maijs 29, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

An Australian court on Tuesday ruled that alleged Nazi war criminal Konrads Kalejs should be extradited to Latvia where he is wanted on charges of war crimes and genocide. Kalejs' lawyers are appealing.

An Australian court on Tuesday ruled that alleged Nazi war criminal Konrads Kalejs should be extradited to Latvia where he is wanted on charges of war crimes and genocide. Kalejs' lawyers are appealing. BNS

As many as 65 percent of Latvians who have acquired the country's citizenship only recently support accession to the European Union, according to an opinion poll conducted among new citizens in April by Baltic social sciences institute. Results of the opinion poll conducted among naturalised citizens were revealed Monday in a conference called "Towards a Civic Society - 2001". The opinion poll shows that Latvia is made more attractive in the eyes of naturalised non-Latvians by the expected

As many as 65 percent of Latvians who have acquired the country's citizenship only recently support accession to the European Union, according to an opinion poll conducted among new citizens in April by Baltic social sciences institute. Results of the opinion poll conducted among naturalised citizens were revealed Monday in a conference called "Towards a Civic Society - 2001". The opinion poll shows that Latvia is made more attractive in the eyes of naturalised non-Latvians by the expected

accession to the EU. Answering to a question what circumstances may in the future give a chance to become the EU citizens, a half of respondents cited Latvia's citizenship as the first precondition. A significantly smaller portion of new citizens support Latvia's accession to NATO as only 31 new citizens regard it as desirable against 59 percent among "old" citizens. Accession to NATO is supported by only 26 percent of non-citizens. More new citizens than "old" citizens believe that Latvia needs a society integration program that should be headed by the state. 67 percent of new citizens relate society integration to the need to build sense of belonging to the country. Such view also is held by 57 percent of citizens and 49 percent of non-citizens. The poll questioned 404 people who acquired Latvia's citizenship between 1995 and 2001.

accession to the EU. Answering to a question what circumstances may in the future give a chance to become the EU citizens, a half of respondents cited Latvia's citizenship as the first precondition. A significantly smaller portion of new citizens support Latvia's accession to NATO as only 31 new citizens regard it as desirable against 59 percent among "old" citizens. Accession to NATO is supported by only 26 percent of non-citizens. More new citizens than "old" citizens believe that Latvia needs a society integration program that should be headed by the state. 67 percent of new citizens relate society integration to the need to build sense of belonging to the country. Such view also is held by 57 percent of citizens and 49 percent of non-citizens. The poll questioned 404 people who acquired Latvia's citizenship between 1995 and 2001. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Latvijas Vestnesis

A.Stroy in

A.Stroy in Chas comments these statements about the new Latvian citizens saying that these people have not lost their values – 73% of then still would like to have the Russian language as the second state language. Also Panorama Latvii

Vesti Segodnya comments this integration conference stating that for a real integration there is no need for any debates of state officials and MPs – the state just has to show that it respects its residents. The Head of the Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane reminded a simple formula Attitude creates attitude, but this simple formula is not observed in Latvia. The Head of the OSCE Mission to Latvia P.Semneby pointed out the fact that people in Latvia did trust authorities. And the reason for it is the scornful attitude towards people, especially those who speak not the right language.

Some 40 percent of Latvia's non-citizens want to live here but not change their status by becoming Latvia's citizens, Naturalisation Department head Eizenija Aldermane said in a conference. She said in address to the conference "Towards a Civic Society - 2001" that Latvia's civic society will lose the most part of residents if a dialogue with non-citizens is not developed at the state level. "The most important question at this point is -- how to influence that part of youths who at this point do no feel sense of belonging to the Latvian state and also to listen to opinions of people of other nationalities and proposals about society integration," said Aldermane. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka in her opening address to the conference cited education as the most important aspect of society integration process to which should be devoted the utmost attention by promoting Latvian language learning by people of other nationalities.

Some 40 percent of Latvia's non-citizens want to live here but not change their status by becoming Latvia's citizens, Naturalisation Department head Eizenija Aldermane said in a conference. She said in address to the conference "Towards a Civic Society - 2001" that Latvia's civic society will lose the most part of residents if a dialogue with non-citizens is not developed at the state level. "The most important question at this point is -- how to influence that part of youths who at this point do no feel sense of belonging to the Latvian state and also to listen to opinions of people of other nationalities and proposals about society integration," said Aldermane. Justice Minister Ingrida Labucka in her opening address to the conference cited education as the most important aspect of society integration process to which should be devoted the utmost attention by promoting Latvian language learning by people of other nationalities. BNS

Director of Human Rights Office O.Bruveris so far was named as the only candidate for this post for the next four years term. The Saeima will vote on this issue on Wednesday. Some time ago Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks suggested that it would be more healthy to create competition for this post but parties seemed unwilling to have a strong human rights protector not to have strong control over situation and criticism of the government. N.Muiznieks suggested some more candidates – J.Briede Latvian University professor, lawyer E.Vebers, judge V.Krumina and diplomat A.Baumanis. In his turn Acting Director of Latvian University Human Rights Institute M.Mits named also former Human Rights Office lawyer I.Reine who was currently working in Kosovo.

Director of Human Rights Office O.Bruveris so far was named as the only candidate for this post for the next four years term. The Saeima will vote on this issue on Wednesday. Some time ago Latvian Human Rights and Ethnic Studies Centre Director N.Muiznieks suggested that it would be more healthy to create competition for this post but parties seemed unwilling to have a strong human rights protector not to have strong control over situation and criticism of the government. N.Muiznieks suggested some more candidates – J.Briede Latvian University professor, lawyer E.Vebers, judge V.Krumina and diplomat A.Baumanis. In his turn Acting Director of Latvian University Human Rights Institute M.Mits named also former Human Rights Office lawyer I.Reine who was currently working in Kosovo. Diena

On Monday Riga City Council official S.Zaletajev, whose state language proficiency level was doubted about, violated the state language law conducting a press conference in the Russian language. To this event he had invited only the journalists he preferred but later assured that it was not so.

On Monday Riga City Council official S.Zaletajev, whose state language proficiency level was doubted about, violated the state language law conducting a press conference in the Russian language. To this event he had invited only the journalists he preferred but later assured that it was not so. Diena

Coalition partners do not take seriously the criticism voiced by the People’s Party leader A.Skele at People’s Party congress.

Coalition partners do not take seriously the criticism voiced by the Peoples Party leader A.Skele at Peoples Party congress. Neatkariga

Almost a month has passed since Latvian Embassy in Russia sent 2 notes to the Russian MFA on staining Latvian Embassy building with paint but no official answer had been received so far.

Almost a month has passed since Latvian Embassy in Russia sent 2 notes to the Russian MFA on staining Latvian Embassy building with paint but no official answer had been received so far. Neatkariga, Rigas Balss

The newspaper

The newspaper Lauku Avize published comments of Latvian MPs after the meeting with Russian Ambassador I.Studennikov where he reproached Latvia for its wish to join NATO thus endangering Russia. FF/LNNK representative G.Krasts says that it was just voicing of former Russias position and it was Ambassadors duty to do it. G.Krasts thinks that Latvia should not worry much about this Russias position because it is a temporary current opinion. A.Kirsteins form Peoples Party thinks that relations with Russia will improve after Latvias joining NATO. What concerns accusations about violation in the education field, A.Kirsteins says that Latvia should not even start talking about this before in the Russian village Lejas Bulani where many Latvians reside is opened a Latvian school.

Today Polish President A.Kvasnevsky is coming on a working visit to Latvia. Soon after arrival he together with Latvian President will open an exhibit of Polish national economy. After this event will be the official meeting of both presidents.

Today Polish President A.Kvasnevsky is coming on a working visit to Latvia. Soon after arrival he together with Latvian President will open an exhibit of Polish national economy. After this event will be the official meeting of both presidents. Latvijas Vestnesis, Chas

The leader of Russian Party M.Gavrilov opposite to the opinion of other party members signed the coalition agreement with FF/LNNK, i.e. with the ruling coalition in Riga City Council.

The leader of Russian Party M.Gavrilov opposite to the opinion of other party members signed the coalition agreement with FF/LNNK, i.e. with the ruling coalition in Riga City Council. Panorama Latvii

maijs 28, 2001

Press Report

US Senate Foreign committee European sub-committee leader, republican Gordon Smith expressed support to the Baltic NATO bid on Sunday in Riga, expecting US President George W Bush to take a very active stance on the issue. Smith forecasted that Bush would be an active supporter of NATO expansion, while resistance may be felt from a few countries in Europe, which he did not wish to name, claiming that "Their actions will speak for themselves".

US Senate Foreign committee European sub-committee leader, republican Gordon Smith expressed support to the Baltic NATO bid on Sunday in Riga, expecting US President George W Bush to take a very active stance on the issue. Smith forecasted that Bush would be an active supporter of NATO expansion, while resistance may be felt from a few countries in Europe, which he did not wish to name, claiming that "Their actions will speak for themselves". BNS, Diena, Neatkariga

The four US Senators visiting Latvia on Sunday before heading to Vilnius for a NATO parliamentary assembly, suggested to the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga that Latvia should lobby its achievements towards its NATO bid more actively, in order to lean alliance members in favour of Latvian NATO accession. The President's spokesperson, Aiva Rozenberga, said that during their dinner with the President, the US senators expressed support to Latvia's NATO bid, adding that Latvia still has much to do in order to persuade the broader US public of the need for expanding the alliance.

The four US Senators visiting Latvia on Sunday before heading to Vilnius for a NATO parliamentary assembly, suggested to the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga that Latvia should lobby its achievements towards its NATO bid more actively, in order to lean alliance members in favour of Latvian NATO accession. The President's spokesperson, Aiva Rozenberga, said that during their dinner with the President, the US senators expressed support to Latvia's NATO bid, adding that Latvia still has much to do in order to persuade the broader US public of the need for expanding the alliance. BNS

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins is scheduled to head for Brussels Monday on a mission to meet with the European Union expansion commissioner Gunter Verheugen. The aim of the meeting is to discuss a number of crucial issues for Latvia before the end of the Swedish EU presidency and the Gotteborg summit meeting, issues like the speeding up the SAPARD program funding. The Prime Minister's foreign advisor, Atis Sjanits, said that the funding has been delayed due to slow bureaucracy.

Latvian Prime Minister Andris Berzins is scheduled to head for Brussels Monday on a mission to meet with the European Union expansion commissioner Gunter Verheugen. The aim of the meeting is to discuss a number of crucial issues for Latvia before the end of the Swedish EU presidency and the Gotteborg summit meeting, issues like the speeding up the SAPARD program funding. The Prime Minister's foreign advisor, Atis Sjanits, said that the funding has been delayed due to slow bureaucracy. BNS

On Saturday in Gulbene took place People’s Party congress. Speakers at the Congress were proud about their success during the previous local government election and work of their ministers, but criticised their coalition members FF/LNNK for co-operation with the left wingers at the Riga City Council and Latvian Way for moderation in managing the government. A decision was taken to hold the next congress only after the 8th Saeima election. By that time A.Skele will continue to lead the party.

On Saturday in Gulbene took place Peoples Party congress. Speakers at the Congress were proud about their success during the previous local government election and work of their ministers, but criticised their coalition members FF/LNNK for co-operation with the left wingers at the Riga City Council and Latvian Way for moderation in managing the government. A decision was taken to hold the next congress only after the 8th Saeima election. By that time A.Skele will continue to lead the party. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas

A delegation of Latvian parliament members led by parliament chairman Janis Straume will be on an official visit in China between May 27 through June 5. The trip is intended as a reply visit to last year's Chinese delegation visit to Latvia, led by chairman of the Chinese people's assembly Lee Pen.

A delegation of Latvian parliament members led by parliament chairman Janis Straume will be on an official visit in China between May 27 through June 5. The trip is intended as a reply visit to last year's Chinese delegation visit to Latvia, led by chairman of the Chinese people's assembly Lee Pen. BNS

Deputy Chairman of Latvian Social Democratic Workers’ Party E.Baldzens announced that the leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars planned to present the new version of Latvian constitution in autumn when it would be discussed within the party. Diena

Deputy Chairman of Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party E.Baldzens announced that the leader of Social Democrats J.Bojars planned to present the new version of Latvian constitution in autumn when it would be discussed within the party. Diena

D.Araja in

D.Araja in Diena writes about the situation that has arisen after reorganisation of the State Language Certification Commission. For inmates of several Latvian prisons it became impossible to take the language proficiency test after finishing the language-training course. Some time ago a decision was taken to abolish language commissions al local governments. These commissions used to come to prisons to take language tests but now the Centralised Language Commission did not visit prisons because it was not stipulated by law. Language proficiency certificate is very important for those people when they start looking for job after discharge. Ministry of Education and Science Education Content and Examination Centre promises that these problems will be solved in the nearest future and probably already in June inmates would be able to take the test. Latvian language training was started in prisons in 1995 and continued until the beginning of this year with the financing of Soros Foundation Latvia. So far about 2000 prisoners have received language proficiency certificates.

Latvian parliamentarians have not met with Byelorussian President A.Lukashenko because it was not on the agenda. They met with the Prime Minister, First deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head of President’ s Office. Latvian MPs went on this visit upon an invitation of Byelorussian Parliament.

Latvian parliamentarians have not met with Byelorussian President A.Lukashenko because it was not on the agenda. They met with the Prime Minister, First deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head of President s Office. Latvian MPs went on this visit upon an invitation of Byelorussian Parliament. Jauna Avize

The newspaper

The newspaper Jauna Avize interviewed the Head of Human Rights Office O.Bruveris. Today expires his term of authority and the Cabinet of Ministers proposed to extend it for one more term.

The experience of Riga City officials to close Russian speaking schools is spreading in province. The newspaper already wrote about the situation in Jelgava, and now the same happens in Jekabpils. Local government plans to close Secondary School No 4. Local Latvian Gymnasium chose the two buildings of this school as the possible location for it to receive the status of a national Gymnasium. And therefore local municipality decided to merge two Russian speaking schools No 2 and 4 into one. This plan does not satisfy the teachers and students of these schools because these two schools are located on the opposite banks of the river Daugava.

The experience of Riga City officials to close Russian speaking schools is spreading in province. The newspaper already wrote about the situation in Jelgava, and now the same happens in Jekabpils. Local government plans to close Secondary School No 4. Local Latvian Gymnasium chose the two buildings of this school as the possible location for it to receive the status of a national Gymnasium. And therefore local municipality decided to merge two Russian speaking schools No 2 and 4 into one. This plan does not satisfy the teachers and students of these schools because these two schools are located on the opposite banks of the river Daugava. Vesti Segodnya

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov told

Russian Ambassador to Latvia I.Studennikov told Vesti Segodnya about his meeting with Latvian MPs. When arriving to his new post the Ambassador was full of optimism – the planned meeting of the Presidents of both countries, resuming of activities of intergovernmental Commission seemed a positive sign. But after a month Latvia unilaterally denounced the agreement on transit of Russian citizens on the territory of Latvia. And Latvia ignored Russias protests against persecution of WW II veterans. Instead Latvian parliamentarians established a fund to support repatriation of Russian speakers to Russia. And these were not the only things that spoiled Latvian – Russian relations.

A conference “experience of Latvian cities in solving the problems on integration” took place recently in Venspils. It was organised by the Venspils City Council and the Naturalisation Board. The head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane spoke about the role of sociological research promoting the process of integration. Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs in his presentation said that Venspils was the first Latvian city where was developed and implemented program of integration and acted Council of Non-citizens and the idea that non-citizens should be granted the right of vote in local government elections did not seem a dangerous one. Chas

A conference experience of Latvian cities in solving the problems on integration took place recently in Venspils. It was organised by the Venspils City Council and the Naturalisation Board. The head of Naturalisation Board E.Aldermane spoke about the role of sociological research promoting the process of integration. Mayor of Venspils A.Lembergs in his presentation said that Venspils was the first Latvian city where was developed and implemented program of integration and acted Council of Non-citizens and the idea that non-citizens should be granted the right of vote in local government elections did not seem a dangerous one. Chas

maijs 26, 2001

Press Report

Press Report

Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party council Friday unanimously voted to nominate Riga City Council member Inese Vaidere as the vice-mayor of Riga, BNS learned at the party council meeting. At the meting Vaidere said she was well versed in issue which the party sought to deal with such as education, language, improvement of urban and business environment.

Fatherland and Freedom (FF)/LNNK party council Friday unanimously voted to nominate Riga City Council member Inese Vaidere as the vice-mayor of Riga, BNS learned at the party council meeting. At the meting Vaidere said she was well versed in issue which the party sought to deal with such as education, language, improvement of urban and business environment. BNS, Diena, Neatkariga, Chas

A delegation of US senators, expected to arrive in Riga on Sunday morning to meet a number of officials, will be delayed till Sunday evening, reported the US embassy in Riga. No reasons for the delay were mentioned. The Tallinn BNS office reports that the senators were also delayed in their trip to Estonia, unofficially claimed to be related to the change in power at the US senate which took place Friday when Senator James Jefford left the republicans giving a majority to the democrats. The US senate must thus re-elect all its committees. The US senator delegation will be taking part in the planned dinner at the residency of the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in Jurmala at 20.30 Sunday evening, reported the President's spokesperson.

A delegation of US senators, expected to arrive in Riga on Sunday morning to meet a number of officials, will be delayed till Sunday evening, reported the US embassy in Riga. No reasons for the delay were mentioned. The Tallinn BNS office reports that the senators were also delayed in their trip to Estonia, unofficially claimed to be related to the change in power at the US senate which took place Friday when Senator James Jefford left the republicans giving a majority to the democrats. The US senate must thus re-elect all its committees. The US senator delegation will be taking part in the planned dinner at the residency of the Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga in Jurmala at 20.30 Sunday evening, reported the President's spokesperson. BNS, Neatkariga

Leader of Russian Communist Party G.Zjuganov once more criticised the situation of Russian speaking population in the Baltic States, comparing it to the apartheid in South Africa. He made this speech at the Russian National Council meeting when they discussed the draft law On Russian nation.

Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnya Council deputies intend to introduce a norm stipulation the right and obligation of the Russian State to impose sanctions against those countries where according their opinion are violated the rights of Russians.

Council deputies intend to introduce a norm stipulation the right and obligation of the Russian State to impose sanctions against those countries where according their opinion are violated the rights of Russians. Panorama Latvii

Latvian Ambassador to Liechtenstein E.Kuzmina submitted her letter of accreditation to the Prince Hans Adams II.

Latvian Ambassador to Liechtenstein E.Kuzmina submitted her letter of accreditation to the Prince Hans Adams II. Neatkariga

maijs 25, 2001

  Press Report

Press Report

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov during his first official meeting with Latvian lawmakers Thursday objected to Latvia's plans to join NATO, saying that European Union (EU) membership will suffice as security guarantee. Studennikov said every country had the right to select own security guarantee but so that this choice would not threaten other countries. Latvia's admission to NATO will pose a threat to Russia, therefore the Baltic state should pick some other security guarantee, the Russian ambassador said at the meeting with representatives from Latvian-Russian parliamentary co-operation group. Russia's concern was due to the growing militarisation of NATO as evidenced by the alliance's involvement in the Kosovo conflict, indicating its readiness to use force. Studennikov voiced Russia's reproaches to Latvia for introduction of visa requirements for passengers of trains running between the two countries. This practice is contradictory to the outcome of the meeting between Latvian and Russian presidents in Austria, the Russian ambassador said. Russia is also displeased with Latvia introducing the EU standards, although Latvia was not a member of the organisation yet. The ambassador said Russian would also like to see Latvia officially denounce the essay contest organised by Latvian publishers, Vieda, and described as instigating ethnic and racial hatred. He also criticized sharply the harsh punishment of National Bolsheviks, members of a Russian extremist party, whom Latvia sentenced to 15 years in prison. He also noted that Latvia brought war crime charges against former Soviet partisan Vassily Kononov, the move in itself offending to the Russian nation, right on May 8, the Victory Day, which is very important date for Russia as it marks the end of World War Two. The Russian ambassador to Latvia expressed concern over problems related to Russian-language schools and the language law provisions, stating that Russia does not ask anything in excess of usual rights granted to all ethnic minorities in Europe. He voiced suspicion that all above-mentioned actions had been taken with the purpose to damage Latvian-Russian relations. Latvian parliament's European affairs committee chairman Edvins Inkens responded to this criticism, saying it seems to him that the history is repeating. Latvia will not react to "separate extravagant statements by Russian lawmakers," as it was only rhetoric.

Russian Ambassador to Latvia Igor Studennikov during his first official meeting with Latvian lawmakers Thursday objected to Latvia's plans to join NATO, saying that European Union (EU) membership will suffice as security guarantee. Studennikov said every country had the right to select own security guarantee but so that this choice would not threaten other countries. Latvia's admission to NATO will pose a threat to Russia, therefore the Baltic state should pick some other security guarantee, the Russian ambassador said at the meeting with representatives from Latvian-Russian parliamentary co-operation group. Russia's concern was due to the growing militarisation of NATO as evidenced by the alliance's involvement in the Kosovo conflict, indicating its readiness to use force. Studennikov voiced Russia's reproaches to Latvia for introduction of visa requirements for passengers of trains running between the two countries. This practice is contradictory to the outcome of the meeting between Latvian and Russian presidents in Austria, the Russian ambassador said. Russia is also displeased with Latvia introducing the EU standards, although Latvia was not a member of the organisation yet. The ambassador said Russian would also like to see Latvia officially denounce the essay contest organised by Latvian publishers, Vieda, and described as instigating ethnic and racial hatred. He also criticized sharply the harsh punishment of National Bolsheviks, members of a Russian extremist party, whom Latvia sentenced to 15 years in prison. He also noted that Latvia brought war crime charges against former Soviet partisan Vassily Kononov, the move in itself offending to the Russian nation, right on May 8, the Victory Day, which is very important date for Russia as it marks the end of World War Two. The Russian ambassador to Latvia expressed concern over problems related to Russian-language schools and the language law provisions, stating that Russia does not ask anything in excess of usual rights granted to all ethnic minorities in Europe. He voiced suspicion that all above-mentioned actions had been taken with the purpose to damage Latvian-Russian relations. Latvian parliament's European affairs committee chairman Edvins Inkens responded to this criticism, saying it seems to him that the history is repeating. Latvia will not react to "separate extravagant statements by Russian lawmakers," as it was only rhetoric. Neatkariga, BNS, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

German Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse in the Latvian parliament expressed support to all Baltic states on the path to NATO and European Union, however, in regard to Latvia’s possible joining NATO he emphasised “Latvia has to become a bridge between East and West”, it would not be beneficial for Latvia to join NATO if Russia is against that. Saeima deputies did not hide their disappointment in the stance of Germany. When Bundestag President inquired about national minorities and naturalisation issues in Latvia, Latvian Prime Minister stated that legislation concerning citizenship and language issues is in a line with the requirements of the OSCE.

German Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse in the Latvian parliament expressed support to all Baltic states on the path to NATO and European Union, however, in regard to Latvias possible joining NATO he emphasised Latvia has to become a bridge between East and West, it would not be beneficial for Latvia to join NATO if Russia is against that. Saeima deputies did not hide their disappointment in the stance of Germany. When Bundestag President inquired about national minorities and naturalisation issues in Latvia, Latvian Prime Minister stated that legislation concerning citizenship and language issues is in a line with the requirements of the OSCE. Diena, Neatkariga, Vesti Segodnja, Chas, Respublika

More than two months after the municipal government election in Latvia the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and FF/LNNK together with a number of smaller council parties, finally signed a coalition agreement. The new coalition is to have 34 votes in the 60 strong council with the core being 25 seats held by the social democrats and FF/LNNK. The coalition does not include left-wing For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) holding 13 seats at the council, as well as the deputy mayor and chairperson seats on a number of council commissions, because FF/LNNK was against including them in the coalition for diverging ideological opinions. Nevertheless, the left-wing alliance, thanks to whom the social democrats managed to elect Gundars Bojars as Riga mayor, has previously announced that the coalition does not bother them, as one must look at not what's on paper but on actions, and the leading seats already taken by the left-wing will not be lost. Small parties represented in the coalition: the Green Party (2 seats), the Democratic Party (2 seats), the Labour Party (1 seat), the Russian Party (1 seat), the Welfare Party (2 seats) and the Latvian Farmers Union (1 seat), while both christian parties, the New Christian Party (1) and The Christian Democratic Union (1), did not sign the agreement.

More than two months after the municipal government election in Latvia the Latvian Social Democratic Workers Party and FF/LNNK together with a number of smaller council parties, finally signed a coalition agreement. The new coalition is to have 34 votes in the 60 strong council with the core being 25 seats held by the social democrats and FF/LNNK. The coalition does not include left-wing For Human Rights in a United Latvia (FHRUL) holding 13 seats at the council, as well as the deputy mayor and chairperson seats on a number of council commissions, because FF/LNNK was against including them in the coalition for diverging ideological opinions. Nevertheless, the left-wing alliance, thanks to whom the social democrats managed to elect Gundars Bojars as Riga mayor, has previously announced that the coalition does not bother them, as one must look at not what's on paper but on actions, and the leading seats already taken by the left-wing will not be lost. Small parties represented in the coalition: the Green Party (2 seats), the Democratic Party (2 seats), the Labour Party (1 seat), the Russian Party (1 seat), the Welfare Party (2 seats) and the Latvian Farmers Union (1 seat), while both christian parties, the New Christian Party (1) and The Christian Democratic Union (1), did not sign the agreement. Diena, Jauna, Neatkariga, Chas, Panorama Latvii, Respublika

The Russian Duma's call to step up opposition against NATO enlargement eastwards does not indicate a new turn in Russia's current position, said Latvian officials. Latvian prime minister Andris Berzins, when asked to comment on the document by the Russian Duma, said that Latvia did not wanted to be a grey zone therefore it will continue its movement towards NATO.Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga also said that under the OSCE principles, to which Russia also had acceded, each country had the right to own security model.

The Russian Duma's call to step up opposition against NATO enlargement eastwards does not indicate a new turn in Russia's current position, said Latvian officials. Latvian prime minister Andris Berzins, when asked to comment on the document by the Russian Duma, said that Latvia did not wanted to be a grey zone therefore it will continue its movement towards NATO.Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga also said that under the OSCE principles, to which Russia also had acceded, each country had the right to own security model. BNS

maijs 24, 2001

 Press Report

Press Report

The Coalition agreement provides Social Democrats and FF/LNNK with the majority of voices at Riga City Council as some small parties also will join the coalition. However, FHRUL will be able to keep the acquired positions.

The Coalition agreement provides Social Democrats and FF/LNNK with the majority of voices at Riga City Council as some small parties also will join the coalition. However, FHRUL will be able to keep the acquired positions. Diena, Respublika

Lauku Avize

criticises the booklet 10 Questions about Society Integration in Latvia. The newspaper ironically mentions the sponsors of the booklet regarding them as benefactors stating that their only aim is to "integrate more and faster, more and faster! and that the authors and publishers of the booklet were baited with the money of the sponsors, as they do not reflect anything what non-citizens really should know to live in Latvia. criticises the booklet “10 Questions about Society Integration in Latvia”. The newspaper ironically mentions the sponsors of the booklet regarding them as “benefactors” stating that their only aim is to "integrate more and faster, more and faster!” and that the authors and publishers of the booklet were baited with the money of the sponsors, as they do not reflect anything what non-citizens really should know to live in Latvia. FF/LNNK candidate for the post of vice-mayor at Riga City Council I.Vaidere answers to the couple questions of

FF/LNNK candidate for the post of vice-mayor at Riga City Council I.Vaidere answers to the couple questions of Chas. The main theme was the language issue. In I.Vaideres opinion people who live in Latvia must know Latvian and the fact that national minority students are attending Latvian schools is one the best means of society integration.

Foreign Ministry of Russia has agreed to prolong the agreement with Latvia envisaging easier border- crossing procedure for people residing at the border zone till 10 October.

Foreign Ministry of Russia has agreed to prolong the agreement with Latvia envisaging easier border- crossing procedure for people residing at the border zone till 10 October. Neatkariga, Respublika

One of the Russian extremists convicted recently for terrorism in Latvia, Sergey Solovey, announced a "hunger strike to death" a week ago in protest against the ban on parcels for prisoners and demanding political prisoner status.

One of the Russian extremists convicted recently for terrorism in Latvia, Sergey Solovey, announced a "hunger strike to death" a week ago in protest against the ban on parcels for prisoners and demanding political prisoner status. Panorama Latvii

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