maijs 7, 2008

  • Minister of Foreign Relations Maris Riekstins: the governing coalition shares the view that non-citizens should not be granted voting rights in municipal elections
  • Aigars Stockenbergs: Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration
  • Telegraf: celebration of 8 May as a Swine-man victory day is a mockery of the victims of WWII

Chas publishes an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Riekstins. According to the Minster, the governing coalition parties will not grant non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections. Maris Riekstins also stated that there is a consensus on this issue among the ruling parties.

Chairman of society “Other Politics” Aigars Stockenbergs stated that Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and this body can be liquidated.

Chairman of society Other Politics Aigars Stockenbergs stated that Latvia does not need the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration and this body can be liquidated. Chas

Telegraf criticises activities planned by the Ministry of the Environment for 8 May (the WWII Victory in Europe day). The Ministry of the Environment decided to conduct an alternative celebration of 8 May, - as a day of victory of Swine-man (Cukmens) over plastic bags. Experts interviewed by the Telegraf believe that by mixing-up the symbols of victory over the Nazi aggressors with trash and pigs the Ministry is mocking on the victims of WWII, tries to discredit the WWII Victory in Europe day and oppose Latvian and European values.

maijs 6, 2008

  • Chas reports about a seminar Models and Problems of Regional Society Integration: Non-citizens and Culture of Ethnic Minorities
  • Board member of the Baltic International Academy Valerijs Nikiforovs criticizes the draft Law on Higher Education Establishments which forbids teaching in all higher education establishments in foreign languages
  • Saeima has refused a proposal to include the 16 March into the list of official commemoration days in Latvia

Chas reports about a seminar Models and Problems of Regional Society Integration: Non-citizens and Culture of Ethnic Minorities held by the political party For Human Rights in United Latvia (FHRUL). Partys members from Latvian regions and representatives of NGOs have discussed preservation of ethnic minority culture and education on municipal level.

In an interview with

In an interview with Chas board member of the Baltic International Academy Valerijs Nikiforovs criticizes the draft Law on Higher Education Establishments which forbids teaching in all higher education establishments in Latvia in foreign languages. Mr. Nikiforovs has stated that that such ban would forbid large number of Latvian residents whose native language is Russian to study in their native language, as well as, it would decrease number of foreign students who want to study in Latvia. Mr. Nikiforovs also stated that if the draft law is approved in its present wording, minority representatives will appealed it in the Constitutional Court.

The Saeima has refused a proposal of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) to include the 16 March – unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires – into the list of official commemoration days in Latvia.

The Saeima has refused a proposal of the For Fatherland and Freedom/LNIM (FF/LNIM) to include the 16 March – unofficial commemoration day of Latvian Waffen SS legionnaires – into the list of official commemoration days in Latvia. Chas

aprīlis 30, 2008

  • Chas prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens
  • Chas prints an interview with the vice chairman on integration affairs of the Jekabpils City Council Vladimirs Zdanoks
  • Report on social-economic development of Liepaja city: significant challenge for unity in the town is large number of Russian speakers

Chas prints an interview with the Special Assignments Minister for Social Integration Oskars Kastens. The Minister has stated that the funding for ethnic minorities NGOs was decreased this year due to the cut in state funding and end of several international projects. The Minister could not tell whether granting non-citizens voting rights in municipal elections would effect naturalisation process and whether political union Latvias First Party/ Latvias Way would support such proposal (Mr. Kastens is a member of the political union Latvias First Party/ Latvias Way).

Chas prints an interview with the vice chairman on integration affairs of the Jekabpils City Council Vladimirs Zdanoks. According to Mr. Zdanoks there are Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Roma, Belorussian, Jewish and Tatar NGOs in Jekabpils.

Latvijas Avize reports that according to a report about social-economic development of Liepaja (city in the Western part of Latvia) prepared by a private consulting enterprise VVF Consulting (owned by the ex-President of Latvia Vaira Vike-Freiberga and her husband), significant challenge for unity in the town is large number of Russian speakers who arrived to Latvia because of Soviet occupation.

aprīlis 29, 2008

  • President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and ex-Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans as well as large number of hockey fans criticize the State Language Centre for its claims towards the head coach of Latvian national hockey team Olegs Znaroks
  • State Language Centre has punished a sports coach in Rezekne for insufficient state language proficiency
  • Supreme Court has sentenced to real imprisonment three persons charged for bribery in the Naturalisation Board
  • Most popular parties in Latvia in April: Concord Centre, Union of Greens and Farmers, Peoples party
The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and ex-Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans as well as large number of hockey fans criticize the State Language Centre (SLC) for its claims towards the head coach of Latvian national hockey team Olegs Znaroks. As reported, the SLC has invited Olegd Znaroks to an interview with language inspectors to prove his state language proficiency. Olegs Znaroks’ supporters argue that the coach is not obligated to know Latvian language because he has German citizenship and therefore on public events it is enough to provide him interpreter.

The President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers and ex-Prime Minister Vilis Kristopans as well as large number of hockey fans criticize the State Language Centre (SLC) for its claims towards the head coach of Latvian national hockey team Olegs Znaroks. As reported, the SLC has invited Olegd Znaroks to an interview with language inspectors to prove his state language proficiency. Olegs Znaroks supporters argue that the coach is not obligated to know Latvian language because he has German citizenship and therefore on public events it is enough to provide him interpreter. Chas, Vesti Segodnya, NRA

Inspector of the State Language Centre has punished a sports coach in Rezekne (town in the Eastern part of Latvia) for insufficient state language proficiency.

Inspector of the State Language Centre has punished a sports coach in Rezekne (town in the Eastern part of Latvia) for insufficient state language proficiency. NRA, Latvijas Avize

Yesterday, the Supreme Court has sentenced to real imprisonment three persons charged for bribery in the Naturalisation Board. In 2005, the Riga Regional Court charged with suspended sentences and pecuniary penalties 10 persons including staff members of the Valmiera’a Branch of Naturalisation Board, who received bribes for helping out with naturalisation texts, persons who gave bribes, and persons who falsified documents. The Prosecutor’s Office has appealed the ruling asking to charge some of the accused persons with real imprisonment.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court has sentenced to real imprisonment three persons charged for bribery in the Naturalisation Board. In 2005, the Riga Regional Court charged with suspended sentences and pecuniary penalties 10 persons including staff members of the Valmieraa Branch of Naturalisation Board, who received bribes for helping out with naturalisation texts, persons who gave bribes, and persons who falsified documents. The Prosecutors Office has appealed the ruling asking to charge some of the accused persons with real imprisonment. Latvijas Avize

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company “Latvijas fakti”, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 11.8% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeima’s elections were held in April. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,7% of citizens, the People’s party by 6,6%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 25,7 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 21,3% respondents would not participate the elections.

According to the latest public opinion survey held by the market and social research company Latvijas fakti, the Concord Centre is the most popular party in Latvia – 11.8% of Latvian citizens would vote for it if the Saeimas elections were held in April. The Union of Greens and Farmers is supported by 7,7%of citizens, the Peoples party by 6,6%. Other parties are supported by less than 5% of Latvian citizens. However, 25,7 % of respondents are not decided whom to vote for yet, while 21,3% respondents would not participate the elections. Diena

aprīlis 28, 2008

  • The Minister of Interior Mareks Seglins is going to propose to ease procedure on attraction of guest workers
  • Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov again voiced concern about discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia
  • Adviser to the Prime Minister and bank economist Andris Vilks: teaching in Russian language in higher education establishments would enable attraction of highly qualified lecturers to Latvia

Vesti Segodnya reports that tomorrow at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Interior Mareks Seglins is going to propose to decrease fee imposed on employers for attraction of guest workers and to decrease terms for consideration of application for registration of guest workers.

At a meeting with the High Commissioner on Human Rights of the Council of Europe Tommas Hammarberg, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov again has voiced concern about discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia regarding political, social-economic, linguistic rights and right to education.

At a meeting with the High Commissioner on Human Rights of the Council of Europe Tommas Hammarberg, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov again has voiced concern about discrimination of Russian speakers in Latvia and Estonia regarding political, social-economic, linguistic rights and right to education. Telegraf

Adviser to the Prime Minister and bank economist Andris Vilks has stated that teaching in Russian language in higher education establishments would enable attraction of highly qualified lecturers to Latvia. Mr. Vilks believes that if Latvia wants to become centre of education there must be an option to teach in various languages. As reported, the Ministry of Education and Science has elaborated a draft law on Higher Education Establishments stipulating prohibition to teach in foreign languages in state and private higher education establishments.

Adviser to the Prime Minister and bank economist Andris Vilks has stated that teaching in Russian language in higher education establishments would enable attraction of highly qualified lecturers to Latvia. Mr. Vilks believes that if Latvia wants to become centre of education there must be an option to teach in various languages. As reported, the Ministry of Education and Science has elaborated a draft law on Higher Education Establishments stipulating prohibition to teach in foreign languages in state and private higher education establishments. Chas

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