Nov. 28, 2007

  • Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens: Russian language cannot be granted status of ethnic minorities language
  • Ministry of Interior has prepared the draft amendments to the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulating the reduction of required level of the state language proficiency for certain professions
  • Chas prints an article by the MP Janis Urbanovics on engagement of Russian speaking residents of Latvia in work of state institutions
  • Vesti Segodnya reports on a visit of the MPs to the Naturalisation Board
The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that Russian language cannot be granted status of ethnic minorities’ language in Latvia because it contradicts Latvian legal acts. The minister believes that Russian language could be granted special status only because of the (Russian) Old Believers who resided in Latvia since XVII century. Oskars Kastens considers that at the moment, Latvia cannot afford granting Russian an official status, because implementation of such measure would require extra funding for special policy on support of Russian language and translation of all official documentation.

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens has stated that Russian language cannot be granted status of ethnic minorities language in Latvia because it contradicts Latvian legal acts. The minister believes that Russian language could be granted special status only because of the (Russian) Old Believers who resided in Latvia since XVII century. Oskars Kastens considers that at the moment, Latvia cannot afford granting Russian an official status, because implementation of such measure would require extra funding for special policy on support of Russian language and translation of all official documentation. Chas

The Ministry of Interior has prepared the draft amendments to the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulating the reduction of required level of the state language proficiency for firemen, rank policemen and inspectors and cadets of the State Border Guards. The Ministry of Interior considers that recently adopted amendments on language proficiency requirement are too high especially in the context of existing lack of labour force in these sectors. However, the State Language Centre does not agree with the Ministry of Interior and is planning to block new amendments.

The Ministry of Interior has prepared the draft amendments to the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers stipulating the reduction of required level of the state language proficiency for firemen, rank policemen and inspectors and cadets of the State Border Guards. The Ministry of Interior considers that recently adopted amendments on language proficiency requirement are too high especially in the context of existing lack of labour force in these sectors. However, the State Language Centre does not agree with the Ministry of Interior and is planning to block new amendments. Telegraf

Chas prints an article by the MP Janis Urbanovics (The Concord Centre) on engagement of Russian speaking residents of Latvia in work of state institutions. According to the MP, prestige and popularity of work in state institutions among Russian speakers is very low and this shows that they are alienated from the state. Janis Urbanovics believes that involvement of Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians and representatives of other ethnic minorities into the work of the state institutions would help to overcome degradation of state machinery and would promote ethnic integration.

Ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike Freiberga, commenting formation of a new governing coalition, has stated that the government should not consist of all so-called “Latvian” parties because than opposition would consist only of “Russian” parties and that might provoke split in the society.

Ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike Freiberga, commenting formation of a new governing coalition, has stated that the government should not consist of all so-called Latvian parties because than opposition would consist only of Russian parties and that might provoke split in the society. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports on a visit of the MPs, members of the Saeimas Human Rights Committee to the Naturalisation Board. The aim of the visit was to get acquainted with the procedures and rate of naturalisation.

Nov. 27, 2007

  • Ex-legionary of Waffen SS Valts Lozha: integration of those who came to Latvia during Soviet times and their descendants is not possible
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about guest workers in Liepaja

Vesti Segodnya reports that ex-legionary of Latvian Waffen SS union Valts Lozha in an interview with radical nationalistic newspaper DDD has stated that integration of those who came to Latvia during Soviet times and their descendants is not possible because they were and remain violent occupants. Newspaper also reports that the radical nationalistic party NSS has already began preparing for organisation of marsh of Waffen SS legionaries on 16 March 2008. NSS also is planning to hold a manifestation against influx of labour migrants to Latvia in January.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about guest workers in Liepaja (city in the western part of Latvia). According to the article, 99 working invitations were issued for guest workers in Liepaja in 2007. An owner of a fish processing enterprise in an interview with the newspaper has stated that several Thais are employed at his enterprise. According to the owner, the Thais are paid minimal guest workers wage determined by the state in amount of LVL 300 (EUR 427). The Thais live at the territory of the enterprise and according to an agreement with the owner are forbidden to leave it, with an exception of regular trips arranged by the owner once a week.

Nov. 26, 2007

  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has adopted a new program which stipulates strengthening of Latvian Latvia
  • NRA prints an article on possible employment of medical nurses from non-EU countries in Latvia
The political union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has adopted a new program which stipulates strengthening of Latvian Latvia, protection of Latvian language and combating liberalisation of labour migration.

The political union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has adopted a new program which stipulates strengthening of Latvian Latvia, protection of Latvian language and combating liberalisation of labour migration. Vesti Segodnya

NRA prints an article on possible employment of medical nurses from non-EU countries in Latvia due to the lack of domestic nurses. According to opinion of several Latvian nurses interviewed by the newspaper, employment of foreign medical personal in Latvia is not a good solution due to possible problems with Latvian language proficiency which is required for work and due to the differences in education standards.

Nov. 24, 2007

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Latvia implements one of the most successful integration policies in the EU
As a reply to a decision of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe to send a mission to Latvia with an aim to examine situation regarding the rights of ethnic minorities and non-citizens in the country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued an official statement claiming that Latvia implements one of the most successful integration policies in the EU. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that Latvia is open and democratic country with high human rights standards.

As a reply to a decision of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe to send a mission to Latvia with an aim to examine situation regarding the rights of ethnic minorities and non-citizens in the country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued an official statement claiming that Latvia implements one of the most successful integration policies in the EU. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers that Latvia is open and democratic country with high human rights standards. Vesti Segodnya

Nov. 23, 2007

  • Saeima has refused proposals of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia concerning rights of non-citizens
  • MP Peteris Tabuns: influx of guest workers to Latvia brought a new wave of Russification
Yesterday, the Saeima has refused three proposals of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) concerning rights of non-citizens. The FHRUL has proposed to cancel prohibition for non-citizens to possess guns, prohibition to work in the Regulator of Public Utilities and occupy court prosecutor’s post.

Yesterday, the Saeima has refused three proposals of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) concerning rights of non-citizens. The FHRUL has proposed to cancel prohibition for non-citizens to possess guns, prohibition to work in the Regulator of Public Utilities and occupy court prosecutors post. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, at the Saeima’s session, the MP from the political union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Peteris Tabuns has stated that the influx of guest workers to Latvia brought a new wave of Russification. Peteris Tabuns believes that the state language is endangered, therefore, the status of Latvian language should be strengthened.

Yesterday, at the Saeimas session, the MP from the political union For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM Peteris Tabuns has stated that the influx of guest workers to Latvia brought a new wave of Russification. Peteris Tabuns believes that the state language is endangered, therefore, the status of Latvian language should be strengthened. Vesti Segodnya

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