Jan. 30, 2008

  • Government has approved the draft amendments to the Immigration Law prepared by the Ministry of Justice which abolish working permits requirement for some categories of foreigners
  • Telegraf reports about the complaints of some Latvian non-citizens who face problems with border guards in Berlins Schoenefeld airport
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article by the leader of the nationalistic party All for Latvia! Janis Iesalnieks about nationalism in Latvia
Yesterday, the government has approved the draft amendments to the Immigration Law prepared by the Ministry of Justice which abolish working permits requirement for those foreigners who are sent by their employers to Latvia for provision of international services. These amendments concern citizens of non-EU countries who legally employed in any of the EU countries, countries of European Economics zone or in Switzerland. The draft amendments are forwarded to the Saeima for final approval.

Yesterday, the government has approved the draft amendments to the Immigration Law prepared by the Ministry of Justice which abolish working permits requirement for those foreigners who are sent by their employers to Latvia for provision of international services. These amendments concern citizens of non-EU countries who legally employed in any of the EU countries, countries of European Economics zone or in Switzerland. The draft amendments are forwarded to the Saeima for final approval. Telegraf

Telegraf reports about the complaints of some Latvian non-citizens who face problems with border guards in Berlins Schoenefeld airport who were not informed that non-citizens are able to travel within the EU countries without visas.

Latvijas Avize prints an article by the leader of the nationalistic party All for Latvia! Janis Iesalnieks about nationalism in Latvia. According to the article, only nationalism could help ethnic Latvians to preserve their identity, culture and country.

Jan. 29, 2008

  • Most popular parties in Latvia: the Concord Centre, the Union of Greens and Farmers, the New Era
According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 11,2% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima’s elections were held in January. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,7%  of citizens, the New Era by 8,4 %, and the People’s party by 6,5%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 11,2% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeimas elections were held in January. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,7% of citizens, the New Era by 8,4 %, and the Peoples party by 6,5%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize, NRA

Jan. 28, 2008

  • NRA prints an interview with a representative of the Education, Youth and Sport Department of the Riga City Council about possible transition of ethnic minority kindergartens into Latvian language
  • OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek has stated Russia has to admit positive changes in resolution of problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia
  • Chas reports about commemoration events of victims of Nazism
  • Vesti Segodnya prints opinions of its readers about problem of non-citizenship in Latvia
In an interview with

In an interview with NRA, the head of the Preschool Department of the Education, Youth and Sport Department of the Riga City Council Iveta Nagla has stated that one of the main tasks of the Department is actualisation of issues concerning transition of ethnic minority kindergartens into Latvian language. According to Ms. Nagla, Latvian language in minority kindergartens will not implemented as a norm until everything is discussed with Latvian residents. Ms. Nagla has stated that such transition possibly might be tested in a few kindergartens this year.

During the visit to Russia, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek has stated Russia has to admit positive changes in resolution of problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia which were achieved by these countries.

During the visit to Russia, the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Knut Vollebaek has stated Russia has to admit positive changes in resolution of problems of ethnic minorities in Latvia and Estonia which were achieved by these countries. Telegraf

Chas reports about commemoration events of victims of Nazism held by representatives of several Latvian NGOs on 27 January.

Vesti Segodnya prints opinions of its readers about problem of non-citizenship in Latvia. According to one opinion, receiving citizenship by non-citizens would help to increase representation of Russian speakers in the Latvian Parliament. According to others, requirements for Latvian language proficiency in naturalisation examination could be simplified for elder people because they face difficulties in learning the language due to their age.

Jan. 25, 2008

  • Regional Court has sentenced a 23-year-old woman to 120 hours of community service for incitement to ethnic hatred
  • State Border Guard Service has detained 129 persons for attempt to cross Latvian border illegally
  • Saeima has forwarded the draft law on ratification of the social agreement between Latvia and Russia to its committees
  • 4,1 % of Latvian entrepreneurs have employed guest workers in 2007
Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court has sentenced a 23-year-old woman to 120 hours of community service for incitement to ethnic hatred on an Internet forum.  As reported, the woman has placed insulting statement towards Latvia, ethnic Latvians and Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on an internet forum.

Yesterday, the Riga Regional Court has sentenced a 23-year-old woman to 120 hours of community service for incitement to ethnic hatred on an Internet forum. As reported, the woman has placed insulting statement towards Latvia, ethnic Latvians and Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on an internet forum. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

The State Border Guard Service has detained 129 persons for attempt to cross Latvian border illegally in 2007. The majority of detained persons were from Moldova.

The State Border Guard Service has detained 129 persons for attempt to cross Latvian border illegally in 2007. The majority of detained persons were from Moldova. Vesti Segodnya

Yesterday, the Saeima has forwarded the draft law on ratification of the social agreement between Latvia and Russia to its committees. According to the agreement, pensions of about 15, 000 non-citizens will be raised due to the inclusion of years worked in Russia during Soviet times in the total length of their service.

Yesterday, the Saeima has forwarded the draft law on ratification of the social agreement between Latvia and Russia to its committees. According to the agreement, pensions of about 15, 000 non-citizens will be raised due to the inclusion of years worked in Russia during Soviet times in the total length of their service. Vesti Segodnya, Chas, Diena, NRA

According to a business activity index “Parex index”, 4,1 % of questioned Latvian entrepreneurs have employed guest workers in 2007 and 5,2% are planning to employ guest workers in 2008. 41,4% of entrepreneurs support easing requirements for employment of guest workers in Latvia.

According to a business activity index Parex index, 4,1 % of questioned Latvian entrepreneurs have employed guest workers in 2007 and 5,2% are planning to employ guest workers in 2008.41,4% of entrepreneurs support easing requirements for employment of guest workers in Latvia. Diena

Jan. 24, 2008

  • Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov: Russia will continue to maintain a dialogue with Latvian government concerning effective resolution of problems of non-citizenship
  • Latvian Parliament begins process of ratification of the mutual social agreement with Russia
  • Vesti Segodnya reports that Nazi insignia are freely sold in Riga
  • Latvijas Avize prints an article about the draft project Fundamental Principles of Society Integration Policy 2008-2018
The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that Russia will continue to maintain a dialogue with Latvian government concerning effective resolution of problems of non-citizenship in compliance with recommendations of international organisations.

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov has stated that Russia will continue to maintain a dialogue with Latvian government concerning effective resolution of problems of non-citizenship in compliance with recommendations of international organisations. Chas

Today, the Latvian Parliament begins process of ratification of the mutual social agreement with Russia. According to this agreement, pensions of about 15, 000 non-citizens will be raised due to the inclusion of years worked in Russia during Soviet times in the total length of their service. However, the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has stated that it will not support the ratification of agreement because Latvia should not pay non-citizens for time worked in Russia.

Today, the Latvian Parliament begins process of ratification of the mutual social agreement with Russia. According to this agreement, pensions of about 15, 000 non-citizens will be raised due to the inclusion of years worked in Russia during Soviet times in the total length of their service. However, the party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has stated that it will not support the ratification of agreement because Latvia should not pay non-citizens for time worked in Russia. Vesti Segodnya

Vesti Segodnya reports that Nazi medals and other insignia of Nazi Germany are freely sold at some market places in Riga.

Latvijas Avize prints an article about the draft project Fundamental Principles of Society Integration Policy 2008-2018. Columnist criticizes the draft project arguing that it excludes the principles that were the basis of previous integration programme, namely that integration is based on Latvian language and culture, common understanding of history and loyalty towards the state. The new program is based on principles of multiculturalism and promotion of diversity. Columnist also criticizes that the draft project proposes to decrease the number of non-citizens by improving legislation concerning granting of citizenship to elder people and children.

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