Nov. 15, 2007

  • MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka proposes to apply the status of European citizen to non-citizens and permanent residents of the EU
  • Chas prints an interview with the MP Ina Druviete
  • Diena prints an article on tolerance and the Year of Equal Opportunities in Latvia

Chas reports that the MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanoka has appealed to the European Commission asking to elaborate common policy on rights of ethnic minorities in Europe. Mrs. Zdanoka also has proposed to introduce a notion of European citizenship which would apply to the EU citizens and permanent residents, including non-citizens.

Chas prints an interview with the MP Ina Druviete. Mrs. Druviete has stated that granting Russian language status of ethnic minorities language in Latvia does not mean that Russian will be granted any extra functions which could harm positions of state language. Mrs. Druviete considers that Latvian language in Latvia is endangered because it constantly competes with two other languages - English which is dominating in economical sphere, higher education and science and with Russian which has wide usage in non-formal communication. Therefore, Ina Druviete has stated that Russian language should not be used in politics and state institutions.

Diena prints an article by director of human rights and social integration program of the Soros Foundation in Latvia Liesma Ose on tolerance and the Year of Equal Opportunities in Latvia. According to the article, the aim of the Year of Equal Opportunities is to promote societys awareness and knowledge about equal opportunities; launch a discussion on social advantages of diversity; and to prevent discrimination. Liesma Ose believes that this year provides good opportunity for every person to contemplate on how often we follow various stereotypes in communication with others.

Nov. 14, 2007

  • MP Ina Druviete: granting Russian language status of language of ethnic minorities in Latvia would strengthen positions of Latvian as state language
According to the MP Ina Druviete (the New Era), granting Russian language status of language of ethnic minorities in Latvia would strengthen positions of Latvian as state language because it would clarify position of Russian language and help to avoid such speculations as granting Russian status of official state language. The MP Boriss Cilevics (the Concord Centre) considers that granting Russian language status of ethnic minorities’ language would mean official recognition of real situation when Russian is used as ethnic minority language in Latvia daily. The MP Jurijs Soklovskis (the FHRUL) considers that change in Russian language’s status will not solve problems of Russian speakers in Latvia because it will not authorise usage of language in state institutions.

According to the MP Ina Druviete (the New Era), granting Russian language status of language of ethnic minorities in Latvia would strengthen positions of Latvian as state language because it would clarify position of Russian language and help to avoid such speculations as granting Russian status of official state language. The MP Boriss Cilevics (the Concord Centre) considers that granting Russian language status of ethnic minorities language would mean official recognition of real situation when Russian is used as ethnic minority language in Latvia daily. The MP Jurijs Soklovskis (the FHRUL) considers that change in Russian languages status will not solve problems of Russian speakers in Latvia because it will not authorise usage of language in state institutions. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Nov. 13, 2007

  • MP Ina Druviete: Russian language might be granted official status of ethnic minorities language in Latvia
  • Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has supported draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code stipulating reduced penalties for repeated violation of the State Language Law at work
  • Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government has sent instruction to all local governments in Latvia to stop discrimination of non-citizens
  • Telegraf features an interview with the head of the Council of Jewish Communities in Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko
  • Diena prints an article on dual citizenship in Latvia
At a forum on language policy in the EU member countries held in Riga, the Vice President of the European Federation of National Institutions for Language, MP Ina Druviete (the New Era) has stated that in the future, Russian language might be granted official status of ethnic minorities’ language in Latvia. Ina Druviete considers that several languages in one country can have different legal status but similar sociolinguistic status. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins (the FF/LNIM) criticized the statement of Ina Druviete and stated that Latvian language should be the only official language in Latvia.

At a forum on language policy in the EU member countries held in Riga, the Vice President of the European Federation of National Institutions for Language, MP Ina Druviete (the New Era) has stated that in the future, Russian language might be granted official status of ethnic minorities language in Latvia. Ina Druviete considers that several languages in one country can have different legal status but similar sociolinguistic status. The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins (the FF/LNIM) criticized the statement of Ina Druviete and stated that Latvian language should be the only official language in Latvia. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has supported draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code proposed by the Ministry of Justice which stipulate reduced penalties for repeated violation of the State Language Law at work. The Ministry of Justice considers that penalties should be reduced so that persons with low income would be able to pay it.

Yesterday, the Committee of the Cabinet of Ministers has supported draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code proposed by the Ministry of Justice which stipulate reduced penalties for repeated violation of the State Language Law at work. The Ministry of Justice considers that penalties should be reduced so that persons with low income would be able to pay it. Chas, Telegraf

The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government has sent instruction to all local governments in Latvia to stop discrimination of non-citizens. As reported, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has appealed to the Ministry asking to explain why in several local governments non-citizens are forbidden to work in local committees and take part in public surveys.

The Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government has sent instruction to all local governments in Latvia to stop discrimination of non-citizens. As reported, the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia has appealed to the Ministry asking to explain why in several local governments non-citizens are forbidden to work in local committees and take part in public surveys. Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf features an interview with the head of the Council of Jewish Communities in Latvia Arkadijs Suharenko. Mr. Suharenko has stated that recently issued book Scaffold written by a well-known Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups is anti-Semitic and glorifies Nazism. Mr. Suharenko considers that manifestations of anti-Semitism become more evident in Latvia, while activities of Andris Grutups and dissemination of his ideas promote it.

Diena prints an article on dual citizenship in Latvia. According to the author of the article, dual citizenship should be granted to children of Latvian citizens and foreign citizens in order to maintain connection between Latvia and these children. Dual citizenship also should be granted to those individuals and their descendants who have departed from Latvia as refugees because Latvia has lost its independence in 1940 and became citizens of other countries.

Nov. 12, 2007

  • Columnist of Latvijas Avize criticizes those Saeimas factions who are willing to co-operate with The Concord Centre
  • Latvijas Avize criticizes recently issued book Identity of Russians in Latvia: Historical and Sociological Essay

Latvijas Avize prints an article by its columnist on possible inclusion of the political party The Concord Centre in a new governing coalition. Columnist believes that The Concord Centre is oriented at Russian and Russian-speaking voters and their interests. Therefore, the columnist criticizes those Saeimas factions who are willing to co-operate with The Concord Centre.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about recently issued book Identity of Russians in Latvia: Historical and Sociological Essay. Columnist of the newspaper blames one of the authors of the book academician Ilga Apine for the false statement that the declaration on condemnation of Soviet occupation regime adopted by the Saeima in 2005 was cancelled in 2007. In an interview with the newspaper Ilga Apine has stated that adoption of the declaration has aggravated ethnic relations in Latvia because it is hateful towards non-Latvians stipulating that those who have arrived to Latvia in Soviet times are occupants. Ilze Apine has admitted that de jure it would be incorrect to say that the declaration was cancelled, however, the Saeima has put it aside by adopting border agreement with Russia without it.

Nov. 10, 2007

  • Diena prints several articles about Roma in Latvia
  • Weekly magazine Sestdiena prints an article about guest workers from Eastern Germany

Diena prints several articles about Roma residents of Latvia. Expert on Roma issues in Latvia Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale considers that it is not easy for people with dark skin to live in Latvia because they feel discriminated and as second class citizens. Ms. Zamicka-Bergendale has stated that being half Roma and half Russian she choose to point her ethnicity as Russian in official documents due to discrimination at labour market. Vanda Zamicka-Bergendale also believes that funding provided by the state for overcoming stereotypes against Roma is insufficient. In an interview with the newspaper, ethnic Roma woman Sanita Kozlovska who has won a court case against an enterprise which refused to hire her because of ethnicity, has stated that she is still unemployed and has not received compensation from the company yet. However, Sanita Kozlovska believes that attitude of employers towards Roma has changed after the court proceeding and many Roma have found jobs.

Weekly magazine

Weekly magazine Sestdiena prints an article about guest workers from Eastern Germany who work in Latvia in construction. The guest workers assert that they have come to Latvia because here are more opportunities to earn money. According to an employer company, German guest workers were invited to Latvia because of high quality of their work.

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