maijs 18, 2004

  • About the possible government crisis
  • Latvian Russian Party condemns activities of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools
  • Prime Ministers advisor on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about protest actions against the education reform
  • State Security Police do not supply information about activities on preventing escalation of the aggression of the education reforms opponents
  • About the conference on society integration policy
  • Border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia
  • Discussion about calls for resignation of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks
  • Plans of the Russian delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
  • New internet portal for non-citizens and ethnic minorities to be opened
  • Latvian Business Advisory Service Program director and representative of the party Latvias Way Rolands Repsa about implementation of the education reform
  • Interview with the representative of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs
People’s Harmony Party (PHP) yesterday postponed its decision to call for the vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis till the party’s conference on 19 June. The party New Era has evaluated this delay as an indication of a secret agreement between the government and left-wing parties, and has called the government to resign in order to establish a stable right-wing coalition, but would not initiate a vote of confidence to the government yet. The New Era is planning to ask for resignation of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, allegedly because of the growing ethnic tensions related to the education reform, within the nearest future. Nils Muiznieks denies accusations, stressing that tension in the area of education reform developed during the previous government, when both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education and Science were the New Era representatives.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) yesterday postponed its decision to call for the vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis till the partys conference on 19 June. The party New Era has evaluated this delay as an indication of a secret agreement between the government and left-wing parties, and has called the government to resign in order to establish a stable right-wing coalition, but would not initiate a vote of confidence to the government yet. The New Era is planning to ask for resignation of the Special Tasks Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, allegedly because of the growing ethnic tensions related to the education reform, within the nearest future. Nils Muiznieks denies accusations, stressing that tension in the area of education reform developed during the previous government, when both the Prime Minister and the Minister for Education and Science were the New Era representatives. Vesti Segodnya features an opinion of the deputy Prime Minister Ainars Slesers who believes that there is no serious threat to the government stability, and that statements of the left and right wings opposition parties should be looked at rather as a PR campaign for the upcoming election to the European Parliament than a specific intention to achieve Emsiss cabinets demission. Chas reflects the point of view of the PHP leader Janis Jurkans, who states that his party supported the government of Indulis Emsis in exchange for the promise to resolve the schools issue. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Latvian Russian Party has announced that the Russian-speaking leadership of the party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and its supported Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools has deliberately “failed the defense of Russian-language schools, as they promote not a process of discussion, but a process of confrontation, leaving Russians without any perspectives in the future”.  According to the Russian Party, FHRUL should dismiss the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, and to accept responsibility for all consequences of its activities.

Latvian Russian Party has announced that the Russian-speaking leadership of the party For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) and its supported Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools has deliberately failed the defense of Russian-language schools, as they promote not a process of discussion, but a process of confrontation, leaving Russians without any perspectives in the future. According to the Russian Party, FHRUL should dismiss the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools, and to accept responsibility for all consequences of its activities. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize, Telegraf

Latvijas Avize features an interview with the Prime Ministers advisor on national security issues Andrejs Pantelejevs about protest actions against the education reform. Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that from the point of view of the state security it would be dangerous to yield to pressure now. According to the advisor, insufficient preparedness of the education reforms implementation has created psychological climate for the mass political movement. Andrejs Pantelejevs believes that the main task of the moment is not to allow political consolidation of the Russian community on the basis of the education reform. According to his knowledge, a certain conflict has developed between one of the leaders of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka and the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools.

Neatkariga Rita Avize writes about unwillingness of the State Security Police to supply information about its activities in order to prevent escalation of aggression of the opponents of the education reform. Newspaper also features opinions of experts who point to the lack of political will to solve the problem. The State Security Police, mostly likely, possesses all necessary information about organizers of the protest actions; its just that they have not received government instructions to start active operations. It is possible that governing politicians have decided to deal with the Russian students problem by means of discussion, stated the former state secretary of the Ministry of Interior Andris Staris.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about the conference on society integration policy, which was held last week. During the conference it was pointed to the necessity of drawing up a new state society integration program. According to the information of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat, out of 299 projects, supported within the framework of the existent program Society integration in Latvia, 66 have been implemented fully or partly, 32 - have not been implemented, as for the implementation of the rest of the programs, Secretariat has got no information. Evaluating the situation in the area of society integration, the head of the Naturalization Board Eizenija Aldermane stated that present situation in the country with regards to the dividing lines within the society, is similar to the situation in 1990-91.

The border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia, which takes place in Moscow this Friday.

The border agreement between Latvia and Russia will be discussed during the summit of the European Union and Russia, which takes place in Moscow this Friday. Neatkariga Rita Avize

Latvijas Avize continues discussion on last-week statement of the deputy of the European Parliament from Peoples Party Aleksandrs Kirsteins, in which he calls for the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks resignation. According to the head of the Saeima Peoples Party parliamentary group Aigars Kalvitis, party has not discussed Nils Muiznieks eligibility for his post. Nils Muiznieks stresses he is not planning to resign.

Delegation of Russia is planning to initiate discussion on the issue of the situation of Russian minority in Latvia during the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly’s session in June.

Delegation of Russia is planning to initiate discussion on the issue of the situation of Russian minority in Latvia during the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys session in June. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Ventspils City Council is planning to create a special internet portal for non-Latvian speakers, non-citizens and ethnic minorities, in order to enhance their comprehension of the impact of Latvia’s accession to the European Union. Alongside information about new possibilities available for these persons after Latvia’s accession to the EU, the portal will feature announcements of cultural and educational events, supported by the EU, and will explain possibilities of obtaining financial support from both Latvian state and the EU for the activities aimed at integration of ethnic minorities and non-citizens, as well as at development of the open society.

Ventspils City Council is planning to create a special internet portal for non-Latvian speakers, non-citizens and ethnic minorities, in order to enhance their comprehension of the impact of Latvias accession to the European Union. Alongside information about new possibilities available for these persons after Latvias accession to the EU, the portal will feature announcements of cultural and educational events, supported by the EU, and will explain possibilities of obtaining financial support from both Latvian state and the EU for the activities aimed at integration of ethnic minorities and non-citizens, as well as at development of the open society. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize features an article by the director of the Latvian Business Advisory Service Program and representative of Latvias Way Rolands Repsa, who suggests that the education reform should be implemented in accordance with the desires of minority students and their parents, and individually in each minority school depending on its degree of readiness. Rolands Repsa believes that its necessary to acknowledge that the integration process will be long and that its not possible to speed up it by compulsory measures in the area of education reform.

Vesti Segodnya and Chas feature interviews with the representative of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs about causes of the protest actions against the education reform, and his future planes in case he gets elected to the European Parliament.


maijs 17, 2004

  • Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer about implementation of the education reform in Latvia
  • For Human Rights in the United Latvia is planning to initiate the resignation of the government
  • Representatives of New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding possible vote of confidence to the government
  • Interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis
  • Opinion poll: only 33,4% of Riga inhabitants feel well informed about the education reform
  • Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry condemns the Saeimas refusal to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Approximately 150 education reforms opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja
  • Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia
Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated in his interview to the radio station

Secretary-General of the Council of Europe Walter Schwimmer has stated in his interview to the radio station Eho Moskvi that Latvian authorities must take into account opinion of Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latvia while implementing the education reform. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Chas

During the congress of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) it was announced that the aggressive policy in the area of defense of Russian-language schools is planned to be continued, and that FHRUL is striving to become a third most influential party beside the New Era and People’s Party. Tatjana Zdanoka, repeatedly elected as one of the union’s leaders, has called to initiate the resignation of the government as it allegedly continues the destructive course of the previous government. Tatjana Zdanoka allows for the support of the People’s Harmony Party (PHP) for such move.

During the congress of the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL) it was announced that the aggressive policy in the area of defense of Russian-language schools is planned to be continued, and that FHRUL is striving to become a third most influential party beside the New Era and Peoples Party. Tatjana Zdanoka, repeatedly elected as one of the unions leaders, has called to initiate the resignation of the government as it allegedly continues the destructive course of the previous government. Tatjana Zdanoka allows for the support of the Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) for such move. Diena features statement of the prime ministers advisor Viesturs Silenieks, who believes that FHRUL decision to initiate the resignation of the government is not binding for the governing coalition as ‘its difficult to regard this political force [FHRUL] as constructive opposition. Diena, Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

Today representatives of the parties New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding the possible vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis, which may be initiated by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL). The representatives of both parties state that decision demand for the resignation of the government cannot be supported if its purpose and motivation is establishing moratorium on the education reform.

Today representatives of the parties New Era and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM will discuss their position regarding the possible vote of confidence to the government of Indulis Emsis, which may be initiated by the union For Human Rights in the United Latvia (FHRUL). The representatives of both parties state that decision demand for the resignation of the government cannot be supported if its purpose and motivation is establishing moratorium on the education reform. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Rigas Balss, Chas

Telegraf prints an interview with the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis about the education reform in Latvia and the future of his government.

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that only 33,4% of the inhabitants of Riga (mainly minorities’ representatives, young people and non-citizens) feel well informed about the planned changes in the area of the education reform. 40% have superficial knowledge about the reform, 19,3% have heard something about it, but do not feel competent, while 3,2% of inhabitants have not heard anything about the education reform.

The latest SKDS opinion poll indicates that only 33,4% of the inhabitants of Riga (mainly minorities representatives, young people and non-citizens) feel well informed about the planned changes in the area of the education reform. 40% have superficial knowledge about the reform, 19,3% have heard something about it, but do not feel competent, while 3,2% of inhabitants have not heard anything about the education reform. Vesti Segodnya

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has spread an official statement, condemning the decision of Saeima not to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the ministry, refusal of Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention causes the ‘increasing protests in the Russian-speaking society comprised of almost 40% of the state residents’ and ‘further deteriorates the situation, which has already developed into continuous mass manifestations’.

Russia Foreign Affairs Ministry has spread an official statement, condemning the decision of Saeima not to ratify the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. According to the ministry, refusal of Latvia to ratify the Framework Convention causes the ‘increasing protests in the Russian-speaking society comprised of almost 40% of the state residents and ‘further deteriorates the situation, which has already developed into continuous mass manifestations. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya

Approximately 150 education reform’s opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja last Saturday. All speakers expressed protest against both the education reform and the arrest of the National Democratic Party’s leader Jevgenijs Osipovs.

Approximately 150 education reforms opponents participated in the protest action in Liepaja last Saturday. All speakers expressed protest against both the education reform and the arrest of the National Democratic Partys leader Jevgenijs Osipovs. Diena, Neatkariga Rita Avize, Chas, Telegrafs

Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia, prepared in order to help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international community in response to the regular attempts of Russia to draw attention to this issue.

Newspapers write about the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia about observation of minority rights in Latvia, prepared in order to help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international community in response to the regular attempts of Russia to draw attention to this issue. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

maijs 15, 2004

  • Discussion about usage of the word ‘Latvian as a political and an ethnic term
  • European Commission External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten informs Russia about the financial support to society integration programs in Latvia and Estonia
  • Meeting of the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis and representatives of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat
  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizhov calls the Council of Europe to urge Latvia to start a serious dialogue with the representatives of national minorities
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia prepares a statement about observation of minority rights in Latvia
  • Latvijas Avize features statements of Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre about ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  • Interview with the leader of the party Equality Tatjana Zdanoka
  • Latvijas Avize criticizes state officials for being inert in the area of preventing permissiveness during the protest actions against the education reform
Discussion about usage of the word ‘Latvian’ as a political and an ethnic term has developed in mass media after the interview of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to the Russian newspaper

Discussion about usage of the word ‘Latvian as a political and an ethnic term has developed in mass media after the interview of the President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga to the Russian newspaper Argumenti i Fakti (Arguments and Facts). During the interview the president has stated that ‘they [i.e. Russians] must accept that this is an independent state and have to become Latvians – of Russian origin, but Latvians. If they want to be Russians, they can go to Russia. Peoples Harmony Partys chairman Janis Jurkans has sent an open letter to the president, claiming that presidents statements create a national scandal which injures half a million residents of the country who are not of Latvian origin. Experts, questioned by Diena journalist, believe that this is purely a linguistic problem, because in the Latvian language term ‘Latvian means both ethnic affiliation and political belonging, while in Russian there is a clear difference between terms ‘latish (Latvian in ethnic sense) and ‘latvijec (Latvian in political sense). According to the presidents press secretary Aiva Rozenberga, the president meant ‘Latvians as persons, who speak Latvian, are citizens of Latvia and feel belonging to the state. Vesti Segodnya features various opinions of the well known in Latvia minority representatives about the statement of the president. Diena, Vesti Segodnya

European Commission External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten has sent a letter to the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov, providing information about the financial support of the EC to society integration programs in Latvia and Estonia, allocated since 1996. According to the commissioner, during the last eight years there was approximately 13,5 millions euro allocated for society integration programs in Latvia, and the EC is planning to continue support of these programs also in the next period from 2004 – 2006.

European Commission External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten has sent a letter to the Russia Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov, providing information about the financial support of the EC to society integration programs in Latvia and Estonia, allocated since 1996. According to the commissioner, during the last eight years there was approximately 13,5 millions euro allocated for society integration programs in Latvia, and the EC is planning to continue support of these programs also in the next period from 2004 – 2006. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize writes about the meeting of the Prime Minister Indulis Emsis and representatives of the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat in order to discuss society integration issues.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizhov has spread a statement, calling the Council of Europe in collaboration with the OSCE, Council of the Baltic Sea States and UN Human Rights Committee to urge Latvia to start a serious dialogue with the representatives of national minorities about issues concerning their basic rights, and to participate in solving any existing problems.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Chizhov has spread a statement, calling the Council of Europe in collaboration with the OSCE, Council of the Baltic Sea States and UN Human Rights Committee to urge Latvia to start a serious dialogue with the representatives of national minorities about issues concerning their basic rights, and to participate in solving any existing problems. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is preparing a statement about observation of minority rights in Latvia. According to the Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks, this statement will help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international society, in order to respond to the regular aspirations of Russia to draw attention to this issue.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia is preparing a statement about observation of minority rights in Latvia. According to the Foreign Affairs Minister Rihards Piks, this statement will help Latvian diplomats to explain the situation in the area of minority rights to the international society, in order to respond to the regular aspirations of Russia to draw attention to this issue. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize clarifies considerations which made the Saeima Speaker Ingrida Udre to abstain from voting on the ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, while other members of her faction voted against it. Ingrida Udre regards a vote against ratification as equivalent to abstaining. According to the Saeima speaker, the convention will be ratified anyway because the Saeima Subcommittee on Social Integration is discussing a question about ratification of the convention with several reservations.

Chas features an interview with the leader of the party Equality Tatjana Zdanoka about the extention of the EU directives to the non-citizens of Latvia and about requirements of the EU to Latvia in the area of minority rights.

Latvijas Avize features a commentary by the editor-in-chief Voldemars Krustins, who blames state officials on their inertness as they, according to the author, do almost nothing in order to prevent permissiveness during the protest actions against the education reform.

maijs 14, 2004

  • State Education inspection: only one minority school out of 1016 is not ready for the education reform
  • Conference on the past and future of society integration in Latvia
  • Peoples Harmony Party is planning to decide about the future support to the government
  • About the draft law on elimination of racial discrimination
  • Approximately 20 persons participate in the unapproved protest meeting in Riga
  • Planned protest actions against the education reform
  • Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools register 22000 persons ready to defend interests of the Russian community in Latvia
  • Police and Riga City Councils Security and Order Committees meet to discuss possibility of ethnic conflicts between young people
  • Saeima rejects PHP demand for resignation of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Latvia Imants Rakins
According to the State Education inspection, only one minority school out of 1016 is not ready for the education reform, and only 11 teachers are not prepared to teach their subjects in Latvian. 10% of minority schools’ teachers will be ready to teach in Latvian, while continuing to improve their skills.

According to the State Education inspection, only one minority school out of 1016 is not ready for the education reform, and only 11 teachers are not prepared to teach their subjects in Latvian. 10% of minority schools teachers will be ready to teach in Latvian, while continuing to improve their skills. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Newspapers write about the conference organized by the Special Tasks Minister’s for Society Integration Secretariat and dedicated to the analysis of the society integration policy of the past years, as well as to setting priorities for the future. According to the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, special attention may be paid in the future to the integration of children and young people, promoting their civic participation and knowledge of the state language; as well as to the integration of the new immigrants. Some of the conference participants expressed an opinion that Latvia needs a Law on Society Integration.

Newspapers write about the conference organized by the Special Tasks Ministers for Society Integration Secretariat and dedicated to the analysis of the society integration policy of the past years, as well as to setting priorities for the future. According to the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks, special attention may be paid in the future to the integration of children and young people, promoting their civic participation and knowledge of the state language; as well as to the integration of the new immigrants. Some of the conference participants expressed an opinion that Latvia needs a Law on Society Integration. Diena, Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Telegraf

People’s Harmony Party (PHP), informing about its plans to decide on the future support to the government next Monday, has indicated that the government will loose the PHP support if tension in the area of education reform is not diminished. Head of the Saeima PHP parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics denies rumors about demanded moratorium on the education reform, stressing that PHP is willing to find a compromise solution which would be acceptable also to the government.

Peoples Harmony Party (PHP), informing about its plans to decide on the future support to the government next Monday, has indicated that the government will loose the PHP support if tension in the area of education reform is not diminished. Head of the Saeima PHP parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics denies rumors about demanded moratorium on the education reform, stressing that PHP is willing to find a compromise solution which would be acceptable also to the government. Diena

Following the proposal of the head of Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ina Druviete, Saeima yesterday has withdrawn review of the draft law on elimination of racial discrimination from the agenda. According to

Following the proposal of the head of Saeima Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee Ina Druviete, Saeima yesterday has withdrawn review of the draft law on elimination of racial discrimination from the agenda. According to Latvijas Vestnesis, MPs have decided that as the 1 May deadline was already missed, the stamp ‘urgent could be removed from the draft law with the view to thoroughly discussing it before adoption. Vesty Segodnya writes that the draft law was removed from the agenda because too many harsh sanctions against human rights violators were foreseen by it. Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation will not be included in the draft law, states Ina Druviete, as Saeima has voted out this criteria as inapplicable to Latvia. The draft law could be adopted until the end of the spring session of Saeima. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Vetnesis

Yesterday approximately 20 persons participated in the unapproved protest meeting against the education reform near the Riga City Hall.

Yesterday approximately 20 persons participated in the unapproved protest meeting against the education reform near the Riga City Hall. Latvijas Avize, Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Contrary to the statement of the leader of Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis, there are no protest actions against the education reform planned in Ventspils on 15 and 18 May. According to the representative of the city’s Russian-speaking students parents’ committee Marina Djakova, on 18 May a conference devoted to the issues of the education reform is planned. Marina Djakova says that parents are inclined towards the dialogue with government and municipality representatives before expressing their attitude towards the reform.

Contrary to the statement of the leader of Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Jurijs Petropavlovskis, there are no protest actions against the education reform planned in Ventspils on 15 and 18 May. According to the representative of the citys Russian-speaking students parents committee Marina Djakova, on 18 May a conference devoted to the issues of the education reform is planned. Marina Djakova says that parents are inclined towards the dialogue with government and municipality representatives before expressing their attitude towards the reform. Latvijas Avize writes about the planned protest action against the education reform in Liepaja on 15 May. Diena, Latvijas Avize

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have registered 22 000 persons, who are ready to actively defend interests of the Russian community, and to participate in preparations to the United Congress of the Russian community in Latvia.

Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools have registered 22000 persons, who are ready to actively defend interests of the Russian community, and to participate in preparations to the United Congress of the Russian community in Latvia. Vesti Segodnya

During the meeting of the Riga City Council’s Security and Order Committee police representatives have stated that they have no information about ethnic conflicts among young people. At the same time, according to the head of the Committee Andrejs Vilks, committee has received an application about a conflict based on ethnic grounds near Ziepniekkalns primary school in Riga.

During the meeting of the Riga City Councils Security and Order Committee police representatives have stated that they have no information about ethnic conflicts among young people. At the same time, according to the head of the Committee Andrejs Vilks, committee has received an application about a conflict based on ethnic grounds near Ziepniekkalns primary school in Riga. Neatkariga Rita Avize, Latvijas Avize

Saeima has rejected demand of People’s Harmony Party for resignation of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Latvia Imants Rakins due to his statement to the national extremist newspaper DDD that Latvia’s decolonization is a “just thing”. Saeima MPs allegedly believe that there is nothing condemnable in the statement of Imants Rakins.

Saeima has rejected demand of Peoples Harmony Party for resignation of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Latvia Imants Rakins due to his statement to the national extremist newspaper DDD that Latvias decolonization is a just thing. Saeima MPs allegedly believe that there is nothing condemnable in the statement of Imants Rakins. Chas

maijs 13, 2004

  • Board of Peoples Harmony Party will make decision about future support to the government
  • Seminar about the perspectives of society integration policy in Latvia
  • About possible punishment of Saeima MPs organizing unapproved protest actions
  • Deputy of the European Parliament from Peoples Party Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks should resign
  • Interview with President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga about society integration in Latvia
  • About meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science Advisory Council on Minority Education
  • Experts statements about the necessary activities of the police in order to prevent disorder during protest actions against the education reform
Council of People’s Harmony Party (PHP) is planning to make a decision about the future support of the party to the government of Indulis Emsis. According to the head of the Saeima PHP parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics, there are persons in the party not satisfied with the support of the government, as it allegedly is not solving the education reform issue. PHP could also request the establishment of a moratorium on education reform until 2007.

Council of Peoples Harmony Party (PHP) is planning to make a decision about the future support of the party to the government of Indulis Emsis. According to the head of the Saeima PHP parliamentary group Janis Urbanovics, there are persons in the party not satisfied with the support of the government, as it allegedly is not solving the education reform issue. PHP could also request the establishment of a moratorium on education reform until 2007. Diena, Telegraf

Today the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs organizes a seminar to discuss the perspectives of society integration policy in Latvia.

Today the Secretariat of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Affairs organizes a seminar to discuss the perspectives of society integration policy in Latvia. Diena publishes a vision of the Special Task Minister for Society Integration Secretariat Nils Muiznieks on society integration issues after 10 years. Diena

Saeima will soon make a decision about lifting the immunity from prosecution for three Saeima MPs, who have been involved in organizing protest actions, so that they can be punished according to administrative procedure. Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has received a request by the police to approve the punishment of Saeima MP Jakovs Pliners who, according to police protocols, has organized and led unapproved picket and procession against the education reform.

Saeima will soon make a decision about lifting the immunity from prosecution for three Saeima MPs, who have been involved in organizing protest actions, so that they can be punished according to administrative procedure. Saeima Mandate and Submissions Committee has received a request by the police to approve the punishment of Saeima MP Jakovs Pliners who, according to police protocols, has organized and led unapproved picket and procession against the education reform. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize features a critical article by the deputy of the European Parliament from Peoples Party Aleksandrs Kirsteins on expressions of Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks and claims that Nils Muiznieks must resign. Aleksandrs Kirsteins is dissatisfied with the ministers criticism of the expressions of the National Broadcasting Councils chairman Imants Rakins about decolonization as just. Aleksandrs Kirsteins believes that the main task of the minister of integration is to clarify the number of persons, who want to repatriate themselves to their ethnic homeland to provide an opportunity for the government to prepare international agreements with neighboring countries about the establishment of a repatriation foundation and the attraction of international financing for it. Regarding the protest actions against the education reform, Aleksandrs Kirsteins concludes that ‘apparently it is necessary to announce a moratorium on naturalization in order to draw up and implement changes in the naturalization procedure. According to the deputy, emphasis should not be put on the number of persons who naturalize, but on naturalizing only those who are integrated in Latvian culture. Nils Muiznieks lack of understanding of these issues means that he should resign, claims the deputy.

Vesti Segonya reprints an interview with President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga, published in the Russian newspaper Argumenti i Fakti (Arguments and Facts) about social integration and education reform in Latvia.

Russian-language newspapers print articles about the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science Advisory Council on Issues of Minority Education. During  the meeting the Minister of Education and Science informed about the discussion inside the ministry on possibilities to finance activities such as an additional increase of Latvian language lessons in minority schools for grade 10, dividing of classes in two parts during the lessons of Latvian language, publishing of methodological literature and the establishment of bilingual education centre. Former head of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs has asked all members of the Council to support their initiative to discuss the issue of the establishment of moratorium on education reform during the next meeting of the Advisory Council.

Russian-language newspapers print articles about the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science Advisory Council on Issues of Minority Education. During the meeting the Minister of Education and Science informed about the discussion inside the ministry on possibilities to finance activities such as an additional increase of Latvian language lessons in minority schools for grade 10, dividing of classes in two parts during the lessons of Latvian language, publishing of methodological literature and the establishment of bilingual education centre. Former head of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-Language Schools Igors Pimenovs has asked all members of the Council to support their initiative to discuss the issue of the establishment of moratorium on education reform during the next meeting of the Advisory Council. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

Neatkariga Rita Avize features statements of experts and state officials about necessary activities by police in order to prevent the disorder during protest actions against the education reform. Police General Aloizs Visvaldis Blonskis points to the fact that the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-Language Schools has deliberately or unconsciously lost control over the masses of Russian students, who are becoming incresingly aggressive. Blonskis believes that large-scale disorder can result form the slightest spark. Assistant of the chairman of the State Security Police Kristine Apse-Krumina stated that the police has clarified who is behind these protest actions and says that they are not always the same that are in the public eye. Chas, Telegraf

People’s Harmony Party is planning to demand the resignation of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Latvia Imants Rakins due to his expressions to the national extremist newspaper DDD, stating that Latvia’s decolonization ‘is a just thing”. Imants Rakins stresses that he answered the question of the journalist from a historic viewpoint, as he is historian, and says that his statements are only theoretical.

Peoples Harmony Party is planning to demand the resignation of the chairman of the National Broadcasting Council of Latvia Imants Rakins due to his expressions to the national extremist newspaper DDD, stating that Latvias decolonization ‘is a just thing. Imants Rakins stresses that he answered the question of the journalist from a historic viewpoint, as he is historian, and says that his statements are only theoretical. Chas, Telegraf

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