot affect the education reform as the latter conforms to the requirements of the convention, but it is another question of how reporm opponents may try to use the convention in their political rhetoric.

Yesterday the Saeima majority rejected the opposition party proposal to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Only 20 MPs form Peoples Harmony Party, For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and Latvias Socialist Party) voted to submit the proposed law for review to the Saeima commissions. MPs from Latvias First Party and Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre (union of Greens and Farmers) abstained. All other deputies voted against. Right-wing deputies allegedly believe that submission of the convention to Saeima is a roundabout attempt to try to achieve the cancellation of the education reform. Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks said that the ratification of the convention cannot affect the education reform as the latter conforms to the requirements of the convention, but it is another question of how reporm opponents may try to use the convention in their political rhetoric. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas, Telegraf

Peaceful protest actions against the education reform will turn aggressive because Russian-speaking residents of Latvia allegedly want vindication for the disregard of Russian-speakers’ rights and interests during last 13 years, threatens the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools.  According to the representative of the Headquarters Genadijs Kotovs, the main emphasis is still on mass actions, the next of which will take place on 1 June, the Child Protection Day, and on 12 June, the day of the European Parliament election.

Peaceful protest actions against the education reform will turn aggressive because Russian-speaking residents of Latvia allegedly want vindication for the disregard of Russian-speakers rights and interests during last 13 years, threatens the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools. According to the representative of the Headquarters Genadijs Kotovs, the main emphasis is still on mass actions, the next of which will take place on 1 June, the Child Protection Day, and on 12 June, the day of the European Parliament election. Diena, Rigas Balss, Neatkariga Rita Aviz, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Today President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars and chairman of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane will participate in a ceremony for 70 new citizens of Latvia.

Today President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Riga Mayor Gundars Bojars and chairman of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane will participate in a ceremony for 70 new citizens of Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Latvijas Vestnesis

During the last two days approximately 150 non-citizens have turned to the Naturalization Board in order to clarify the possibilities to register their children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 as Latvian citizens. The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane states that the number of non-citizens interested in their children’s registration has increased remarkably. Eizenija Aldermane believes that it is due to the letters of invitation to register their children as citizens which the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks have sent to families with eligible children. The Naturalization Board head also indicates that there are delays in registering the children due to lines forming, but promises that if the heightened interest continues, there will a an especially assigned person in each Naturalization Board department to deal only with the registration of these children.

During the last two days approximately 150 non-citizens have turned to the Naturalization Board in order to clarify the possibilities to register their children born in Latvia after 21 August 1991 as Latvian citizens. The Head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane states that the number of non-citizens interested in their childrens registration has increased remarkably. Eizenija Aldermane believes that it is due to the letters of invitation to register their children as citizens which the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and the Special Task Minister for Children and Family Affairs Ainars Bastiks have sent to families with eligible children. The Naturalization Board head also indicates that there are delays in registering the children due to lines forming, but promises that if the heightened interest continues, there will a an especially assigned person in each Naturalization Board department to deal only with the registration of these children. Diena

Professor and expert on minority issues of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy Tatyana Poloskova suggested a moratorium on the minority education reform for at least one year and proposes that Latvian officials should consult Russian experts as well about the implementation of the reform.

Professor and expert on minority issues of Russia Foreign Affairs Ministrys Diplomatic Academy Tatyana Poloskova suggested a moratorium on the minority education reform for at least one year and proposes that Latvian officials should consult Russian experts as well about the implementation of the reform. Chas, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday Court of Liepaja decided to keep National Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jevgenijs Osipovs in detention for the next two months. J.Osipovs is accused of attacking a policeman in organized group during the unapproved protest action against the education reform in Liepaja. State Security Police has concluded that the NDP is connected with the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, which ‘involves organizations with extremist tendencies in its activities and thus raising the risk of provocations during the public events. The compliance of the NDP to the law On Civic Organizations and Their Unions will also be evaluated.

Yesterday Court of Liepaja decided to keep National Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jevgenijs Osipovs in detention for the next two months. J.Osipovs is accused of attacking a policeman in organized group during the unapproved protest action against the education reform in Liepaja. State Security Police has concluded that the NDP is connected with the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, which ‘involves organizations with extremist tendencies in its activities and thus raising the risk of provocations during the public events. The compliance of the NDP to the law On Civic Organizations and Their Unions will also be evaluated. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Chas

A search has been carried out in the apartment of the activist of Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools Aleksandrs Samrovs, suspected of connection to the blowing up of rails at one of Riga’s railway station. Russian-language newspapers refers to one of the leaders of the Headquarters Jurijs Petropavlovskis, evaluated this incident, as well as the statement of the State Security Police about the Headquarters’ connection with National Democratic Party and the illegitimate functioning of the Headquarters due to the fact that the organization is not registered, as a campaign against this grouping. According to the leader, in case the Headquarters would be registered as a social organization, it would be very easy for authorities to find excuses to prohibit it.

A search has been carried out in the apartment of the activist of Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools Aleksandrs Samrovs, suspected of connection to the blowing up of rails at one of Rigas railway station. Russian-language newspapers refers to one of the leaders of the Headquarters Jurijs Petropavlovskis, evaluated this incident, as well as the statement of the State Security Police about the Headquarters connection with National Democratic Party and the illegitimate functioning of the Headquarters due to the fact that the organization is not registered, as a campaign against this grouping. According to the leader, in case the Headquarters would be registered as a social organization, it would be very easy for authorities to find excuses to prohibit it. Diena, Chas, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features a critical article by commentator Maris Antonevics about the Annual human rights report of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (available on-line at The journalist draws attention to the fact that the LCHRES report criticizes the non-ratification of the Council of Europe Framework Convention, and only a few days later ratification was proposed in parliament by opposition parliamentarians. The commentator also compares other aspects of the report with expressions of MPs from Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) and For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL), stating that there are almost no differences among these views. The commentator also draws attention to the possible role of the multimillionaire George Soros in this coincidence of opinions.

Latvijas Avize features an article about the violence of 10 Russian youth against 20-year-old Aleksandrs Vaganovs. The fight allegedly ended with the phrase form the side of violators ‘Now you will respect Russians!. Aleksandrss mother believes that the youth were inspired by the protest meetings of education reforms opponents. State Security Police has promised to not leave this incident unnoticed.

Diena features an article about the attitude of four students from Preilu Secondary Schools Nr.9 towards education reform. The girls stated that the education reform is not frightening them as there are two programs in their school offering opportunities to learn either bilingually and only in Latvian. Students believe that its necessary to know Latvian, while at the same time maintaining the native language and culture. Hence the students, together with their teacher, have for already four years been studying the traditions of Old Believers in Latgale, the Eastern part of Latvia.

Latvijas Avize features an interview with writer Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete about protest actions against the education reform. The writer believes that the education reform is only the ostensive motive for making noise, while the real meaning of the hostile protests is a desire to create political pressure, and that children who participate at protest actions are only ‘unthinking marionettes. According to Ludmila Azarova-Vaciete, lessons in Latvian in minority schools must be taught by Latvian teachers.

National extremist organization “Visu Latvijai!” is preparing to collect residents’ signatures for an appeal to the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and all governments of western countries in order to achieve the repatriation of non-citizens from Latvia. According to the deputy chairman of the organization Aksels Sadovskis, “it’s necessary to start the discussion with Russia immediately about voluntary and civilized repatriation of Russians to their native country’. Aksels Sadovskis also states that the state of Latvia should ensure support for the repatriation.

National extremist organization Visu Latvijai! is preparing to collect residents signatures for an appeal to the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and all governments of western countries in order to achieve the repatriation of non-citizens from Latvia. According to the deputy chairman of the organization Aksels Sadovskis, its necessary to start the discussion with Russia immediately about voluntary and civilized repatriation of Russians to their native country. Aksels Sadovskis also states that the state of Latvia should ensure support for the repatriation.


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