maijs 8, 2000

Press Report

Last Friday Ventspils was visited by the new Ambassador of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Torsten Orn and Mrs. Orn. He praised the Ventspils Society Integration Program and the achievements in Ventspils and Latvia in the field of society integration.

Last Friday Ventspils was visited by the new Ambassador of the OSCE Mission to Latvia Torsten Orn and Mrs. Orn. He praised the Ventspils Society Integration Program and the achievements in Ventspils and Latvia in the field of society integration. Diena

The congress of People's Party last Saturday concluded that the reason for loosing popularity among voters and fall of the government was the insufficient explanation work of the well-intended reforms.

The congress of People's Party last Saturday concluded that the reason for loosing popularity among voters and fall of the government was the insufficient explanation work of the well-intended reforms. Diena

A repeated competition was announced for the position of the head of DCMA. Applications will be accepted till the end of June. In the previous competition only one candidate applied.

A repeated competition was announced for the position of the head of DCMA. Applications will be accepted till the end of June. In the previous competition only one candidate applied. Diena

Speaking of the Saturday's meeting between the Latvian president and Russian Duma deputy from the right wing forces Irina Hakamada, the least noted that "we understood each other". The president stressed that it was important to make the Russian politicians understand that "Latvia is having democratic development and we are not going to assimilate anybody". Hakamada had pointed out that the right wing forces in the Russian parliament will do everything to allow Latvia and Russia solve the problems.

Speaking of the Saturday's meeting between the Latvian president and Russian Duma deputy from the right wing forces Irina Hakamada, the least noted that "we understood each other". The president stressed that it was important to make the Russian politicians understand that "Latvia is having democratic development and we are not going to assimilate anybody". Hakamada had pointed out that the right wing forces in the Russian parliament will do everything to allow Latvia and Russia solve the problems. Diena, Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii.

In an article "Integration wins 3:2"

In an article "Integration wins 3:2" Respublika comments on the Latvian-Russian hockey match saying that the Latvian team reflects the model of the society in Latvia with the ethnic Latvian goal keeper and ethnic Russians who beat the goals. The only thing that currently for real unites the society in Latvia and all ethnic groups is the annual hockey championship. At that time Russians forget about the Language Law and Latvians - about the Soviet Union.

Latvia should thoroughly and without emotions evaluate its past as only in such case expressions of totalitarianism and extremism will not repeat, stresses the statement of the Latvian president on the occasion of May 8 - the Day of Defeat of Nazism and Commemoration of the Victims of the WW2. President invites the population to take part in commemoration events and clean up the commemoration places.

Latvia should thoroughly and without emotions evaluate its past as only in such case expressions of totalitarianism and extremism will not repeat, stresses the statement of the Latvian president on the occasion of May 8 - the Day of Defeat of Nazism and Commemoration of the Victims of the WW2. President invites the population to take part in commemoration events and clean up the commemoration places. Diena, Respublika, Chas

maijs 6, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

With 69 votes in support on a Friday extraordinary session Saeima confirmed the new government proposed by Andris Berzins. Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia voted against the new government. In his address after the vote Andris Berzins stressed that in drafting the new government declaration and coalition agreement they tried to enter solutions for the problems which turned out as fatal for the previous governments. Also, to ensure successful implementation of reforms, Berzins noted that any changes should be made in a dialogue with the society. Head of Latvia’s Way faction Libane in the party conference called for a total support policy for Andris Berzins as the Prime Minister.

With 69 votes in support on a Friday extraordinary session Saeima confirmed the new government proposed by Andris Berzins. Social Democrats and For Human Rights in United Latvia voted against the new government. In his address after the vote Andris Berzins stressed that in drafting the new government declaration and coalition agreement they tried to enter solutions for the problems which turned out as fatal for the previous governments. Also, to ensure successful implementation of reforms, Berzins noted that any changes should be made in a dialogue with the society. Head of Latvias Way faction Libane in the party conference called for a total support policy for Andris Berzins as the Prime Minister. Neatkariga, Diena

Head of the New Party’s Saeima faction Silvija Dreimane and her deputy Ingrîda Űdre stepped down from their positions after the vote in support to the new government when chairman of the party’s board Ainârs Đlesers had promised the government coalition a united support from the party in the vote. Raimonds Pauls commented that there are two camps in the party and he himself is squeeze between them.

Head of the New Partys Saeima faction Silvija Dreimane and her deputy Ingrîda Űdre stepped down from their positions after the vote in support to the new government when chairman of the partys board Ainârs Đlesers had promised the government coalition a united support from the party in the vote. Raimonds Pauls commented that there are two camps in the party and he himself is squeeze between them. Neatkariga, Diena

Analyses by the Jamestown Foundation in its publication

Analyses by the Jamestown Foundation in its publication Monitor stresses the fact that Latvian president during her visit in Tallinn analyzed Russian-Baltic relations in the context of relations between Russia and the West made the Russian government angry. In the current situation the Baltics do not face a threat of military aggression, however, Moscow uses political and rhetorical pressure on the Baltic countries and the West in hope to restore the sphere of influence in the Baltic region. After the foundations analysts, neither NATO nor the EU would stand aggression against candidate countries. Neatkariga, Diena

Following confirmation of the new Latvian government, Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov commented that a new government was an additional possibility for establishing new contacts.

Following confirmation of the new Latvian government, Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov commented that a new government was an additional possibility for establishing new contacts. Neatkariga

Experts in foreign politics commented that behavior of Alexander Udaltsov during the appeal trial in Kononovs' case is a bright testimony of the fact that Russia still does not understand the values of Western democracies. It was an unprecedented case in Latvia's history when a foreign ambassador at court before hearing the court ruling expresses open support to the defendant.

Experts in foreign politics commented that behavior of Alexander Udaltsov during the appeal trial in Kononovs' case is a bright testimony of the fact that Russia still does not understand the values of Western democracies. It was an unprecedented case in Latvia's history when a foreign ambassador at court before hearing the court ruling expresses open support to the defendant. Neatkariga

With support of the Russian Embassy Vasilijs Kononovs will spend several weeks in a spa Belorusj in Jurmala. Prosecutor's office promises to decide this week whether to submit cassation claim on the decision of the Supreme Court.

With support of the Russian Embassy Vasilijs Kononovs will spend several weeks in a spa Belorusj in Jurmala. Prosecutor's office promises to decide this week whether to submit cassation claim on the decision of the Supreme Court. Diena

A commentary in

A commentary in Neatkariga in connection with the success of the Latvian ice-hockey team in the game with the Russian team not only raised self confidence of Latvians but also added a big stone to the bridge that has to unite Latvian and Russian communities. Equal joy for the victory of the Latvian team could be observed in faces of Latvians and Russians in most cases. "[The hockey] team did more for real integration than any integration office."

maijs 5, 2000

Press Review

Four coalition parties yesterday signed coalition agreement, and Friday afternoon in an extraordinary Saeima session it is planned to vote in support to Andris Bçrziňđ’ government. The final agreement on the positions in the new government was reached after Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK gave in and agreed to the Cabinet model offered by Bçrziňđ. But chairman of the party Mâris Grînblats even considers stepping down from his position as he could not ensure the party’s equal representation in the government. The New Party joins the government without managing to overcome the inner contradictions.

Four coalition parties yesterday signed coalition agreement, and Friday afternoon in an extraordinary Saeima session it is planned to vote in support to Andris Bçrziňđ government. The final agreement on the positions in the new government was reached after Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK gave in and agreed to the Cabinet model offered by Bçrziňđ. But chairman of the party Mâris Grînblats even considers stepping down from his position as he could not ensure the partys equal representation in the government. The New Party joins the government without managing to overcome the inner contradictions. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize

After information provided by Central Statistics Office, last year residents from Latvia most often emigrated to Russia (1504), Germany (659), the US (305), Israel (288).

After information provided by Central Statistics Office, last year residents from Latvia most often emigrated to Russia (1504), Germany (659), the US (305), Israel (288). Jauna Avize, Respublika

Statement of the Latvian Foreign Ministry released on Thursday says that the announcement of the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the expressions of President Freiberga is exagerated and shows inadequate understanding of the foreign policy carried out by Latvia. President Freiberga does not want to comment the reproaches that came from Russia regarding her recent expressions about the possible military agression from Russia against the Baltics.

Statement of the Latvian Foreign Ministry released on Thursday says that the announcement of the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the expressions of President Freiberga is exagerated and shows inadequate understanding of the foreign policy carried out by Latvia. President Freiberga does not want to comment the reproaches that came from Russia regarding her recent expressions about the possible military agression from Russia against the Baltics. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii

Chairman of the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee Dmitry Rogozin who planned to come to Riga after invitation of the Latvian MPs, decided to indefinitely cancel his visit in connection with President Freiberga’s recent expressions.

Chairman of the Russian State Duma International Affairs Committee Dmitry Rogozin who planned to come to Riga after invitation of the Latvian MPs, decided to indefinitely cancel his visit in connection with President Freibergas recent expressions. Neatkariga


describe the surprise the audience showed yesterday when during the ceremonious Saeima meeting devoted to the 10th anniversary of adopting the independence declaration the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume speaking so kindly about the Eastern neighbor. Starume called maintaining good neighboring relations with Russia as one of the main priorities of the foreign policy. He expressed readiness of the Latvian MPs to speak with officials of different levels in Russia on further cooperation and the existing problems to reach mutual understanding even in most painful issues. describe the surprise the audience showed yesterday when during the ceremonious Saeima meeting devoted to the 10th anniversary of adopting the independence declaration the Saeima Speaker Janis Straume speaking so “kindly” about the Eastern neighbor. Starume called maintaining good neighboring relations with Russia as one of the main priorities of the foreign policy. He expressed readiness of the Latvian MPs to speak with officials of different levels in Russia on further cooperation and the existing problems to reach mutual understanding even in most painful issues. A businessman from Volgograd, Russia, yesterday in an interview to Nezavisimaya Gazeta announced he was ready to buy a one-room apartment in his town for the war veteran Vasily Kononov.

A businessman from Volgograd, Russia, yesterday in an interview to Nezavisimaya Gazeta announced he was ready to buy a one-room apartment in his town for the war veteran Vasily Kononov. Vesti

Russian President Putin signed a decree ordering to pay an extraordinary pension to retired Russian citizens in the Baltic countries on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of WW2.

Russian President Putin signed a decree ordering to pay an extraordinary pension to retired Russian citizens in the Baltic countries on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of WW2. Diena

maijs 4, 2000

Press Review

 Although the Prime Minister designate Andris Berziтр is still planning to ask the Saeima to vote in support to his created government model, Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK still yesterday had not declared its readiness to accept the offered conditions and join the government. In a letter to A. Bзrziтр the factionТs board stresses that a condition for creating the government is balancing the influence of all coalition members in the economic bloc.

Although the Prime Minister designate Andris Berziтр is still planning to ask the Saeima to vote in support to his created government model, Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK still yesterday had not declared its readiness to accept the offered conditions and join the government. In a letter to A. Bзrziтр the factionТs board stresses that a condition for creating the government is balancing the influence of all coalition members in the economic bloc. Diena, Neatkarоgв, Respublika

President FreibergaТs recent interview to BBC, her interview in the Estonian paper Postimees on the eve of her visit to this country have caused commentaries from Russian authorities, politicians, generals, mass media. Russian Foreign Ministry announced yesterday that FreibergaТs expressions in BBC interview is an Уunprecendented case in its anti-Russian tonalityФ and is Уkept in the worst tradition of the cold warФ. Russian State DumaТs Chairman Seleznyov revealed his indignation and stressed that Russia is not going to carry out any military activities in the Baltic countries. Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov in a telephone interview to Interfax said that the expressions for him were Уcompletely unexpectedФ.

President FreibergaТs recent interview to BBC, her interview in the Estonian paper Postimees on the eve of her visit to this country have caused commentaries from Russian authorities, politicians, generals, mass media. Russian Foreign Ministry announced yesterday that FreibergaТs expressions in BBC interview is an Уunprecendented case in its anti-Russian tonalityФ and is Уkept in the worst tradition of the cold warФ. Russian State DumaТs Chairman Seleznyov revealed his indignation and stressed that Russia is not going to carry out any military activities in the Baltic countries. Russian Ambassador to Latvia Alexander Udaltsov in a telephone interview to Interfax said that the expressions for him were Уcompletely unexpectedФ. Diena, Neatkariga, Panorama Latvii, Chas, Vesti


publish a reference to an article in Newsweek about the developments in Latvia Ц about releasing Vasily Kononov while the evidence against him is reviewed and the agreement on general extradition treaty reached between the Latvian and Australian governments which may eventually allow Konrads Kalejs to be brought to trial in Latvia. publish a reference to an article in Newsweek about the developments in Latvia Ц about releasing Vasily Kononov while the evidence against him is reviewed and the agreement on general extradition treaty reached between the Latvian and Australian governments which may eventually allow Konrads Kalejs to be brought to trial in Latvia. In April the number of applications for non-citizen passports dropped by at least one half compared to the previous month. 33,350 residents have not replaced their passports yet, 15,442 of them are in age 16-44.

In April the number of applications for non-citizen passports dropped by at least one half compared to the previous month. 33,350 residents have not replaced their passports yet, 15,442 of them are in age 16-44. Diena

For the first time in Latvia an academic publication Ц a year-book УConstitution and Human RightsФ - is released in Latvia by the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia. The book analyses the human rights section in the Latvian Constitution. It is recognized as properly written but due to the laconic formulations interpretation will be needed during court proceedings.

For the first time in Latvia an academic publication Ц a year-book УConstitution and Human RightsФ - is released in Latvia by the Human Rights Institute of the University of Latvia. The book analyses the human rights section in the Latvian Constitution. It is recognized as properly written but due to the laconic formulations interpretation will be needed during court proceedings. Diena

The supreme court yesterday dismissed the complaint from the lawyer of Mihail Farbtuh who is accused of deporting 31 Latvian family in 1941 to postpone execution of the penalty. Now Farbtuh faces 5 years of imprisonment.

The supreme court yesterday dismissed the complaint from the lawyer of Mihail Farbtuh who is accused of deporting 31 Latvian family in 1941 to postpone execution of the penalty. Now Farbtuh faces 5 years of imprisonment. Diena

May 1 to 7 in a Latvian town Carnikava young people from the former USSR gather to solve problems of ethnic minorities in CIS and Baltic countries. The gathered are Poles from Lithuania, Armenians from Georgia, Gagauzi and Bulgarians from Moldova, Russians from Latvia, etc. The event is organized and funded by Europarliament.

May 1 to 7 in a Latvian town Carnikava young people from the former USSR gather to solve problems of ethnic minorities in CIS and Baltic countries. The gathered are Poles from Lithuania, Armenians from Georgia, Gagauzi and Bulgarians from Moldova, Russians from Latvia, etc. The event is organized and funded by Europarliament. Chas

In connection with the 5th anniversary of demolition of the new building of Skrunda radar station

In connection with the 5th anniversary of demolition of the new building of Skrunda radar station Diena interviews James Hollister who headed the detonation works.


looks at the gains and losses for Latvia due to the fact that Skrunda radar does not operate in this country any longer. looks at the gains and losses for Latvia due to the fact that Skrunda radar does not operate in this country any longer.

Panorama Latvii

interviews Vasily Kononov about his life and recent court trial experience. interviews Vasily Kononov about his life and recent court trial experience.

maijs 3, 2000

Press Review

Press Review

Prime Minister designate Andris Berziтр plans to propose his model of the new government to the Saeima for confidence vote this Friday even if there will still be vacant ministerial positions. Currently he has support from LatviaТs Way, New Party and PeopleТs Party which agreed to nominate their person to Finance MinisterТs position and does not insist on taking the Transport Ministry. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has not announced its support so far.

Prime Minister designate Andris Berziтр plans to propose his model of the new government to the Saeima for confidence vote this Friday even if there will still be vacant ministerial positions. Currently he has support from LatviaТs Way, New Party and PeopleТs Party which agreed to nominate their person to Finance MinisterТs position and does not insist on taking the Transport Ministry. Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK has not announced its support so far. Diena, Neatkariga, Jauna Avize, Chas, Vesti

A group of war veterans, Vasily Kononov among them, was received yesterday by the Russian Ambassador to Latvia to pass over personal greetings from the Russian president Putin on the occasion of the end of the Great Patriotic War. Personal greetings from Putin will be sent to 35,000 residents of Latvia.

A group of war veterans, Vasily Kononov among them, was received yesterday by the Russian Ambassador to Latvia to pass over personal greetings from the Russian president Putin on the occasion of the end of the Great Patriotic War. Personal greetings from Putin will be sent to 35,000 residents of Latvia. Diena, Chas, Vesti, Panorama Latvii, Neatkariga

During her on-going visit in Estonia Latvian President Freiberga answered many questions about the relations with Russia, this issue was discussed with the Estonian President Meri. They both agreed that cooperation in the field of culture with Russia is very important. Russian language papers stress FreibergaТs expressions in her interview to the Estonian paper Postimees where she says that Latvia has become the main object of RussiaТs criticism because of its geographical position: the access to sea ports and the fact that Latvia is between the other two Baltic countries. Answering the question about integration of ethnic minorities she says that those who cannot agree with the idea of free and independent Latvia do not have to stay here. She thinks that they should return to their native country where they would feel more like at home.

During her on-going visit in Estonia Latvian President Freiberga answered many questions about the relations with Russia, this issue was discussed with the Estonian President Meri. They both agreed that cooperation in the field of culture with Russia is very important. Russian language papers stress FreibergaТs expressions in her interview to the Estonian paper Postimees where she says that Latvia has become the main object of RussiaТs criticism because of its geographical position: the access to sea ports and the fact that Latvia is between the other two Baltic countries. Answering the question about integration of ethnic minorities she says that those who cannot agree with the idea of free and independent Latvia do not have to stay here. She thinks that they should return to their native country where they would feel more like at home. Chas, Panorama Latvii, Vesti, Diena, Neatkariga

Representatives of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia are looking forward to meeting Ms. Freiberga to find out the reason for her sharp expressions in the BBC interview in the direction of Russia. They believe that the new doctrene signed by Putin has purely defense nature and ask the president not to make Russia angry.

Representatives of the Saeima faction For Human Rights in United Latvia are looking forward to meeting Ms. Freiberga to find out the reason for her sharp expressions in the BBC interview in the direction of Russia. They believe that the new doctrene signed by Putin has purely defense nature and ask the president not to make Russia angry. Vesti

Respublica interview the president of the recently established Baltic Forum Nikolajs Neilands. He stresses that the Forum intends to overcome the deadlock in Latvian-Russian relations. The conference УLatvia-Russia in united Europe of the XXI Century. Who Are We: Friends, Enemies or PartnersФ scheduled for June in Jurmala will discuss the four key issues: security, economy, integration, prospects.

In article about the last SaturdayТs integration forum in Ventspils and the opening Ventspils Integration Program the role of Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs as the initiator of the working group to develop the program is stressed.

In article about the last SaturdayТs integration forum in Ventspils and the opening Ventspils Integration Program the role of Ventspils Mayor Aivars Lembergs as the initiator of the working group to develop the program is stressed. Respublika

After the survey carried out by SKDS, popularity of PeopleТs Party fell from 22.5% in February to 9.1% in April (% of citizens who would vote for the party). 14.3% support LatviaТs Way and 13.4 Ц Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK.

After the survey carried out by SKDS, popularity of PeopleТs Party fell from 22.5% in February to 9.1% in April (% of citizens who would vote for the party). 14.3% support LatviaТs Way and 13.4 Ц Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK. Rigas Balss

Last weekend Southern Latgale multinational culture week took place in Naujene, Daugavpils dostrict. One day was devoted to the Russian culture, the other Ц to Belorussian and Ukrainian, third Ц to Lithuanian and fourth Ц to Polish culture.

Last weekend Southern Latgale multinational culture week took place in Naujene, Daugavpils dostrict. One day was devoted to the Russian culture, the other Ц to Belorussian and Ukrainian, third Ц to Lithuanian and fourth Ц to Polish culture. Neatkariga

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