maijs 24, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Telegraf interviews deputy chairperson of the Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev. He is not satisfied with the quality of the relations between Latvia and Russia and believes that some people from Western countries are intentionally preventing normalisation of relations.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Law on Passports and Identification Cards. Latvian residents will be able to receive the passports of the new format only after September 1 instead of the earlier scheduled date July 1, 2002.

Yesterday the Saeima adopted the Law on Passports and Identification Cards. Latvian residents will be able to receive the passports of the new format only after September 1 instead of the earlier scheduled date July 1, 2002. Diena

Chas stresses that it will be up to a holder of the new passport to provide information about his/her nationality (ethnic origin). The newspaper notes that in a couple of years ID cards will be the main documents of all residents of Latvia who have reached the age of 16.

Chas stresses that it will be up to a holder of the new passport to provide information about his/her nationality (ethnic origin). The newspaper notes that in a couple of years ID cards will be the main documents of all residents of Latvia who have reached the age of 16. Vesti Segodnja, Panorama Latvii

Daugavpils City Council Mayor Rihards Eigims’ party will not form a coalition with any party to run for the 8th Saeima elections.

Daugavpils City Council Mayor Rihards Eigims party will not form a coalition with any party to run for the 8th Saeima elections. Diena, Panorama Latvii

Today Several NGOs are organising the conference “Latvia on the Way to 2002. Integration, Alternatives,” which will discuss issues and problems concerning social integration in Latvia.

Today Several NGOs are organising the conference Latvia on the Way to 2002. Integration, Alternatives, which will discuss issues and problems concerning social integration in Latvia. BNS

An international conference Christians and Jews will take place on May 26-30.

Vesti Segodnja

maijs 23, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

The draft EU Progress Report praises Latvia’s achievements in the EU accession talks. However, Latvia should continue to pay more attention to social integration and strengthening of the court system. The author of the report Elizabeth Shroedter congratulated Latvia on amending the election laws and suggested Latvia postpone the planned switch of secondary schools in 2004 to instruction in the Latvian language. Shroedter stressed that this is only a suggestion and not a precondition for Latvia’s accession to the EU. Latvian minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins stated that the suggestion is not binding on Latvia and hasty conclusions do not foster social integration in Latvia.

The draft EU Progress Report praises Latvias achievements in the EU accession talks. However, Latvia should continue to pay more attention to social integration and strengthening of the court system. The author of the report Elizabeth Shroedter congratulated Latvia on amending the election laws and suggested Latvia postpone the planned switch of secondary schools in 2004 to instruction in the Latvian language. Shroedter stressed that this is only a suggestion and not a precondition for Latvias accession to the EU. Latvian minister of Foreign Affairs Indulis Berzins stated that the suggestion is not binding on Latvia and hasty conclusions do not foster social integration in Latvia. Diena

Yesterday Ambassador of the US Brian Carlson held a meeting with head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane and voiced his support for naturalisation in Latvia. He stated that he is satisfied with the performance of the Naturalisation Board and its head Eizenija Aldermane and believes that naturalisation is a very well run process.

Yesterday Ambassador of the US Brian Carlson held a meeting with head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane and voiced his support for naturalisation in Latvia. He stated that he is satisfied with the performance of the Naturalisation Board and its head Eizenija Aldermane and believes that naturalisation is a very well run process. Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

The Saeima turned down the proposal of FF/LNNK to review the amendments, which would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. The rejected proposals would also have given a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty.

The Saeima turned down the proposal of FF/LNNK to review the amendments, which would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. The rejected proposals would also have given a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty. Diena, Panorama Latvii

The Saeima Committee on Human Rights decided to postpone the review of the issue concerning the expansion of the list of politically repressed persons, in particular, giving this status to non-citizens as well. The proposal will be reviewed after the 8th Saeima elections.

The Saeima Committee on Human Rights decided to postpone the review of the issue concerning the expansion of the list of politically repressed persons, in particular, giving this status to non-citizens as well. The proposal will be reviewed after the 8th Saeima elections. Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize

reports that LATO – a pro-NATO NGO in Latvia – and the NGO Western Russians have launched a campaign aimed at convincing Russian-speakers and Latvian non-citizens to support Latvias NATO membership. The representatives of the above mentioned organisations believe that it is not normal that between ethnic groups in Latvia there are diverging opinions concerning security issues. According to a recent poll conducted by the company SKDS, only 27% of Russians residing in Latvia support Latvias aspirations to NATO. Representatives of the two NGOs believe that the key argument is that NATO will increase the security of Russians and it is hoped that Russians will realise that. reports that LATO – a pro-NATO NGO in Latvia – and the NGO “Western Russians” have launched a campaign aimed at convincing Russian-speakers and Latvian non-citizens to support Latvia’s NATO membership. The representatives of the above mentioned organisations believe that it is not normal that between ethnic groups in Latvia there are diverging opinions concerning security issues. According to a recent poll conducted by the company SKDS, only 27% of Russians residing in Latvia support Latvia’s aspirations to NATO. Representatives of the two NGOs believe that the key argument is that NATO will increase the security of Russians and it is hoped that Russians will realise that. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii


writes about the Russian factor in the New Eras party program on language and ethnic policy. The newspaper recalls that Einars Repse was one of the founders of FF/LNNK and notes that language professor Ina Druviete is the responsible expert for developing the partys language policy. writes about the Russian factor in the New Era’s party program on language and ethnic policy. The newspaper recalls that Einars Repse was one of the founders of FF/LNNK and notes that language professor Ina Druviete is the responsible expert for developing the party’s language policy. Panorama LatviiPanorama Latvii Language issues are also prominent in another form of print media – special newspapers issued by political parties in this pre-election season. For example, the May issue of the FF/LNNK newspaper

Language issues are also prominent in another form of print media – special newspapers issued by political parties in this pre-election season. For example, the May issue of the FF/LNNK newspaper Tevzemes avize contains three articles on language issues: the need to create a new state language agency, disagreements within the Riga City Council on language-related issues and the recent Constitutional amendments. The paper also contains an article by Riga City Council deputy Vilnis Zarins on The Role of the Russian Press in the Process of Social Integration.


(on 22.05.02) writes about the book published by the Cultural Association of Russians in Latvia. The book reflects the opinions of Russian intellectuals and culture figures residing in Latvia. In the presentation of the book the members of the Association stressed that the Association was formed to support Latvians. (on 22.05.02) writes about the book published by the Cultural Association of Russians in Latvia. The book reflects the opinions of Russian intellectuals and culture figures residing in Latvia. In the presentation of the book the members of the Association stressed that the Association was formed to support Latvians.

maijs 22, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies


columnist Aivars Ozolins comments on the amendments proposed by FF/LNNK. The proposed amendments would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. Moreover, the proposed amendments would give a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty. Ozolins stresses that FF/LNNK will probably continue with similar populistic national patriotic proposals and statements till the 8th Saeima elections in an effort to consolidate voter support. Ozolins harshly criticises FF/LNNK and concludes that local governments should observe laws stipulating that the Latvian language is the working language. However, administrative fines and not political repression should be imposed for violating language laws and regulations. columnist Aivars Ozolins comments on the amendments proposed by FF/LNNK. The proposed amendments would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. Moreover, the proposed amendments would give a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty. Ozolins stresses that FF/LNNK will probably continue with similar populistic “national patriotic” proposals and statements till the 8th Saeima elections in an effort to consolidate voter support. Ozolins harshly criticises FF/LNNK and concludes that local governments should observe laws stipulating that the Latvian language is the working language. However, administrative fines and not political repression should be imposed for violating language laws and regulations.


writes about the ongoing investigation of the Naturalisation Board. Dita Araja writes, there is no hope that the investigation could come to an end in the nearest future, because the governing parties do not share one opinion about the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position. Political scientist Artis Pabriks states that people who are trying to dismiss Aldermane are short-sighted politicians. He notes that the international community values the Naturalisation Board as one of the best-run state institutions. writes about the ongoing investigation of the Naturalisation Board. Dita Araja writes, “there is no hope that the investigation could come to an end in the nearest future, because the governing parties do not share one opinion about the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position.” Political scientist Artis Pabriks states that people who are trying to dismiss Aldermane are short-sighted politicians. He notes that the international community values the Naturalisation Board as one of the best-run state institutions. The Rezekne City Council has accepted the reorganisation of the Polish Primary School into the Polish Secondary School. Rezekne Polish Primary School was established in 1993 and now has 341 students.

The Rezekne City Council has accepted the reorganisation of the Polish Primary School into the Polish Secondary School. Rezekne Polish Primary School was established in 1993 and now has 341 students. Diena

Historian Leo Dribins has conducted research on the history of the Jewish community in Latvia and shares the results in a long piece in

Historian Leo Dribins has conducted research on the history of the Jewish community in Latvia and shares the results in a long piece in Diena. He states that being aware of Jewish culture only enriches all of us.

The Days of Lithuania start today in Riga.

The Days of Lithuania start today in Riga. Chas interviews Lithuanian President Algirdas Brazauskas. The President states that the key priorities of Lithuania are integration in the EU and urbanisation. The President states that Lithuania is not looking back and dealing with old issues. Vesti Segodnja


reports that yesterday the State Duma of the Russian Federation listened to reports of the representatives of the Compatriot Council about the situation of Russians residing abroad. According to the reports the most difficult situation is for Russians residing in Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The newspaper concludes that Russians residing outside Russia should not rely on or expect any support from the Russian Federation. reports that yesterday the State Duma of the Russian Federation listened to reports of the representatives of the Compatriot Council about the situation of Russians residing abroad. According to the reports the most difficult situation is for Russians residing in Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. The newspaper concludes that Russians residing outside Russia should not rely on or expect any support from the Russian Federation. A week of Slavic culture is organised in Daugavpils. Exhibitions, concerts and discussions devoted to Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian culture will take place in the city.

A week of Slavic culture is organised in Daugavpils. Exhibitions, concerts and discussions devoted to Russian, Belarussian and Ukrainian culture will take place in the city. Vesti Segodnja

maijs 21, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Latvia’s Way and the People’s Party have asked FF/LNNK to withdraw its proposed amendments to the Law on Local Governments and Law on the Status of a Member of the Saeima and Local Governments. The proposed amendments would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. Moreover, the proposed amendments would give a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty. FF/LNNKs coalition partners oppose the proposed amendments and believe that the status of the state language is already secured in the Constitution. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that the current political situation is very unfavourable for proposing any new amendments concerning language requirements, which could hinder Latvia’s NATO aspirations.

Latvias Way and the Peoples Party have asked FF/LNNK to withdraw its proposed amendments to the Law on Local Governments and Law on the Status of a Member of the Saeima and Local Governments. The proposed amendments would require the dismissal of a council of the local government if it does not observe language requirements stipulated by the Constitution and other laws. Moreover, the proposed amendments would give a council the right to annul the mandate of a member of local government who does not know the state language on the level necessary to perform his/her professional duty. FF/LNNKs coalition partners oppose the proposed amendments and believe that the status of the state language is already secured in the Constitution. Prime Minister Andris Berzins stated that the current political situation is very unfavourable for proposing any new amendments concerning language requirements, which could hinder Latvias NATO aspirations. Diena, Lauku Avize, Chas, Telegraf, Panorama Latvii

Yesterday the Coalition Council did not review the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position. FF/LNNK chairperson Maris Grinblats statedthat his party will suggest such a review in an upcoming Coalition Council session.

Yesterday the Coalition Council did not review the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for her position. FF/LNNK chairperson Maris Grinblats statedthat his party will suggest such a review in an upcoming Coalition Council session. Diena, Lauku Avize

Lauku Avize interviews Saeima Speaker Janis Straume of FF/LNNK. He believes that Latvia should be protected from “the return of hostile forces,” particularly with regard to local government elections as “we can see that after that [elections] a city implements its own foreign policy.” Regarding social integration Janis Straume agrees with the journalist that “the Naturalisation Board gives Latvian citizenship to those who do not care at all about Latvia.” He states that in the current political situation it is possible only to think about making the naturalisation procedure stricter, but maybe the situation will change in the future.

Lauku Avize interviews Saeima Speaker Janis Straume of FF/LNNK. He believes that Latvia should be protected from the return of hostile forces, particularly with regard to local government elections as we can see that after that [elections] a city implements its own foreign policy. Regarding social integration Janis Straume agrees with the journalist that the Naturalisation Board gives Latvian citizenship to those who do not care at all about Latvia. He states that in the current political situation it is possible only to think about making the naturalisation procedure stricter, but maybe the situation will change in the future.


interviews FF/LNNK deputy Guntars Krasts. He stresses that his party has remained loyal to its program based on national values. Krasts predicts that FF/LNNK will have at least 10 seats in the 8th Saeima elections. interviews FF/LNNK deputy Guntars Krasts. He stresses that his party has remained loyal to its program based on national values. Krasts predicts that FF/LNNK will have at least 10 seats in the 8th Saeima elections.

Vesti Segodnja

reports that the National Human Rights Office presented an analysis of humanitarian issues in Latvia to the Saeima Human Rights Committee. According to the report of the NHRO the number of complaints concerning language discrimination is increasing. The majority of complaints are about the norm stipulating that people can apply and receive responses from local governments in the state language. The NHRO recommends the creation of a special institution to assist non-Latvians to write applications and complaints to local governments and, second, that state and municipal institutions should accept applications in other languages as well. reports that the National Human Rights Office presented an analysis of humanitarian issues in Latvia to the Saeima Human Rights Committee. According to the report of the NHRO the number of complaints concerning language discrimination is increasing. The majority of complaints are about the norm stipulating that people can apply and receive responses from local governments in the state language. The NHRO recommends the creation of a special institution to assist non-Latvians to write applications and complaints to local governments and, second, that state and municipal institutions should accept applications in other languages as well.

Vesti Segodnja

reports that the European Court of Human Rights registered a claim of Latvian non-citizen Valerij Pimenov about illegal deprivation of citizenship from people who stayed in Latvia after it regained its independence in 1991. reports that the European Court of Human Rights registered a claim of Latvian non-citizen Valerij Pimenov about “illegal deprivation of citizenship from people who stayed in Latvia after it regained its independence in 1991.”

Panorama Latvii

interviews lawyer Vanda Zamickaja with an ethnic background of Roma. Zamickaja tells about a non-governmental organisation established by her, which deals with cases concerning Roma discrimination and providing legislative support to Roma. interviews lawyer Vanda Zamickaja with an ethnic background of Roma. Zamickaja tells about a non-governmental organisation established by her, which deals with cases concerning Roma discrimination and providing legislative support to Roma.

maijs 20, 2002

Integration and Minority Information Service

Integration and Minority Information Service
of the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies

Dienas columnist Askolds Rodins writes about the ongoing investigation of the Naturalisation Board. Today the Coalition Council will review the suitability of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane for the position. Askolds Rodins states that such a thorough investigation of a well performing organisation is one of the introductory bells of the 8th Saeima pre-election campaign. He stresses that none of three institutions charged with investigating the Naturalisation Board – the State Control Department, State Revenue Service and General Prosecutors Office – discovered any serious violations in the performance of the Board.

Vesti Segodnja

publishes its comments on possible dismissal of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. The newspaper believes that the governing parties have finally found a reason to get rid of Aldermane, who is too loyal towards non-citizens. However, publishes its comments on possible dismissal of head of the Naturalisation Board Eizenija Aldermane. The newspaper believes that the governing parties have finally found a reason to get rid of Aldermane, who is “too loyal towards non-citizens.” However, Vesti SegodnjaVesti Segodnja predicts that dismissal is very unlikely because only FF/LNNK has voiced a clear demand on the issue, while minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka and Latvias Way want her to remain in the position. The Peoples Party has not taken a clear stance. predicts that dismissal is very unlikely because only FF/LNNK has voiced a clear demand on the issue, while minister of Justice Ingrida Labucka and Latvia’s Way want her to remain in the position. The People’s Party has not taken a clear stance.

Vesti Segodnja

interviews FHRUL MP Yakov Pliner about the future of education in Latvia. He believes that Latvia has lost many positive things in the sphere of education, in particular, he disapproves of the forcible implementation of bilingual education without adequate methodology, study and teaching aids and qualified teachers. He is convinced that the switch of secondary education to the Latvian language as a sole instruction language scheduled for 2004 will be postponed. interviews FHRUL MP Yakov Pliner about the future of education in Latvia. He believes that Latvia has lost many positive things in the sphere of education, in particular, he disapproves of the “forcible implementation of bilingual education without adequate methodology, study and teaching aids and qualified teachers.” He is convinced that the switch of secondary education to the Latvian language as a sole instruction language scheduled for 2004 will be postponed.


publishes an open letter of FHRUL deputy Boriss Tsilevich in response to President Vaira Vike-Freibergas interview in publishes an open letter of FHRUL deputy Boriss Tsilevich in response to President Vaira Vike-Freiberga’s interview in Telegraf Telegraf on May 13. Tsilevich notes the Presidents statement that Russians should study in Latvian and points out that neither President nor any of the ruling parties wants to know what Russians really want. He questions whether she is President of only Latvians or of all the people of Latvia. on May 13. Tsilevich notes the President’s statement that “Russians should study in Latvian” and points out that neither President nor any of the ruling parties wants to know what Russians really want. He questions whether she is President of only Latvians or of all the people of Latvia.

Panorama Latvii

reports that today and tomorrow the State Duma of the Russian Federation will listen to the reports of the members of the Compatriot Council about the problems Russians face when living abroad. The Council members of Latvia will also present their reports. reports that today and tomorrow the State Duma of the Russian Federation will listen to the reports of the members of the Compatriot Council about the problems Russians face when living abroad. The Council members of Latvia will also present their reports.
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