Dec. 5, 2007

  • Union of Christian Democrats proposes to severe norms of the State Language Law with an aim to ensure domination of Latvian language in all spheres of public life
  • MP Karlis Sadurskis proposes several draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the authors of a study on impact of education reform on education quality in ethnic minority schools
  • Chas prints an interview with a new member of the radical organisation LNDP - ex-staff member of the Security Police Aleksandrs Bogdanovs
The political party Union of Christian Democrats (UCD) proposes to severe norms of the State Language Law with an aim to ensure domination of Latvian language in all spheres of public life. Members of the UCD consider that only music in Latvian should be played in shops, cafes, public transport and others public places. To play foreign music, the owner of a place should receive permission of the State Language Centre after explaining he/she needs it. The UCD also considers that all private TV channels and radio stations must broadcast at least 10 % of programs in Latvian language.

The political party Union of Christian Democrats (UCD) proposes to severe norms of the State Language Law with an aim to ensure domination of Latvian language in all spheres of public life. Members of the UCD consider that only music in Latvian should be played in shops, cafes, public transport and others public places. To play foreign music, the owner of a place should receive permission of the State Language Centre after explaining he/she needs it. The UCD also considers that all private TV channels and radio stations must broadcast at least 10 % of programs in Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, at a meeting of the Saeima’s Legal Affairs Committee, the MP Karlis Sadurskis (the New Era) has proposed several draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code. The MP proposes to increase pecuniary penalties for disuse of Latvian language.

Yesterday, at a meeting of the Saeimas Legal Affairs Committee, the MP Karlis Sadurskis (the New Era) has proposed several draft amendments to the Administrative Violations Code. The MP proposes to increase pecuniary penalties for disuse of Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya prints an article by the members of the Association of Russian Culture, Education and Science, authors of a study on impact of education reform (launched in 2004) on education quality in ethnic minority schools. As reported, according to the study education quality in Russian language schools has dropped considerably in mathematics and history because these subjects are taught in Latvian language. The authors continue their analysis by comparing examination results in Rigas Latvian and Russian language schools and again conclude that level of proficiency of students from Russian language schools in subjects taught in Latvian language has dropped. The authors also believe that there must be an independent international expertise on results of the ‘reform.

Chas prints an interview with ex-staff member of the Security Police Aleksandrs Bogdanovs who recently has become a new member of the radical political organisation Latvian National Democratic Party (LNDP). Mr. Bogdanovs explained that he joined the LNDP with an aim to stop ethnic discrimination in Liepaja (city in the Western part of Latvia).

Dec. 4, 2007

  • Chas prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens and two ex- Integration Ministers Nils Muiznieks and Ainars Latkovskis about the work of the IUMSILS and its further perspectives
  • Most popular parties in Latvia: the Concord Centre, the New Era, the Union of Greens and Farmers

Chas prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens and two ex- Integration Ministers Nils Muiznieks and Ainars Latkovskis about the work of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration (IUMSILS in its Latvian acronym) during the five years of its existence and about its further prospects. Oskars Kastens has stated that the IUMSILSs work was successful and that one of its main outcomes is a change in attitude of ethnic minorities towards Latvian state. Mr. Kastens believes that the IUMSILS should continue its course and activities. Nils Muzinieks has stated that work of the IUMSILS is hindered by the fact that neither the government, nor the opposition recognise ethnic integration as a priority. Mr. Muiznieks believes that because of the growing migration from the EU and other countries the importance of the IUMSILS will grow. Ainars Latkovskis considers that functions of the IUMSILS are essential in the system of the state government. However, Mr. Latkovskis does not rule out possibility that in the future the IUMSILS might be closed and its functions assigned to other ministries.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10,8 % of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima’s elections were held now. The New Era is supported by 7,8 % of citizens, the Union of Greens and Farmers by 6,2 %, and People’s party by 5,1 %. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10,8 % of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeimas elections were held now. The New Era is supported by 7,8 % of citizens, the Union of Greens and Farmers by 6,2 %, and Peoples party by 5,1 %. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Dec. 3, 2007

  • Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court will continue the review of a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans in June 2008
  • Weekly magazine Nedela prints an article about foreign labour migration to Latvia

Latvijas Avize reports that the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court will continue the review of a case of ex-deputy of the Riga City Council Aleksandrs Gilmans in June 2008. As reported, Aleksandrs Gilmans is charged for anti-governmental statements made on the internet forum of the Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools homepage. In November, the Court has received repeated linguistic expertise made by the Latvian Association of Independent Experts.

Weekly magazine

Weekly magazine Nedela prints an article about foreign labour migration to Latvia. Columnist of the magazine considers that Latvia should keep and even strengthen existing bureaucratic obstacles to the influx of cheep labour force from non-EU countries, while migration of highly qualified labour force should be promoted. The Columnist also believes that Latvia should develop a system on full-fledge involvement of domestic labour force into Latvian labour market.

Nov. 30, 2007

  • Russian language newspapers report on closing ceremony of the Year of Russian Language in Latvia
Russian language newspapers report on closing ceremony of the Year of Russian Language in Latvia held yesterday in Riga. The best teachers of Russian language and literature in Latvia in 2007 were awarded in the framework of the event.

Russian language newspapers report on closing ceremony of the Year of Russian Language in Latvia held yesterday in Riga. The best teachers of Russian language and literature in Latvia in 2007 were awarded in the framework of the event. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Nov. 29, 2007

  • Chas prints an interview with the director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre about democracy and human rights
  • NRA prints an article on disbandment of ethnic Roma classes in Latvian schools
  • Diena sprints an interview with Lebanese Hosam Abu Meri who is granted Latvian citizenship by special law

Chas prints an interview with the director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre about democracy and human rights. Mrs. Brands-Kehre considers that Russian language should have legal status in Latvia as language of interethnic communication. Ilze Brands-Kehre has stated that majority of ethnic minorities in Latvia speak Russian and 92% of all Latvian residents understand Russian, therefore, Russian should not remain as foreign language. Ilze Brands-Kehre considers that it is normal that working prerogative in diplomatic missions, army, top level of state government is given to citizens, however, in others fields such as advocacy, notary or of fire-fighters service it is not normal to set prohibitions for non-citizens.

NRA prints an article on disbandment of ethnic Roma classes in Latvian schools. According to the article, disbandment of such classes is a risky activity because it might increase illiteracy and outcast of Roma. However, the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration has set in the national Roma integration program gradually disbandment of still existing ethnic Roma classes considering that such classes is a form of discrimination.

Diena sprints an interview with Lebanese Hosam Abu Meri who is granted Latvian citizenship by special law for his investments into community work during 15 years of residency in Latvia. Hosam Abu Mari is the head of Latvian-Lebanese Association and Oriental Cultural Centre.


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