aprīlis 22, 2009

  • Study: new large emigration wave of residents from the Baltic States is expected
According to a study conducted by a researcher of the University of Latvia Mihails Hazans, a new large emigration wave of residents from the Baltic States is expected in the near future due to economic recession. Mr. Hazans considers that the main reason which will force people to leave their country is joblessness.

According to a study conducted by a researcher of the University of Latvia Mihails Hazans, a new large emigration wave of residents from the Baltic States is expected in the near future due to economic recession. Mr. Hazans considers that the main reason which will force people to leave their country is joblessness. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

aprīlis 21, 2009

  • National Power Union of Fatherland is planning to hold a public event Red Army – Liberators or War Criminals in then centre of Riga on 9 May
  • Russian TV journalist Leonid Mlechin: Russians see Latvia as country-betrayer
  • State Border Guard Service regularly detains citizens of Asian and African countries who attempt to travel to other European countries via Latvia illegally
  • Diena prints an article about history of Riga Ghetto
The radical organisation National Power Union of Fatherland is planning to hold a public event “Red Army – Liberators or War Criminals” in then centre of Riga on 9 May (Victory Day). According to the leader of the organisation Viktors Birze, the aim of the event is to prove to the society that Red Army occupied Latvia and 9 May cannot be a day of celebration.

The radical organisation National Power Union of Fatherland is planning to hold a public event Red Army – Liberators or War Criminals in then centre of Riga on 9 May (Victory Day). According to the leader of the organisation Viktors Birze, the aim of the event is to prove to the society that Red Army occupied Latvia and 9 May cannot be a day of celebration. Chas, Telegraf

Famous Russian TV journalist Leonid Mlechin in an interview with

Famous Russian TV journalist Leonid Mlechin in an interview with Chas states that many Russians see Latvia as a country-betrayer because they believe that Latvia received a lot of help during Soviet times, however, after Latvia became independent it turned its back to Russia. Latvian policy towards Russian speaking residents and marches of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires on 16 March reinforce negative Latvias image in Russia.

Chas reports that the State Border Guard Service regularly detains citizens of Asian and African countries who attempt to travel to other European countries via Latvia illegally. Recently, a citizen of Morocco was placed in Olaine camp for illegal immigrants who tried to travel from Riga to Norway using fake Spanish residency permit.

Diena prints an article about history of Riga Ghetto which was established in 23 August 1941 and liquidated in 2 November 1943 when remainder Jews were transferred to concentration camps.

aprīlis 20, 2009

  • Mayor of the Riga City Council Janis Birks: aim of the FF/LNIM is ethnic Latvian Riga
  • Saeima will review a new draft law stipulating options for teaching in state higher education establishments in foreign languages including Russian
  • Head of an NGO Russian Community Vjaceslavs Altuhovs: during economic crisis Russians are more vulnerable than ethnic Latvians
The Mayor of the Riga City Council Janis Birks at pre-election congress of his party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) stated that aim of the FF/LNIM is ethnic Latvian Riga. According to the newspapers, the members of the FF/LNIM are concerned about their low popularity among Riga residents and they see “pro-Russian” parties as their main enemies.

The Mayor of the Riga City Council Janis Birks at pre-election congress of his party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) stated that aim of the FF/LNIM is ethnic Latvian Riga. According to the newspapers, the members of the FF/LNIM are concerned about their low popularity among Riga residents and they see pro-Russian parties as their main enemies. Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

According to a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Saeima will review a new draft law which among other things might stipulate options for teaching in state higher education establishments in foreign languages including Russian. Such norm would promote export of Latvian higher education in the future, when the number of students from Latvia will decrease.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Saeima will review a new draft law which among other things might stipulate options for teaching in state higher education establishments in foreign languages including Russian. Such norm would promote export of Latvian higher education in the future, when the number of students from Latvia will decrease. Telegraf

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with the head of an NGO Russian Community Vjaceslavs Altuhovs. According to Mr. Altuhovs, during economic crisis Russians are more vulnerable than ethnic Latvians because average earnings and job positions of Russian speaking residents are lower.

aprīlis 17, 2009

  • Ministry of Welfare elaborated draft amendments to the Law on State Pensions stipulating equal approach to calculation of pensions to citizens and non-citizens of Latvia
  • Round table discussion Cultural-Informative Space in Baltic States and Russia: What Unites Us? held yesterday in Riga

Telegraf reports that the Ministry of Welfare elaborated draft amendments to the Law on State Pensions stipulating elimination of discrimination and ensuring equal approach to calculation of pensions to citizens and non-citizens of Latvia, including years of service during the Soviet times. The newspaper notes that the basis for such amendments is judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in favour of a Latvian pensioner, non-citizen Natalija Andrejeva who objected the fact that the years of her employment during the Soviet times at an enterprise located in Latvia but subordinated to lead organisations in Moscow and Kiev is not included in the total length of service on the ground that she does not have Latvian citizenship.


Newspapers reports about a round table discussion Cultural-Informative Space in Baltic States and Russia: What Unites Us? held yesterday in Riga. Representatives of Latvian and Russian mass media took part in the discussion. The main conclusion of the round table is that Baltic States and Russia are united by culture, while separated by distinct understanding of history. According to a famous Russian journalist Aleksey Benediktov, Russians will never accept assertion that the Red Army is an occupant and that Latvian Waffen SS legionaries are heroes. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Telegraf

aprīlis 16, 2009

  • FHRUL again proposes to grant non-citizens rights to vote in the EP elections
  • Chas reports about new methodic materials on development and cultural education of students in Russian language schools
  • Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with a candidate to the European Parliament from Latvia Alfreds Rubiks
  • NGO Peoples Friendship Society starts to reveal concrete cases of manifestation of friendliness and unfriendliness between representatives of various ethnicities in Latvia
Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) again elaborated draft amendments to the Law on the European Parliament’s elections proposing to grant non-citizens rights to vote in the elections. The FHRUL proposes to review the draft amendments immediately and to set the date when the amendments come into force 7 June – the next day after the EP elections.

Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL) again elaborated draft amendments to the Law on the European Parliaments elections proposing to grant non-citizens rights to vote in the elections. The FHRUL proposes to review the draft amendments immediately and to set the date when the amendments come into force 7 June – the next day after the EP elections. Chas

Chas reports about new methodic materials on development and cultural education of students Russian School in Latvia in XXI century. According to the editors of the materials, it provides new approach to organization of study and education process in Russian language schools and strives to cover Russian culture throughout the whole education system. The materials will be handed to all Russian language schools in Latvia and pedagogic faculties of higher education establishments.

Vesti Segodnya prints an interview with a candidate to the European Parliament from Latvia, leader of Latvian Socialistic Party and the only political ex-prisoner in independent Latvia Alfreds Rubiks. Mr. Rubiks is prohibited to stand in parliamentary and municipal elections in Latvia due to his political past. According to Mr. Rubiks, the European Union should pay more attention on situation with non-citizens in Latvia. Mr. Rubiks believes that non-citizens should be recognized as citizens automatically or at least should be recognized as citizens of the EU without specific national citizenship.

Vesti Segodnya reports about an NGO Peoples Friendship Society which started to reveal concrete cases of manifestation of friendliness and unfriendliness between representatives of various ethnicities in Latvia. The first activity of the NGO is to reveal goods made in Latvia which are marked or not marked in Russian language. The NGO will make public list of goods friendly and unfriendly towards Russian speaking costumers calling to boycott goods without Russian language labeling.

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