Jan. 23, 2008

  • 333 persons have renounced the citizenship of Latvia in 2007
  • Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration is elaborating a national draft program on strengthening of civil society for 2008-2012
  • NGO Prata Speks has launched sixth season of free-of-charge Latvian language learning courses
According to the Naturalisation Board, 333 persons have renounced the citizenship of Latvia in 2007. The majority of persons renounced citizenship in favour of Russia’s citizenship. 141 of persons are ethnic Russians, 119 – ethnic Latvians.

According to the Naturalisation Board, 333 persons have renounced the citizenship of Latvia in 2007. The majority of persons renounced citizenship in favour of Russias citizenship. 141 of persons are ethnic Russians, 119 – ethnic Latvians. Latvijas Avize

According to the government’s plan for the next 100 days, the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration has to elaborate a national draft program on strengthening of civil society for 2008-2012. Also the Secretariat has to elaborate information report on activities for promotion of repatriation to Latvia of those Latvians who have immigrated to other countries in search for employment.

According to the governments plan for the next 100 days, the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration has to elaborate a national draft program on strengthening of civil society for 2008-2012. Also the Secretariat has to elaborate information report on activities for promotion of repatriation to Latvia of those Latvians who have immigrated to other countries in search for employment. NRA

Vesti Segodnya reports that an NGO Prata Speks has launched sixth season of free-of-charge Latvian language learning courses for naturalisation applicants.

Jan. 22, 2008

  • Today, the Centre for Public Policy Providus holds a presentation of a monitoring on insulting and xenophobic statements made by MPs and in publications in Latvian press
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek: problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia are not solved yet
  • Nationalistic political party All for Latvia! is planning to hold a conference on migration issues in February
Today, the Centre for Public Policy “Providus” holds a presentation of a monitoring on insulting and xenophobic statements made by MPs and in publications in Latvian press. According to a researcher of “Providus” Marija Golubeva, the aim of the monitoring is to measure level of intolerance in political environment and in mass media and to draw the attention of politicians and journalists on such problem. The monitoring shows that Latvian MPs insult political opponents referring to their ethnic belonging and physical features and often make insulting statements towards whole groups of residents, especially ethnic groups. According to the monitoring, the majority of negative media publications concern ethnic policy. Also, Russian language newspapers pay lots of attention to various national radicals.

Today, the Centre for Public Policy Providus holds a presentation of a monitoring on insulting and xenophobic statements made by MPs and in publications in Latvian press. According to a researcher of Providus Marija Golubeva, the aim of the monitoring is to measure level of intolerance in political environment and in mass media and to draw the attention of politicians and journalists on such problem. The monitoring shows that Latvian MPs insult political opponents referring to their ethnic belonging and physical features and often make insulting statements towards whole groups of residents, especially ethnic groups. According to the monitoring, the majority of negative media publications concern ethnic policy. Also, Russian language newspapers pay lots of attention to various national radicals. Vesti Segodnya

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek has stated that problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia are not solved yet. The Commissioner considers that mass-scale non-citizenship and access to high quality education in native language are two main problems in Latvia and Estonia. Mr. Vollebaek is planning to visit Latvia in the end of January.

The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek has stated that problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia are not solved yet. The Commissioner considers that mass-scale non-citizenship and access to high quality education in native language are two main problems in Latvia and Estonia. Mr. Vollebaek is planning to visit Latvia in the end of January. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that the nationalistic political party All for Latvia! is planning to hold a conference on migration issues in February. According to a representative of All for Latvia! Raivis Dzintars, influx of guest workers to Latvia endangers ethnic Latvians and increases risks in many spheres.

Jan. 21, 2008

  • 3,113 foreigners have received official work permits in Latvia in 2007
  • Ombudsman Romans Apsitis: state has to evaluate whether Latvian non-citizens could be guaranteed the same rights as European permanent residents
According to the State Employment Agency, 3,113 foreigners have received official work permits in Latvia in 2007. The majority of guest workers are from Ukraine (961), Moldova (847) and Uzbekistan (343).

According to the State Employment Agency, 3,113 foreigners have received official work permits in Latvia in 2007. The majority of guest workers are from Ukraine (961), Moldova (847) and Uzbekistan (343). Vesti Segodnya, Chas

Chas reports that the Ombudsman Romans Apsitis has replied to a letter of the Saeimas faction for Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) on differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens of Latvia. As reported, the FHRUL has sent to the Ombudsman the list of differences in rights of citizens and non-citizens which describes 80 existing and 51 already cancelled differences in rights between citizens and non-citizens as well as cases when not only Latvian citizens but also citizens of other EU countries in Latvia have advantages over Latvian non-citizens The Ombudsman has stated that the state has to evaluate whether Latvian non-citizens could be guaranteed the same rights as European permanent residents considering that non-citizen are long-term residents of Latvia. The Ombudsman will continue to evaluate individually every case of differences in rights. Chas also reports that recently, members of the FHRUL have sent a letter to the Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins asking to explain the reasons for fall of naturalisation rate and to propose measures to increase the rate again.

Jan. 19, 2008

  • New Latvian Ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Nils Jansons: situation with ethnic minorities in Latvia will remain on OSCEs agenda
  • State Boarder Guard has refused a request from an enterprise to allow the entry of about 1,000 Chinese workers without documents into Latvia
In an interview with

In an interview with Latvijas Avize, the new Latvian Ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Nils Jansons has stated that, although Latvian legal acts and situation mostly comply with the international norms, the situation with ethnic minorities in Latvia as well as in other European countries will remain on OSCEs agenda.

The Head of the State Boarder Guard (SBG) Gunars Dabolins has stated that last year, the SBG has refused a request from an enterprise to allow the entry of about 1,000 Chinese workers without documents who would be employed in a factory in Latvia. In total, according to SBG, 2,663 foreigners were forbidden to enter Latvia in 2007.

The Head of the State Boarder Guard (SBG) Gunars Dabolins has stated that last year, the SBG has refused a request from an enterprise to allow the entry of about 1,000 Chinese workers without documents who would be employed in a factory in Latvia. In total, according to SBG, 2,663 foreigners were forbidden to enter Latvia in 2007. Latvijas Avize, NRA

Jan. 18, 2008

  • Chas prints an article on ethnic Russians in Latvia by historian Viktors Guscins

Chas prints an article by historian Viktors Guscins on ethnic Russians in Latvia. Mr. Guscins argues that Russians in Latvia are neither diaspora, nor post-colonial minority, because they resided in the country historically. The author believes that because of historical links to the country and the size of their community, ethnic Russians of Latvia could be considered not only as a national minority, but also as one of the state-founding communities of Latvia alongside ethnic Latvians and Latgalians.


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