Feb. 6, 2008

  • The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins criticizes implementation of norms of the State Language Law in Daugavpils
  • Vesti Segodnya reports that the State Language Agency has launched an information campaign which calls upon non-Latvians to learn Latvian language
  • Majority of Latvian residents have negative attitude towards guest workers
The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins, after a visit to Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia), has stated that the fact that the majority of Daugavpils’ residents are Russian speakers is not an excuse salespersons in the stores cannot give information about the goods in state language or that Russian language is used in municipal structures. Gaidis Berzins is planning to discuss with the director of the State Language Centre activities for the control of implementation of norms of the State Language Law in the city. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Daugavpils Rita Strode has stated that the statements of the Minister are not objective because the young generation in the city freely speaks the state language.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins, after a visit to Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia), has stated that the fact that the majority of Daugavpils residents are Russian speakers is not an excuse salespersons in the stores cannot give information about the goods in state language or that Russian language is used in municipal structures. Gaidis Berzins is planning to discuss with the director of the State Language Centre activities for the control of implementation of norms of the State Language Law in the city. Meanwhile, the Mayor of Daugavpils Rita Strode has stated that the statements of the Minister are not objective because the young generation in the city freely speaks the state language. Chas

Vesti Segodnya reports that the State Language Agency has launched an information campaign which calls upon non-Latvians to learn Latvian language. Meanwhile, the State Language Centre has launched a campaign Friendly Environment for Latvian Language. The aim of the action is to determine the enterprises which readily follow norms of the State Language Law.

According to a survey conducted by the internet portal

According to a survey conducted by the internet portal www.viedokli.lv, the majority of Latvian residents have negative attitude towards guest workers. 29% of respondents support the migration of foreign labour force to Latvia, while 62% are against it. 61% of respondents consider that the guest workers should occupy only low qualified jobs. Vesti Segodnya

Feb. 5, 2008

  • MP Sandra Kalniete: Latvian citizenship could not be granted to everyone
  • European Commission has sent a notification to Latvia on incomplete transposition of European regulations regarding elimination of discrimination at work places
  • Chas prints an article about ethnic minority policy in Latvia
In an interview with

In an interview with Chas the MP Sandra Kalniete (New Era) has stated that despite the fact that Russian speaking residents of Latvia have supported restoration of Latvian independence in 1991, everybody could not be granted Latvian citizenship because Latvia is not a new country but the country which restored its independence. Therefore, according to Mrs. Kalniete, persons who want to become citizens should naturalise.

Diena reports that the European Commission (EC) has issued warnings to Latvia and 13 others EU countries that have not fully transposed European regulations prohibiting discrimination in the work place on grounds of religion, age, disabilities and sexual orientation. The EC criticizes Latvia for too restrictive definition of discrimination in Latvian legislation and too broad exceptions to the ban on age discrimination.

Chas prints an article about ethnic minority policy in Latvia. Columnist believes that all residents who came to Latvia during Soviet times cannot be considered as immigrants because in these times there was one large country USSR. The columnist also believes that Latvia should build its policy based on principle of ethnic diversity.

Feb. 4, 2008

  • FHRUL has sent a request to the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke asking to restore the department of ethnic minority schools
  • Chas reports on a roundtable discussion Language Charter of the Council of Europe: advantages, disadvantages, and perspectives for ratification in Latvia
The Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has sent a request to the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke asking to restore the department of ethnic minority schools.  The FHRUL also asked the Minister to explain the reasons for reduction of number of ethnic minority schools in Latvia.

The Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) has sent a request to the Minister of Education Tatjana Koke asking to restore the department of ethnic minority schools. The FHRUL also asked the Minister to explain the reasons for reduction of number of ethnic minority schools in Latvia. Chas

Chas reports on a roundtable discussion Language Charter of the Council of Europe: advantages, disadvantages, and perspectives for ratification in Latvia held on 3 February in Riga. The MEP from Latvia Tatjana Zdanoka has stated that ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which is only signed by Latvia, would promote assertion and preservation of linguistic rights of ethnic minorities in Latvia.

Feb. 2, 2008

  • Naturalisation Board has launched a project Citizenship – My Responsibility, Rights and Opportunities
  • NRA reports about a book Ethnic Minorities in Latvia: History and Present

Vesti Segodnya reports that the Naturalisation Board (NB) has launched a project Citizenship – My Responsibility, Rights and Opportunities. In the framework of the project, the NB will inform the residents of Latvia about opportunities to receive Latvian citizenship.

NRA reports about a book Ethnic Minorities in Latvia: History and Present issued by the Philosophy and History Institute of the University of Latvia. The book tells about the history and current situation of all ethnic minorities in Latvia.

Jan. 31, 2008

  • The Concord Centre has repeatedly drafted a bill stipulating granting status of public holiday to Orthodox Christmas
  • Telegraf reports that 20 teacher assistants will start working in classes with Roma pupils on 1 September 2008
  • Inspectors of the State Language Centre have fined three medical nurses for insufficient usage of Latvian language
  • According to a study conducted by the State Language Agency, number of Russian speaking residents of Latvia who use Latvian language has grown during the past 10 years
  • Chas prints an article by the member of political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Viktors Guscins on merger of Russian parties in Latvia
The Concord Centre has repeatedly drafted a bill stipulating granting status of public holiday to Orthodox Christmas on 6 and 7 January. The Saeima will review the bill today.

The Concord Centre has repeatedly drafted a bill stipulating granting status of public holiday to Orthodox Christmas on 6 and 7 January. The Saeima will review the bill today. Chas, Telegraf

Telegraf reports that 20 teacher assistants will start working in classes with Roma pupils on 1 September 2008 in the framework of the national Roma integration programme elaborated by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration. The assistants (ethnic Roma) will help children to learn the new education subjects and to complete homework. Also the assistants will visit those Roma families who prevent children from going to school or do not control education of their children, informing about the importance of education.

In January, the inspectors of the State Language Centre have fined three medical nurses for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work. 

In January, the inspectors of the State Language Centre have fined three medical nurses for insufficient usage of Latvian language at work. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

According to a study conducted by the State Language Agency, number of Russian speaking residents of Latvia who use Latvian language has grown during the past 10 years, while usage of Russian language by ethnic Latvian has fallen. The study shows that 60% of Russian speakers have good state language proficiency and only 7% of respondents do not know Latvia at all.

According to a study conducted by the State Language Agency, number of Russian speaking residents of Latvia who use Latvian language has grown during the past 10 years, while usage of Russian language by ethnic Latvian has fallen. The study shows that 60% of Russian speakers have good state language proficiency and only 7% of respondents do not know Latvia at all. Telegraf

Chas prints an article by the member of political party For Human Rights in United Latvia Viktors Guscins on merger of Russian parties in Latvia. Mr. Guscins believes that the biggest so-called pro-Russian parties – the Concord Centre, FHRUL and Socialistic party should run for elections to the municipal elections in 2009 within one election list. Mr. Guscins believes that Russian parties should merge with an aim to stop national radicals in Latvia.

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