maijs 11, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

The Naturalisation Board on Wednesday signed with the UNDP, OSCE Mission to Latvia and the Justice Ministry a document about co-operation aimed at developing and implementing a major project about informing Latvia's population about citizenship and naturalisation issues. The signing ceremony was attended by Aldermane, OSCE mission to Latvia head Peter Semneby, the UNDP permanent representative in Latvia Jan Sand Soerensen and the Justice Ministry Public Integration Department director Vilnis Antoniskis as well as representatives from US, UK, Swedish and Canadian embassies in Latvia. The survey conducted by the Naturalisation Board showed that the population, be it citizens or non-citizens, develop an increasingly positive attitude towards naturalisation but further efforts are still required, Aldermane stated. The OSCE representative in his turn said that OSCE Mission to Latvia had focussed on legislative consultations but now they will turn towards implementation of the citizenship law, a process to the interests of Latvia as well as its foreign partners. P.Semneby said the Naturalisation Board had made impressive achievements in levelling out differences between citizens and non-citizens but more difficulties will arise as Latvia moves towards the EU membership. Now it was the right time to inform non-citizens about citizenship and how their choice today will affect their future after Latvia's admission to the EU, he said, adding that no pressure should be exerted on non-citizens as naturalisation was one's personal choice. The OSCE Mission head said that naturalisation in Latvia had become a clear priority for the government as evidenced by development of the public integration program. The OSCE is contributing to the process with the Fast Track language program, helping on-citizens in learning the Latvian language. The UNDP representative said that integration was a priority also for the UNDP as the purpose of the integration was to ensure equal possibilities for all population and to help them to develop a sense of belonging with their common country.

The Naturalisation Board on Wednesday signed with the UNDP, OSCE Mission to Latvia and the Justice Ministry a document about co-operation aimed at developing and implementing a major project about informing Latvia's population about citizenship and naturalisation issues. The signing ceremony was attended by Aldermane, OSCE mission to Latvia head Peter Semneby, the UNDP permanent representative in Latvia Jan Sand Soerensen and the Justice Ministry Public Integration Department director Vilnis Antoniskis as well as representatives from US, UK, Swedish and Canadian embassies in Latvia. The survey conducted by the Naturalisation Board showed that the population, be it citizens or non-citizens, develop an increasingly positive attitude towards naturalisation but further efforts are still required, Aldermane stated. The OSCE representative in his turn said that OSCE Mission to Latvia had focussed on legislative consultations but now they will turn towards implementation of the citizenship law, a process to the interests of Latvia as well as its foreign partners. P.Semneby said the Naturalisation Board had made impressive achievements in levelling out differences between citizens and non-citizens but more difficulties will arise as Latvia moves towards the EU membership. Now it was the right time to inform non-citizens about citizenship and how their choice today will affect their future after Latvia's admission to the EU, he said, adding that no pressure should be exerted on non-citizens as naturalisation was one's personal choice. The OSCE Mission head said that naturalisation in Latvia had become a clear priority for the government as evidenced by development of the public integration program. The OSCE is contributing to the process with the Fast Track language program, helping on-citizens in learning the Latvian language. The UNDP representative said that integration was a priority also for the UNDP as the purpose of the integration was to ensure equal possibilities for all population and to help them to develop a sense of belonging with their common country. BNS

Following several incidents when Latvian embassy in Moscow was smeared with paint Russia has stepped up external security at the embassy, including during the night hours.

Following several incidents when Latvian embassy in Moscow was smeared with paint Russia has stepped up external security at the embassy, including during the night hours. Jauna

Yesterday was one more attempt of Social Democrats and FF/LNNK to establish a coalition at Riga City Council. The discussions went “partly successful”. Social Democrats and FF/LNNK have signed co-operation agreement on two basic principles – one that the obligations of one party are not binding to another and the second – any other political unions can be included in a coalition only upon the agreement of both parties. On the request of FF/LNNK in the agreement were included also the following principles – the Council works in accordance with the Law on Municipalities and State Language Law.

Yesterday was one more attempt of Social Democrats and FF/LNNK to establish a coalition at Riga City Council. The discussions went partly successful. Social Democrats and FF/LNNK have signed co-operation agreement on two basic principles – one that the obligations of one party are not binding to another and the second – any other political unions can be included in a coalition only upon the agreement of both parties. On the request of FF/LNNK in the agreement were included also the following principles – the Council works in accordance with the Law on Municipalities and State Language Law. Diena, Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

Yesterday the Saeima turned down the line of the amendments to the Law on Education proposed by FHRUL. Mainly the amendments granted national minority students possibility to study programmes of secondary and vocational education in their languages.

Yesterday the Saeima turned down the line of the amendments to the Law on Education proposed by FHRUL. Mainly the amendments granted national minority students possibility to study programmes of secondary and vocational education in their languages. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii, Chas

Today President V.Vike-Freiberga will open a conference “Society Integration in Latvia: Aspects, Opinions, Perspectives”.

Today President V.Vike-Freiberga will open a conference Society Integration in Latvia: Aspects, Opinions, Perspectives. Vesti Segodnja

The conference is aimed at assessing the current situation in the area of society integration, seeking solutions for involving non-governmental organisations and society in the integration process and promote better understanding among the public about the state program on society integration in Latvia. Reports and opinion about society integration will be provided to the conference by experts and government officials, including Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka, Culture Minister Karina Petersone, Education and Research Minister Karlis Greiskalns and Welfare Minister Andrejs Pozarnovs. The conference will feature meetings with NGOs and national minorities representatives, state and local authorities institutions officials. The conference will invite to a mutual dialogue on the present situation in the country to find solutions for more successful process of society integration. The conference is expected to be joined by international organisation officials, foreign ambassadors, president's chancellery and prime minister's office staffers.

The conference is aimed at assessing the current situation in the area of society integration, seeking solutions for involving non-governmental organisations and society in the integration process and promote better understanding among the public about the state program on society integration in Latvia. Reports and opinion about society integration will be provided to the conference by experts and government officials, including Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka, Culture Minister Karina Petersone, Education and Research Minister Karlis Greiskalns and Welfare Minister Andrejs Pozarnovs. The conference will feature meetings with NGOs and national minorities representatives, state and local authorities institutions officials. The conference will invite to a mutual dialogue on the present situation in the country to find solutions for more successful process of society integration. The conference is expected to be joined by international organisation officials, foreign ambassadors, president's chancellery and prime minister's office staffers. BNS

Vesti Segodnja

looks upon school optimisation plan in regard to national minorities. Although the number of pupils including Russian-speaking is dropping because of demographic situation in the country, Russian schools should not be closed, as there is no chance for them to be re-open in the future even if the demographic situation gets better. looks upon school optimisation plan in regard to national minorities. Although the number of pupils including Russian-speaking is dropping because of demographic situation in the country, Russian schools should not be closed, as there is no chance for them to be re-open in the future even if the demographic situation gets better.


interviews the new Daugavpils City Council Maoyr R.Eigims. When asked about the state language, he says that it was good that he was examined one more time and that all sessions of the Council are held in Latvian. interviews the new Daugavpils City Council Maoyr R.Eigims. When asked about the state language, he says that it was good that he was examined one more time and that all sessions of the Council are held in Latvian.

maijs 10, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

On Wednesday Finnish President met top Latvian officials while today she is scheduled to meet Latvian Parliament Speaker Janis Straume. Accession of Latvia to NATO causes no threat to Europe's security but the alliance's enlargement should be discussed with NATO and Russia, Finnish President Tarja Halonen said Wednesday in Riga. But, if Latvia wants to become a NATO member country, Halonen said, she believes Latvia's security will increase then and will contribute to structural security in the region.

On Wednesday Finnish President met top Latvian officials while today she is scheduled to meet Latvian Parliament Speaker Janis Straume. Accession of Latvia to NATO causes no threat to Europe's security but the alliance's enlargement should be discussed with NATO and Russia, Finnish President Tarja Halonen said Wednesday in Riga. But, if Latvia wants to become a NATO member country, Halonen said, she believes Latvia's security will increase then and will contribute to structural security in the region. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Lauku Avize, Chas, Respublika, Panorama Latvii

Naturalisation Board, Social Integration Department, OSCE Mission to Latvia and UNDP have planned to carry out broad public awareness campaign from July till December. On Wednesday all the parties signed a co-operation agreement. The funds necessary to implement the programme amounts to USD 200 000, and some foreign embassies to Latvia have already promised to provide their assistance.

Naturalisation Board, Social Integration Department, OSCE Mission to Latvia and UNDP have planned to carry out broad public awareness campaign from July till December. On Wednesday all the parties signed a co-operation agreement. The funds necessary to implement the programme amounts to USD 200 000, and some foreign embassies to Latvia have already promised to provide their assistance. Diena, Chas

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins is surprised over a question by Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis doubting Latvia's support to accession of Lithuania to NATO. Berzins told that Landsbergis’ question had surprised him because he does not see objective grounds for it. He said his response to Landsbergis will be that Latvia is for Lithuania's membership in NATO just as it is for Latvia's and Estonia's membership in that organisation. He voiced a hope Lithuania supports all the three Baltic States membership in NATO, too.

Latvian Foreign Minister Indulis Berzins is surprised over a question by Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis doubting Latvia's support to accession of Lithuania to NATO. Berzins told that Landsbergis question had surprised him because he does not see objective grounds for it. He said his response to Landsbergis will be that Latvia is for Lithuania's membership in NATO just as it is for Latvia's and Estonia's membership in that organisation. He voiced a hope Lithuania supports all the three Baltic States membership in NATO, too. Neatkariga

Today Foreign Affairs Minister I.Berzins is going to Strasbourg to close Latvian Presidency at the European Council. As the main achievement of Latvian presidency I.Berzins states admission of the two new member states – Armenia and Azerbaijan to the EC.

Today Foreign Affairs Minister I.Berzins is going to Strasbourg to close Latvian Presidency at the European Council. As the main achievement of Latvian presidency I.Berzins states admission of the two new member states – Armenia and Azerbaijan to the EC. Neatkariga, Respublika

Only one Latvian newspaper

Only one Latvian newspaper Neatkariga provides information on yesterdays celebrations of Victory Day. The biggest venue took place in Riga – several thousand people took part in the meeting at the Victory Monument. Some festivities took place also in other places of Latvia.

Vesti Segodnja

claims that 100 000 people came to the Victory Monument and gives couple articles about the celebration and people who participated in that. The newspaper reproaches the official Riga and means of mass media in Latvian about ignoring the event claims that 100 000 people came to the Victory Monument and gives couple articles about the celebration and people who participated in that. The newspaper reproaches the “official Riga” and means of mass media in Latvian about ignoring the event. Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika. Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika During yesterday’s meeting Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby discussed the tasks fulfilled by the Mission and the possible closure of the Mission, as Latvia has successfully implemented almost all OSCE recommendations. Acknowledging the successful course of naturalisation process, Prime Minister and the Head of the Mission discussed promotion possibilities for the process, such as providing more information to public and reducing the state fee.

During yesterdays meeting Latvian Prime Minister A.Berzins and OSCE Mission to Latvia Head P.Semneby discussed the tasks fulfilled by the Mission and the possible closure of the Mission, as Latvia has successfully implemented almost all OSCE recommendations. Acknowledging the successful course of naturalisation process, Prime Minister and the Head of the Mission discussed promotion possibilities for the process, such as providing more information to public and reducing the state fee.

P.Semneby also informed Prime Minister on the work of the international working group regarding the establishment of ombudsman institution on the basis of NHRO.

P.Semneby also informed Prime Minister on the work of the international working group regarding the establishment of ombudsman institution on the basis of NHRO. Lauku Avize, news agency LETA, internet portal Delfi

Vesti Segodnja

writes about the problems caused by the State Language Law concerning spelling of foreign last names in Latvian. writes about the problems caused by the State Language Law concerning spelling of foreign last names in Latvian. FHRUL deputies decided not to accept President’s invitation to meet on Friday after they were refused the meeting with the President when all Parliamentarian factions were invited. FHRUL say that this double standard is not acceptable for them.

FHRUL deputies decided not to accept Presidents invitation to meet on Friday after they were refused the meeting with the President when all Parliamentarian factions were invited. FHRUL say that this double standard is not acceptable for them. Chas, Respublika

maijs 9, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Finnish President Tarja Halonen, whose reserved comments about admission of the Baltic states to NATO have recently caused much publicity in Latvia, today starts her state visit to Latvia. On Wednesday Halonen is expected to meet with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who told Finnish media before Halonen's visit that she would like to hear the Finnish president to explain Finland's position concerning Baltic membership in NATO. Halonen is also scheduled to talk to Latvian premier Andris Berzins and deliver lecture in Latvia University.

Finnish President Tarja Halonen, whose reserved comments about admission of the Baltic states to NATO have recently caused much publicity in Latvia, today starts her state visit to Latvia. On Wednesday Halonen is expected to meet with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who told Finnish media before Halonen's visit that she would like to hear the Finnish president to explain Finland's position concerning Baltic membership in NATO. Halonen is also scheduled to talk to Latvian premier Andris Berzins and deliver lecture in Latvia University. Diena, Jauna

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has refused to meet left-wing alliance For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) representatives on Tuesday, as the alliance's parliament members were to be accompanied to the meeting by former communism activists Tatyana Zhdanok and Alfreds Rubiks. The President's office, however, put the issue another way - claiming that the president wanted to meet lawmakers and not any other representatives. FHRUL faction leader Janis Jurkans said that the president had told him that she would not be meeting the leftists in their suggested composition, suggesting that parliament members see her on Friday.

Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga has refused to meet left-wing alliance For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) representatives on Tuesday, as the alliance's parliament members were to be accompanied to the meeting by former communism activists Tatyana Zhdanok and Alfreds Rubiks. The President's office, however, put the issue another way - claiming that the president wanted to meet lawmakers and not any other representatives. FHRUL faction leader Janis Jurkans said that the president had told him that she would not be meeting the leftists in their suggested composition, suggesting that parliament members see her on Friday.

"I will not go on Friday either, because if the president can't meet the leaders of parties represented at parliament and the Riga City Council, then there is something wrong with democracy in our country," said Jurkans.

"I will not go on Friday either, because if the president can't meet the leaders of parties represented at parliament and the Riga City Council, then there is something wrong with democracy in our country," said Jurkans.

As the left-wing has a different attitude towards Latvian NATO accession and defence spending, the president wants to meet with them separately, in order to discuss the issues in more detail.

As the left-wing has a different attitude towards Latvian NATO accession and defence spending, the president wants to meet with them separately, in order to discuss the issues in more detail. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

Vesti Segodnja comments that “it proves once again that Society Integration Programme is only for the West”.

Vesti Segodnja comments that it proves once again that Society Integration Programme is only for the West.

The President, Saeima and Prime Minister have decided not to ask for the resignation of the Defence Minister G.V.Kristovskis.

The President, Saeima and Prime Minister have decided not to ask for the resignation of the Defence Minister G.V.Kristovskis. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Panorama Latvii

The faculty of the Riga Aviation University would not file a claim about closing the University with the European Human Rights Court, if the state pays out the debt, which is constituted of salary and social tax payments till the end of May.


On the occasion of Victory Day Russian President V.Putin met with Soviet soldiers of II World War and stated that Russia will do everything to keep its promises given to Russian-speakers residing in the Baltic countries. Not only does Russia remember about its citizens but also it hopes to have their support as they can rely on ours, said V.Putin. Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Respublika

According to unofficial sources of information the next Latvian ambassador to Russia will be current Minister of Transport A.Gorbunovs.

According to unofficial sources of information the next Latvian ambassador to Russia will be current Minister of Transport A.Gorbunovs. Chas

Newspapers in Russian –

Newspapers in Russian – Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii - devote their first pages to articles and photos about Victory Day.


interviews Foreign Affair Minister I.Berzins. Mostly the minister answered the questions about the EU and Latvias role in it. In his opinion Latvias movement towards the West will make relations with Russia only closer. When asked about the possibility to review the Law on Citizenship if there is a pressure of the Western countries, the minister made very certain answer No, as also EU and OSCE do not require to enter any changes in the Law. interviews Foreign Affair Minister I.Berzins. Mostly the minister answered the questions about the EU and Latvia’s role in it. In his opinion Latvia’s movement towards the West will make relations with Russia only closer. When asked about the possibility to review the Law on Citizenship if there is a pressure of the Western countries, the minister made very certain answer “No”, as also EU and OSCE do not require to enter any changes in the Law.

Panorama Latvii

interviews Riga City Council vice mayor S.Dolgopolov who presents FHRUL at the Council. S.Dolgopolov talks about the every-day work at the Council, as well as accounts for two scandals at the Council. In regard to language issue he says that all deputies of FHRUL speaks Latvian quite well and if the State Language Centre wants to examine something, it should examine the commissions who issued state language certificates to these deputies. interviews Riga City Council vice mayor S.Dolgopolov who presents FHRUL at the Council. S.Dolgopolov talks about the every-day work at the Council, as well as accounts for two scandals at the Council. In regard to language issue he says that all deputies of FHRUL speaks Latvian quite well and if “the State Language Centre wants to examine something, it should examine the commissions who issued state language certificates to these deputies”.

maijs 8, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Prime Minister Andris Berzins Monday demanded explanations from Defence Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis over his statements describing Belarus as an opponent of Latvia and, after the explanation is received, it will be possible to theoretically discuss Kristovskis resignation.

Prime Minister Andris Berzins Monday demanded explanations from Defence Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis over his statements describing Belarus as an opponent of Latvia and, after the explanation is received, it will be possible to theoretically discuss Kristovskis resignation. Neatkariga

Interior Minister Mareks Seglins Monday ordered security police chief to examine remarks by leader Lindermans and other members of Victory, the local branch of Russia's radical National Bolshevik organisation, about the possible reaction on Riga Regional Court's judgement in Russia's National Bolsheviks case. Linderman told reporters after the court judgement was pronounced that he would fight for liberation of the convicted National Bolsheviks with all legal methods. He said that "as a specialist" he does not rule out that all Latvian nationals who are abroad may occur in hostage situation. Linderman also pledged to achieve purposeful actions from "Russia's bureaucracy" so it at last begins protecting its citizens. He swore to achieve a result that would not "seem insufficient".

Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii Six left-wing deputies at Riga City Council continue to refuse to meet with the specialists of the State Language Centre to have examined their Latvian language skills. The Mayor G.Bojars has asked Council’s Legal Committee to explore the ways to ensure that deputies’ language proficiency is examined.

Six left-wing deputies at Riga City Council continue to refuse to meet with the specialists of the State Language Centre to have examined their Latvian language skills. The Mayor G.Bojars has asked Councils Legal Committee to explore the ways to ensure that deputies language proficiency is examined. Rigas Balss

The campaign called "Lets give back signs in Russian for the streets of Riga!" launched by

The campaign called "Lets give back signs in Russian for the streets of Riga!" launched by Vesti Segodnja has stirred up alarm in many Latvian officials, reports the newspaper. The campaign offers free advertising for companies with street signs also in Russian. The offer gives free advertisement for any retail or service company with signs not only in Latvian, but also in Russian, reminding that the State language law does not ban the use of the Russian language. Saeima Education and Culture Committee chairman Dz.Abikis and State Language Centre director Dz.Hirsha expressed their dissatisfaction with such campaign, however, the State Language Centre cannot do anything as the campaign is legal.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted draft directive on singing “European Council Convention on Citizenship of 6 November, 1997”. The Latvian law is in general consistent with the convention but upon the ratification some reservations should be made in respect of provisions differing from the current citizenship law.

Yesterday the Cabinet of Ministers accepted draft directive on singing European Council Convention on Citizenship of 6 November, 1997. The Latvian law is in general consistent with the convention but upon the ratification some reservations should be made in respect of provisions differing from the current citizenship law. Latvijas Vestnesis

Chas gives its comments on what happens if the Convention is ratified – first of all Latvian non-citizens acquire the status of stateless persons as in Europe there is no such status as “a non-citizen” and the concern is that Latvia is going to add to the Convention a specific norm stating that the state is not going to make naturalisation for this category easier. Second, Latvia says that the norm providing for the certain obligations of a new country towards the citizens of the former country does not apply to Latvia and the citizens of the former USSR.

Chas gives its comments on what happens if the Convention is ratified – first of all Latvian non-citizens acquire the status of stateless persons as in Europe there is no such status as a non-citizen and the concern is that Latvia is going to add to the Convention a specific norm stating that the state is not going to make naturalisation for this category easier. Second, Latvia says that the norm providing for the certain obligations of a new country towards the citizens of the former country does not apply to Latvia and the citizens of the former USSR.


informs that European Human Rights Court has not decided yet either to accept the case of A.Lavents Banka Baltija versus the Republic of Latvia for the revision. informs that European Human Rights Court has not decided yet either to accept the case of A.Lavents “Banka Baltija” versus the Republic of Latvia for the revision.


writes about the launching of society integration project. The project was k developed by the Naturalisation Board as well as UNDP, OSCE Mission to Latvia, Public Integration Department at the Ministry of Justice. The main aim of the project is to provide to all people of Latvia detailed information concerning citizenship and naturalisation issues. The funding for the project amounts to USD 200 000 and it could be considered the first donation of foreign sponsors for Society Integration Programme. writes about the launching of society integration project. The project was k developed by the Naturalisation Board as well as UNDP, OSCE Mission to Latvia, Public Integration Department at the Ministry of Justice. The main aim of the project is to provide to all people of Latvia detailed information concerning citizenship and naturalisation issues. The funding for the project amounts to USD 200 000 and it could be considered the first donation of foreign sponsors for Society Integration Programme.

maijs 7, 2001

Press Report

Belarus Foreign Ministry wants to get official explanations from Latvia over remarks by Defence Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis that Belarus is a possibly unfriendly country to Latvia. Kristovskis allegedly had said in an interview published by Riga's weekly newspaper

Belarus Foreign Ministry wants to get official explanations from Latvia over remarks by Defence Minister Girts Valdis Kristovskis that Belarus is a possibly unfriendly country to Latvia. Kristovskis allegedly had said in an interview published by Riga's weekly newspaper Subbota Friday edition: "Our possible opponent objectively is located in the East. We have 80 kilometres long border with Belarus. Europe objectively believes that there is the last totalitarian regime in Europe". Moreover, Kristovskis had added that this is an official position. The defence minister also said "Russia regards the Baltics as potential arena of warfare". Commenting on these statements by Kristovskis the Belarus Foreign Ministry spokesman Pavel Lotushko told the Interfax agency that "Belarus has never regarded and is not going to regard the Republic of Latvia as a potential military opponent". Belarus Foreign Ministry believes the remarks by Latvian defence minister are in contradiction with the existing political and economic relations between the two countries. Belarus attracts attention of the Latvian government at the fact that such statements are inadmissible and stresses that it hopes to receive official explanations. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Chas

On Sunday night unknown vandals had thrown bottles with black paint at Latvian embassy building in Moscow. This is already the second accident during the previous week.

On Sunday night unknown vandals had thrown bottles with black paint at Latvian embassy building in Moscow. This is already the second accident during the previous week. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Panorama Latvii

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