maijs 8, 2007

  • Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the Inspections Department of the State Language Centre Antons Kursitis
  • Boarder Guard has detained two Russian National Bolsheviks trying illegally to enter Latvia
  • Article by a political scientist Viktors Makarovs on situation on the integration of Russian speaking residents in Estonia and Latvia

Vesti Segodnya features an interview with the head of the State Language Centre Inspections Department Antons Kursitis. Antons Kursitis has stated that aim of the State Language Centre is to observe implementation of the State Language Law. Mr. Kursitis believed that the state has to insure the dominant position of the state language since Latvia is the only place where Latvian language can be maintained. According to Antons Kursitis, the situation when ethnic Latvians are not able to find a job because of insufficient Russian language proficiency is not normal.

Latvijas Avize reports that the Boarder Guard has detained two Russian National Bolsheviks tried illegally to enter Latvia on 4 May. According to a representative of the State Boarder Guard, two men will be expelled from Latvia and fined for illegal crossing the border during this week.

Diena prints an article by a political scientist from the University of Helsinki Viktors Makarovs on the situation concerning Russian speaking residents in their integration in Latvia and Estonia. According to Antons Makarovs, the social and linguistic integration of Russian speakers in Latvia will remain insufficient until the rights of this group for public participation and expression of various interests, opinions, and values concerning ethnic policy will not be recognized. Antons Makarovs also believes that there is a low possibility that clashes which occurred in Tallinn concerning removal of the Red Army war memorial from the centre of the city will repeat in Latvia.

maijs 7, 2007

  • Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee is planning to set a night watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders on 8 and 9 May
  • Interview with the head of the NGO „Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks on naturalisation
  • Insulting statements against Russians have appeared on the street fencing in a district of Riga
  • Article by a member of the Peoples party Aigars Kimenis arguing that Latvian non-citizens of Latvia should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections
Newspapers reports that the Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee (LAC) is planning to set a watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders at night on 8 May and on 9 May. As reported, the extreme ultra-right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) is planning to hold a protest action against celebration of a “Victory Day” on 9 May. Members of the NSS are planning to hold a mournful procession and to put flowers in memory of “the victims of Bolshevik terror” beneath the monument. At the same day, several other organisations are planning to hold events in the honour of “Victory Day” and Soviet soldiers near the monument. In an interview with

Newspapers reports that the Latvian Anti-fascistic Committee (LAC) is planning to set a watch near the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders at night on 8 May and on 9 May. As reported, the extreme ultra-right political organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) is planning to hold a protest action against celebration of a Victory Day on 9 May. Members of the NSS are planning to hold a mournful procession and to put flowers in memory of the victims of Bolshevik terror beneath the monument. At the same day, several other organisations are planning to hold events in the honour of Victory Day and Soviet soldiers near the monument. In an interview with Telegraf, the leader of the LAC Eduards Goncarovs has stated that the LACs members will try not to allow provocations of national radical organisations and clashes with WWII veterans. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Diena, Latvijas Avize

Chas prints an interview with the head of the NGO „Prata Speks Igors Kuzmuks. The NGO has organised courses free-of-charge for naturalisation applicants during the last six years. Igors Kuzmuks believed that several measures to promote naturalisation have the opposite effect hindering the process of integration. According to Igors Kuzmuks, courses supported by the Society Integration Foundation stipulating a fee for participants whose monthly income is more than LVL 100 (EUR 142) prevent naturalisation.

Telegraf reports that insulting statements against Russians have appeared on the street fencing in a district of Riga.

Diena prints an article by a member of the Peoples party Aigars Kimenis believing that Latvian non-citizens should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections. According to Aigars Kimenis, the state granting non-citizens voting rights would send a signal that the loyalty towards the state and the adoption of Latvian values become less important.

maijs 5, 2007

  • Diena prints an article on Roma employment problems in Latvia
  • Saeima has refused a draft declaration on the support of the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn

Diena prints an article on Roma employment problems in Latvia. In an interview with the newspaper, a Romany man has stated that he has failed to find a job for a long time allegedly because of ethnicity and a low education level. According to the Roma NGOs Nevo Drom representative, Roma people have problems to find a job because of stereotypes about them in the society. A representative of the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration has stated that in the framework of the national Roma integration program Roma in Latvia 2007-2009 it is planned to hold several seminars on Roma employment opportunities and a round table discussion Roma on the Latvian Labour Market with participation of Roma, representatives from Employers Confederation of Latvia, trade unions, and municipalities.

On 3 May, the Saeima has refused a draft declaration proposed by the faction “New Era” on the support of the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn and on the condemnation of the Russian Federation’s attempts to interfere into Estonian internal affairs. However, the parliament has decided to forward the draft declaration to the Saeima’s Foreign Affairs Committee for further discussions.

On 3 May, the Saeima has refused a draft declaration proposed by the faction New Era on the support of the Estonian decision to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn and on the condemnation of the Russian Federations attempts to interfere into Estonian internal affairs. However, the parliament has decided to forward the draft declaration to the Saeimas Foreign Affairs Committee for further discussions. Chas, Latvijas Avize, Diena, NRA

maijs 3, 2007

  • Aigars Kalvitis: Estonian events have provoked activities of radical organisations in Latvia
  • Diena features opinions on the situation in Estonia
  • Head of the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee Peteris Tabuns believes that the number of state language inspectors should be increased
Newspapers continue to report on the events concerning the removal of Red Army war memorial from the centre of the Estonian capital. As reported, the removal of the memorial in Tallinn has caused mass protests and clashes between the police and mainly Russian speaking residents.

Newspapers continue to report on the events concerning the removal of Red Army war memorial from the centre of the Estonian capital. As reported, the removal of the memorial in Tallinn has caused mass protests and clashes between the police and mainly Russian speaking residents. Chas refers to the interview of the Prime Minister of Latvia Aigars Kalvitis with TV channel LNT in which he has stated that Latvia supports the Estonian governments decision, although there are no plans to remove war memorials in Latvia. Aigars Kalvitis believed that the Estonian events have provoked the activities of the Latvian radical organisations and that a special attention should be paid to the prevention of similar possible disorders in Latvia. Chas, Diena

Diena prints various opinions on the situation in Estonia. The Director of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights Ilze Brands-Kehre has stated that these events are a reminder that more attention should be paid to integration. The Ombudsman Romans Apsitis believed that the events have revealed integration problems. Romans Apsitis has stated that Latvia should learn from the Estonian experience and to review its integration policy. Political scientist Nils Muiznieks has pointed to the need for a more careful consideration of actions concerning historical symbols, particularly with the symbols of WWII, since those might be very important for a part of residents.

Yesterday, at a meeting of the Saeima’s Citizenship Law Implementation Committee its head Peteris Tabuns has stated that the usage of state language has diminished over the last years. The politician also believed that the number of state language inspectors should be increased According to Peteris Tabuns, the Estonian events concerning the removal of the Red Army war memorial might have a negative impact on the attitudes towards Latvian language.

Yesterday, at a meeting of the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee its head Peteris Tabuns has stated that the usage of state language has diminished over the last years. The politician also believed that the number of state language inspectors should be increased According to Peteris Tabuns, the Estonian events concerning the removal of the Red Army war memorial might have a negative impact on the attitudes towards Latvian language. Vesti Segodnya

aprīlis 30, 2007

  • Extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union has appealed to the Riga City Council to demolish the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders
  • Ivars Godmanis: national referendum is the best way how to decide whether non-citizens of Latvia have to be granted voting rights in municipal elections
  • Weekly magazine Nedela prints an interview with the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis
  • FHRUL has defined its future strategic objectives

Vesti Segodnya reports that the extreme ultra-right organisation National Power Union (NSS in its Latvian acronym) has appealed to the Riga City Council to demolish the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders. Leaders of the NSS have stated that the Monument symbolises the occupational regime. NSS also has supported the decision of Estonian government to remove the Red Army war memorial from the centre of Tallinn.

Latvijas Avize prints an interview with the head of the political party Latvias Way Ivars Godmanis. Ivars Godmanis has stated that a national referendum is the best way how to decide whether non-citizens of Latvia have to be granted voting rights in municipal elections. Ivars Godmanis believed that non-citizens would not be loyal to the state if they do not have an opportunity to participate in elections. According to Mr. Godmanis, an in-depth study must be made in order to access possible increase of non-citizens involvement and responsibility due to granting them voting rights.

Weekly magazine

Weekly magazine Nedela prints an interview with the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis. The Ombudsman believed that persons who have arrived to Latvia during Soviet times cannot be granted citizenship automatically. According to Romans Apsitis, there is no state in the world granting citizenship without naturalisation, therefore, those who are willing to get Latvian citizenship can go through the naturalisation process.

Vesti Segodnya reports on a regional conference of the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) defining its future strategic objectives. The preservation and development of the Russian speaking community as well as granting voting rights to non-citizens in municipal elections are among the FHRULs priorities.

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