maijs 24, 2006

  • Special Assignment Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone: Latvian society is not divided along ethnic lines
  • Security Police asked the Prosecutors Office to initiate a criminal process against a 15- year-old person for the incitement to ethnic hatred
  • Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix visited the Latvian Centre for Human Rights
  • Social and Employment Matters Committee supported to provide free Latvian language courses for the unemployed
  • FHRUL proposes to grant the status of politically repressed person also to non-citizens
  • 618 persons were granted citizenship
The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone in an interview with

The Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Karina Petersone in an interview with Telegraf stated that in reality Latvian society is not divided by ethnic lines and in fact all residents of Latvia live in peace and harmony: strong confrontation is a stereotype which is produced by politicians and distributed by the mass media. There are some oppositions, but neither must we nor the mass media must focus attention on them. First of all, we need to understand that we all live in one economic space.

The Security Police asked the Prosecutor’s Office to initiate a criminal process against a 15- year-old person for the incitement to ethnic hatred. The person published offensive statements towards Russians on the internet portal DELFI.

The Security Police asked the Prosecutors Office to initiate a criminal process against a 15- year-old person for the incitement to ethnic hatred. The person published offensive statements towards Russians on the internet portal DELFI. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, Diena

Yesterday, Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix, in the framework of her official visit to Latvia, visited the human rights NGO Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR). The main discussion subjects were the situation of minorities and development of civil society.

Yesterday, Queen of the Netherlands Beatrix, in the framework of her official visit to Latvia, visited the human rights NGO Latvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR). The main discussion subjects were the situation of minorities and development of civil society. Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Saeima’s Social and Employment Affairs Committee reviewed the draft amendments to the Law on Support of the Unemployed and Job Seekers elaborated by the Saeima’s faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). FHRUL proposed to provide Latvian language courses and re-qualification courses for the unemployed not only in Latvian, but also in ethnic minority languages. The Committee supported the proposal to provide Latvian language courses for the unemployed free of charge. FHRUL believes that unemployment is one of the main problems which hinders development and integration of the society: “about a half of all unemployed are Russian-speaking residents… we believe, that the main obstacle for their re-integration in the labour market is that all re-qualification courses are only in Latvian.”

Yesterday, the Saeimas Social and Employment Affairs Committee reviewed the draft amendments to the Law on Support of the Unemployed and Job Seekers elaborated by the Saeimas faction For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). FHRUL proposed to provide Latvian language courses and re-qualification courses for the unemployed not only in Latvian, but also in ethnic minority languages. The Committee supported the proposal to provide Latvian language courses for the unemployed free of charge. FHRUL believes that unemployment is one of the main problems which hinders development and integration of the society: about a half of all unemployed are Russian-speaking residents… we believe, that the main obstacle for their re-integration in the labour market is that all re-qualification courses are only in Latvian. Chas

FHRUL has elaborated draft amendments to the Law on Determination of the Status of the Politically Repressed Person. FHRUL proposes to grant the status of the politically repressed person also to Latvian non-citizens. Presently, non-citizens are not entitled to the status.

FHRUL has elaborated draft amendments to the Law on Determination of the Status of the Politically Repressed Person. FHRUL proposes to grant the status of the politically repressed person also to Latvian non-citizens. Presently, non-citizens are not entitled to the status. Chas

Yesterday, the government granted Latvian citizenship 618 persons who went through the naturalisation process.

Yesterday, the government granted Latvian citizenship 618 persons who went through the naturalisation process. Chas

maijs 23, 2006

  • Prosecutors Office started a criminal prosecution against Aleksandrs Gilmans for anti-governmental statements
  • ‘Anti-fascistic conference in Riga
  • Chas columnist provides his arguments why Russians in Latvia do not vote for right-wing parties
Yesterday, the Prosecutor’s Office initiated a criminal prosecution against the activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans. The Prosecutor argues that the statements made by Aleksandrs Gilmans on the internet forum on the Headquarters’ homepage are anti-governmental and contain a call for forcible overturn of the Latvian state authority.

Yesterday, the Prosecutors Office initiated a criminal prosecution against the activist of the Headquarters for the Defense of Russian-language Schools Aleksandrs Gilmans. The Prosecutor argues that the statements made by Aleksandrs Gilmans on the internet forum on the Headquarters homepage are anti-governmental and contain a call for forcible overturn of the Latvian state authority. Chas, Latvijas Avize

Tomorrow, a number of socialist, communist and “green” European parties (from Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia) will take part in an “anti-fascist” conference “We will not Allow the Rebirth of Fascism and Nazism in Europe, Especially in the Baltic States” which will be hold in Riga. Participants will discuss confrontation between neo-Nazi’s and anti-fascistic movements in Europe. One of the organizers of the conference, the leader of the Latvian Socialistic Party Alfreds Rubiks, stated that the attempts to rehabilitate the Latvian WWII legionaries in Latvia will be discussed as well.

Tomorrow, a number of socialist, communist and green European parties (from Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia) will take part in an anti-fascist conference We will not Allow the Rebirth of Fascism and Nazism in Europe, Especially in the Baltic States which will be hold in Riga. Participants will discuss confrontation between neo-Nazis and anti-fascistic movements in Europe. One of the organizers of the conference, the leader of the Latvian Socialistic Party Alfreds Rubiks, stated that the attempts to rehabilitate the Latvian WWII legionaries in Latvia will be discussed as well. Vesti Segodnya

Chas columnist provides his arguments why Russians in Latvia vote for left-wing parties rather than for right-wing parties. The columnist argues that the reason is that right-wing parties are Latvian-oriented and ignore the interests of Russian-speaking residents.

maijs 22, 2006

  • Only 15 % of non-Latvians trust the Latvian Parliament
  • Representatives of Russian NGOs in the Baltic States have established the Union of Russian Communities in Europe
  • Representative of the Russian President Administration Modest Kolerov: Russian-speaking residents of Latvia are full-fledged citizens of the country
  • Seven Somalians have repeatedly assigned an application for an asylum in Latvia
According to academic Brigita Zepa only 15 % of non-Latvians (compared to 25 % of Latvians) trust in the Latvian Parliament of Latvia. Brigita Zepa stated that in the beginning of the 90ies the share of Latvians and non-Latvians who trusted the government were equal. She explains the changes arguing that frustrations about state policies and practices have grown because a large part of Latvia’s residents is not able to participate in the decision making process.

According to academic Brigita Zepa only 15 % of non-Latvians (compared to 25 % of Latvians) trust in the Latvian Parliament of Latvia. Brigita Zepa stated that in the beginning of the 90ies the share of Latvians and non-Latvians who trusted the government were equal. She explains the changes arguing that frustrations about state policies and practices have grown because a large part of Latvias residents is not able to participate in the decision making process. Chas

Representatives of Russian NGOs in the Baltic States, in the framework of  a three-day conference “Dialogue as Means of Preservation of Ethno-cultural Self-sufficiency” held in Vilnius, have signed a declaration on the establishment of the Union of Russian Communities in Europe. The main aims of the Union are: rasing awareness of the problems faced by Russian-speaking residents in the EU; consolidation of Russian-speakers; and strengthening of ties between Russians in the EU and Russians in Russia.

Representatives of Russian NGOs in the Baltic States, in the framework of a three-day conference Dialogue as Means of Preservation of Ethno-cultural Self-sufficiency held in Vilnius, have signed a declaration on the establishment of the Union of Russian Communities in Europe. The main aims of the Union are: rasing awareness of the problems faced by Russian-speaking residents in the EU; consolidation of Russian-speakers; and strengthening of ties between Russians in the EU and Russians in Russia. Chas

A representative of the Russian President Administration Modest Kolerov in an interview with

A representative of the Russian President Administration Modest Kolerov in an interview with Vesti Segodnya stated that Russian-speaking residents of Latvia are not the consequences of occupation but full-fledged citizens of the country. Modest Kolerov believed that migration of Russians to Russia has to be totally on voluntary basis and no pressure should be made.

Seven Somalians, who arrived to Latvia in 2005, have re-applied for asylum in Latvia to the Ministry of Justice. As reported, once the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs already took the decision to deny seven Somalians the status of the refugee.

Seven Somalians, who arrived to Latvia in 2005, have re-applied for asylum in Latvia to the Ministry of Justice. As reported, once the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs already took the decision to deny seven Somalians the status of the refugee. Diena

maijs 20, 2006

  • Saeima will review the draft amendments to the Immigration and Repatriation Law proposed by FF/LNIM
  • Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Russia will continue to follow the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia
  • Janis Urbanovics: Latvians will not be able to preserve their culture and nation if they ignore Russians living in Latvia
The party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has forwarded to the Saeima draft amendments to the Repatriation and Immigration Law.  FF/LNIM proposes to encourage repatriation of Latvians currently residing in foreign countries, at the same time promote voluntary deportation of persons who are “disloyal” towards the state. FF/LNIM considers that “disloyal” persons are those who arrived to Latvia during the Soviet period and do not recognise Latvia as an independent and democratic state, that is the member of the EU and NATO, and its only official state language - Latvian.

The party For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM has forwarded to the Saeima draft amendments to the Repatriation and Immigration Law. FF/LNIM proposes to encourage repatriation of Latvians currently residing in foreign countries, at the same time promote voluntary deportation of persons who are disloyal towards the state. FF/LNIM considers that disloyal persons are those who arrived to Latvia during the Soviet period and do not recognise Latvia as an independent and democratic state, that is the member of the EU and NATO, and its only official state language - Latvian. Chas

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov in an interview with

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov in an interview with Latvijas Avize stated that Russia during its presidency in the European Council (Russia has took on presidency for six months) will follow the implementation of all recommendations on the situation of ethnic minorities in Latvia.

The member of the party “The Concord Centre” Janis Urbanovics stated that Latvians will not be able to preserve their culture and nation if they ignore and reject Russians who live in Latvia. He argued that “If Russians leave Latvia, then immigrants from other countries and completely different cultures would come to Latvia as guest workers. And how will Latvians get along with them?”

The member of the party The Concord Centre Janis Urbanovics stated that Latvians will not be able to preserve their culture and nation if they ignore and reject Russians who live in Latvia. He argued that If Russians leave Latvia, then immigrants from other countries and completely different cultures would come to Latvia as guest workers. And how will Latvians get along with them? NRA

maijs 19, 2006

  • Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Education Law proposed by FHRUL
  • Advisory Council on Issues of Minority Education formed a new sub-commission the Education Content and Examination Centre
  • Conference Dialogue as Means of Preservation of Ethno-cultural Self-sufficiency takes place in Vilnius
  • Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs criticizes Latvia for the situation of Russian-speaking residents
  • Writer Leonid Koval talks about the Holocaust in Latvia
Yesterday, the Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Education Law elaborated by the political union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). As, reported, FHRUL proposed to grant authority to school self-governments in taking decisions about the choice of languages of instruction. The MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM) stated that the proposals are provocation and attempt to decrease use of the Latvian language in schools.

Yesterday, the Saeima rejected the draft amendments to the Education Law elaborated by the political union For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). As, reported, FHRUL proposed to grant authority to school self-governments in taking decisions about the choice of languages of instruction. The MP Juris Dobelis (FF/LNIM) stated that the proposals are provocation and attempt to decrease use of the Latvian language in schools. Chas, Latvijas Avize

The Advisory Council on Issues of Minority Education formed a new subcommission - the Centre for Education Content and Examination and selected its members.  The Minister of Education Baiba Rivza stated that a dialogue with representatives of ethnic minorities is very essential in regard of improvement of the quality and content of education.

The Advisory Council on Issues of Minority Education formed a new subcommission - the Centre for Education Content and Examination and selected its members. The Minister of Education Baiba Rivza stated that a dialogue with representatives of ethnic minorities is very essential in regard of improvement of the quality and content of education. Chas

Representatives of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are taking part in a three-day conference “Dialogue as Means of Preservation of Ethno-cultural Self-sufficiency” held in Vilnius (Lithuania). The main discussion topic is the situation of Russian residents in the Baltic States.

Representatives of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are taking part in a three-day conference Dialogue as Means of Preservation of Ethno-cultural Self-sufficiency held in Vilnius (Lithuania). The main discussion topic is the situation of Russian residents in the Baltic States. Chas

Yesterday, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov on the session of the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee criticized Latvia for discrimination against Russian-speaking residents and for slow speed of naturalisation.

Yesterday, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov on the session of the European Parliaments Foreign Affairs Committee criticized Latvia for discrimination against Russian-speaking residents and for slow speed of naturalisation. Vesti Segodnya, Latvijas Avize

On Tuesday, Latvian writer Leonid Koval presented books about the Holocaust in Latvia to representatives of ethnic minority organisations. Leonid Koval stated that society’s awareness of the Holocaust is essential and reproached Latvia for justifying Latvian II WW legionnaires.

On Tuesday, Latvian writer Leonid Koval presented books about the Holocaust in Latvia to representatives of ethnic minority organisations. Leonid Koval stated that societys awareness of the Holocaust is essential and reproached Latvia for justifying Latvian II WW legionnaires. Vesti Segodnya


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