Jan. 11, 2008

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the Head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane

In an interview with Vesti Segodnya, the Head of the Naturalisation Board (NB) Eizenija Aldermane has stated that the speed of naturalisation in Latvia continues to fall after its peak in 2004-2005. Mrs. Aldermane considers that the rate of naturalisation might raise again in two or three years because of new migrants who arrived to Latvia after 1991. Mrs. Aldermane also has stated that during last two years the NB receives large number of questions from foreigners on how to receive Latvian citizenship.

Jan. 10, 2008

  • Newspapers report about a presentation of a research Effect of Migration on European Political Thought and Decision-Making Process
  • NSS has submitted to the Riga City Council an application to hold a procession on 16 March
  • Vesti Segodnya reports that on 7 February, the Supreme Court will declare its decision regarding a complaint by a former teacher of Russian challenging the decision of the State Language Centre
Newspapers report about a presentation of a research “Effect of Migration on European Political Thought and Decision-Making Process”. One of the research’s authors, academician and the MP Artis Pabriks has stated that situation in the Latvian labour market demands for fundamental changes in national migration policy. Artis Pabriks believes that if the government will not elaborate the effective migration policy it will lead to influx of illegal immigrants and economic recession. According to a researcher of the Centre for Public Policy “Providus”, politicians and ethnic Latvians are afraid of migrants because of prejudice that influx of guest workers to Latvia is a continuation of Soviet migration and is a danger to existence and identity of ethnic Latvians.

Newspapers report about a presentation of a research Effect of Migration on European Political Thought and Decision-Making Process. One of the researchs authors, academician and the MP Artis Pabriks has stated that situation in the Latvian labour market demands for fundamental changes in national migration policy. Artis Pabriks believes that if the government will not elaborate the effective migration policy it will lead to influx of illegal immigrants and economic recession. According to a researcher of the Centre for Public Policy Providus, politicians and ethnic Latvians are afraid of migrants because of prejudice that influx of guest workers to Latvia is a continuation of Soviet migration and is a danger to existence and identity of ethnic Latvians. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

The radical nationalistic party the National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) has submitted to the Riga City Council an application to hold a procession on 16 March – the unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries.

The radical nationalistic party the National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) has submitted to the Riga City Council an application to hold a procession on 16 March – the unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionaries. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya reports that on 7 February, the Supreme Court of Latvia will declare its decision regarding the complaint of the Jurmala City Councils member and ex-teacher of the Russian language and literature Zanna Kupcika. As reported, Zanna Kupcika is challenging the decision of the State Language Centre on filing an administrative protocol and imposing a fine. As reported, in November 2004 during the Latvian language proficiency inspection in one of the Jurmala city Russian language schools, the inspectors of the State Language Centre filed an administrative protocol on Zanna Kupcika for refusal to speak with the inspectors. Mrs. Kupcika is confident that the inspectors did not have the right to test her language proficiency skills. In an interview with the newspaper, Mrs. Kupcika has stated that if the Supreme Court turns down the complaint she will submit the claim to the European Court of Human Rights.

Jan. 9, 2008

  • MP Vladimirs Buzajevs has presented a book Non-citizens in Latvia
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the new Minister of Education Tatjana Koke
  • Member of the Riga City Council Modris Lujans: marginalisation of society and globalisation might bring about a rise of support to neo-Nazi ideology in Latvia
  • Education, Youth and Sports Affairs Committee of the Riga City Council will decide whether to grant funding for the days of Russian culture and education in Latvia
  • Leader of the radical nationalistic organisation the Latvian National Front Aivars Garda has edited a new de-occupational calendar for 2008

Yesterday, the MP Vladimirs Buzajevs (FHRUL) has presented a book Non-citizens in Latvia. The book tells about tendencies of naturalisation process, origin of non-citizens, their ethnic and demographic characteristics. According to the book, number of non-citizens during 1993 - 2007 has dropped from 900,000 down to 400,000 which is 17% of all Latvian residents. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, NRA

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the new Minister of Education Tatjana Koke. The Minister considers that language policy in education should not be changed because the results of centralised examination 2006/2007 in Latvian schools and in Russian language schools after implementation of language reform are equally good.

In an interview with Vesti Segodnya, the member of the Riga City Council Modris Lujans has stated that marginalisation of Latvian society combined with economic and political globalisation might bring about a rise of support to neo-Nazi ideology to Latvia. According to Mr. Lujans, there is ground for radicalisation in Latvia because poorly educated, socially alienated and disaffected with life people can be easily indoctrinated with Nazism.

Latvijas Avize reports that the Education, Youth and Sports Affairs Committee of the Riga City Council is planning to decide whether to grant funding in amount of LVL 1,871 (EUR 2,662) for the days of Russian culture and education in Latvia planned to be held by the Latvian Association for Support of Russian Language Schools.

The leader of the radical nationalistic organisation the Latvian National Front Aivars Garda has edited a new de-occupational calendar for 2008. In the calendar Aivars Garda appeals to those residents who have arrived to Latvia during the Soviet times to leave Latvia voluntary. Aivars Garda also appeals to ethnic Latvians to remind non-Latvians that they should leave. Vesti Segodnya

Jan. 8, 2008

  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the leader of the NGO Return Our Names Ruslan Pankratov
  • Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of the Control Department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the leader of the NGO Return Our Names Ruslan Pankratov. As reported Mr. Pankratov has submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) objecting to Latvianisation of his first and last name (adding the ending –s) in passport. Recently the ECHR has agreed to hear Pankratovs case. According to Mr. Pankratov, Return Our Names in co-operation with other organisations are preparing an appeal to the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations Organisation regarding Latvianisation of non-Latvian names in official documents arguing that it is violation of human rights.

In an interview with Latvijas Avize, head of the Control Department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis has stated that the Centre has received over 600 complaints on various violations of the State Language Law in 2007, which is noticeably more than in previous years. According to Mr. Kursitis, 30% of all complaints are regarding the lack of instructions in Latvian language for imported goods purchased in Latvian stores.


Jan. 7, 2008

  • Chas prints an article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners about preservation of Russian culture in Latvia
  • Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis: granting status of official public holiday to Orthodox Christmas in Latvia would promote unity among Latvian Christians

Chas prints an article by the MPs Valerijs Buhvalovs and Jakovs Pliners about preservation of Russian culture in Latvia. The authors believe that preservation of Russian culture is depended on education in Russian schools and the support state and Russian NGOs.

The Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis has stated that granting status of official public holiday to Orthodox Christmas (6-7 January) in Latvia would promote unity among Latvian Christians. According to the Board of Religious Affairs, there are about 350,000 Orthodox Christians and 2, 693 Old Believers in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya, NRA

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