maijs 18, 2006

  • Interview with the Minister of Education
  • Interview with the head of the LASHOR Igors Pimenovs
  • Naturalisation Board reports on attempts to cheat in naturalisation exams
  • NRA claims about escalated tensions between right and left wing parties in the Riga City Council
  • Riga City Council gives co-funding for producing a documentary Russian Myth

Chas talks to the Minister of Education and Science Baiba Rivzha. The minister states that she is not going to re-open the draft law on Ethnic Minority Schools arguing that its [laws] time has gone. She considers that the minority education reforms is going well. The minister notes that a special agency monitoring the quality of minority education has been formed, therefore in the future the situation should improve. She stresses that it is very important to find common interests and establish a continuous dialogue with all stake holders, including school children.

Telegraf talks to the Head of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with the Russian Language of Instruction Igors Pimenovs about the draft law on Ethnic Minority Schools. He talks about the history and proposals to the draft law developed by his organisation. The main proposals are giving authority to school self-administration boards to choose which subjects study in Latvian and which in a minority language and give the rights to minority school children to choose the language of final state exams.

Vesti Segodnya reports on a recent attempt of the naturalisation applicant to cheat in naturalisation exam. In 2006, according to the information provided by the Naturalisation Board, there have been five attempts to cheat in the exams and all of them have resulted in the rejection of naturalisation applications.

NRA reports that exclusion of member of the Riga City Council Genadijs Kotovs (FHRUL) from the Riga Citys Council Committee on Safety and Order Affairs has escalated into serious tension between the right wing parties and left wing opposition. Representatives of the left wing parties promised that in the next Council they would exclude representatives of right wing parties from any committee, while a member of the right wing party stated that such threats is the reason to re-consider the naturalisation policy.

Yesterday, the Riga City Council approved co- funding in the amount of LVL 7,180 to produce a documentary “Russian Myth.” The authors of the idea stated that the main of the documentary is to show the world and Europe the difficult fate of East Europeans under the totalitarian regimes.

Yesterday, the Riga City Council approved co- funding in the amount of LVL 7,180 to produce a documentary Russian Myth. The authors of the idea stated that the main of the documentary is to show the world and Europe the difficult fate of East Europeans under the totalitarian regimes. Chas


maijs 17, 2006

  • FHRUL has elaborated draft amendments to the Education Law providing authority to school self-governments to choose the language of instruction
  • Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee will evaluate whether the statements made by MP Peteris Tabuns contradict the MPs Code of Ethics
  • MEPs supported the report on the EU strategy on equality prepared by MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanok
  • International conference Eastern Slavs in the Baltic Region
The political union “For Human Rights in United Latvia” (FHRUL) has elaborated draft amendments to the Education Law. The draft amendments propose to grant authority to school self-governments in taking decisions about the choice of languages of instruction. FHRUL also believes that school final exams have to be taken in a language of instruction (the effective law provides that the examinations will have to take place in the state language).

The political union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has elaborated draft amendments to the Education Law. The draft amendments propose to grant authority to school self-governments in taking decisions about the choice of languages of instruction. FHRUL also believes that school final exams have to be taken in a language of instruction (the effective law provides that the examinations will have to take place in the state language). Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize, Rigas Balss

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee will evaluate whether the statements made by MP Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) on the parliamentarian session contradict the MP’s Code of Ethics. The Saeima faction “The Concord Centre” which submitted the request to evaluate the Tabuns’ statements, considers that they were offensive towards Russians.

The Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee will evaluate whether the statements made by MP Peteris Tabuns (FF/LNIM) on the parliamentarian session contradict the MPs Code of Ethics. The Saeima faction The Concord Centre which submitted the request to evaluate the Tabuns statements, considers that they were offensive towards Russians. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Members of the European Parliament supported a report on the EU equality strategy prepared by MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanok. The report sets a strategic aim to ensure a proportional representation and participation of various groups residing in the EU residents in all spheres, including politics and state administration. According to the report, special attention should be paid to Roma and stateless persons.

Members of the European Parliament supported a report on the EU equality strategy prepared by MEP from Latvia Tatyana Zdanok. The report sets a strategic aim to ensure a proportional representation and participation of various groups residing in the EU residents in all spheres, including politics and state administration. According to the report, special attention should be paid to Roma and stateless persons. Chas

An international conference “Eastern Slavs in the Baltic Region” was held in Daugavpils in the framework of the Days of Slavic Culture. Participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Belarus discussed various themes concerning Russian spiritual inheritance and modern tendencies of the Russian language in Europe.

An international conference Eastern Slavs in the Baltic Region was held in Daugavpils in the framework of the Days of Slavic Culture. Participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Belarus discussed various themes concerning Russian spiritual inheritance and modern tendencies of the Russian language in Europe. Vesti Segodnya

maijs 16, 2006

  • New Era will not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by FF/LNIM
  • Head of Latvian delegation to the PACE Andris Berzins: bureau of the PACE stopped the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia
  • Activities of working group developing proposals regarding minority education might be re-launched
  • Riga Regional Court will review a criminal case of Aivars Garda and Liga Muzikante on 20 September
MP Karlis Sadurskis (“New Era”) stated that the party will not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board. Karlis Sadurskis stated, “yet there are some gaps in the Citizenship Law, however, it is not a proper time to open the Law because the governing coalition, is supported by the opposition, Russian-oriented parties.”

MP Karlis Sadurskis (New Era) stated that the party will not support the draft amendments to the Citizenship Law proposed by the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM. As reported, FF/LNIM proposed to halt the naturalisation process and to close the Naturalisation Board. Karlis Sadurskis stated, yet there are some gaps in the Citizenship Law, however, it is not a proper time to open the Law because the governing coalition, is supported by the opposition, Russian-oriented parties. Chas

MP and the Head of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Andris Berzins in an interview with

MP and the Head of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Andris Berzins in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that the bureau of the PACE after listening to the report on the implementation of the recommendations on the situation of national minorities in Latvia decided to stop the post-monitoring dialog with Latvia.

The Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the member of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian-language (LASHOR) Igors Pimenovs discussed a possibility to re-launch activities of the working group which elaborated a draft project “The National Minority Education Institution Law” in 2004. 

The Minister of Education Baiba Rivza and the member of the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian-language (LASHOR) Igors Pimenovs discussed a possibility to re-launch activities of the working group which elaborated a draft project The National Minority Education Institution Law in 2004. Latvijas Avize

The Riga Regional Court will review a criminal case of the leader of the national radical organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the editor of the radical newspaper

The Riga Regional Court will review a criminal case of the leader of the national radical organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the editor of the radical newspaper DDD Liga Muzikante on 20 September. As reported, Aivars Garda and Liga Muzikante are accused for the instigation to ethnic hatred in two articles published in DDD in 2005. Latvijas Avize

maijs 15, 2006

  • Conference Law on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?
  • Nedela features an interview with the Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone
  • Tatyana Zdanok speaks about the rights of ethnic minorities in Latvia at the congress of the European Free Alliance
  • Craft exhibition of ethnic minorities living in Vidzeme
On Saturday, the political party “The Concord Centre” in cooperation with several Russian NGO’s held a conference “Law on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?”  Participants discussed three main themes: legal norms concerning minority education in independent Latvia in 1918-1939; international experience; and potential of the draft project on minority schools. Academician Elena Vediseva stated that the effective law on education elaborated in 1919 do not meet the needs of the present situation in Latvia. The member of LASHOR (the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian-language)  Igors Pimenovs stated that there is a new elaborated draft project on minority schools, which could soften the effective law. However, the representative of OKROL (The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia) stated that “the new draft project is senseless because the present government will not it accept it anyway… That is why we need to pay more attention to democratisation of effective norms.”

On Saturday, the political party The Concord Centre in cooperation with several Russian NGOs held a conference Law on National Minority Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow? Participants discussed three main themes: legal norms concerning minority education in independent Latvia in 1918-1939; international experience; and potential of the draft project on minority schools. Academician Elena Vediseva stated that the effective law on education elaborated in 1919 do not meet the needs of the present situation in Latvia. The member of LASHOR (the Latvian Association for Support of Schools with Russian-language) Igors Pimenovs stated that there is a new elaborated draft project on minority schools, which could soften the effective law. However, the representative of OKROL (The United Congress of the Russian Community in Latvia) stated that the new draft project is senseless because the present government will not it accept it anyway… That is why we need to pay more attention to democratisation of effective norms. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize.

The weekly magazine

The weekly magazine Nedela features an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone. Karina Petersone argued that main issue regarding integration is the low level of social integration rather than ethnic: politicians manipulate with ethnic integration issues all the time, however, the biggest problems people face in social sphere.

In the congress of the European Free Alliance held in Brussels member of the European Parliament from Latvia Tatyana Zdanok (FHRUL) stated that ethnic minorities in the Latvian parliament are not proportionately presented in the Latvian parliament as compared to their total number in the country. Tatyana Zdanok noted that “450.000 of Latvia’s residents still are non-citizens, they have no voting rights and they are not able to participate in state affairs.” Tatyana Zdanok also critized other MEPs for not supporting her in solving the issue.

In the congress of the European Free Alliance held in Brussels member of the European Parliament from Latvia Tatyana Zdanok (FHRUL) stated that ethnic minorities in the Latvian parliament are not proportionately presented in the Latvian parliament as compared to their total number in the country. Tatyana Zdanok noted that 450.000 of Latvias residents still are non-citizens, they have no voting rights and they are not able to participate in state affairs. Tatyana Zdanok also critized other MEPs for not supporting her in solving the issue. Chas

On Saturday, the Vidzeme Development Agency in the framework of a project “Cultural Initiative for the Integration of Society in Vidzeme,” held a craft exhibition of ethnic minorities living in Vidzeme.

On Saturday, the Vidzeme Development Agency in the framework of a project Cultural Initiative for the Integration of Society in Vidzeme, held a craft exhibition of ethnic minorities living in Vidzeme. Latvijas Avize

maijs 13, 2006

  • Number of Latvian non-citizens dropped by 17% since 2000
  • Foreign diplomats to Latvia visited a two-language school in Sigulda
According to the Central Statistical Board the number of non-citizens in Latvia has decreased by 17% in last six years. Presently

According to the Central Statistical Board the number of non-citizens in Latvia has decreased by 17% in last six years. Presently 80.1% of permanent residents are Latvian citizens. Chas, Latvijas Avize

On Friday, several diplomats of foreign countries visited a bilingual school in Sigulda (a small town nearby Riga). The visit has been organised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration to show a positive example of integration of Russian speakers into Latvian society. School children gave a concert and showed a documentary “We are choosing Latvia”

On Friday, several diplomats of foreign countries visited a bilingual school in Sigulda (a small town nearby Riga). The visit has been organised by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration to show a positive example of integration of Russian speakers into Latvian society. School children gave a concert and showed a documentary We are choosing Latvia Chas

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