maijs 30, 2008

  • Chas reports about a conference Russians in Latvia: Past, Present, and Future in the Eyes of Young People
  • Diena prints an article about racism in Latvia by a cultural scientist Dace Dzenovska

Chas reports about a conference Russians in Latvia: Past, Present, and Future in the Eyes of Young People held in Daugavpils. Participants of the conference have discussed methods how to preserve and develop Russian culture and language in Latvia.

Diena prints an article about racism in Latvia by a cultural scientist Dace Dzenovska. The author states that many Latvian residents, especially ethnic Latvians, categorically refuse the notion of racism in Latvia and believe that they are a peaceful nation that would never oppress other nations. According to the article, Latvians are not able to look at problem of racism from a distance and admit that such problem exists in Latvia.

maijs 29, 2008

  • Concord Centre has appealed to the General Prosecutors Office asking to evaluate whether statements by a well-know Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups are inciting to ethnic hatred
  • Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee: positions of state language worsened during last years
  • Study State Language Law: History and Current Events: majority of Latvian residents consider that Latvian language should be used in public sphere
  • Prosecutors Office has submitted cassation protest to the Supreme Court on the decision to upheld acquittal ruling in the case of national radicals
  • Latvijas Avize prints article about influx of guest workers to Latvia
Political union the Concord Centre has appealed to the General Prosecutor’s Office asking to evaluate whether statements  by a well-know Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups in an interview with Latvijas Avize (on 22 May) are inciting to ethnic hatred. The Concord Centre considers that Andris Grutups made several insulting statements towards Russian residents of Latvia, for example, by labelling as “fifths column” those Russians, who came to the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders

Political union the Concord Centre has appealed to the General Prosecutors Office asking to evaluate whether statements by a well-know Latvian lawyer Andris Grutups in an interview with Latvijas Avize (on 22 May) are inciting to ethnic hatred. The Concord Centre considers that Andris Grutups made several insulting statements towards Russian residents of Latvia, for example, by labelling as fifths column those Russians, who came to the Monument for Liberators of Riga from Nazi Invaders to celebrate the Victory Day on 9 May. The interview also contained open call for discrimination against Russians in Latvia. Similar appeal to General Prosecutors Office was also prepared by the MPs from the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia. Chas

Yesterday, members of the Saeima’s Citizenship Law Implementation Committee at a meeting with the head of State Language Commission have concluded that positions of state language worsened during last years, while Russian language aspires to dominate in all areas of life.

Yesterday, members of the Saeimas Citizenship Law Implementation Committee at a meeting with the head of State Language Commission have concluded that positions of state language worsened during last years, while Russian language aspires to dominate in all areas of life. Chas, Latvijas Avize

According to a study “State Language Law: History and Current Events” conducted by the State Language Agency, researchers of Latvian Language Institute and public opinion research centre “SKDS”, majority of Latvian residents consider that Latvian language should be used in public sphere. 80% of respondents believe that usage of Latvian language should be insured receiving services in state and municipal institutions, courts, police, health care institutions, drugstores, stores, hairdressing saloons, cosmetic saloons, public-utility establishments, cafes and restaurants.

According to a study State Language Law: History and Current Events conducted by the State Language Agency, researchers of Latvian Language Institute and public opinion research centre SKDS, majority of Latvian residents consider that Latvian language should be used in public sphere. 80% of respondents believe that usage of Latvian language should be insured receiving services in state and municipal institutions, courts, police, health care institutions, drugstores, stores, hairdressing saloons, cosmetic saloons, public-utility establishments, cafes and restaurants. Latvijas Avize

The Prosecutor’s Office has submitted cassation protest to the Supreme Court on the decision of the Supreme Court’s Chamber of Criminal Cases to upheld ruling of first instance court acquitting the leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the organisation’s members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa. As reported, the national radicals were charged for statements inciting to ethnic hatred in several articles published in their national radical newspaper

The Prosecutors Office has submitted cassation protest to the Supreme Court on the decision of the Supreme Courts Chamber of Criminal Cases to upheld ruling of first instance court acquitting the leader of the extreme right-wing organisation Latvian National Front Aivars Garda and the organisations members Liga Muzikante and Ilze Liepa. As reported, the national radicals were charged for statements inciting to ethnic hatred in several articles published in their national radical newspaper DDD in 2004 and 2005. Latvijas Avize

Latvijas Avize prints article about influx of guest workers to Latvia. According to representative of the State Employment Agency, 2,237 working permits were issued in 2007, while, 531 working permits were issued during the first quarter of 2008. The State Employment Inspection found 2,846 illegally employed guest workers in 2007, and 307 in 2008. Representative of the Citizenship and Migrations Affairs Board states that all restrictive measures held by Latvia are sufficient to limit influx of guest workers. The political union of Latvias Way and Latvias First Party considers that fee for employment of foreigners should be decreased due to lack of domestic labour force in Latvia. The party New Era considers that state should concentrate its attention on return of Latvian residents back to Latvia from other countries to compensate shortage of labour force. While, the political union Concord Centre considers that Latvia urgently should elaborate program on guest workers because their number will continue to grow.

maijs 28, 2008

  • Petitions Committee of the European Parliament decided to prepare resolution on problems of Russian speakers in Latvia
  • Russian Centre was opened in the University of Daugavpils
  • Vesti Segodnya interviews the MP Dainis Turlais about official visit to Russia of Latvian delegation
  • Telegraf prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens
  • Telegraf prints an article by head editor of an internet portal Anna Stroja on hate speech on the Internet
  • NRA reports that citizens of Rumania are begging and playing musical instruments on public transport and on streets in Riga
Yesterday, the Petitions’ Committee of the European Parliament decided to prepare resolution on problems of Russian speakers in Latvia. According to Chas, such decision was made as a response to a number of appeals to the Committee on rights of non-citizens and Russians in Latvia.

Yesterday, the Petitions Committee of the European Parliament decided to prepare resolution on problems of Russian speakers in Latvia. According to Chas, such decision was made as a response to a number of appeals to the Committee on rights of non-citizens and Russians in Latvia. Chas

Yesterday, “Russian Centre” was opened in the University of Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia). “Russian Centre” is founded by a foundation “Russian World” established by the ex-President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “Russian Centre” is established as a centre for resources on issues of Russian culture and science. It will provide Russian language courses for Russian residents in Latvia and foreigners.

Yesterday, Russian Centre was opened in the University of Daugavpils (city in the Eastern part of Latvia). Russian Centre is founded by a foundation Russian World established by the ex-President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Russian Centre is established as a centre for resources on issues of Russian culture and science. It will provide Russian language courses for Russian residents in Latvia and foreigners. Chas, Telegraf, Latvijas Avize

Vesti Segodnya interviews the MP Dainis Turlais about official visit to Russia of Latvian delegation. According to Mr. Turlais, parliamentarians of Latvia and Russia have discussed issues regarding relations between the two countries, including issues concerning non-citizens.

Telegraf prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens. According to the Minister, functions of the Secretariat are very important for integration process in Latvia, therefore, it should continue its work. Mr. Kastens believes that national integration policy should be oriented at motivating residents to be loyal towards the state and to feel attached to it. The Minister also believes that severe state language policy in Latvia does not promote integration and creates opposite reaction.

Telegraf prints an article by head editor of an internet portal Anna Stroja on hate speech on the Internet. Anna Stroja considers that despite editors of many internet portals state that they will suppress hate speech on the Internet, in practice, editing of portals content is not severe enough. Mrs. Stroja believes that Internet moderators have difficulties in understanding what is incitement to hatred and what is not because border between freedom of speech and incitement to hatred is not clearly defined in Latvian legal acts. According to Mrs. Stroja, monitoring of hate speech on the Internet begun in April, however, results are not available yet.

NRA reports that citizens of Romania are begging and playing musical instruments on public transport and on streets in Riga. While, last week the municipal police drew a protocol on administrative violation to a Romanian woman for involvement of a child into begging. According to representative of the State Border Guard, citizens of Romania as citizens of the EU country have legal rights to reside and work in Latvia.

maijs 27, 2008

  • National Bolshevik Vladimirs Lindermans believes that the Security Police fabricated criminal case against him
  • Chas reports that state language inspectors might begin inspections among staff of security enterprises
  • Most popular parties in Latvia – the Concord Centre, the Union of Greens and Farmers, the Peoples party
National Bolshevik Vladimirs Lindermans (currently in pre-trial detention) has stated that criminal case against him is faked by the Security Police. Vladimirs Lindermans believes that a call to overturn Latvian government by force, allegedly made by Russian extremists in a letter sent to a newspaper

National Bolshevik Vladimirs Lindermans (currently in pre-trial detention) has stated that criminal case against him is faked by the Security Police. Vladimirs Lindermans believes that a call to overturn Latvian government by force, allegedly made by Russian extremists in a letter sent to a newspaper Diena in 2002, was forged by the Security Police. Mr. Lindermans also believes that evidence found by the Security Police, such as five kilograms of TNT (trotyl) and thousand copies of the leaflets, were also fabricated by the Police and he sees this as a political provocation against Latvian National Bolsheviks. Vladimirs Lindermanis has appealed to the Director of the Constitution Protection Bureau Janis Kazoncins as well as to MPs to conduct an investigation of his case. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

Chas reports that state language inspectors might begin inspections among staff of security enterprises. According to the newspaper, some security guards might also have difficulties in prolonging their professional licences because now the licensing exam can only be passed in Latvian language.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10.4% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima’s elections were held in May. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6% of citizens, the People’s party by 5.5% and union of Latvia’s First Party and Latvia’s Way by 5,1%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 29 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 19% of respondents would not participate the elections.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 10.4% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeimas elections were held in May. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 6%of citizens, the Peoples party by 5.5% and union of Latvias First Party and Latvias Way by 5,1%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 29 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 19% of respondents would not participate the elections. Latvijas Avize, Diena

maijs 26, 2008

  • Ex-President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis is glad that Russian language in Latvia is gaining more significance
  • Inspectors of the State Language Centre have punished a schools director for insufficient usage of state language at work
At the “Baltic Forum” conference on relations between the EU and Russia, held in Jurmala last weekend, an ex-President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis, has stated that he is glad that Russian language in Latvia is gaining more significance, while the talk about Russian language in Latvia being unnecessary is a thing of the past.

At the Baltic Forum conference on relations between the EU and Russia, held in Jurmala last weekend, an ex-President of Latvia Guntis Ulmanis, has stated that he is glad that Russian language in Latvia is gaining more significance, while the talk about Russian language in Latvia being unnecessary is a thing of the past. Chas, Vesti Segodnya

NRA reports that inspectors of the State Language Centre have punished a schools director for insufficient usage of state language at work.

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