maijs 12, 2008

  • Professional training for teacher assistants of Roma origin
  • Discussions Impact of Migration on Ethnic Relations have taken place in Riga
  • State language training for teachers and parents of pupils of minority schools
National Programme „Roma in Latvia” 2007 – 2009 envisages professional training for teacher assistants of Roma origin. Starting from September 2008 every Roma teacher assistant will have seven hours of consultations. Their salary will be covered by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and later by municipalities.

National Programme „Roma in Latvia 2007 – 2009 envisages professional training for teacher assistants of Roma origin. Starting from September 2008 every Roma teacher assistant will have seven hours of consultations. Their salary will be covered by the Secretariat of the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and later by municipalities. Delovie Vesti (supplement to Vesti Segodnya)

Newspapers report about discussions “Impact of Migration on Ethnic Relations”, which have taken place in Riga and involved international experts.

Newspapers report about discussions Impact of Migration on Ethnic Relations, which have taken place in Riga and involved international experts. Latvijas Avize emphasises that 67,2 per cent of Latvias residents dont think that foreign labour force could provide a long-term solution of problems in Latvia. Latvijas Avize, Neatkariga

National Agency for Latvian Language Training will organise 49 groups of the state language courses for teachers and parents of pupils of minority schools. According to

National Agency for Latvian Language Training will organise 49 groups of the state language courses for teachers and parents of pupils of minority schools. According to Latvijas Avize, there is a big demand for the courses and 600 participants have already taken part.

maijs 10, 2008

  • Several thousand people celebrated the Victory day
Newspapers reported about the “Victory day” celebrations in Riga. Thousands of people have gathered by the Riga Liberation Monument to celebrate the defeat of fascism and the end of the WWII. Latvian language newspapers are discussing various interpretations of the “Victory day” in the history of Latvia.

Newspapers reported about the Victory day celebrations in Riga. Thousands of people have gathered by the Riga Liberation Monument to celebrate the defeat of fascism and the end of the WWII. Latvian language newspapers are discussing various interpretations of the Victory day in the history of Latvia. Chas, Diena, Latvijas Avize, NRA, Telegraf, Vesti Segodnya

maijs 9, 2008

  • Nils Usakovs: Riga City Council should accept applications in Russian
  • Afrolatvian Association is going to file a lawsuit because of insulting advertisement

Latvijas Avize interviews Nils Usakovs, a Chairperson of political party Concord Centre. He stated that the status of Russian language in Latvia is perceived incorrectly: it is wrong to say that Russian is a foreign language in Latvia. This is ignorance of reality. Nils Usakovs believes that one should ensure that in Riga residents have an opportunity to submit their applications in Russian as well.

Afrolatvian Association considers that the advertisement featuring slogan “while the whites are resting, the blacks are working” is an insult. George Steele, a representative of the Afrolatvian Association, is disturbed by the recently growing tendency to use in advertisement slogans, which are insulting to minorities in Latvia.

Afrolatvian Association considers that the advertisement featuring slogan while the whites are resting, the blacks are working is an insult. George Steele, a representative of the Afrolatvian Association, is disturbed by the recently growing tendency to use in advertisement slogans, which are insulting to minorities in Latvia. Telegraf


maijs 8, 2008

  • Telegraf and Chas: Swine-man victory day postponed
  • The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins: some state institutions are not sufficiently patriotic
  • Nils Muiznieks opposes language regulations in private sector

Telegraf and Chas are informing that the day of victory of Swine-man (Cukmens) over plastic bags (originally scheduled for 8 May, - the WWII Victory in Europe day) has been postponed. According to the newspapers, yesterdays publication about the planned activity resonated widely in the mass-media in Latvia and abroad. As a result, the activity is re-scheduled for a week later. At the same time, the Ministry of the Environment stated that the activity was planned by the supermarket chain RIMI, while the Ministry had nothing to do with it. Moreover, according to a representative of the Ministry, the Minister of the Environment R.Vejonis is respectful of the WWII veterans.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins expressed his regret for the fact that not all members of the Government and state institutions supported his proposal to enlarge the list of professions, where the state language proficiency certificates are mandatory. The Minister stated that many state institutions are not patriotic enough on this issue.

The Minister of Justice Gaidis Berzins expressed his regret for the fact that not all members of the Government and state institutions supported his proposal to enlarge the list of professions, where the state language proficiency certificates are mandatory. The Minister stated that many state institutions are not patriotic enough on this issue. Vesti Segodnya

Latvijas Avize interviewed Nils Muiznieks, the Director of Advanced Social and Political Research Institute. According to the interview, he believes that language usage in private sector should not be regulated. As soon as the state will introduce such regulations, it will be challenged in the courts for interference in private sector. Nils Muiznieks also believes that there is no need to enlarge the list of professions, where the state could regulate the state language knowledge in private sector.

maijs 7, 2008

  • Minister of Foreign Relations Maris Riekstins: the governing coalition shares the view that non-citizens should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections
  • Aigars Stockenbergs: Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Telegraf: celebration of 8 May as a Swine-man victory day is a mockery of the victims of WWII

Chas publishes an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins. According to the Minster, the governing coalition parties will not grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Maris Riekstins also stated that there is a consensus on this issue among the ruling parties.

Chairman of society “Other Politics” Aigars Stockenbergs stated that Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and this body can be liquidated.

Chairman of society Other Politics Aigars Stockenbergs stated that Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and this body can be liquidated. Chas

Telegraf criticises activities planned by the Ministry of the Environment for 8 May (the WWII Victory in Europe day). The Ministry of the Environment decided to conduct an alternative celebration of 8 May, - as a day of victory of Swine-man (Cukmens) over plastic bags. Experts interviewed by the Telegraf believe that by mixing-up the symbols of victory over the Nazi aggressors with trash and pigs the Ministry is mocking on the victims of WWII, tries to discredit the WWII Victory in Europe day and oppose Latvian and European values.

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